Emily Meyer, PhD

Sr. Instructor, Biomedical Informatics

Graduate Schools
  • PhD, University of California, Davis (2021)
  • MA, Wake Forest University (2016)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Pomona College (2014)
Biomedical Informatics

Professional Titles

  • Research Development


  • Meyer, Emily E. Mathematical Modeling of Sinoatrial Node Dynamics at the Subcellular, Cellular, and Tissue Scales. University of California, Davis, 2021.
  • Meyer, Emily E., Colleen E. Clancy, and Timothy J. Lewis. "Dynamics of adrenergic signaling in cardiac myocytes and implications for pharmacological treatment." Journal of theoretical biology 519 (2021): 110619.
  • Meyer, Emily E., Timothy J. Lewis, and Colleen E. Clancy. "Mechanism for cAMP Overshoot in Ventricular Myocytes Following ß1-Adrenergic Stimulation." Biophysical Journal 116.3 (2019): 229a-230a.
  • Gallardo, Christian M., et al. "Dopamine receptor 1 neurons in the dorsal striatum regulate food anticipatory circadian activity rhythms in mice." Elife 3 (2014): e03781.