Margaret McLees, MD

Assistant Professor, Medicine-Infectious Disease


  • Hawkins KL, Montague BT, Rowan SE, Beum R, McLees MP, Johnson S, Gardner EM. Boosted darunavir and dolutegravir dual therapy among a cohort of highly treatment-experienced individuals. Antivir Ther. 2019;24(7):513-519. PubMed PMID: 31538963
  • Tobolowsky F, Burakoff A, House J, Marzec N, Neumeier A, Sparks P, McLees M. Notes from the Field: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome - Denver, Colorado, 2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2019 Sep 6;68(35):771-772. PubMed PMID: 31487276
  • Hawkins, K., Lum, J., McLees, M. et al. Curr Trop Med Rep (2018) 5: 238.
  • Kellie Hawkins, MD, MPH; Brian Montague, DO, MS, MPH; Sarah Rowan, MD; Margaret Mclees, MD; Robert Beum, CCP; Steven C. Johnson, MD; Edward Gardner, MD. Sustained Viral Suppression with Dolutegravir and Boosted Darunavir Dual Therapy Among Highly Treatment-Experienced Individuals. Abstract #1766. IDSA IDWeek, October 2018
  • Kellie Hawkins, MD, MPH; Margaret Mclees, MD; Sarah Rowan, MD; Robert Beum, CCP; William J. Burman, MD; Edward Gardner, MD. Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen Characteristics within an Urban, Safety-Net Clinic in the United States. Abstract #548. IDSA IDWeek 2018
  • Margaret McLees, MD; ed. Jeffrey James Glasheen, MD, Hospital Medicine Secrets , "Acute Renal Failure" Elsevier 2007:300-305.
  • "Acute Renal Failure", Hospital Medicine Secrets, Ed. Jeff Glasheen