Ingrid Binswanger, MD, MS

Professor, Medicine-Internal Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
Graduate Schools
  • MS, University of California, Berkeley
  • MPH, University of Washington
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Swarthmore College (PA)
  • University of California (San Francisco) Program, Internal Medicine
Medicine-Internal Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Director of Substance Use and Harm Reduction Research Development, General Internal Medicine


  • Exceptional Women in Medicine, Castle Connolly Top Doctors (2023)


  • Wakemann SE, Binswanger IA, Fox A, Walley AY, Wang E. Patient-Centered Care for Recently Released Prisoners. Society for General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 26, 2013.
  • Pytell JD, Binswanger IA. Addressing Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care: Revisiting Core Primary Care Principles to Confidently Initiate Treatment. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 Jul;39(9):1749-1750. PubMed PMID: 38519747
  • Jason M Glanz, Shane R Mueller, Komal J Narwaney, Nicole M Wagner, Stanley Xu, Courtney R Kraus, Kris Wain, Sheila Botts, Ingrid A Binswanger - Effectiveness of direct patient outreach with a narrative naloxone and overdose prevention video to patients prescribed long-term opioid therapy in the USA: the Naloxone Navigator randomised clinical trial: BMJ Public Health 2024;2:e000725.
  • Shoup JA, Welter J, Binswanger IA, Hess F, Dullenkopf A, Coker J, Berliner J. Spinal cord injury and prescribed opioids for pain: a scoping review. Pain Med. 2023 Oct 3;24(10):1138-1152. PubMed PMID: 37280072
  • Glanz JM, Xu S, Narwaney KJ, McClure DL, Rinehart DJ, Ford MA, Nguyen AP, Binswanger IA. Association Between Opioid Dose Reduction Rates and Overdose Among Patients Prescribed Long-Term Opioid Therapy. Subst Abus. 2023 Jul;44(3):209-219. PubMed PMID: 37702046
  • Binswanger IA, Rinehart D, Mueller SR, Narwaney KJ, Stowell M, Wagner N, Xu S, Hanratty R, Blum J, McVaney K, Glanz JM. Naloxone Co-Dispensing with Opioids: a Cluster Randomized Pragmatic Trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Aug;37(11):2624-2633. PubMed PMID: 35132556
  • Nguyen AP, Glanz JM, Shoup JA, Campbell CI, Clarke CL, Ford MA, Binswanger IA. Mortality Among Patients Prescribed Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder After Disenrollment from an Insurance Plan and Healthcare System. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Aug;37(11):2882-2884. PubMed PMID: 35083649
  • Taylor EN, Timko C, Binswanger IA, Harris AHS, Stimmel M, Smelson D, Finlay AK. A national survey of barriers and facilitators to medications for opioid use disorder among legal-involved veterans in the Veterans Health Administration. Subst Abus. 2022;43(1):556-563. PubMed PMID: 34586978
  • Binswanger IA, Krueger P. Smoking in Jails. New York Times. February 4, 2014.
