O'Donnell M, Fontaine A, Caldwell J, Weir R. Direct dorsal root ganglia (DRG) injection in mice for analysis of adeno-associated viral (AAV) gene transfer to peripheral somatosensory neurons. J Neurosci Methods. 2024 Nov;411:110268. PubMed PMID: 39191304
Fontaine AK, Futia GL, Rajendran PS, Littich SF, Mizoguchi N, Shivkumar K, Ardell JL, Restrepo D, Caldwell JH, Gibson EA, Weir RFF. Optical vagus nerve modulation of heart and respiration via heart-injected retrograde AAV. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 11;11(1):3664. PubMed PMID: 33574459
Fontaine AK, Ramirez DG, Littich SF, Piscopio RA, Kravets V, Schleicher WE, Mizoguchi N, Caldwell JH, Weir RFF, Benninger RKP. Optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic fibers for the modulation of insulin and glycemia. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 11;11(1):3670. PubMed PMID: 33574598
Anderson HE, Schaller KL, Caldwell JH, Weir RFF. (2019) Intravascular injections of adenoassociated viral vector serotypes rh10 and PHP.B transduce murine sciatic nerve axons. Neurosci Lett. 706:51-55.
Fontaine, A. K., Segil, J. L., Caldwell, J. H., Weir, R. F. (2019) Real-Time Prosthetic Digit Actuation by Optical Read-out of Activity-Dependent Calcium Signals in an Ex Vivo Peripheral Nerve. 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 143-146.
Anderson HE, Caldwell JH, Weir RF. An automated method for the quantification of transgene expression in motor axons of the peripheral nerve. J Neurosci Methods. 2018 Oct 1;308:346-353. PubMed PMID: 30194042
Anderson HE, Fontaine AK, Caldwell JH, Weir RF. Imaging of electrical activity in small diameter fibers of the murine peripheral nerve with virally-delivered GCaMP6f. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 19;8(1):3219. PubMed PMID: 29459701
Fontaine AK, Anderson HE, Caldwell JH, Weir RF. Optical read-out and modulation of peripheral nerve activity. Neural Regen Res. 2018 Jan;13(1):58-61. PubMed PMID: 29451205
Fontaine AK, Gibson EA, Caldwell JH, Weir RF. Optical Read-out of Neural Activity in Mammalian Peripheral Axons: Calcium Signaling at Nodes of Ranvier. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 18;7(1):4744. PubMed PMID: 28720792
Klevanski, Maja, Herrmann, Ulrike, Weyer, Sascha W., Fol, Romain, Cartier, Nathalie, Wolfer, David P., Caldwell, John H., Korte, Martin, and Mueller, Ulrike C. (2015) The APP Intracellular Domain Is Required for Normal Synaptic Morphology, Synaptic Plasticity, and Hippocampus-Dependent Behavior. J. Neurosci. , 9 December 2015, 35(49):16018-16033.
Caldwell JH, Klevanski M; Saar M; Mueller U. (2013). Roles of the Amyloid Precursor Protein Family in the Peripheral Nervous System. Mechanisms of Development. Online DOI: 10.1016/j.mod.2012.11.001
Caldwell JH, Klevanski M, Saar M, Müller UC. Roles of the amyloid precursor protein family in the peripheral nervous system. Mech Dev. 2013 Jun-Aug;130(6-8):433-46. PubMed PMID: 23201910
Martinelli V, Cellot G, Toma FM, Long CS, Caldwell JH, Zentilin L, Giacca M, Turco A, Prato M, Ballerini L, Mestroni L. Carbon nanotubes instruct physiological growth and functionally mature syncytia: nongenetic engineering of cardiac myocytes. ACS Nano. 2013 Jul 23;7(7):5746-56. PubMed PMID: 23734857
Martinelli V, Cellot G, Toma FM, Long CS, Caldwell JH, Zentilin L, Giacca M, Turco A, Prato M, Ballerini L, Mestroni L. (2012) Carbon nanotubes promote growth and spontaneous electrical activity in cultured cardiac myocytes. Nano Lett.12:1831-1838.
Sascha W. Weyer, Maja Klevanski, Andrea Delekate, Vootele Voikar, Dorothee Aydin, Meike Hick, Mikhail Filippov, Natalia Drost, Kristin L. Schaller, Martina Saar, Miriam A. Vogt, Peter Gass, Ayan Samanta, Andres Jaschke, Martin Korte, David P. Wolfer, John H. Caldwell, and Ulrike C. Muller (2011) APP and APLP2 are essential at PNS and CNS synapses for transmission, spatial learning and LTP. EMBO Journal, in press.
William P. McNair, Gianfranco Sinagra, Matthew R.G. Taylor, Andrea Di Lenarda, Debra A. Ferguson, Ernesto E. Salcedo, Dobromir Slavov, Xiao Zhu, John Caldwell, Luisa Mestroni, and the Familial Cardiomyopathy Registry Research Group. (2011) SCN5A Mutations Associate with Arrhythmic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Commonly Localize to the Voltage-Sensing Mechanism. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. In press
William P. McNair, Gianfranco Sinagra, Matthew R.G. Taylor, Andrea Di Lenarda, Debra A. Ferguson, Ernesto E. Salcedo, Dobromir Slavov, Xiao Zhu, John Caldwell, Luisa Mestroni, and the Familial Cardiomyopathy Registry Research Group. (2011) SCN5A Mutations Associate with Arrhythmic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Commonly Localize to the Voltage-Sensing Mechanism. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 57: 2160-8.
Sascha W. Weyer, Maja Klevanski, Andrea Delekate, Vootele Voikar, Dorothee Aydin, Meike Hick, Mikhail Filippov, Natalia Drost, Kristin L. Schaller, Martina Saar, Miriam A. Vogt, Peter Gass, Ayan Samanta, Andres Jäschke, Martin Korte, David P. Wolfer, John H. Caldwell, and Ulrike C. Müller (2011) APP and APLP2 are essential at PNS and CNS synapses for transmission, spatial learning and LTP. EMBO Journal, 30, 2266-2280.
Caldwell JH (2009). Action Potential Initiation and Conduction in Axons. In Larry R. Squire Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Academic Press, Oxford, Invited review.
Caldwell JH, Kristin L. Schaller, Sascha Weyer, Miriam Vogt , Peter Gass and Ulrike C. Muller (March 2009) APP/APLPs at the Neuromuscular Junction. Mosbach Symposium, German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.