Suchitra Rao, MD

Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, University of Melbourne (2002)
  • University of Colorado (Children's Hospital Colorado) Program, Pediatrics (2013)
  • University of Colorado (Children's Hospital Colorado) Program, Pediatric Infectious Diseases (2009)
Pediatrics-Pediatric Hospital Medicine


  • Frutos AM, Ahmad HM, Ujamaa D, O'Halloran AC, Englund JA, Klein EJ, Zerr DM, Crossland M, Staten H, Boom JA, Sahni LC, Halasa NB, Stewart LS, Hamdan O, Stopczynski T, Schaffner W, Talbot HK, Michaels MG, Williams JV, Sutton M, Hendrick MA, Staat MA, Schlaudecker EP, Tesini BL, Felsen CB, Weinberg GA, Szilagyi PG, Anderson BJ, Rowlands JV, Khalifa M, Martinez M, Selvarangan R, Schuster JE, Lynfield R, McMahon M, Kim S, Nunez VT, Ryan PA, Monroe ML, Wang YF, Openo KP, Meek J, Yousey-Hindes K, Alden NB, Armistead I, Rao S, Chai SJ, Kirley PD, Toepfer AP, Dawood FS, Moline HL, Uyeki TM, Ellington S, Garg S, Bozio CH, Olson SM. Underutilization of Influenza Antiviral Treatment Among Children and Adolescents at Higher Risk for Influenza-Associated Complications - United States, 2023-2024. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2024 Nov 14;73(45):1022-1029. PubMed PMID: 39541236
  • Zhou T, Zhang B, Zhang D, Wu Q, Chen J, Li L, Lu Y, Becich MJ, Blecker S, Chilukuri N, Chrischilles EA, Chu H, Corsino L, Geary CR, Hornig M, Hornig-Rohan MM, Kim S, Liebovitz DM, Lorman V, Luo C, Morizono H, Mosa ASM, Pajor NM, Rao S, Razzaghi H, Suresh S, Tedla YG, Utset LV, Wang Y, Williams DA, Witvliet MG, Mangarelli C, Jhaveri R, Forrest CB, Chen Y. Body Mass Index and Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Young Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Oct 1;7(10):e2441970. PubMed PMID: 39466241
  • Payne AB, Watts JA, Mitchell PK, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Klein NP, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Ball SW, DeSilva MB, Natarajan K, Sheffield T, Bride D, Arndorfer J, Naleway AL, Koppolu P, Fireman B, Zerbo O, Timbol J, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Fadel WF, Rogerson C, Allen KS, Rao S, Mayer D, Barron M, Reese SE, Rowley EAK, Najdowski M, Ciesla AA, Mak J, Reeves EL, Akinsete OO, McEvoy CE, Essien IJ, Tenforde MW, Fleming-Dutra KE, Link-Gelles R. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine effectiveness against RSV-associated hospitalisations and emergency department encounters among adults aged 60 years and older in the USA, October, 2023, to March, 2024: a test-negative design analysis. Lancet. 2024 Oct 19;404(10462):1547-1559. PubMed PMID: 39426837
  • Lorman V, Bailey LC, Song X, Rao S, Hornig M, Utidjian L, Razzaghi H, Mejias A, Leikauf JE, Brill SB, Allen A, Bunnell HT, Reedy C, Mosa ASM, Horne BD, Geary CR, Chuang CH, Williams DA, Christakis DA, Chrischilles EA, Mendonca EA, Cowell LG, McCorkell L, Liu M, Cummins MR, Jhaveri R, Blecker S, Forrest CB. Pediatric Long COVID Subphenotypes: An EHR-based study from the RECOVER program. medRxiv. 2024 Sep 18. PubMed PMID: 39371163
  • Tyler A, Bakel LA, Tucker J, Moss A, Kille B, Rifken K, Forrest CB, Schroeder A, Jhaveri R, Christakis D, Muszynski J, Khaitan A, Morizono H, Fitzgerald M, Pajor N, Bunnell T, Bailey LC, Rao S. Health Services Use for SARS-CoV-2-Infected Children With Croup or Bronchiolitis. Hosp Pediatr. 2024 Oct 1;14(10):e432-e438. PubMed PMID: 39285849
  • Chan LYH, Morris SE, Stockwell MS, Bowman NM, Asturias E, Rao S, Lutrick K, Ellingson KD, Nguyen HQ, Maldonado Y, McLaren SH, Sano E, Biddle JE, Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Biggerstaff M, Rolfes MA, Talbot HK, Grijalva CG, Borchering RK, Mellis AM. Estimating the generation time for influenza transmission using household data in the United States. medRxiv. 2024 Aug 19. PubMed PMID: 39228738
  • Rolfes MA, Talbot HK, Morrissey KG, Stockwell MS, Maldonado Y, McLean HQ, Lutrick K, Bowman NM, Rao S, Izurieta HS, Zhu Y, Chappell J, Battan-Wraith S, Merrill LS, McClaren S, Sano E, Petrie JG, Biddle J, Johnson S, Salvatore P, Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Asturias EJ, Lin JT, Ellingson KD, Belongia EA, Olivo V, Mellis AM, Grijalva CG. Reduced Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Household Contacts with Recent Vaccination and Past COVID-19 Infection: Results from Two Multi-Site Case-Ascertained Household Transmission Studies. Am J Epidemiol. 2024 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39218430
  • Rao S. Uncovering Long COVID in Children. JAMA. 2024 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39167485
  • Poole NM, Moss A, Suresh K, O'Leary ST, Rao S. Antibiotic use and class absenteeism in children with influenza-like-illness in an emergency department. Pediatr Res. 2024 Jul 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39080461
  • Bose-Brill S, Hirabayashi K, Schwimmer E, Pajor NM, Rao S, Mejias A, Jhaveri R, Forrest CB, Bailey LC, Christakis DA, Thacker D, Hanley PC, Patel PB, Cogen JD, Block JP, Prahalad P, Lorman V, Lee GM. Pediatric Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Prescribing Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hosp Pediatr. 2024 Aug 1;14(8):e341-e348. PubMed PMID: 39076115
  • Tenforde MW, Weber ZA, Yang DH, DeSilva MB, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Naleway AL, Gaglani M, Fireman B, Lewis N, Zerbo O, Goddard K, Timbol J, Hansen JR, Grisel N, Arndorfer J, McEvoy CE, Essien IJ, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Kharbanda AB, Natarajan K, Ong TC, Embi PJ, Ball SW, Dunne MM, Kirshner L, Wiegand RE, Dickerson M, Patel P, Ray C, Flannery B, Garg S, Adams K, Klein NP. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza A-Associated Emergency Department, Urgent Care, and Hospitalization Encounters Among US Adults, 2022-2023. J Infect Dis. 2024 Jul 25;230(1):141-151. PubMed PMID: 39052725
  • Botdorf M, Dickinson K, Lorman V, Razzaghi H, Marchesani N, Rao S, Rogerson C, Higginbotham M, Mejias A, Salyakina D, Thacker D, Dandachi D, Christakis DA, Taylor E, Schwenk H, Morizono H, Cogen J, Pajor NM, Jhaveri R, Forrest CB, Bailey LC. EHR-based Case Identification of Pediatric Long COVID: A Report from the RECOVER EHR Cohort. medRxiv. 2024 Aug 26. PubMed PMID: 38826460
  • Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Gage Witvliet M, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Bradford T, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Chrisant M, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dionne A, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Handler S, Harahsheh AS, Hasbani K, Heath AC, Hebson C, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, McHugh K, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Miller J, Mitchell EC, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Osakwe O, Oster ME, Payne RM, Portman MA, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Sexson Tejtel SK, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Srivastava S, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ 2nd, Thacker D, Trachtenberg F, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP. Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design. PLoS One. 2024;19(5):e0285635. PubMed PMID: 38713673
  • Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Mellis AM, Grijalva CG, Talbot HK, Schmitz J, Lutrick K, Ellingson KD, Stockwell MS, McLaren SH, Nguyen HQ, Rao S, Asturias EJ, Davis-Gardner ME, Suthar MS, Kirking HL. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Shedding and Rapid Antigen Test Performance - Respiratory Virus Transmission Network, November 2022-May 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2024 Apr 25;73(16):365-371. PubMed PMID: 38668391
  • Kaur M, Utidjian L, Abend NS, Dickinson K, Roebling R, McDonald J, Maltenfort MG, Foskett N, Elmoufti S, Guerriero RM, Jain BG, Pajor NM, Rao S, Shellhaas RA, Slaughter L, Forrest CB. Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study on Safety and Electroencephalographic Response to Lacosamide for Neonatal Seizures. Pediatr Neurol. 2024 Jun;155:18-25. PubMed PMID: 38579433
  • Link-Gelles R, Rowley EAK, DeSilva MB, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Klein NP, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Weber ZA, Fleming-Dutra KE, McEvoy CE, Akinsete O, Bride D, Sheffield T, Naleway AL, Zerbo O, Fireman B, Hansen J, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Rogerson C, Fadel WF, Duszynski T, Rao S, Barron MA, Reese SE, Ball SW, Dunne MM, Natarajan K, Okwuazi E, Shah AB, Wiegand R, Tenforde MW, Payne AB. Interim Effectiveness of Updated 2023-2024 (Monovalent XBB.1.5) COVID-19 Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Among Adults Aged =18 Years with Immunocompromising Conditions - VISION Network, September 2023-February 2024. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2024 Mar 28;73(12):271-276. PubMed PMID: 38547037
  • Chen Y, Zhang D, Zhang B, Wu Q, Zhou T, Tong J, Lu Y, Chen J, Wang H, Chisolm D, Jhaveri R, Kenney R, Rothman R, Rao S, Williams D, Hornig M, Morris J, Forrest C. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Long-COVID-Associated Symptoms among Pediatrics Population: Findings from Difference-in-differences Analyses in RECOVER Program. Res Sq. 2024 Mar 28. PubMed PMID: 38585924