  • Caverly TJ, Prochazka AV, Combs BP, Lucas BP, Mueller SR, Kutner JS, Binswanger I, Fagerlin A, Matlock DD. Doctors and Numbers: An Assessment of the Critical Risk Interpretation Test. Med Decis Making. 2014 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25378297
  • Binswanger IA. Commentary on Forsyth et?al. (2014): Subgroup differences in post-release mortality-implications for access to diverse and effective treatments. Addiction. 2014 Oct;109(10):1684-5. PubMed PMID: 25163712
  • Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger PM, Mueller SR, Steiner JF, Sabol WJ. Prison tobacco control policies and deaths from smoking in United States prisons: population based retrospective analysis. BMJ. 2014 Aug 5;349:g4542. PubMed PMID: 25097186
  • Binswanger IA, Whitley E, Haffey PR, Mueller SR, Min SJ. A Patient Navigation Intervention for Drug Involved Former Prison Inmates. Subst Abus. 2014 Jun 24;:0. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24960435
  • Broyles LM, Binswanger IA, Jenkins JA, Finnell DS, Faseru B, Cavaiola A, Pugatch M, Gordon AJ. Confronting inadvertent stigma and pejorative language in addiction scholarship: a recognition and response. Subst Abus. 2014;35(3):217-21. PubMed PMID: 24911031
  • Clark BJ, Binswanger IA, Moss M. The intoxicated ICU patient: another opportunity to improve long-term outcomes. Crit Care Med. 2014 Jun;42(6):1563-4. PubMed PMID: 24836800
  • Caverly TJ, Prochazka AV, Binswanger IA, Kutner JS, Matlock DD. Confusing Relative Risk with Absolute Risk Is Associated with More Enthusiastic Beliefs about the Value of Cancer Screening. Med Decis Making. 2014 Apr 14;34(5):686-692. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24732049
  • Calcaterra SL, Beaty B, Mueller SR, Min SJ, Binswanger IA. The association between social stressors and drug use/hazardous drinking among former prison inmates. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2014 Jul;47(1):41-9. PubMed PMID: 24642070
  • Truesdale AE, Rowan SE, Durfee J, Keniston A, Davidson A, Binswanger I. High Prevalence of Homelessness Among HCV Seropositive in a Safety Net Hospital System. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the European Association for the Study of the Liver co-sponsored program. New York City. Sept 11-12, 2014.
  • Frank M, Beaty B, Mueller S, Min SJ, Binswanger IA. Tobacco Use and Desire to Quit in People Recently Released from Prison. Scientific Abstract Poster Award Winner. Mountain West Regional SGIM Meeting. Denver, CO. October 10, 2014.
  • Binswanger IA, Raville L, Mueller S, Frank J, Koester S. “Let's talk about life": Empowering our community to prevent deaths from overdose. Engaging Communities in Education and Research. Vail, CO. September 26, 2014.
  • Binswanger I. “Developing a Framework for National Data Collection on the Health of Criminal Justice Populations.” Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Houston, TX. March 20, 2014.
  • Finlay, A. K., McGuire, J., Rosenthal, J., Blue-Howells, J., Binswanger, I., Blodgett, J. C., Bowe, T., Harris, A. H. S., Asch, S., & Frayne, S. Women justice-involved Veterans: Mental health and substance use disorders. Presentation at the Gender & Health Interest Group Meeting, Annual Meeting of AcademyHealth, San Diego, CA. June 2014.
  • Finlay, A. K., Smelson, D., Sawh, L., Timko, C., McGuire, J., Rosenthal, J., Blue-Howells, J., Clark, S. C., Binswanger, I., Bowe, T., Stimmel, M., Frayne, S., & Harris, A. S. H. Justice-involved Veterans: Mental health and substance use disorder conditions and utilization of care after prison incarceration. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society on Criminology, San Francisco, CA. November 2014.
  • Kinner, SA, Binswanger I, Forsyth S, Preen D. “Establishing a global distributed data network to study correctional and post-release health outcomes.” Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Houston, TX. March 20, 2014.
  • Binswanger IA, Raville L, Mueller S, Frank J, Koester S. “Let's talk about life": Empowering our community to prevent deaths from overdose. 2014 Public Health in the Rockies Conference. Fort Collins, CO. September 17, 2014.
  • Calcaterra S, Yamashita T, Min SJ, Keniston A, Binswanger I, The Role of the Hospital-Based Physician in Long Term Opioid Use. AMERSA. San Francisco, CA. November 6, 2014.
  • Binswanger IA, Koester S, Mueller S, Gardner EM, Goddard K, Glanz JM. Overdose Education and Naloxone for Patients on Chronic Opioids: A Qualitative Study of Medical Staff AMERSA. San Francisco, CA. November 7, 2014.
  • Binswanger IA, Gardner EM, Gabella B, Broderick K, Glanz JM. Development of Case Criteria to Define Pharmaceutical Opioid and Heroin Overdoses in Clinical Records. AMERSA. San Francisco, CA. November 7, 2014.
