David Bekelman, MD

Professor, Medicine-Internal Medicine


  • Bekelman DB, Havranek EP. Palliative care for patients with acute decompensated heart failure: an underused service? Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med 2008 Feb 19; [Epub ahead of print].
  • Zambroski CH, Bekelman DB. Palliative symptom management in patients with heart failure. Progress in Palliative Care 2008; 15(5-6):241-9.
  • Bekelman DB, Sullivan M. Depression and anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure. In: Beattie J, Goodlin S, eds. Supportive Care of the Cardiac Patient. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Bekelman D, Kutner JS, Yamashita TE, Dy SM. Physical symptoms, depression, and quality of life in heart failure patients. J Palliat Med 2007;10(2):522.
  • Bekelman D. Development of an outpatient palliative care program at a University Hospital Heart Center: 8 months experience. JGIM 2007;22(s1):196.
  • Bekelman D, Dy S, Peterson P, Havranek E, Yamashita T, Kutner J. Symptoms, depression, and quality of life in people with chronic heart failure. Circulation 2007’115(21):e577.
  • Bekelman DB. Development of an outpatient palliative care program at a University Hospital Heart Center: 15 months experience. Circulation 2007;115(21):e599.
  • Bekelman DB, Dy S, Becker D, Wittstein I, Hendricks D, Yamashita T, Gottlieb S. Spiritual well-being and depression in patients with heart failure. Journal of General Internal Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s11606-006-0044-9.
  • Bekelman DB. Development of an Outpatient Palliative/Psychosocial Care Clinic in a University Hospital Heart Center. Psychosomatics 38:132.
  • Bekelman DB, Becker D, Kutner JS, Havranek E, Peterson P, Fairclough D, Wittstein I, Yamashita T, Gottlieb S, Dy S. Physical symptoms, depression, and quality of life in heart failure patients. Journal of Cardiac Failure 2007;13(8):643-8.
  • Coombes JM, Steiner JF, Bekelman DB, Prochazka AV, Denberg TD. Clinical outcomes associated with attempts to educate patients about lower endoscopy: a narrative review. Journal of Community Health 2007 Dec 29; [Epub ahead of print].
  • Bekelman DB, Hutt E, Masoudi FA, Kutner JS, Rumsfeld JS. Defining the role of palliative care in older adults with heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology 2008 Nov 18; [Epub ahead of print].
  • Bekelman D, Carrese J. A practical 3-step model for managing treatment refusal. Journal of Family Practice, in press.
  • Bekelman D. Capgras syndrome associated with morphine treatment. Journal of Palliative Care, in press.
  • Bekelman DB, Dy S, Becker D, Wittstein I, Hendricks D, Yamashita T, Gottlieb S. Greater spiritual well-being is associated with less depression in patients with heart failure. Circulation, in press
  • Bekelman D, Dy SM, Becker DM, Wittstein I, Hendricks DE, Yamashita T, Gottlieb SH (2006). Greater spiritual well-being is associated with less depression in patients with heart failure. Journal of General Internal Medicine 21(s4); 61.
  • Bekelman DB, Black BS, Shore AD, Kasper JD, Rabins PV (2005). Hospice care in a cohort of elders with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 30(3), 208-14.
  • Bekelman DB, Sullivan MD. Depression and anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure. In: Beattie J, Goodlin S, editors. Supportive Care of the Cardiac Patient. Oxford: Oxford University Press, In Press.
  • Bekelman DB, Sullivan M. Depression and anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure. In: Beattie J, Goodlin S, editors. Supportive Care of the Cardiac Patient. Oxford: Oxford University Press, In Press.
  • Bekelman DB, Rumsfeld JS, Havranek EP, Yamashita TE, Hutt E, Gottlieb SH, Dy SM, Kutner JS. Symptom burden, depression, and spiritual well-being: a comparison of heart failure and advanced cancer patients. JGIM, in press.