  • Levy ME, Yang DH, Dunne MM, Miley K, Irving SA, Grannis SJ, Weber ZA, Griggs EP, Spark TL, Bassett E, Embi PJ, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Valvi NR, Ong TC, Naleway AL, Stenehjem E, Klein NP, Link-Gelles R, DeSilva MB, Kharbanda AB, Raiyani C, Beaton MA, Dixon BE, Rao S, Dascomb K, Patel P, Mamawala M, Han J, Fadel WF, Barron MA, Grisel N, Dickerson M, Liao IC, Arndorfer J, Najdowski M, Murthy K, Ray C, Tenforde MW, Ball SW. Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization and Protection Associated With mRNA Vaccination Among US Adults With Psychiatric Disorders. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2024 Mar;18(3):e13269. PubMed PMID: 38494192
  • Jing N, Liu X, Wu Q, Rao S, Mejias A, Maltenfort M, Schuchard J, Lorman V, Razzaghi H, Webb R, Zhou C, Jhaveri R, Lee GM, Pajor NM, Thacker D, Charles Bailey L, Forrest CB, Chen Y. Development and validation of a federated learning framework for detection of subphenotypes of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. medRxiv. 2024 Jan 27. PubMed PMID: 38343837
  • Wu Q, Tong J, Zhang B, Zhang D, Chen J, Lei Y, Lu Y, Wang Y, Li L, Shen Y, Xu J, Bailey LC, Bian J, Christakis DA, Fitzgerald ML, Hirabayashi K, Jhaveri R, Khaitan A, Lyu T, Rao S, Razzaghi H, Schwenk HT, Wang F, Gage Witvliet MI, Tchetgen Tchetgen EJ, Morris JS, Forrest CB, Chen Y. Real-World Effectiveness of BNT162b2 Against Infection and Severe Diseases in Children and Adolescents. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Feb;177(2):165-176. PubMed PMID: 38190711
  • Razzaghi H, Forrest CB, Hirabayashi K, Wu Q, Allen AJ, Rao S, Chen Y, Bunnell HT, Chrischilles EA, Cowell LG, Cummins MR, Hanauer DA, Higginbotham M, Horne BD, Horowitz CR, Jhaveri R, Kim S, Mishkin A, Muszynski JA, Naggie S, Pajor NM, Paranjape A, Schwenk HT, Sills MR, Tedla YG, Williams DA, Bailey LC. Vaccine Effectiveness Against Long COVID in Children. Pediatrics. 2024 Apr 1;153(4). PubMed PMID: 38225804
  • Rao S, Gross RS, Mohandas S, Stein CR, Case A, Dreyer B, Pajor NM, Bunnell HT, Warburton D, Berg E, Overdevest JB, Gorelik M, Milner J, Saxena S, Jhaveri R, Wood JC, Rhee KE, Letts R, Maughan C, Guthe N, Castro-Baucom L, Stockwell MS. Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 in Children. Pediatrics. 2024 Mar 1;153(3). PubMed PMID: 38321938
  • Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Biddle JE, Talbot HK, Morrissey KG, Stockwell MS, Maldonado Y, McLean HQ, Ellingson KD, Bowman NM, Asturias E, Mellis AM, Johnson S, Kirking HL, Rolfes MAR, Olivo V, Merrill L, Battan-Wraith S, Sano E, McLaren SH, Vargas CY, Goodman S, Sarnquist CC, Govindaranjan P, Petrie JG, Belongia EA, Ledezma K, Pryor K, Lutrick K, Bullock A, Yang A, Haehnel Q, Rao S, Zhu Y, Schmitz J, Hart K, Grijalva CG, Salvatore PP. Symptoms, Viral Loads, and Rebound Among COVID-19 Outpatients Treated With Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared With Propensity Score-Matched Untreated Individuals. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 May 15;78(5):1175-1184. PubMed PMID: 37963102
  • Adams K, Weber ZA, Yang DH, Klein NP, DeSilva MB, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Naleway AL, Rao S, Gaglani M, Flannery B, Garg S, Kharbanda AB, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Embi PJ, Natarajan K, Fireman B, Zerbo O, Goddard K, Timbol J, Hansen JR, Grisel N, Arndorfer J, Ball SW, Dunne MM, Kirshner L, Chung JR, Tenforde MW. Vaccine Effectiveness Against Pediatric Influenza-A-Associated Urgent Care, Emergency Department, and Hospital Encounters During the 2022-2023 Season: VISION Network. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Mar 20;78(3):746-755. PubMed PMID: 37972288
  • Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Lazariu V, Gaglani M, McEvoy C, Klein NP, Valvi NR, Irving SA, Kojima N, Stenehjem E, Crane B, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Embi PJ, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Naleway AL, Bassett E, DeSilva MB, Dickerson M, Konatham D, Fireman B, Allen KS, Barron MA, Beaton M, Arndorfer J, Vazquez-Benitez G, Garg S, Murthy K, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Han J, Grisel N, Raiyani C, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Stockwell MS, Mamawala M, Hansen J, Zerbo O, Patel P, Link-Gelles R, Adams K, Tenforde MW. Clinical Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Critical Outcomes Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19-VISION Network, 10 States, June 2021-March 2023. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Feb 17;78(2):338-348. PubMed PMID: 37633258
  • Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Biddle JE, Talbot HK, Morrisey KG, Stockwell MS, Maldonado Y, McLean HQ, Ellingson KD, Bowman NM, Asturias E, Mellis AM, Johnson S, Kirking HL, Rolfes MAR, Olivo V, Merrill L, Battan-Wraith S, Sano E, McLaren SH, Vargas CY, Goodman S, Sarnquist CC, Govindaranjan P, Petrie JG, Belongia EA, Ledezma K, Pryor K, Lutrick K, Bullock A, Yang A, Haehnel Q, Rao S, Zhu Y, Schmitz J, Hart K, Grijalva CG, Salvatore PP. Symptoms, viral loads, and rebound among COVID-19 outpatients treated with nirmatrelvir/ritonavir compared to propensity score matched untreated individuals. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37963102
  • Hart R, Feygin Y, Kluthe T, Quinn KG, Rao S, Baumer-Mouradian SH. Emergency departments: An underutilized resource to address pediatric influenza vaccine coverage. Vaccine. 2023 Nov 13;41(47):7026-7032. PubMed PMID: 37865600
  • Razzaghi H, Forrest CB, Hirabayashi K, Wu Q, Allen A, Rao S, Chen Y, Bunnell HT, Chrischilles EA, Cowell LG, Cummins MR, Hanauer DA, Higginbotham M, Horne BD, Horowitz CR, Jhaveri R, Kim S, Mishkin A, Muszynski JA, Naggie S, Pajor NM, Paranjape A, Schwenk HT, Sills MR, Tedla YG, Williams DA, Bailey C. Vaccine Effectiveness Against Long COVID in Children: A Report from the RECOVER EHR Cohort. medRxiv. 2023 Sep 28. PubMed PMID: 37808803
  • Hart R, Feygin Y, Kluthe T, Quinn K, Rao S, Baumer-Mouradian SH. Emergency Departments: An Underutilized Resource for Expanding COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage in Children. Vaccines (Basel). 2023 Sep 1;11(9). PubMed PMID: 37766122
  • Elia J, Pajer K, Prasad R, Pumariega A, Maltenfort M, Utidjian L, Shenkman E, Kelleher K, Rao S, Margolis PA, Christakis DA, Hardan AY, Ballard R, Forrest CB. Electronic health records identify timely trends in childhood mental health conditions. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2023 Sep 14;17(1):107. PubMed PMID: 37710303
  • Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Lazariu V, Gaglani M, McEvoy C, Klein NP, Valvi NR, Irving SA, Kojima N, Stenehjem E, Crane B, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Embi PJ, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Naleway AL, Bassett E, DeSilva MB, Dickerson M, Konatham D, Fireman B, Allen KS, Barron MA, Beaton M, Arndorfer J, Vazquez-Benitez G, Garg S, Murthy K, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Han J, Grisel N, Raiyani C, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Stockwell MS, Mamawala M, Hansen J, Zerbo O, Patel P, Link-Gelles R, Adams K, Tenforde MW. Clinical epidemiology and risk factors for critical outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated adults hospitalized with COVID-19-VISION Network, 10 States, June 2021-March 2023. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37633258
  • Link-Gelles R, Ciesla AA, Rowley EAK, Klein NP, Naleway AL, Payne AB, Kharbanda A, Natarajan K, DeSilva MB, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Zerbo O, Reese SE, Wiegand RE, Najdowski M, Ong TC, Rao S, Stockwell MS, Stephens A, Goddard K, Martinez YC, Weber ZA, Fireman B, Hansen J, Timbol J, Grannis SJ, Barron MA, Embi PJ, Ball SW, Gaglani M, Grisel N, Arndorfer J, Tenforde MW, Fleming-Dutra KE. Effectiveness of Monovalent and Bivalent mRNA Vaccines in Preventing COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters Among Children Aged 6 Months-5 Years - VISION Network, United States, July 2022-June 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Aug 18;72(33):886-892. PubMed PMID: 37590187
  • Lorman V, Razzaghi H, Song X, Morse K, Utidjian L, Allen AJ, Rao S, Rogerson C, Bennett TD, Morizono H, Eckrich D, Jhaveri R, Huang Y, Ranade D, Pajor N, Lee GM, Forrest CB, Bailey LC. A machine learning-based phenotype for long COVID in children: An EHR-based study from the RECOVER program. PLoS One. 2023;18(8):e0289774. PubMed PMID: 37561683
  • Embi PJ, Levy ME, Patel P, DeSilva MB, Gaglani M, Dascomb K, Dunne MM, Klein NP, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Natarajan K, Yang DH, Stenehjem E, Zerbo O, McEvoy C, Rao S, Thompson MG, Konatham D, Irving SA, Dixon BE, Han J, Schrader KE, Grisel N, Lewis N, Kharbanda AB, Barron MA, Reynolds S, Liao IC, Fadel WF, Rowley EA, Arndorfer J, Goddard K, Murthy K, Valvi NR, Weber ZA, Fireman B, Reese SE, Ball SW, Naleway AL. Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines at preventing emergency department or urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among immunocompromised adults: An observational study of real-world data across 10 US states from August-December 2021. Vaccine. 2023 Aug 23;41(37):5424-5434. PubMed PMID: 37479609