  • Caverly T, Prochazka AV, Lucas BP, Mueller S, Binswanger IA, Kutner J, Combs B, Matlock D. Clinicians and Numbers: Usability and Validity of a Meausre of Critical Risk Interpretation (CRIT). Society for General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 26, 2013.
  • Loeb D, Bayliss E, Candrian C, deGruy F, Binswanger IA. Treating Complex Patients in Primary Care: Physicians Offer a New View of Competing Demands. Society for General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 27, 2013.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Mueller S, Stern MF. Trends in overdose deaths after release from state prison, 1999-2009. College of Problems on Drug Dependence. San Diego, CA. June 20, 2013.
  • Maruschak L, Binswanger I, Carson EA. Developing a periodic BJS data collection to on infectious disease prevalence and related health services.” American Correctional Association National Meeting. Washington DC, August 10, 2013.
  • Binswanger IA, Mueller SR, Beaty BL, Min SJ, Corsi KF. Gender and risk behaviors for HIV and sexually transmitted infections among recently released inmates: A prospective cohort study. AIDS Care. 2013 Nov 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24266415
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Mueller SR, Stern MF. Mortality after prison release: opioid overdose and other causes of death, risk factors, and time trends from 1999 to 2009. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Nov 5;159(9):592-600. PubMed PMID: 24189594
  • Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. National trends in psychostimulant-related deaths: 1999-2009. Subst Abus. 2013;34(2):129-36. PubMed PMID: 23577906
  • Thurstone C, Binswanger IA, Corsi KF, Rinehart DJ, Booth RE. Medical Marijuana Use and Parenting: A Qualitative Study. Adolescent Psychiatry. 2013; 3(5):190-194.
  • Calcaterra S, Glanz J, Binswanger IA. National trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths compared to other substance related overdose deaths: 1999-2009. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Aug 1;131(3):263-70. PubMed PMID: 23294765
  • Kinner S.A., Binswanger I.A. Mortality After Release from Prison. In: Gerben Bruinsma and David Weisburd, eds. Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Springer; 2013: 3157-67.
  • Ari M, Hirsh J, Beaty B, Binswanger IA. Limited Health Literacy is Common in Former Prison Inmates. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 22, 2013.
  • Gaskin G, Glanz JM, Binswanger IA, Anoshiravani A. Detention as Intervention: Adolescent Vaccine Coverage among a Group of Detained Youth. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 22, 2013.
  • Caverly T, Prochazka AV, Lucas BP, Mueller S, Binswanger IA, Kutner J, Combs B, Matlock D. Framing Effects Change Clinician Risk Perceptions More than Important Changes to a Risk’s Time-Frame and Outcome. Society for General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 26, 2013.
  • Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger P, Mueller S, Sabol W. Smoking-Attributable Mortality among State Prisoners in the United States: 2001-2009. Society for General Internal Medicine. 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 24, 2013.
  • Calcaterra SL, Binswanger IA, Beaty B., The Role of Social Support in Drug and Alcohol Use among Former Prison Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 25, 2013.
  • Ari M, Hirsh J, Beaty B, Binswanger IA. Limited Health Literacy is Common in Former Prison Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine. 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 25, 2013.
  • Binswanger IA, Beaty B, Mueller S, Corsi K, Min SJ. Overdose History and Willingness to Use Naloxone among Former Prison Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine. 36th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 26, 2013.
  • Gaskin G, Glanz JM, Binswanger IA, Anoshiravani A. Detention as Intervention: Adolescent Vaccine Coverage among a Group of Detained Youth. Pediatric Academic Societies. Washington DC. May 5, 2013.
  • Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger P, Mueller S, Sabol W. Smoking-Attributable Mortality among State Prisoners in the United States: 2001-2009. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 21, 2013.
  • Oral abstract: Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Yamashita TE, Mueller S, Stern MF. Trends in Mortality Rates After Release from Prison in Washington State: 1999-2009. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 21, 2013.
  • Oral abstract: Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger P, Mueller S, Sabol W. Smoking-Attributable Mortality among State Prisoners in the United States: 2001-2009. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 21, 2013.
