Jaime Arruda, MD

Professor of Clinical Practice, OB-GYN-Gynecologic Oncology

Medical School
  • MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2002)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Yale University (CT) (1998)
  • University of Colorado (2003)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Obstetrics and Gynecology (2006)
OB-GYN-Gynecologic Oncology

Professional Titles

  • Director Robotic Surgery for UCHealth


  • Resident Teaching Award, Ob/Gyn Residency (2008)
    Awarded for Excellence in Teaching
  • Chancellor's Teaching Award, School of Medicine (2009)
    Awarded by the medical school for excellence in teaching
  • 5280 Magazine “Top Docs”, 5280 Magazine (2013)
  • 5280 Magazine “Top Docs”, 5280 Magazine (2014)
  • 5280 Magazine “Top Docs”, 5280 Magazine (2015)
  • 5280 Magazine “Top Docs”, 5280 Magazine (2017)

Research Interests

Research interests include surgical outcomes for minimally-invasive surgery, abnormal Pap smears.


  • Orlicky DJ, Smith EE, Johnson J, Hilton AE, Guess MK, Rascoff LG, Arruda JS, Hutchinson-Colas JA, Yang I, Connell KA. Inflammatory Cells in Control and Prolapsed Uterosacral Ligament Tissue. Reprod Sci. 2024 Oct;31(10):3026-3038. PubMed PMID: 38907126
  • Orlicky DJ, Smith EE, Bok R, Guess MK, Rascoff LG, Arruda JS, Hutchinson-Colas JA, Johnson J, Connell KA. Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Status in Uterosacral Ligaments of Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse Stratified by the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Histology Quantification System. Reprod Sci. 2023 Dec;30(12):3495-3506. PubMed PMID: 37430099
  • Orlicky DJ, Guess MK, Bales ES, Rascoff LG, Arruda JS, Hutchinson-Colas JA, Johnson J, Connell KA. Using the novel pelvic organ prolapse histologic quantification system to identify phenotypes in uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jan;224(1):67.e1-67.e18. PubMed PMID: 33130030
  • Su M, Huynh V, Bronsert M, Su E, Goode J, Lock A, Banden S, Ahrendt G, Afghahi A, Arruda J, Tevis S. Longitudinal Risk Management for Patients with Increased Risk for Breast Cancer. J Surg Res. 2021 Oct;266:421-429. PubMed PMID: 34102512
  • Orlicky DJ, Guess MK, Bales ES, Rascoff LG, Arruda JS, Hutchinson-Colas JA, Johnson J, Connell KA. Using the novel pelvic organ prolapse histologic quantification system to identify phenotypes in uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jan;224(1):67.e1-67.e18. PubMed PMID: 33130030
  • Orlicky DJ, Guess MK, Bales ES, Rascoff LG, Arruda JS, Hutchinson-Colas JA, Johnson J, Connell KA. Using the novel pelvic organ prolapse histologic quantification system to identify phenotypes in uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jan;224(1):67.e1-67.e18. PubMed PMID: 33130030
  • Su M, Huynh V, Bronsert M, Su E, Goode J, Lock A, Banden S, Ahrendt G, Afghahi A, Arruda J, Tevis S. Longitudinal Risk Management for Patients with Increased Risk for Breast Cancer. J Surg Res. 2021 Oct;266:421-429. PubMed PMID: 34102512
  • Su M, Huynh V, Su E, Goode J, Lock A, Banden S, Arendt G, Afghahi G, Arruda J, Tevis S. Patterns of Care in patients with increased breast cancer risk. Oral presentation at Annual Academic Surgical Conference (Virtual Quickshot Presentation), Feb 2021.
  • Connell KA, Johnson J, Orlicky D, Bales SC, Arruda JS, Kumar R, Guess MK, "Gene Profiling in Uterosacral Ligaments in Premeopausal Women with Prolapse", Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery: September/October 2019 - Volume 25 - Issue 5S - p S1–S25.
  • Arruda J. Salpingectomy to reduce risk of ovarian cancer in women at average risk. Menopause. 2019 Sep;26(9):1059-1061. PubMed PMID: 31453970
  • G Whitmore, J Arruda, BD Bastow, Trends of Hysterectomies Performed by Graduating Residents Using American College of Graduate Medical Education Case Log, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Vol. 26, Issue 7, S53–S54 Published in issue: November-December, 2019
  • Does Neuraxial Analgesia Reduce Pain but Delay Recovery in Gynecologic Surgery? Arruda, J. et al. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology , Volume 24 , Issue 7 , S181
  • Comparison of Technical Skills of Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents to National Standards Using a Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Module. Carrubba, A.R. et al. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology , Volume 24 , Issue 7 , S190
  • The Impact of a Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Rotation on Resident Hysterectomy Case Numbers. Appleton, S.M. et al. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Volume 24 , Issue 7 , S197
  • Brumbaugh DE, Arruda J, Robbins K, Ir D, Santorico S, Robertson CE, Frank DN. Mode of delivery determines neonatal pharyngeal bacterial composition and early intestinal colonization. JPGN, September 2016, v. 63: 320-328.
  • Carrubba A, Arruda J, Hereditary Cancer Syndromes in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology, January 31, 2015, v. 35, n.2 (1-8).
  • Verilhac K, Arruda J, Post M, Leiomyoma with Granulomatous Inflammation: Tissue Confirmation of Sarcoidosis Involving the Uterus. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 2014 v.4(177-181)
  • Stornelli N, Black J, Arruda J, Sheeder J, Guntupalli S, “The rate of operative sequelae of uterine perforation with uterine manipulators during laparoscopic and robotic gynecologic surgery”. AAGL poster presentation, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
  • Ryan A, Arruda J, Sheeder J, “Development of a Resident Training Curriculum for Robotic Gynecologic Surgery”. AAGL poster and oral presentation, Washington DC, 2013.
  • Ryan A, Arruda J, Sheeder J, "Development of a Resident Training Curriculum for Robotic Gynecologic Surgery". AAGL oral and poster presentation, Washington DC, 11/2013.
  • Verilhac, K. , Arruda, J. and Post, M. (2014) Leiomyoma with Granulomatous Inflammation: Tissue Confirmation of Sarcoidosis. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4, 177-181. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2014.44029.