  • Fong SL, Utidjian L, Kaur M, Abend NS, Wainwright MS, Grande KM, Foskett N, Roebling R, Guerriero RM, Jain B, Rao S, Stoltenberg M, Williams P, Yuen N, Dickinson K, McDonald J, Maltenfort M, Forrest CB. Safety of intravenous lacosamide in hospitalized children and neonates. Epilepsia. 2023 Sep;64(9):2297-2309. PubMed PMID: 37287398
  • Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Witvliet MG, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Harahsheh AS, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Iacono WG, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Oster ME, Payne RM, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ 2nd, Thacker D, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP. Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design. medRxiv. 2023 May 12. PubMed PMID: 37214806
  • Rao S, Armistead I, Tyler A, Lensing M, Dominguez SR, Alden NB. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Influenza, and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospitalizations in Children in Colorado During the 2021-2022 Respiratory Virus Season. J Pediatr. 2023 Sep;260:113491. PubMed PMID: 37201680
  • Rao S, Armistead I, Messacar K, Alden NB, Schmoll E, Austin E, Dominguez SR. Shifting Epidemiology and Severity of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Pediatr. 2023 Jul 1;177(7):730-732. PubMed PMID: 37184852
  • Dalton AF, Couture A, DeSilva MB, Irving SA, Gohil S, Rao S, Fink RV, Naleway AL, Guo Z, Sundaresan D, Birch RJ, Ball S, Zheng K, Ong TC, Reed C, Bozio CH. Patient and Epidemiological Factors Associated With Influenza Testing in Hospitalized Adults With Acute Respiratory Illnesses, 2016-2017 to 2019-2020. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Apr;10(4):ofad162. PubMed PMID: 37089774
  • Klein NP, Demarco M, Fleming-Dutra KE, Stockwell MS, Kharbanda AB, Gaglani M, Rao S, Lewis N, Irving SA, Hartmann E, Natarajan K, Dalton AF, Zerbo O, DeSilva MB, Konatham D, Stenehjem E, Rowley EAK, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Sloan-Aagard C, Han J, Verani JR, Raiyani C, Dascomb K, Reese SE, Barron MA, Fadel WF, Naleway AL, Nanez J, Dickerson M, Goddard K, Murthy K, Grisel N, Weber ZA, Dixon BE, Patel P, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Griggs EP, Hallowell C, Embi PJ, Ball SW, Thompson MG, Tenforde MW, Link-Gelles R. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2023 May 1;151(5). PubMed PMID: 37026401
  • Lorman V, Rao S, Jhaveri R, Case A, Mejias A, Pajor NM, Patel P, Thacker D, Bose-Brill S, Block J, Hanley PC, Prahalad P, Chen Y, Forrest CB, Bailey LC, Lee GM, Razzaghi H. Understanding pediatric long COVID using a tree-based scan statistic approach: an EHR-based cohort study from the RECOVER Program. JAMIA Open. 2023 Apr;6(1):ooad016. PubMed PMID: 36926600
  • Tenforde MW, Weber ZA, Natarajan K, Klein NP, Kharbanda AB, Stenehjem E, Embi PJ, Reese SE, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, DeSilva MB, Ong TC, Gaglani M, Han J, Dickerson M, Fireman B, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Vazquez-Benitez G, Rao S, Konatham D, Patel P, Schrader KE, Lewis N, Grisel N, McEvoy C, Murthy K, Griggs EP, Rowley EAK, Zerbo O, Arndorfer J, Dunne MM, Goddard K, Ray C, Zhuang Y, Timbol J, Najdowski M, Yang DH, Hansen J, Ball SW, Link-Gelles R. Early Estimates of Bivalent mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness in Preventing COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department or Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Immunocompetent Adults - VISION Network, Nine States, September-November 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Mar 17;71(53):1637-1646. PubMed PMID: 36921274
  • Link-Gelles R, Levy ME, Natarajan K, Reese SE, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, Klein NP, DeSilva MB, Ong TC, Gaglani M, Hartmann E, Dickerson M, Stenehjem E, Kharbanda AB, Han J, Spark TL, Irving SA, Dixon BE, Zerbo O, McEvoy CE, Rao S, Raiyani C, Sloan-Aagard C, Patel P, Dascomb K, Uhlemann AC, Dunne MM, Fadel WF, Lewis N, Barron MA, Murthy K, Nanez J, Griggs EP, Grisel N, Annavajhala MK, Akinseye A, Valvi NR, Goddard K, Mamawala M, Arndorfer J, Yang DH, Embí PJ, Fireman B, Ball SW, Tenforde MW. Estimation of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness and COVID-19 Illness and Severity by Vaccination Status During Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 Sublineage Periods. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Mar 1;6(3):e232598. PubMed PMID: 36920396
  • Mejias A, Schuchard J, Rao S, Bennett TD, Jhaveri R, Thacker D, Bailey LC, Christakis DA, Pajor NM, Razzaghi H, Forrest CB, Lee GM. Leveraging Serologic Testing to Identify Children at Risk For Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: An Electronic Health Record-Based Cohort Study from the RECOVER Program. J Pediatr. 2023 Jun;257:113358. PubMed PMID: 36822507
  • Jhaveri R, Webb R, Razzaghi H, Schuchard J, Mejias A, Bennett TD, Jone PN, Thacker D, Schulert GS, Rogerson C, Cogen JD, Charles Bailey L, Forrest CB, Lee GM, Rao S. Can Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Be Managed in the Outpatient Setting? An EHR-Based Cohort Study From the RECOVER Program. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2023 Apr 18;12(3):159-162. PubMed PMID: 36786218
  • Tenforde MW, Weber ZA, DeSilva MB, Stenehjem E, Yang DH, Fireman B, Gaglani M, Kojima N, Irving SA, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Naleway AL, Kirshner L, Kharbanda AB, Dascomb K, Lewis N, Dalton AF, Ball SW, Natarajan K, Ong TC, Hartmann E, Embi PJ, McEvoy CE, Grisel N, Zerbo O, Dunne MM, Arndorfer J, Goddard K, Dickerson M, Patel P, Timbol J, Griggs EP, Hansen J, Thompson MG, Flannery B, Klein NP. Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza-Associated Urgent Care, Emergency Department, and Hospital Encounters During the 2021-2022 Season, VISION Network. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 14;228(2):185-195. PubMed PMID: 36683410
  • Dalton AF, Weber ZA, Allen KS, Stenehjem E, Irving SA, Spark TL, Adams K, Zerbo O, Lazariu V, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Hartmann E, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Beaton M, Gaglani M, Patel P, Naleway AL, Kish MNS, Grannis SJ, Grisel N, Sloan-Aagard C, Rao S, Raiyani C, Dickerson M, Bassett E, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Nanez J, Barron MA, Vazquez-Benitez G, Liao IC, Griggs EP, Reese SE, Valvi NR, Murthy K, Rowley EAK, Embi PJ, Ball S, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Relationships Between Social Vulnerability and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Coverage and Vaccine Effectiveness. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 3;76(9):1615-1625. PubMed PMID: 36611252
  • Martin B, Rao S, Bennett TD. Disparities in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and COVID-19 Across the Organ Dysfunction Continuum. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3;6(1):e2249552. PubMed PMID: 36602806
  • DeSilva MB, Mitchell PK, Klein NP, Dixon BE, Tenforde MW, Thompson MG, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Reese SE, Zerbo O, Kharbanda AB, Patel P, Stenehjem E, Raiyani C, Irving SA, Fadel WF, Rao S, Han J, Reynolds S, Davis JM, Lewis N, McEvoy C, Dickerson M, Dascomb K, Valvi NR, Barron MA, Goddard K, Vazquez-Benitez G, Grisel N, Mamawala M, Embi PJ, Fireman B, Essien IJ, Griggs EP, Arndorfer J, Gaglani M. Protection of Two and Three mRNA Vaccine Doses Against Severe Outcomes Among Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19-VISION Network, August 2021 to March 2022. J Infect Dis. 2023 Apr 18;227(8):961-969. PubMed PMID: 36415904
  • Smith H, Mahon A, Moss A, Rao S. SARS-CoV-2 infection in children evaluated in an ambulatory setting during Delta and Omicron time periods. J Med Virol. 2023 Jan;95(1):e28318. PubMed PMID: 36397139
  • Rao S, Bozio C, Butterfield K, Reynolds S, Reese SE, Ball S, Steffens A, Demarco M, McEvoy C, Thompson M, Rowley E, Porter RM, Fink RV, Irving SA, Naleway A. Accuracy of COVID-19-Like Illness Diagnoses in Electronic Health Record Data: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Jan 17;7:e39231. PubMed PMID: 36383633
  • Rao S, Morrissey T, Ziniel SI, Mandler T, Yaster M, Strupp KM. Influenza Vaccination in Perioperative Settings: A Teachable Moment. Anesthesiology. 2022 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36269853
  • Britton A, Embi PJ, Levy ME, Gaglani M, DeSilva MB, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Patel P, Schrader KE, Klein NP, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Hartmann E, Kharbanda AB, Irving SA, Dickerson M, Dunne MM, Raiyani C, Grannis SJ, Stenehjem E, Zerbo O, Rao S, Han J, Sloan-Aagard C, Griggs EP, Weber ZA, Murthy K, Fadel WF, Grisel N, McEvoy C, Lewis N, Barron MA, Nanez J, Reese SE, Mamawala M, Valvi NR, Arndorfer J, Goddard K, Yang DH, Fireman B, Ball SW, Link-Gelles R, Naleway AL, Tenforde MW. Effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Immunocompromised Adults During SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Predominance - VISION Network, 10 States, December 2021-August 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Oct 21;71(42):1335-1342. PubMed PMID: 36264840
  • Rao S, Jing N, Liu X, Lorman V, Maltenfort M, Schuchard J, Wu Q, Tong J, Razzaghi H, Mejias A, Lee GM, Pajor NM, Schulert GS, Thacker D, Jhaveri R, Christakis DA, Bailey LC, Forrest CB, Chen Y. Clinical Subphenotypes of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: An EHR-based cohort study from the RECOVER program. medRxiv. 2022 Sep 27. PubMed PMID: 36203555