  • Poster: Ari M, Hirsh J, Beaty B, Binswanger IA. Limited Health Literacy is Common in Former Prison Inmates. 6th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Chicago, MA. March 22, 2013.
  • Poster: Gaskin G, Binswanger IA, Glanz J, Anoshiravani A. Detention as Intervention: Adolescent Vaccine Coverage among a Group of Detained Youth. Pediatric Academic Societies. Washington DC. May 5, 2013.
  • Calcaterra S, Glanz J, Binswanger IA. National trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths compared to other substance related overdose deaths: 1999-2009. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013; Jan 4 [epub ahead of print].
  • Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. National Trends in Psychostimulant-Related Deaths: 1999-2009. Substance Abuse. In press.
  • Wortzel H, Blatchford PJ, Binswanger IA. Risk of Death for Veterans on Release from Prison. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 2012;40(3):348-54.
  • Oral abstract: Binswanger IA, Beaty B, Mueller S, Min SJ, Corsi KF. Gender Differences in Drug-Related and Sexual Risk Behaviors After Release from Prison. AMERSA. Bethesda, Maryland. November 3, 2012.
  • Oral abstract: Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. Comparative Overdose Death Rates between Illicit and Prescribed Substances. Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida. May 12, 2012.
  • Oral abstract: Binswanger IA, Whitley E, Haffey PR, Mueller S, Min SJ. Patient Navigation for Former Prison Inmates: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida. May 12, 2012.
  • Oral abstract: Anoshiravani, A, Glanz JM, Binswanger IA. HPV Vaccination in Juvenile Justice Settings. Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health Atlanta. March 23, 2012.
  • Poster: Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. Substance Use and Health Care Utilization. AMERSA Annual Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland. November 1, 2012.
  • Poster: Hoffenberg A, Salomonsen-Sautel S, Shriver C, Min S, Corley R, Rhea S A, Binswanger I, Stallings M, Hewitt JK, Sakai J T, Hartman C, Crowley T J, Brown S, Hopfer C J. Adolescent Conduct and Substance Use Disorder Diagnoses Predict Premature Death in Early Adulthood. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Palm Springs, California. June 11, 2012.
  • Poster: Binswanger IA, Beaty B, Min SJ, Mueller SR, Corsi KF. Gender Differences in Drug-Related and Sexual Risk Behaviors After Release From Prison. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Palm Springs, California. June 11, 2012.
  • Poster: Loeb DF, Binswanger IA, Candrian C, Bayliss EA. General Internist Conceptualization of the Complex Patient: A Qualitative Study. Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida. May 11, 2012.
  • Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Binswanger IA, Candrian C, Degruy FV. Primary Care Physician Perceptions on Caring for Complex Patients with Medical and Mental Illness. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Feb 28. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi KF, Glanz J, Long J, Booth RE, Steiner JF. Return to drug use and overdose after release from prison: A qualitative study of risk and protective factors. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 7; 3 (15 March 2012).
  • Lim S., Seligson AL, Parvez F, Luther CW, Mavinkurve MP, Binswanger IA, Kerker BD, Risk of drug-related death, suicide, and homicide during the immediate post-release period among people released from New York City jails, 2001-2005. American Journal of Epidemiology.2012; Mar 15;175(6):519-26.
  • Calcaterra S, Blatchford PJ, Friedmann PD, Binswanger IA. Psychostimulant-Related Deaths among Former Inmates. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2011. Nov. 30 [epub ahead of print].
  • Ahalt C, Binswanger IA, Steinman M, Tulsky J, Williams B. Confined to Ignorance: The absence of prisoner information from nationally representative health datasets. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012 Feb;27(2):160-6.
  • Binswanger IA, Redmond N, Steiner JF, Hicks LS. Health Disparities and the Criminal Justice System: An Agenda for Further Research and Action. Journal of Urban Health. 2012 Feb; 89(1):98-107.
  • Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi KF, Long J, Booth RE, Kutner J, Steiner JF. From the Prison Door Right to the Sidewalk, Everything Went Downhill: A Qualitative Study of the Health Experiences of Recently Released Inmates. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2011; Jul-Aug;34(4):249-55.