  • Stashwick C, Post MD, Spillman MA, Arruda JA, Behbakht K, Davidson SA, Kelly MG, Surgical Risk Score (SRS) predicts suboptimal debulking or a major peri-operative complication in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer. Int Journal of Gynecologic Cancer, October 2011 v.21 (7).
  • Stashwick C, Post MD, Spillman MA, Arruda JS, Behbakht K, Davidson SA, Kelly MG, Surgical Risk Score (SRS) predicts suboptimal debulking or a major peri-operative complication in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer. Int Journal of Gynecologic Cancer, October 2011 v.21 (7).
  • Arruda J, Sheeder J, “HPV vaccination in women with abnormal cervical cytology”. ASCCP Biennial Meeting oral presentation, Las Vegas 3/2010.
  • Arruda J, Sheeder J, “HPV vaccination in women with abnormal cervical cytology”. ASCCP Biennial Meeting oral presentation, Las Vegas 3/2010.
  • Khatain L, Arruda J, Sheeder J, “LEEP for discrepancy in women of childbearing age”. ASRM poster presentation, Atlanta 10/2009
  • Khatain L, Arruda J, Sheeder J, “LEEP for discrepancy in women of childbearing age”. ASRM poster presentation, Atlanta 10/2009.
  • Khatain L, Arruda J, Sheeder J, “LEEP for discrepancy in women of childbearing age”. ASRM poster presentation, Atlanta 10/2009.
  • Nodine P, Arruda J, Hastings-Tolsma, M. “Prenatal Environment: Effect on Neonatal Outcome”, MERENSTEIN & GARDNER’S HANDBOOK OF NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE, Seventh Edition edited by Sandra L. Gardner, RN, MS, CNS, PNP; Brian S. Carter, MD, FAAP; Mary I. Enzman-Hines, RN, PhD; and Jacinto Hernandez, MD, FAAP, Mosby, Inc. 2008.
  • Arruda JA, Sheeder J, Teal SB, Thompson LC, “A Novel Research-based clinical database to study colposcopy patients”. ASCCP Biennial Meeting poster presentation, Orlando 1/2008.
  • Nodine P, Arruda J, Hastings-Tolsma, M. “Prenatal Environment: Effect on Neonatal Outcome”, MERENSTEIN & GARDNER’S HANDBOOK OF NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE, Seventh Edition edited by Sandra L. Gardner, RN, MS, CNS, PNP; Brian S. Carter, MD, FAAP; Mary I. Enzman-Hines, RN, PhD; and Jacinto Hernandez, MD, FAAP, Mosby, Inc. 2008.
  • Nodine P, Arruda J, Hastings-Tolsma, M. “Prenatal Environment: Effect on Neonatal Outcome”, MERENSTEIN & GARDNER’S HANDBOOK OF NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE, Seventh Edition edited by Sandra L. Gardner, RN, MS, CNS, PNP; Brian S. Carter, MD, FAAP; Mary I. Enzman-Hines, RN, PhD; and Jacinto Hernandez, MD, FAAP, Mosby, Inc. 2008.
  • Arruda JA, Sheeder J, Teal SB, Thompson LC, “A Novel Research-based clinical database to study colposcopy patients”. ASCCP Biennial Meeting poster presentation, Orlando 1/2008.
  • Arruda JA, Dugoff L. “Factors influencing medical students’ interest in a career in Ob/Gyn”. APGO/CREOG poster presentation, Orlando, 3/2006
  • Arruda JA, Dugoff L. “Factors influencing medical students’ interest in a career in Ob/Gyn”. APGO/CREOG poster presentation, Orlando, 3/2006.
  • Ellen JM, Bonu S, Arruda JS, Ward MA, Vogel R. Comparison of clients of a mobile health van and a traditional STD clinic. Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, April 2003, v. 32(4), p. 388-393.
  • Ellen JM, Bonu S, Arruda JS, Ward MA, Vogel R. Comparison of clients of a mobile health van and a traditional STD clinic. Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, April 2003, v. 32(4), p. 388-393.
  • Donohue PK, Maurin E, Arruda JS, Strobino D. Health-related quality of life of caretakers of very low birth weight infants. Pediatric Research, April, 2001, v. 317A, p. 49(4).
  • Donohue PK, Maurin E, Arruda JS, Strobino D. Health-related quality of life of caretakers of very low birthweight infants. Pediatric Research, April, 2001, v. 317A, p. 49(4).
  • Driggers R, Bienstock J, Arruda J, Blakemore K. Can uterine contraction of fetal heart rate patterns predict cephalopelvic disproportion? American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, December 2001, v. 185, p. S213.
  • Kost S, Cronan K, Arruda J. Ambulance use by high-acuity patients in a pediatric emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, October, 2000, v. 18(6), p. 679-682.
  • Kost S, Cronan K, Arruda J. Ambulance use by high-acuity patients in a pediatric emergency department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, October, 2000, v. 18(6), p. 679-682.
  • Kost S, Arruda J. Appropriateness of ambulance transport to a suburban pediatric emergency department. Prehospital Emergency Care, July-September, 1999, v. 3(3), p. 187-190.
  • Kost S, Arruda J. Appropriateness of ambulance transport to a suburban pediatric emergency department. Prehospital Emergency Care, July-September, 1999, v. 3(3), p. 187-190.
  • Kliman HS, Arruda JS, Feinberg RF, Keefe DL. Absence of biochemical or morphological markers of endometrial gland development in a mock cycle predicts failure in a subsequent donor oocyte transfer cycle. Americal Society of Reproductive Medicine poster presentation, 6/1998.
  • Kliman HS, Arruda JS, Feinberg RF, Keefe DL. Absence of biochemical or morphological markers of endometrial gland development in a mock cycle predicts failure in a subsequent donor oocyte transfer cycle. American Society of Reproductive Medicine poster presentation, 6/1998.
  • Cronan K, Arruda J. Coffee table injuries encountered in a pediatric emergency department. National Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine poster presentation, 3/1996.
  • Cronan K, Arruda J. Coffee table injuries encountered in a pediatric emergency department. National Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine poster presentation, 3/1996.
  • Driggers R, Bienstock J, Arruda J, Blakemore K. Can uterine contraction of fetal heart rate patterns predict cephalopelvic disproportion? American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, December 2001, v. 185, p. S213.
  • Adams CA, Sheeder J, Arruda J, Guntupalli S, Davidson S, Behbakht K, “Prolonged steep Trendelenburg positioning increases the risk of postoperative orbidity in patients undergoing robotic surgery for presumed gynecologic malignancy.” SGO poster presentation, Chicago, 2015.