  • Ferdinands JM, Rao S, Dixon BE, Mitchell PK, DeSilva MB, Irving SA, Lewis N, Natarajan K, Stenehjem E, Grannis SJ, Han J, McEvoy C, Ong TC, Naleway AL, Reese SE, Embi PJ, Dascomb K, Klein NP, Griggs EP, Liao IC, Yang DH, Fadel WF, Grisel N, Goddard K, Patel P, Murthy K, Birch R, Valvi NR, Arndorfer J, Zerbo O, Dickerson M, Raiyani C, Williams J, Bozio CH, Blanton L, Link-Gelles R, Barron MA, Gaglani M, Thompson MG, Fireman B. Waning of vaccine effectiveness against moderate and severe covid-19 among adults in the US from the VISION network: test negative, case-control study. BMJ. 2022 Oct 3;379:e072141. PubMed PMID: 36191948
  • Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Dixon BE, Page JM, Butterfield KA, Gaglani M, Vazquez-Benitez G, Zerbo O, Natarajan K, Ong TC, Lazariu V, Rao S, Beaver R, Ellington SR, Klein NP, Irving SA, Grannis SJ, Kiduko S, Barron MA, Midturi J, Dickerson M, Lewis N, Stockwell MS, Stenehjem E, Fadel WF, Link-Gelles R, Murthy K, Goddard K, Grisel N, Valvi NR, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Konatham D, Ball S, Thompson MG, Naleway AL. Estimation of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness Against Medically Attended COVID-19 in Pregnancy During Periods of Delta and Omicron Variant Predominance in the United States. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Sep 1;5(9):e2233273. PubMed PMID: 36156146
  • Rao S, Lee GM, Razzaghi H, Lorman V, Mejias A, Pajor NM, Thacker D, Webb R, Dickinson K, Bailey LC, Jhaveri R, Christakis DA, Bennett TD, Chen Y, Forrest CB. Clinical Features and Burden of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Oct 1;176(10):1000-1009. PubMed PMID: 35994282
  • Rao S, Moss A, Lamb M, Innis BL, Asturias EJ. Vital sign predictors of severe influenza among children in an emergent care setting. PLoS One. 2022;17(8):e0272029. PubMed PMID: 35960719
  • Windsor WJ, Lamb MM, Dominguez SR, Mistry RD, Rao S. Clinical characteristics and illness course based on pathogen among children with respiratory illness presenting to an emergency department. J Med Virol. 2022 Dec;94(12):6103-6110. PubMed PMID: 35882541
  • Link-Gelles R, Levy ME, Gaglani M, Irving SA, Stockwell M, Dascomb K, DeSilva MB, Reese SE, Liao IC, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, McEvoy C, Patel P, Klein NP, Hartmann E, Stenehjem E, Natarajan K, Naleway AL, Murthy K, Rao S, Dixon BE, Kharbanda AB, Akinseye A, Dickerson M, Lewis N, Grisel N, Han J, Barron MA, Fadel WF, Dunne MM, Goddard K, Arndorfer J, Konatham D, Valvi NR, Currey JC, Fireman B, Raiyani C, Zerbo O, Sloan-Aagard C, Ball SW, Thompson MG, Tenforde MW. Effectiveness of 2, 3, and 4 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Doses Among Immunocompetent Adults During Periods when SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2/BA.2.12.1 Sublineages Predominated - VISION Network, 10 States, December 2021-June 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Jul 22;71(29):931-939. PubMed PMID: 35862287
  • Rao S, Lee GM, Razzaghi H, Lorman V, Mejias A, Pajor NM, Thacker D, Webb R, Dickinson K, Bailey LC, Jhaveri R, Christakis DA, Bennett TD, Chen Y, Forrest CB. Clinical features and burden of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents: an exploratory EHR-based cohort study from the RECOVER program. medRxiv. 2022 May 25. PubMed PMID: 35665016
  • Natarajan K, Prasad N, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Yang DH, Gaglani M, Klein NP, DeSilva MB, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Stenehjem E, Link-Gelles R, Rowley EA, Naleway AL, Han J, Raiyani C, Benitez GV, Rao S, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Grisel N, Griggs EP, Dunne MM, Stockwell MS, Mamawala M, McEvoy C, Barron MA, Goddard K, Valvi NR, Arndorfer J, Patel P, Mitchell PK, Smith M, Kharbanda AB, Fireman B, Embi PJ, Dickerson M, Davis JM, Zerbo O, Dalton AF, Wondimu MH, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Bozio CH, Reynolds S, Ferdinands J, Williams J, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Ball S, Thompson MG, Dixon BE. Effectiveness of Homologous and Heterologous COVID-19 Booster Doses Following 1 Ad.26.COV2.S (Janssen [Johnson & Johnson]) Vaccine Dose Against COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Adults - VISION Network, 10 States, December 2021-March 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Apr 1;71(13):495-502. PubMed PMID: 35358170
  • Forrest CB, Burrows EK, Mejias A, Razzaghi H, Christakis D, Jhaveri R, Lee GM, Pajor NM, Rao S, Thacker D, Bailey LC. Severity of Acute COVID-19 in Children <18 Years Old March 2020 to December 2021. Pediatrics. 2022 Apr 1;149(4). PubMed PMID: 35322270
  • Klein NP, Stockwell MS, Demarco M, Gaglani M, Kharbanda AB, Irving SA, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Dascomb K, Murthy K, Rowley EA, Dalton AF, DeSilva MB, Dixon BE, Natarajan K, Stenehjem E, Naleway AL, Lewis N, Ong TC, Patel P, Konatham D, Embi PJ, Reese SE, Han J, Grisel N, Goddard K, Barron MA, Dickerson M, Liao IC, Fadel WF, Yang DH, Arndorfer J, Fireman B, Griggs EP, Valvi NR, Hallowell C, Zerbo O, Reynolds S, Ferdinands J, Wondimu MH, Williams J, Bozio CH, Link-Gelles R, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Schrag SJ, Thompson MG, Verani JR. Effectiveness of COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination in Preventing COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Nonimmunocompromised Children and Adolescents Aged 5-17 Years - VISION Network, 10 States, April 2021-January 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Mar 4;71(9):352-358. PubMed PMID: 35239634
  • Ferdinands JM, Rao S, Dixon BE, Mitchell PK, DeSilva MB, Irving SA, Lewis N, Natarajan K, Stenehjem E, Grannis SJ, Han J, McEvoy C, Ong TC, Naleway AL, Reese SE, Embi PJ, Dascomb K, Klein NP, Griggs EP, Konatham D, Kharbanda AB, Yang DH, Fadel WF, Grisel N, Goddard K, Patel P, Liao IC, Birch R, Valvi NR, Reynolds S, Arndorfer J, Zerbo O, Dickerson M, Murthy K, Williams J, Bozio CH, Blanton L, Verani JR, Schrag SJ, Dalton AF, Wondimu MH, Link-Gelles R, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Barron MA, Gaglani M, Thompson MG, Fireman B. Waning 2-Dose and 3-Dose Effectiveness of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Adults During Periods of Delta and Omicron Variant Predominance - VISION Network, 10 States, August 2021-January 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Feb 18;71(7):255-263. PubMed PMID: 35176007
  • Hofstetter AM, Rao S, Jhaveri R. Beyond Influenza Vaccination: Expanding Infrastructure for Hospital-based Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery. Clin Ther. 2022 Mar;44(3):450-455. PubMed PMID: 35172946
  • Thompson MG, Natarajan K, Irving SA, Rowley EA, Griggs EP, Gaglani M, Klein NP, Grannis SJ, DeSilva MB, Stenehjem E, Reese SE, Dickerson M, Naleway AL, Han J, Konatham D, McEvoy C, Rao S, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Lewis N, Levy ME, Patel P, Liao IC, Kharbanda AB, Barron MA, Fadel WF, Grisel N, Goddard K, Yang DH, Wondimu MH, Murthy K, Valvi NR, Arndorfer J, Fireman B, Dunne MM, Embi P, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Zerbo O, Bozio CH, Reynolds S, Ferdinands J, Williams J, Link-Gelles R, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Ball S, Ong TC. Effectiveness of a Third Dose of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department and Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Adults During Periods of Delta and Omicron Variant Predominance - VISION Network, 10 States, August 2021-January 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Jan 21;71(4):139-145. PubMed PMID: 35085224
  • Freedman DS, Goodwin Davies AJ, Phan TT, Cole FS, Pajor N, Rao S, Eneli I, Kompaniyets L, Lange SJ, Christakis DA, Forrest CB. Measuring BMI change among children and adolescents. Pediatr Obes. 2022 Jun;17(6):e12889. PubMed PMID: 35064761
  • Embi PJ, Levy ME, Naleway AL, Patel P, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Ong TC, Klein NP, Liao IC, Grannis SJ, Han J, Stenehjem E, Dunne MM, Lewis N, Irving SA, Rao S, McEvoy C, Bozio CH, Murthy K, Dixon BE, Grisel N, Yang DH, Goddard K, Kharbanda AB, Reynolds S, Raiyani C, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Rowley EA, Fireman B, Ferdinands J, Valvi NR, Ball SW, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Porter RM, Kiduko SA, Blanton L, Zhuang Y, Steffens A, Reese SE, Olson N, Williams J, Dickerson M, McMorrow M, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry AM, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Barron MA, Thompson MG, DeSilva MB. Effectiveness of two-dose vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among immunocompromised adults-Nine States, January-September 2021. Am J Transplant. 2022 Jan;22(1):306-314. PubMed PMID: 34967121
  • Freedman DS, Goodwin-Davies AJ, Kompaniyets L, Lange SJ, Goodman AB, Phan TT, Rao S, Eneli I, Forrest CB. Interrelationships among age at adiposity rebound, BMI during childhood, and BMI after age 14 years in an electronic health record database. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2022 Jan;30(1):201-208. PubMed PMID: 34932881