  • Adams J, Nowels C, Corsi K, Long J, Steiner JF, Binswanger IA. HIV Risk After Release From Prison: A Qualitative Study of Former Inmates. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2011; 57(5): 429-34.
  • Nussbaum A, Thurstone C, Binswanger IA. Medical Marijuana Use and Suicide Attempt in a Patient with Major Depressive Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2011; 168(8): 778-81.
  • Loeb DF, Lee RS, Binswanger IA, Ellison MC, Aagaard EM. Patient, Resident Physician, and Visit Factors Associated with Documentation of Sexual History in the Outpatient Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011; Aug;26(8):887-93.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Lindsay R, Stern, MF. Risk Factors for All-Cause, Overdose and Early Deaths after Release from Prison in Washington State. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011; Aug 117(1):1-6.
  • Binswanger I, Elder S, Felton S, Corsi K, Booth R. Health Care Utilization and Health Risk Behaviors of Drug Users in the Criminal Justice System. 4th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health; Boston, MA. March 11, 2011.
  • Ahalt C, Binswanger IA Steinmann M, Williams BA. Confined to Ignorance: The absence of prisoners from national health data. Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 5, 2011.
  • Loeb DF, Bayliss EA, Candrian C, Binswanger IA. Physician Perspectives on the Role of Mental Illness in the Care of Complex Patients – “It makes everything more difficult!” Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 4, 2011.
  • Adams J, Nowels C, Corsi KF, Long J, Steiner JF, Binswanger IA. HIV Risk After Release From Prison: A Qualitative Study of Former Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 4, 2011.
  • Calcaterra S, Binswanger IA. Psychostimulant-Related Deaths as Reported by a Large National Database. Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 4, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA. Improving Health Outcomes During the Transition from Prison to the Community: A Pilot Patient Navigation Study. Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars Program Annual Meeting, San Diego. November 30, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA. Workshop Presentation in “Prisoners as patients: academic, corrections, and community health partnerships” entitled Using Large Datasets to Conduct Correctional Health Research. Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 6, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Yamashita TE, Stern MF. Drug-Related Risk Factors for Death after Release from Prison: A Nested Case Control Study. Society for General Internal Medicine 34th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 6, 2011.
  • Williams BA, Blatchford PJ, Stern MF, Binswanger IA. The Mortality Risk for Older Adults Released from Prison. Society for General Internal Medicine 34rd Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. May 5, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Yamashita TE, Stern MF. Drug-Related Risk Factors for Death after Release from Prison: A Nested Case Control Study. 4th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Boston, MA. March 10, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Forsyth S, Stern MF, Kinner SA. Death Related to Infectious Disease in Ex-prisoners: An International Comparative Study. 4th Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Boston, MA. March 10, 2011.
  • Binswanger IA, Mueller S, CB Clarke, Cropsey KL. Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer in Criminal Justice settings. Journal of Women’s Health. 2011; Dec; 20(12):1839-45.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford PJ, Lindsay R, Stern, MF. Risk Factors for All-Cause, Overdose and Early Deaths after Release from Prison in Washington State. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Epub Ahead of Press. February 2011.
  • May J, Joseph J, Pape JW, Binswanger I. Health Care for Prisoners in Haiti. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010; 153(6): 407-410.
  • Merrall, ELC, Kariminia A, Binswanger IA, Hobbs MS, Farrell M, Marsden J, Hutchinson, SJ, Bird SM. Meta-analysis of drug-related deaths soon after release from prison. Addiction. 2010; 105(9):1545-54.
  • IA Binswanger, Elder S, Felton S, Corsi KF, Booth RE. Health Care Utilization and Health Risk Behaviors of Drug Users in the Criminal Justice System. University of Colorado Denver 3rd Annual Global Health Symposium: HIV/AIDS at Home and Abroad. Aurora, CO. October 15, 2010.