Professional Memberships

  • ACOG, Member
  • ASCCP, Member
  • APGO, Member

Practice Locations

University of Colorado Cancer Center - Anschutz Medical Campus
1665 Aurora Ct
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Board Certification (2009)
  • Robotic Surgery, Specialized Training (2009)
  • Colposcopy, Certificate (2006)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Women's Health
  • Women's Health - Endometriosis
  • Wellness and Prevention - Exercise and Physical Fitness
  • Surgery
  • Surgery - Robotic Surgery
  • Women's Health - Contraception
  • Women's Health - Menopause
  • Women's Health - Lower Genital Tract Disorders
  • Women's Health - Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Surgery - Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Wellness and Prevention
Clinical Interests
I perform complete gynecologic services in the faculty practice. In the Gyn Oncology Division, I focus my skills on the patients with a pre-invasive diagnosis (endometrial hyperplasia, cervical dysplasia and adnexal masses) and often collaborate with our gynecology oncology colleagues as needed. I treat women with a variety of gynecologic issues including abnormal bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, uterine polyps, contraception, and abnormal PAP smears. I perform gynecologic surgery with a focus on minimally invasive surgery including laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomy, myomectomy, endometrial ablation, and hysteroscopy.

Care Philosophy
I am committed to safe and compassionate women’s care.

Personal Interests
I live in Denver with my husband, two sons and daughter. Away from the hospital I enjoy skiing, hiking, and running marathons.

Volunteer Activities
I am active in community volunteer projects in Denver (clean-up of parks, STD and pregnancy education for teens, promotion of youth sports).