Mikayla Stoecker, MS

Instructor, Pathology



  • Guess T, Wheeler FC, Yenamandra A, Schilit SLP, Anderson HS, Bone KM, Carstens B, Conlin L, Dulik MC, Dupont BR, Fanning E, Gardner JA, Haag M, Hilton BA, Johnson J, Kogan J, Murry J, Polonis K, Quigley DI, Repnikova EA, Rowsey RA, Spinner N, Stoeker M, Thurston V, Wiley M, Zhang L. A multicenter analysis of individuals with a 47,XXY/46,XX karyotype. Genet Med. 2024 Oct;26(10):101212. PubMed PMID: 39011769
  • Abbott M, Angione K, Forbes E, Stoecker M, Saenz M, Neul JL, Marsh ED, Skinner SA, Percy AK, Benke TA. Rett syndrome diagnostic odyssey: Limitations of NextGen sequencing. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Oct;194(10):e63725. PubMed PMID: 38775384