  • Loeb DF, Aagaard EM, Binswanger IA, Ellison MC, Lee RS. Documentaion of Sexual Histories in Two Internal Medicine Resident Clinics: Patient, Resident, and Visit Factors Associated with Documentation of Any Component of a Sexual History. Women’s Health Research Day. University of Colorado Denver. September 16, 2010.
  • Binswanger IA. “From the Prison Door Right to the Sidewalk, Everything Went Downhill,” A Qualitative Study of Former Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine 33rd Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: Journal of General Internal Medicine 2010: Vol. 25: Suppl 3; S282.
  • Binswanger IA. Chronic Medical Diseases Among Jail and Prison Inmates CorrDocs. Vol 13(1):1, 10-11. 2010
  • Binswanger IA. Improving Health Outcomes During the Transition from Prison to the Community. Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars Program Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL. December 8, 2010.
  • Lindsay RG, Blatchford P, Stern MF, Syme L, Binswanger IA, Release from prison: Examining risk factors for death among former prisoners. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver. November 8, 2010.
  • Lim S, Seligson AL, Parvez F, Luther C, Mavinkurve M, Binswanger I, Kerker B. Risk of suicide, homicide, and drug-related death in the immediate post-release period among individuals released from New York City jails, 2001-05. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver. November 8, 2010.
  • Binswanger IA, Nowels C, Corsi K, Long J, Kutner J, Booth RE, Steiner JE. Return to Drug Use and Overdose After Release from Prison: A Qualitative Study. American Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse Annual Meeting. Bethesda. November 6, 2010.
  • Binswanger I. Opportunistic infection prophylaxis: latent tuberculosis infection. In: HIV Web Study. Spach, DH (Ed),, updated 1/2011.
  • Binswanger IA, O’Brien K, Benton K, Gardner EM, Hirsh JM, Felton S, Belknap R. Tuberculosis Testing in Correctional Officers: A National Random Survey of Jails in the United States. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2010; 14(4):464-70
  • Merrall, ELC, Kariminia A, Binswanger IA, Hobbs MS, Farrell M, Marsden J, Hutchinson, SJ, Bird SM. Meta-analysis of drug-related deaths soon after release from prison. Addiction. In press.
  • Binswanger IA, Wortzel H. Treatment for individuals with HIV/AIDS following release from prison: Letter to the Editor. JAMA. 2009; 302(2):147.
  • Binswanger IA. “From the Prison Door to the Sidewalk, Everything Went Downhill,” A Qualitative Study of Former Inmates. Annual Meeting of the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars Program. San Diego. December 2009.
  • Binswanger I, Nowels C, Corsi K, Booth RE, Steiner JE. Health Needs of Former Inmates: A Qualitative Study. Society for General Internal Medicine Regional Meeting, September 11, 2009, Denver, CO. (Oral presentation)
  • Binswanger I, Nowels C, Corsi K, Booth RE, Steiner JE. Health Needs of Former Inmates: A Qualitative Study. Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. Fort Lauderdale. December 2009. (oral presentation)
  • Binswanger IA, Cowan JA Jr. Firearms in major motion pictures, 1995-2004. Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care. Mar;66(3):906-11.
  • Wortzel H, Binswanger IA, Anderson CA, Adler LE. Suicide among incarcerated veterans: Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law. 2009;37(1):82-91.
  • Binswanger IA, Merrill JO, Krueger PM, White MC, Booth RE, Elmore JE. Gender differences in chronic medical and psychiatric conditions among jail inmates. American Journal of Public Health. In press.
  • Binswanger IA, Krueger PM, Steiner JS. Prevalence of Chronic Medical Conditions among Jail and Prison Inmates in the United States Compared with the General Population. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2009;63;912-919.
  • Binswanger IA, Merrill JO, Krueger PM, White MC, Booth RE, Elmore JE. Gender differences in chronic medical and psychiatric conditions among jail inmates. American Journal of Public Health. Epub Ahead of Print
  • Baillargeon, J., Binswanger IA, Penn JV, Williams BA, Murray OJ. Psychiatric Disorders and Repeat Incarcerations: The Revolving Prison Door. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;166(1):103-9.