  • Smith H, Mahon A, Moss A, Rao S. SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children Evaluated in an Ambulatory Setting During Delta and Omicron Time Periods” Journal of Medical Virology, in press
  • Schaffzin J and Rao S. “Infection Control for Pediatric Hospitalists“ Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Third Edition in press
  • Janelle S, Dominguez S, Rao S. “Monkeypox: Frequently Asked Questions”- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments, June 2022
  • Rao S et al. “Clinical Features and Burden of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adolescents“ ID Week, Washington, DC, October 2022
  • Smith H, Mahon A, Moss A, Rao S “Risk Factors for SARS-CoV-2 Infection in an Ambulatory Setting”; Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, CO April 2022
  • Poole N, Suresh K, O’Leary S, Rao S “Antibiotic Use and Impact on Illness Course in Children with Influenza-Like-Illness in the Emergency Department”; Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, CO April 2022
  • Rao S, Moss A, Rice J, Dempsey M, Dominguez SR. “Development and Evaluation of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Influenza Hospitalization in Children” Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, CO April 2022
  • Rao S, Morrissey T, Ziniel S, Mandler T, Strupp K. “ Evaluation of an Influenza Vaccination Program in the Perioperative Setting“; Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, CO April 2022
  • Poole N, Suresh K, O’Leary S, Rao S. “Antibiotic Use and Impact on Illness Course in Children with Influenza-Like-Illness in the Emergency Department” Society for Healthcare Epidemiology Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, May 2022
  • Rao S. et al. “Partnerships, Data, & Digital Innovations: How PCORnet Is Providing Fast COVID-19 Answers” Academy Health Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference,Arlington, VA. April 2022
  • Dolan SA, Mulcahy Levy J, Moss A, Pearce K, Butler M, Jung S, Dominguez SR, Mwangi E, Maloney K, Rao S. SARS-CoV-2 persistence in immunocompromised children. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Dec;68(12):e29277. PubMed PMID: 34453477
  • Thompson MG, Stenehjem E, Grannis S, Ball SW, Naleway AL, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Natarajan K, Bozio CH, Lewis N, Dascomb K, Dixon BE, Birch RJ, Irving SA, Rao S, Kharbanda E, Han J, Reynolds S, Goddard K, Grisel N, Fadel WF, Levy ME, Ferdinands J, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Rowley EA, Patel P, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Porter RM, Demarco M, Blanton L, Steffens A, Zhuang Y, Olson N, Barron M, Shifflett P, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry A, Gaglani M, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Klein NP. Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines in Ambulatory and Inpatient Care Settings. N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 7;385(15):1355-1371. PubMed PMID: 34496194
  • Dolan SA, Mulcahy Levy J, Moss A, Pearce K, Butler M, Jung S, Dominguez SR, Mwangi E, Maloney K, Rao S. SARS-CoV-2 persistence in immunocompromised children. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Dec;68(12):e29277. PubMed PMID: 34453477
  • Embi PJ, Levy ME, Naleway AL, Patel P, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Ong TC, Klein NP, Liao IC, Grannis SJ, Han J, Stenehjem E, Dunne MM, Lewis N, Irving SA, Rao S, McEvoy C, Bozio CH, Murthy K, Dixon BE, Grisel N, Yang DH, Goddard K, Kharbanda AB, Reynolds S, Raiyani C, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Rowley EA, Fireman B, Ferdinands J, Valvi NR, Ball SW, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Porter RM, Kiduko SA, Blanton L, Zhuang Y, Steffens A, Reese SE, Olson N, Williams J, Dickerson M, McMorrow M, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry AM, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Barron MA, Thompson MG, DeSilva MB. Effectiveness of 2-Dose Vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Against COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Immunocompromised Adults - Nine States, January-September 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021 Nov 5;70(44):1553-1559. PubMed PMID: 34735426
  • Bozio CH, Grannis SJ, Naleway AL, Ong TC, Butterfield KA, DeSilva MB, Natarajan K, Yang DH, Rao S, Klein NP, Irving SA, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Liao IC, Reynolds S, McEvoy C, Han J, Reese SE, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Grisel N, Murthy K, Ferdinands J, Kharbanda AB, Mitchell PK, Goddard K, Embi PJ, Arndorfer J, Raiyani C, Patel P, Rowley EA, Fireman B, Valvi NR, Griggs EP, Levy ME, Zerbo O, Porter RM, Birch RJ, Blanton L, Ball SW, Steffens A, Olson N, Williams J, Dickerson M, McMorrow M, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry AM, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Barron M, Gaglani M, Thompson MG, Stenehjem E. Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Among Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19-Like Illness with Infection-Induced or mRNA Vaccine-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Immunity - Nine States, January-September 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021 Nov 5;70(44):1539-1544. PubMed PMID: 34735425
  • Cole LD, Osborne CM, Silveira LJ, Rao S, Lockwood JM, Kunkel MJ, MacBrayne CE, Heizer HR, Anderson MS, Jone PN, Dominguez SR. IVIG Compared to IVIG Plus Infliximab in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. Pediatrics. 2021 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34548377
  • Thompson MG, Stenehjem E, Grannis S, Ball SW, Naleway AL, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Natarajan K, Bozio CH, Lewis N, Dascomb K, Dixon BE, Birch RJ, Irving SA, Rao S, Kharbanda E, Han J, Reynolds S, Goddard K, Grisel N, Fadel WF, Levy ME, Ferdinands J, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Rowley EA, Patel P, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Porter RM, Demarco M, Blanton L, Steffens A, Zhuang Y, Olson N, Barron M, Shifflett P, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry A, Gaglani M, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Klein NP. Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines in Ambulatory and Inpatient Care Settings. N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 7;385(15):1355-1371. PubMed PMID: 34496194
  • Rao S, Lamb MM, Moss A, Mistry RD, Grice K, Ahmed W, Santos-Cantu D, Kitchen E, Patel C, Ferrari I, Dominguez SR. Effect of Rapid Respiratory Virus Testing on Antibiotic Prescribing Among Children Presenting to the Emergency Department With Acute Respiratory Illness: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Jun 1;4(6):e2111836. PubMed PMID: 34086034
  • Bailey LC, Razzaghi H, Burrows EK, Bunnell HT, Camacho PEF, Christakis DA, Eckrich D, Kitzmiller M, Lin SM, Magnusen BC, Newland J, Pajor NM, Ranade D, Rao S, Sofela O, Zahner J, Bruno C, Forrest CB. Assessment of 135?794 Pediatric Patients Tested for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Across the United States. JAMA Pediatr. 2021 Feb 1;175(2):176-184. PubMed PMID: 33226415
  • Rao S, Kwan BM, Curtis DJ, Swanson A, Bakel LA, Bajaj L, Boguniewicz J, Lockwood JM, Ogawa K, Pemberton K, Fuhlbrigge RC, Brumbaugh D, Givens P, Nozik ES, Sills MR. Implementation of a Rapid Evidence Assessment Infrastructure during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic to Develop Policies, Clinical Pathways, Stimulate Academic Research, and Create Educational Opportunities. J Pediatr. 2021 Mar;230:4-8.e2. PubMed PMID: 33091418
  • Rao S, Moss A, Lamb MM, Asturias EJ. Evaluation of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Among Young Children Receiving Consecutive Versus Nonconsecutive Vaccination During Influenza A(H3N2)-Predominant Seasons. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2021 Apr 3;10(3):359-362. PubMed PMID: 32756876
  • Troy E, Sillau S, Bernard TJ, Rao S. Incidence and Clinical Outcomes of Streptococcus anginosus in Acute Complicated Sinusitis: A Pediatric Cohort. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2021 Mar 26;10(2):168-171. PubMed PMID: 31925948
  • Halvorson EE, Saha AK, Forrest CB, Callahan C, Razzaghi H, Rao S, Phan TLT, Magnusen B, Mejias A, McCrory MC, Wells BJJ, Skelton JA, Poehling, KA, Tieder, JS “Weight Status and Risk of Inpatient Admission for Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Disease” Hospital Pediatrics, in press
  • Levy JM, Dolan S, Moss A, Maloney K, Pearce K, Jung S, Dominguez SR, Butler M, Mwangi E, Rao S. “SARS-CoV-2 Persistence in Immunocompromised Children” Society of international oncology in pediatrics, October 2021
  • Dolan S, Levy JM, Moss A, Maloney K, Pearce K, Jung S, Dominguez SR, Butler M, Mwangi E, Rao S. “SARS-CoV-2 Persistence in Immunocompromised Children” ID Week, October 2021
  • Windsor WJ, Lamb MM, Dominguez SR, Rao S “Clinical Characteristics and Illness Course by Pathogen Among Children With Respiratory Illness Presenting to an Emergency Department” PAS 2021
  • Dawood F, Rao S, “Influenza” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition,
  • Influenza Training Materials for Nurses Ambulatory and Inpatient Cornerstone Module
  • Website Information for patients and families on influenza
