Heath, Erin MD; Winslow, Bradford T. MD, FAAFP. What are the neonatal outcomes in term pregnant patients complaining of decreased fetal movement?. Evidence-Based Practice ():10.1097/EBP.0000000000002271, October 29, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/EBP.0000000000002271
Winslow BT, Vandal C, Dang L. Fibromyalgia: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2023 Feb;107(2):137-144. PubMed PMID: 36791450
Winslow BT. Pneumonia in Skilled Nursing Facility Patients. ELDER CARE.
A Resource for Interprofessional Providers. May 2023. University of Arizona Center on Aging.
Winslow BT, Eves D, Urban G, Berger E. Are progesterone-only contraceptive methods safe in women with tobacco use and venous thromboembolic disease? Evidence-Based Practice, September 2021;24(9):1-2.
Winslow BT, Taylor M, Leopard M, Rudolph M. Should adults with a first episode of VTE undergo thrombophilia testing to prevent recurrent VTE? Evidence-Based Practice. January 2020;23(No.1): 1.
Kula R, Winslow, B, "Presentation and Diagnosis of DVT," FLAME (Five Minute Lectures Accelerating Medical Education, 11/24/20, https://www.flame.rocks/uploads/3/8/4/4/38447721/94_-_dvt_diagnosis__rk_bw_11.22.20_.pdf
Winslow BT. "Pneumonia in Nursing Home Patients." Elder Care: A Resource for Interprofessional Providers. POGOe- Portal of Geriatrics Online Education; 2019. Available at https://pogoe.org/productid/20689.
Onysko MK, Anderson H, Cai S, Winslow BT. 5 drug interactions you don’t want to miss. J Fam Pract. 2017 November;66(11):680-686.
Maximizing Medication Reconciliation. Presentation with Mary Oynsko, PharmD and Susan Kunihiro, MD at the CPC+ Colorado Regional Learning Session 3. Denver, Co. August 25, 2017.
Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder. Winslow BT, Onysko M and Hebert M. Am Fam Physician. 2016;93(6):457-465
Winslow BT, Onysko M, Thompson KA, Caldwell K, Ehlers GH. Common questions about Clostridium difficile infection. Am Fam Physician. 2014 Mar 15;89(6):437-42. PubMed PMID: 24695562
Disease- vs. Patient-Oriented Evidence for Treatment of Alzheimer Disease. American Family Physician. in press
Reece MGS, Winslow BT and Onysko M. Massage for Back and Neck Pain. Evidence-Based Practice, in press.
Reece MGS, Winslow BT and Onysko MK. Is massage effective for relieving pain from minor back and neck trauma? Evidence-Based Practice, August 2012;15(No. 8:9.
Winslow BT and Onysko MK. Disease- vs. Patient-Oriented Evidence for Treatment of Alzheimer Disease. Reply to letter to the editor of American Family Physician re: Treatment of Alzheimer Disease, in press.
Swedish Family Medicine Residency Patient-Centered Medical Home Progress. Presentation at the Colorado Family Medicine Residency PCMH Project Learning Collaborative, May 16-17, 2012, Lone Tree, CO.
Winslow BT, Bacak BS, Dwinnell BD, Dierking S. Patient Safety Education in Residency Training ?A Colorado Success Story. Poster presentation at Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors Workshop, Kansas City, MO, June 2012.
Lange T, Hunter M, Onysko, M, Winslow, B. Denosumab for osteoporosis. Evidence-Based Practice, January, 2011; 14(1):1-2.
Winslow BT, Onysko MK, Stob CM, and Hazlewood KA. Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Accepted for publication by American Family Physician, December, 2010.
*Winslow BT, Onysko MK, Stob CM and Hazlewood KA. Treatment of Alzheimer Disease. American Family Physician, June 15, 2011;83(12):1403-1412.
Winslow BT, Bacak BS, Dwinnell BD and Dierking S. Patient Safety Education for Residents- A Colorado Story. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2011.
Maxwell J, Winslow BT and Onysko M. In Evaluating Hyponatremia in a Patient Who Is Taking a Diuretic, Is There Any Value to Checking Uric Acid Level? Evidence-Based Practice, July, 2011;14(7):9.
Poster presentation with Kenton I. Voorhees, MD, Andrew D. Jones, MD, Austin Bailey, MD, Brian Bacak, MD, Dan Burke, MD, William Dodson III, MD, Charles Raye, MD, David Smith, MD and Sherman Straw, MD, “Family Medicine Residency Collaboration in Colorado through COFM, CAFMR and CIFM,” Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors Program Directors’ Workshop, Kansas City, MO, June, 2010.
Poster presentation with Eric Groce, DO, and Daniel Jones, MD, “Swedish Family Medicine Residency- NCQA Registration/Team-Based Care/Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health,” Colorado Family Medicine Residency Project Patient-Centered Medical Home Learning Collaborative, Part III, Denver, CO, May 19, 2010.
Poster presentation with Mary Onysko, PharmD, Laurie Ivey, PsyD and Eric Groce, DO, “Developing an Integrated Care Team to Improve Patient Care,” Colorado Family Medicine Residency Project Patient-Centered Medical Home Learning Collaborative, Part III, Denver, CO, May 19, 2010.
Poster presentation with Daniel Jones, MD , “Medical Home Care Manager Job Description,” Colorado Family Medicine Residency Project Patient-Centered Medical Home Learning Collaborative, Part III, Denver, CO, May 19, 2010.
Mills K, Graham AC, Winslow BT, Springer KL. Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia. accepted for publication by American Family Physician, 2008.
Mills, K, Nelson AC, Winslow BT and Springer KL. Treatment of Nursing Home-Acquired Pneumonia. Am Fam Physician. 2009;79(11):976–982.
Poster Presentation with Dr. Leah Cooper, "Swedish Family Medicine Residency International Rotation to Ecuador," American Academy of Family Physicians’ 2008 Family Medicine Global Health Workshop, Broomfield, CO, 9/4/08
Winslow BT, Voorhees KI and Pehl, KA. Effects of Methamphetamine Abuse. American Family Physician, October 15, 2007; 76:1169-74.
Mills K, Graham AC, Winslow BT, Springer KL. “Treatment of Nursing Home-acquired Pneumonia,” accepted for publication by American Family Physician, 2007.
Winslow BT. Our Strategy for Reducing No-Shows. Annals of Family Medicine online version, November 26, 2007; in comments for Johnson BJ et al, 5(6):534-9.
Winslow BT, Onysko MK, Caldwell K, Ehlers GE and Thompson KH. Diagnosis and Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Infection. Accepted for publication by American Family Physician 10/4/12, now in press.
Winslow BT, Onysko MK, Caldwell K, Ehlers GE and Thompson KH. Diagnosis and Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Infection, accepted for publication by American Family Physician, 10/4/12
Evaluating common drug-drug interactions in the outpatient setting. Onysko M, Winslow BT, Anderson H, Cai S. Accepted for publication by The Journal of Family Practice, 2016
Winslow BT, Eves D, Urban G, Berger E. Are progesterone-only contraceptive methods safe in women with tobacco use and venous thromboembolic disease? Accepted for publication, October 27, 2020, Evidence-Based Practice.
"Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Management," submitted to American Family Physician, November 19, 2021