  • Binswanger I., Elmore JG. Clinical care of incarcerated adults. In: UpToDate 15.2-16.2, Rose BD (Ed), (Invited Submission), Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2007-9.
  • Belknap RK, Benton K, Gardner E, Hirsh J, O'Brien K, and Binswanger I, Tuberculosis Testing in Correctional Officers: a Survey Study of Jails. American Thoracic Society, May 2009.
  • Binswanger IA, Blatchford J, Stein MF. Risk Factors for Death after Release from Prison. Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2009.
  • Binswanger IA, O'Brien K, Benton KL, Gardner E, Hirsh J, Belknap R. Tuberculosis Testing in Correctional Officers: Results from a National Random Survey of Jails in the United States. Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2009.
  • Calcaterra SL, Binswanger IA. Psychostimulants Involved in Death of Former Inmates. Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. May 2009.
  • Wortzel HS, Binswanger IA, Anderson CA, Adler L: Suicide Among Incarcerated Veterans. Platform Presentation, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2008 Annual Meeting, October 25, 2008.
  • Binswanger IA, Merrill J, Krueger P, White M, Booth R, Elmore J. Gender Differences in Chronic Medical Conditions, Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Dependence among US Jail Inmates. College of Problems of Drug Dependence, Puerto Rico, June 2008.
  • Binswanger IA, Cowan JA Jr. Firearms in Major Motion Pictures, 1995-2004. Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care. In press.
  • Binswanger IA. Public Health Behind Bars. New England Journal of Medicine. In press.
  • I. Binswanger, J.O. Merrill, P.M. Krueger, M.C. White, R.E. Booth, J.G. Elmore. The Health of US Jail Inmates: Gender Differences in Chronic Medical Conditions, Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Dependence. Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. Pittsburg, PA. 4/10/08
  • Binswanger IA, Takahashi TA, Bradley K, Dellit TH, Benton KL, Merrill JO. Drug users seeking emergency care for soft tissue infection at high risk for subsequent hospitalization and death. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. In press.
  • Binswanger IA. Book Review: Public Health Behind Bars. New England Journal of Medicine. 2008:358;18-19.
  • Binswanger IA, Takahashi TA, Bradley K, Dellit TH, Benton KL, Merrill JO. Drug users seeking emergency care for soft tissue infection at high risk for subsequent hospitalization and death. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2008 Nov;69(6):924-32.
  • I. Binswanger, P.M. Krueger, J.F. Steiner. Chronic Medical Conditions: How do Inmates Compare with the General Population? Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. Pittsburg, PA. 4/9/08.
  • Wortzel H, Binswanger IA, Martinez R, Filley CM, Anderson CA. Crisis in the treatment of incompetence to proceed to trial: harbinger of a systemic illness. Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2007;35(3):357-63.
  • Binswanger I., Elmore JG. Clinical care of incarcerated adults. In: UpToDate 15.2-15.3, Rose BD (Ed), (Invited Submission), Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2007-8.
  • Binswanger I. Opportunistic infection prophylaxis: latent tuberculosis infection. In: HIV Web Study. Spach, DH (Ed),, 2004-7.
  • Binswanger IA, Stern MF, Deyo RA, Heagerty PJ, Cheadle A, Elmore JG, Koepsell TD. Release from prison: a high-risk of death for former inmates. New England Journal of Medicine. 356:157-65. 2007.
  • Takahashi TA, Baernstein A, Binswanger I, Bradley KA, Merrill JO. Predictors of hospitalization for injection drug users seeking care for soft tissue infections. Journal of General Internal Medicine. March, 2007.
  • Binswanger IA, Cowan JA, Firearms in Major Motion Pictures, 1995-2004. Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. 4/25/07. Toronto, Canada.
  • Binswanger IA, Stern MF. The Authors Reply (Response to letters to the editor). NEJM.
  • Binswanger IA, Finlay A. Post-release Drug Use. Drug use in prisoners: Epidemiology, implications and policy responses. Editors: Kinner SA and Rich J. Oxford University Press. 2014. (In press)

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