Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology-Pediatric Anesthesiology
Medical School
MD, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Program, Anesthesiology (2021)
University of Colorado (Children's Hospital Colorado) Program, Pediatric Anesthesiology
English, Portuguese, Spanish
Anesthesiology-Pediatric Anesthesiology
Martin A, Tan GM. Blood Transfusion Complications. OpenAnesthesia Keyword. OpenAnesthesia website. May 2023
Martin A, Albertz M. PedsF Lecture 7.5: Congenital Heart Disease: Single Ventricle Physiology with Two Ventricles. Anesthesia Toolbox. 2023.
Martin A, Tan GM. Blood Transfusion Reactions, TRALI, and TACO. OpenAnesthesia Keyword. OpenAnesthesia website. May 2023.
Rajan S, Ahuja S, Cohen B, Martin A, Pursell A, Liang C, Mao G, Komatsu R, Farag E, Sessler DI. Chronic Use of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and/or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers is Not Associated With Stroke After Noncardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2021 May 13.PubMed PMID: 34569768
Ruetzler K, Rivas E, Cohen B, Mosteller L, Martin A, Keebler A, Maheshwari K, Steckner K, Wang M, Praveen C, Khanna S, Makarova N, Sessler DI, Turan A. McGrath Video Laryngoscope Versus Macintosh Direct Laryngoscopy for Intubation of Morbidly Obese Patients: A Randomized Trial. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug;131(2):586-593. PubMed PMID: 32175948
Hoefnagel AL, Rajan S, Martin A, Mahendra V, Knutson AK, Uejima JL, Kositratna G, Weller M, Yang H, Ahuja S, Bailey C, Bebawy JF. Cognitive Aids for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroanesthetic Emergencies: Consensus Guidelines on Behalf of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) Education Committee. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2019 Jan;31(1):7-17. PubMed PMID: 30334936
Martin A, Rajan S. (2019). Parkinson’s Disease and Anesthesia. Essentials of Geriatric Neuroanesthesia. Boca Ratan, FL: CRC Press; 2019: 325-30.
Martin, A, Gallway U. Airway Online Module 17: Airway Exchange Catheters. Anesthesia ToolBox.
Martin A, Mejia IAZ, Rogula T. (2018). Early postoperative complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Prevention and Management of Complications in Bariatric Surgery. Oxford University Press USA
Stefani LC, Gamermann PW, Backof A, Guollo F, Borges RMJ, Martin A, Caumo W, Felix EA. Perioperative mortality related to anesthesia within 48 hours and up to 30 days following surgery: A retrospective cohort study of 11,562 anesthetic procedures. J Clin Anesth. 2018 Sep;49:79-86. PubMed PMID: 29909205
Martin A, Piepsney K, Shobana R. Blood Conservation Strategies in a Patient Undergoing Excision of Cerebellar Hemangioblastoma: Clinical Dilemmas and Decision Making. SNACC Newsletter, 2018.