  • COVID-19 Clinical Care Pathways and Guidance Documents - Acute COVID-19 ED/Inpatient Pathway
  • Cardiac Evaluation for Post COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection Return to Play in Children and Adolescents
  • Pediatric COVID-19 clinical pathways- MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Disease in Children) Associated with COVID-19
  • Evaluation and Management of Children with Myocarditis/Pericarditis Following COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Mitigating COVID-19 Transmission Through Preoperative Testing
  • Flu Vaccine Central- website for provider education on influenza
  • Closing the Gender Gap: Gender Balance in Academic Medicine
  • PEDSnet Capstone Presentation: Development and Implementation of a Risk Stratification Tool for Influenza Infection in Children
  • Examiner's Recommendation Report, PhD thesis submitted by Mr. Daniel Andrew Norman titled “The impacts, influences and interventions for influenza vaccination in children with medical comorbidities”, University of Western Australia
  • Respiratory Pathogen Testing Considerations for Patients Presenting to Children’s Hospital Colorado During the 2021-2022 Season
  • Rao S, “Polyomaviruses” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition,
  • Rao S, Kwan BM, Curtis D, Swanson A, Bakel LA, Bajaj L, Boguniewicz J, Lockwood J, Ogawa K, Katherine P, Fuhlbrigge RC, Brumbaugh D, Givens P, Grayck EN, Sills MR. Implementation of a Rapid Evidence Assessment Infrastructure during the COVID-19 Pandemic to Develop Policies, Clinical Pathways, Stimulate Academic Research, and Create Educational Opportunities. J Pediatr. 2020 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33091418
  • Rao S, Moss A, Lamb MM, Asturias EJ. Evaluation of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Among Young Children Receiving Consecutive Versus Nonconsecutive Vaccination During Influenza A(H3N2)-Predominant Seasons. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2020 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32756876
  • Brown AC, Lauer SA, Robinson CC, Nyquist AC, Rao S, Reich NG. Evaluating the ALERT algorithm for local outbreak onset detection in seasonal infectious disease surveillance data. Stat Med. 2020 Apr 15;39(8):1145-1155. PubMed PMID: 31985869
  • Troy E, Sillau S, Bernard TJ, Rao S. Incidence and Clinical Outcomes of Streptococcus anginosus in Acute Complicated Sinusitis: A Pediatric Cohort. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2020 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31925948
  • Rao S, Ziniel SI, Khan I, Dempsey A. Be inFLUential: Evaluation of a multifaceted intervention to increase influenza vaccination rates among pediatric inpatients. Vaccine. 2020 Feb 5;38(6):1370-1377. PubMed PMID: 31862197
  • Rao S, Yanni E, Moss A, Lamb MM, Schuind A, Bekkat-Berkani R, Innis BL, Cotter J, Mistry RD, Asturias EJ. Evaluation of a New Clinical Endpoint for Moderate to Severe Influenza Disease in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2020 Sep 17;9(4):460-467. PubMed PMID: 31724050
  • Rao S, Martin J, Ahearn MA, Osborne C, Moss A, Dempsey A, Dominguez SR, Weinberg A, Messacar KB. Neurologic Manifestations of Influenza A(H3N2) Infection in Children During the 2016-2017 Season. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2020 Feb 28;9(1):71-74. PubMed PMID: 30590598
  • Rao S, Kwan BM, Curtis D, Swanson A, Bakel LA, Bajaj L, Boguniewicz J, Lockwood J, Ogawa K, Pemberton K, Fuhlbrigge RC, Brumbaugh D, Givens P, Nozik E, Sills MR, “Implementation of a Rapid Evidence Assessment and Dissemination Infrastructure- the COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Committee” “ CU CCTSI COVID-19 Summit, August 2020
  • Corrado M, Whitney G, Dominguez S, Ambroggio L, Brumbaugh D, Bajaj L, Jung S, Inge T, Rao S. “Evaluation of the negative predictive value of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR respiratory assays in asymptomatic children undergoing surgery” presented at the CU CCTSI COVID-19 summit August 2020
  • Rao S et al. The impact of rapid molecular respiratory testing on provider and parental decision making for children with respiratory illness evaluated in an ED setting presented at ID Week, 2020
  • Rao S et al. “Evaluation of the negative predictive value of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR respiratory assays in asymptomatic children undergoing surgery” presented at ID Week, 2020
  • Rao S et al, ID Week –The RAPID trial: Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing Point-of-care Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diagnostics presented at ID Week, 2020
  • Finding Balance in Academics in the time of COVID-19
  • Windsor WJ, Lamb M, Rao S. “Respiratory Viruses in Children: How Clinical Lab Testing in Research Leads to Better Patient Care.” Presented for: Inter-Mountain State Seminar; October 20, 2020; Jackson, WY.
  • Influenza - information for families
  • Flu vaccine central intranet materials
  • Influenza vaccination Cornerstone Training materials for ambulatory and inpatient nurses
  • “Unbalanced- Finding Balance in Academics in the time of COVID-19” Presented at the Leadership For Innovative Team Science Conference- Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, October 2020
  • Rao S, Ghosh D, Asturias EJ, Weinberg A. What can we learn about influenza infection and vaccination from transcriptomics?. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2019 May 22;:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31116679
  • Rao S, Alishahi M, De Crescenzo L, Dempsey AF. A population-based study of maternal and infant factors influencing influenza vaccination among young children born in Colorado from 2008 to 2016. Vaccine. 2019 Feb 28;37(10):1293-1298. PubMed PMID: 30723065
  • Rao S, Child J, Robinson CC, Nyquist AC “Influenza: Prevention”- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments October, 2019.
  • Rao S, Yanni E, Moss A, Lamb MM , Schuind A, Bekkat-Berkani B, Innis BL, Cotter J, Mistry RD, Asturias EJ “Clinical predictors of influenza and hospitalization of children with influenza in an emergent care setting” presented at ID Week, October, 2019
  • 25. Rao S, Lamb MM, Moss A, Asturias EJ “Does last season’s influenza vaccination affect current season’s vaccine effectiveness in young children?“ presented at ID Week, October, 2019
  • Rao S, Lamb M, Moss A, Yanni E, Bekkat-Berkani R, Schuind A, Innis B, Cotter J, Mistry R, Asturias AJ “Evaluation of Moderate to Severe Influenza in Children”, presented at Annual Conference on Vaccinology Research, Baltimore, MD, April, 2019
  • Beigel JH, Aga E, Elie-Turenne MC, Cho J, Tebas P, Clark CL, Metcalf JP, Ozment C, Raviprakash K, Beeler J, Holley HP Jr, Warner S, Chorley C, Lane HC, Hughes MD, Davey RT Jr. Anti-influenza immune plasma for the treatment of patients with severe influenza A: a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2019 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31582360
  • Rao S, “Travel Medicine” in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics,
  • “Evaluation of Moderate to Severe Influenza in Children”: GSK Research and Development Clinical Team Conference, Washington, DC, February 2019
  • Influenza education for parents and families - CHCO website
  • Influenza education materials for staff at Children's Hospital Colorado
  • Influenza education materials for staff at Children's Hospital Colorado
  • Cornerstone module training materials for ambulatory and inpatient nurses
  • Travel Medicine training materials for ID fellows and residents
  • Infectious Diseases Training materials for pediatric residents- Academic Half Day
  • Williams M, Rao S, Hamner J, Jorgensen J. “Evaluation of pharmacy intern intervention on influenza vaccination rate” 2018 American Society of Health-System Pharmacy (ASHP) Clinical Conference, Anaheim, CA, December 2018
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC. The Power of the Nudge to Decrease Decision Fatigue and Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates. JAMA Netw Open. 2018 Sep 7;1(5):e181754. PubMed PMID: 30646149
  • Rao S, Martin J, Ahearn MA, Osborne C, Moss A, Dempsey A, Dominguez SR, Weinberg A, Messacar KB. Neurologic Manifestations of Influenza A(H3N2) Infection in Children During the 2016-2017 Season. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Dec 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30590598
  • Liu EW, Schwartz BS, Hysmith ND, DeVincenzo JP, Larson DT, Maves RC, Palazzi DL, Meyer C, Custodio HT, Braza MM, Al Hammoud R, Rao S, Qvarnstrom Y, Yabsley MJ, Bradbury RS, Montgomery SP. Rat Lungworm Infection Associated with Central Nervous System Disease - Eight U.S. States, January 2011-January 2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018 Aug 3;67(30):825-828. PubMed PMID: 30070981
  • Rao S, Fischman V, Moss A, Ziniel SI, Torok MR, McNeely H, Hyman D, Wilson KM, Dempsey AF. Exploring provider and parental perceptions to influenza vaccination in the inpatient setting. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2018 May;12(3):416-420. PubMed PMID: 28872773
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC. “The Power of the ‘nudge’ to decrease decision fatigue and increase influenza vaccination rates” JAMA Network Open, JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(5): e181754.
  • Rao S, Fischman V, Kaplan DW, Wilson, KM, Hyman, D. “Evaluating Interventions to Increasing Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Pediatric Inpatients”, Pediatric Quality and Safety 2018. 5(3): 1:8.
  • Troy E, Sillau S, Bernard T, Rao S, “Vascular complications among children and adolescents with acute complicated sinusitis” presented at ID Week, October 2018
  • Rao S, Lamb M, Moss A, Yanni E, Bekkat-Berkani R, Schuind A, Innis B, Cotter J, Mistry R, Asturias AJ “Evaluation of Moderate-to-Severe Influenza Disease in Children 6 months to 8 years of age in Colorado”, presented at ID Week, October 2018
  • Alishahi M, De Crescenzo L, Rao S. “Maternal and Infant Factors Influencing Influenza Vaccination among Young Children Born in Colorado from 2008 to 2016” presented at ID Week, October 2018
  • Ziniel S and Rao S. “Accuracy of Nursing and provider Screening of Influenza Vaccination Status among Pediatric Inpatients” presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference, July 2018
  • Khan I, Ziniel S, Rao S. “Evaluation of Multifaceted Interventions to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Pediatric Inpatients” presented at PAS, May 2018 and Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference, July 2018
  • Rao S, “Travel Medicine” in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics
  • Rao S, Child J, Robinson CC, Nyquist AC “Influenza: Prevention”- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments October, 2018
  • Education Webinar for Influenza Vaccination Nurse Training Cornerstone Module Influenza vaccination http://erex/resources/erex/flu_2017/IP_flu_2017_final.htm
  • Website Information for patients and families on influenza Influenza and influenza vaccination
  • Rao S, Elkon B, Flett KB, Moss AF, Bernard TJ, Stroud B, Wilson KM. Long-Term Outcomes and Risk Factors Associated With Acute Encephalitis in Children. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2017 Mar 1;6(1):20-27. PubMed PMID: 26553786
  • Rao S, Fischman V, Moss A, Ziniel SI, Torok MR, McNeely H, Hyman D, Wilson KM, Dempsey AF. Exploring provider and parental perceptions to influenza vaccination in the inpatient setting. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2017 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28872773
  • Link to Influenza Vaccination Nursing Training Cornerstone Module: http://erex/resources/erex/flu_2017/IP_flu_2017_final.htm
  • CHCO website information for patients and families on influenza
  • Williams DJ, Hall M, Gerber JS, Neuman MI, Hersh AL, Brogan TV, Parikh, K, Mahant S, Blaschke A, Shah SS, Grijalva CG, Rao S as member of the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network “Antibiotic Use for Children with Pneumonia: Adherence to National Guidelines and Impact of Institutional Implementation Efforts” Pediatrics; 2017 Apr;139(4).
  • 3. Rangel SJ, Anderson BR, Srivastava R, Shah SS, Ishimine P, Srinivasan M, Bryan M, Gong W, Hall M, Localio R, Luan X, Anandalwar S, Keren R; Rao S as member of Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network. “Intravenous Versus Oral Antibiotics for the Prevention of Treatment Failure in Children With Complicated Appendicitis: Has the Abandonment of Peripherally Inserted Catheters Been Justified?” Ann Surg. 2017 Aug;266(2):361-368.
  • Rao S, “Travel Medicine” in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, 25th edition
  • Rao S “Polyomaviruses” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC, Stillwell “Influenza” P, in: Kendig and Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 9th Edition
  • Rao S, Child J, Robinson CC, Nyquist AC “Influenza: Prevention”- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments October, 2017
  • 1. Rao S, Fischman V, Moss A, Ziniel SI,Torok MR, McNeely H, Hyman D, MD, Wilson KM, Dempsey AF “Exploring Provider and Parental Perceptions of Influenza Vaccination in the Inpatient Setting” Presented at PAS, San Francisco, April 2017 and Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference, July 2017
  • Rao S, Messacar K, Martin J, Ahern A, Osborne C, Torok M, Dempsey A, Schreiner T, Dominguez S. “Neurological Manifestations of Hospitalized Children with Influenza During the 2016-2017 Season” presented at ID Week, October 2017
  • Rao S. “Evaluating Interventions to increase Influenza Vaccination Rates among Inpatients at Children's Hospital Colorado” presented at COEPS Small Grants Program, October 2016
  • Websites: Influenza education materials for parents
  • Rao S. Information on Influenza
  • Intravenous Versus Oral Antibiotics for Postdischarge Treatment of Complicated Pneumonia Samir S. Shah, Rajendu Srivastava, Susan Wu, Jeffrey D. Colvin, Derek J. Williams, Shawn J. Rangel, Waheeda Samady, Suchitra Rao, Christopher Miller, Cynthia Cross, Caitlin Clohessy, Matthew Hall, Russell Localio, Matthew Bryan, Gong Wu, Ron Keren, for the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network Pediatrics Nov 2016
  • Rao S, Child J, Robinson C. "What's New with the Flu?" Contagious Comments, October 2016
  • Cantey PT, Weeks J, Edwards M, Rao S, Ostovar GA, Dehority W, Alzona M, Swoboda S, Christiaens B, Ballan W, Hartley J, Terranella A, Weatherhead J, Dunn JJ, Marx DP, Hicks MJ, Rauch RA, Smith C, Dishop MK, Handler MH, Dudley RW, Chundu K, Hobohm D, Feiz-Erfan I, Hakes J, Berry RS, Stepensaski S, Greenfield B, Shroeder L, Bishop H, de Almeida M, Mathison B, Eberhard M. The Emergence of Zoonotic Onchocerca lupi Infection in the United States--A Case-Series. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Mar 15;62(6):778-83. PubMed PMID: 26611778
  • Williams JT, Cunningham MA, Wilson KM, Rao S. Rising Oseltamivir Use Among Hospitalized Children in a Postpandemic Era. Hosp Pediatr. 2016 Mar;6(3):172-8. PubMed PMID: 26908818
  • Bagdure D, Custer JW, Rao S, Messacar K, Dominguez S, Beam BW, Bhutta A. Hospitalized Children With Encephalitis in the United States: A Pediatric Health Information System Database Study. Pediatr Neurol. 2016 Aug;61:58-62. PubMed PMID: 27353693
  • Rao S, Lucero MG, Nohynek H, Tallo V, Lupisan SP, Garcea RL, Simões EA. WU and KI polyomavirus infections in Filipino children with lower respiratory tract disease. J Clin Virol. 2016 Sep;82:112-8. PubMed PMID: 27479174
  • Rao S, Messacar K, Torok MR, Rick AM, Holzberg J, Montano A, Bagdure D, Curtis DJ, Oberste MS, Nix WA, de Masellis G, Robinson CC, Dominguez SR. Enterovirus D68 in Critically Ill Children: A Comparison With Pandemic H1N1 Influenza. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27505715
  • Rao S, Williams JT, Torok MR, Cunningham MA, Glodè MP, Wilson KM. Missed Opportunities for Influenza Vaccination Among Hospitalized Children With Influenza at a Tertiary Care Facility. Hosp Pediatr. 2016 Sep;6(9):513-9. PubMed PMID: 27577991
  • Rao S. “Influenza - Part 2- Diagnosis and Treatment” Colorado Family Physicians – A publication from the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians. 1st Quarter, January 2016
  • Rao S, McNeely H, Swietlik M, Schultz L, Kaplan DW, Hyman D, Wilson KW “Evaluating Interventions to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Pediatric Inpatients” presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Baltimore, MD 2016
  • Rao S. “Travel Medicine”, in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, 23rd Edition 2016
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC, Stillwell P. “Influenza” in: Kendig and Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 9th Edition
  • Shah SS, Srivastava R, Wu S, Colvin JD, Williams DJ, Rangel SJ, Samady W, Rao S, Miller C, Cross C, Clohessy C, Hall M, Localio R, Bryan M, Wu G, Keren R. Intravenous Versus Oral Antibiotics for Postdischarge Treatment of Complicated Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2016 Dec;138(6). PubMed PMID: 27940695
  • Rao S, Torok MR, Bagdure D, Cunningham MA, Williams JT, Curtis DJ, Wilson K, Dominguez SR. A comparison of H1N1 influenza among pediatric inpatients in the pandemic and post pandemic era. J Clin Virol. 2015 Oct;71:44-50. PubMed PMID: 26370314
  • Dudley RW, Smith C, Dishop M, Mirsky D, Handler MH, Rao S. A cervical spine mass caused by Onchocerca lupi. Lancet. 2015 Oct 3;386(10001):1372. PubMed PMID: 25843892
  • Rao S, Abzug MJ, Carosone-Link P, Peterson T, Child J, Siparksy G, Soranno D, Cadnapaphornchai MA, Simões EA. Intravenous acyclovir and renal dysfunction in children: a matched case control study. J Pediatr. 2015 Jun;166(6):1462-8.e1-4. PubMed PMID: 25708691
  • Rao S, Elkon B, Flett KB, Moss AFD, Stroud B, Bernard TJ, Glode MP, Wilson KM “Long term Outcomes and Risk Factors Associated with Acute Encephalitis in Children” in press, Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
  • Rao S, Williams JTB, Torok MR, Cunningham MA, Wilson KM “Rising Oseltamivir Use in a Post-Pandemic Era” in press, Hospital Pediatrics
  • Rao S. “Influenza Vaccination- Part 1” Colorado Family Physicians – A publication from the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians. June 2015
  • Shah SS, Rangel S, Wu S, Srivastava R, Miller C, Williams D, Colvin J, Samady W, Rao S, Cross C, Bryan M, Localio R, Wu G, Hall M, Clohessy C, Keren R, on behalf of the PRIS Network “Comparative Effectiveness of Intravenous vs. Oral Antibiotics for Post-Discharge Treatment of Complicated Pneumonia in Children” Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, San Diego, CA April 2015
  • Bagdure D, Custer JW, Rao S, Messacar K, Dominguez S, Beam B, Bhutta A. “The Hospital Impact and Resource Utilization of Pediatric Encephalitis over a 10 year period” Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, San Diego, CA April 2015 and Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA 2015.
  • Rao S, Williams, JTB, Cunningham C, Wilson KM “Oseltamivir Prescribing Trends in Pediatric Inpatients With Influenza, 2009-2014” Presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, San Diego, CA April 2015
  • “Travel Medicine”, Rao S, Parker S, in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, Twenty-third edition
  • Paul T. Cantey, Jessica Weeks, Morven Edwards, Suchitra Rao, et al. "The emergence of zoonotic Onchocerca lupi infection in the United States - A case-series" for publication in Clinical Infectious Diseases
  • Nurses Standing orders- CHEX Module
  • Christiana Smith, MD, Suchitra Rao, MB, BS2, Walter Dehority, MD, MSc, Jessica Weeks, MD, Amin Ostovar, MD, Maria Alzona, MD, Morven Edwards, MD, Marcos De Almeida, PhD, Blaine Mathison, BS, Henry Bishop, BS, Andrew Terranella, MD, Mark Eberhard, PhD and Paul Cantey, MD, MPH "Onchocerca lupi: An Emerging Parasitic Infection in the Southwestern United States"oral presentation at ID Week, October, 2105
  • Suchitra Rao, MB, BS, Jeffrey Holzberg, MD, Anne-Marie Rick, MD, Aaron Montano, BS, Kevin Messacar, MD, Michelle Torok, PhD, Dayanand Bagdure, MD, Donna Curtis, MD, MPH, Steve Oberste, PhD, William A. Nix, BS and Samuel R. Dominguez, MD, PhD "Enterovirus D-68 in Critically-ill Children: a Comparison to Pandemic H1N1 Influenza" poster presentation at ID week, October 2015
  • Kevin Messacar, Stephen Hawkins, Suchitra Rao, Joyce Baker, Kelly Pearce, Rakesh D Mistry, Gina DeMasellis, Suhong Tong, Jerrod Milton, Samuel R Dominguez, Sarah Parker. "An Unexpected Strain: Resource Burden During the 2014 Enterovirus D68 Respiratory Disease Outbreak at Children’s Hospital Colorado" poster presentation at ID Week, October 2015
  • Alexandria C. Brown, Suchitra Rao, Nicholas G. Reich. "Detecting the local onsets of respiratory virus season: Applying the ALERT algorithm to RSV and influenza surveillance data" for presentation at Epidemics Conference, December 2015
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC. Respiratory viruses and their impact in healthcare. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2014 Aug;27(4):342-7. PubMed PMID: 24977685
  • “Travel Medicine”, Rao S, Parker S, in: William W. Hay, Myron J. Levin, Robin R Deterding, Judith M. Sondheimer; CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics, 22nd Edition, 2013. Currently working on 23rd edition, 2014.
  • Keren R, Shah SS, Srivastava R, Rangel S, Bendel-Stenzel M, Harik N, Hartley J, Lopez M, Seguias L, Tieder J, Bryan M, Gong W, Hall M, Localio R, Luan X, deBerardinis R, Parker A, for the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network. Comparative Effectiveness of Intravenous vs Oral Antibiotics for Postdischarge Treatment of Acute Osteomyelitis in Children. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25506733
  • Oseltamivir prescribing practices at a pediatric tertiary care center during the 2012-2013 influenza season” Williams JTB, Cunningham M, Torok M, Wilson K, Rao S. presented at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, Vancouver, 2014.
  • "Missed opportunities for influenza vaccination among high risk inpatients" Rao S, Torok M, Williams JTB, Cunningham M, Wilson K. presented at PHM conference, Florida 2014
  • "Missed opportunities for influenza vaccination among high risk inpatients" Rao S, Torok M, Williams JTB, Cunningham M, Wilson K. presented at ID week, Philadelphia 2014
  • “A comparison of 2009 H1N1 and post-pandemic H1N1 influenza among pediatric inpatients” Rao S, Bagdure D, Williams JTB, Cunningham MA, Curtis DJ, Glode MP, Dominguez SR presented at ID week, Philadelphia 2014
  • Rao S, Nyquist AC “What’s New with the Flu in 2014-15? Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment”- Children’s Hospital of Colorado Contagious Comments December, 2014
  • Thyssen A, Mitchell M, Qvarnstrom Y, Rao S, Benke TA, Glodé MP. Eosinophilic meningitis in a previously healthy 13-year-old child. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Feb;32(2):194, 198. PubMed PMID: 23328824
  • Influenza vaccination information for parents and patients:!AiIZ1Sz-eK3ThH7gRVcfCspgHssN
  • "Polyomaviruses". in Long, Pickering, Prober et al. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Expert Consult, Fifth Edition
  • Rao S. “Polyomaviruses” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition
  • Rao S, Martin J, Ahearn MA, Osborne C, Moss A, Dempsey A, Dominguez SR, Weinberg A, Messacar KB. “Neurologic Manifestations of Influenza A H3N2 in Children During the 2016-2017 Season” Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, in press.
  • Rao S “Polyomaviruses” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, 6th edition (in preparation)
  • Dawood F, Rao S, Bresee J “Influenza” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 6th Edition (in preparation)
  • 30. Rao S, Yanni E, Moss A, Lamb MM , Schuind A, Bekkat-Berkani B, Innis BL, Cotter J, Mistry RD, Asturias EJ “Evaluation of a new Clinical Endpoint for Moderate-to-severe Influenza Disease in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of America” in press
  • Block JP, Marsolo KA, Nagavedu K, Bailey LC, Cruz H , Forrest CB, Haynes K, Hernandez AF, Kaushal R, Kho A, McTigue KM, Nair VP , Platt R, Puro J, Rothman RL, Shenkman E, Waitman LR, Weiner MG, Williams N, Carton TW, Rao S as member of behalf of PCORnet® 13 Network Partners
  • Bailey LC, Razzaghi, H, Burrows EK, Bunnell HT, Camacho PEF, Christakis DA, Eckrich D, Kitzmiller M, Lin SM, Magnusen BC, Newland J, Pajor NM, Ranade D, Rao S, Sofela O, Zahner J, Bruno C, Forrest CB. “Multi-Center Observational Study of 40,000 Pediatric Patients Tested for SARS-CoV-2 Virus across the United States: A Report from PEDSnet” JAMA Pediatrics; 2020
  • Rao S, Child J. “Influenza: Prevention”- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments November, 2020 (in press).
  • Rao S, et al. Respiratory Pathogen Testing Considerations for Patients Presenting to Children’s Hospital Colorado During the 2020-2021 Influenza Season- Children’s Hospital Colorado Contagious Comments November, 2020 (in press).
  • Dawood F, Rao S, “Influenza” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, 7th edition in press
  • Rao S “Polyomaviruses” in: Long S, Pickering LK, Prober CG Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, 6th edition, 7th edition in press
  • Rao S. “Infrared Thermography” Scientific Advisory Committee Guidance Document for Children's Hospital Colorado, June, 2020
  • Rao S. “Negative predictive value of SARS-CoV-2 PCR in pre-operative Sampling” Scientific Advisory Committee Guidance Document for Children's Hospital Colorado, May, 2020
  • Rao S, Abzug MJ, Carosone-Link P, Peterson T, Child J, Siparksy G, Soranno D, Cadnapaphornchai MA, Simões EAF “Intravenous Acyclovir and Risk for Renal Dysfunction in Children: A Matched Case Control Study” accepted to Journal of Pediatrics
  • Dudley RWR, Smith C, Dishop M, Mirsky D, Handler M, Rao S. “Cervical spine mass in a 5 year old girl.” Accepted for publication in the Lancet
  • Rao S, Abzug MJ, Carosone-Link P, Peterson T, Child J, Siparksy G, Soranno D, Cadnapaphornchai MA, Simões EAF “Intravenous Acyclovir and Risk for Renal Dysfunction in Children: A Matched Case Control Study” provisionally accepted to Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Member
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society , Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases (2009)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Infections
  • Child and Teen Health