Penoncello GP, Voss MM, Gao Y, Sensoy L, Cao M, Pepin MD, Herchko SM, Benedict SH, DeWees TA, Rong Y. Multicenter Multivendor Evaluation of Dose Volume Histogram Creation Consistencies for 8 Commercial Radiation Therapy Dosimetric Systems. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2024 May-Jun;14(3):e236-e248. PubMed PMID: 37914082
Penoncello GP, Voss MM, Gao Y, Sensoy L, Cao M, Pepin MD, Herchko SM, Benedict SH, DeWees TA, Rong Y. Multicenter Multivendor Evaluation of Dose Volume Histogram Creation Consistencies for 8 Commercial Radiation Therapy Dosimetric Systems. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2023 Oct 31:S1879-8500(23)00290-4. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2023.09.009. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37914082.
Lucido JJ, Penoncello GP, Laughlin BS, Armstrong MD, Lo SG, Rivera JN, Tang X, Chungbin SJ, Breen WG, Mangold AR, Comfere NI, Lester SC, Rule WG, Deufel CL, Foster MG. Development and Dosimetric Characterization of a Customizable Shield for Subtotal Skin Electron Beam Therapy. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2023 Nov-Dec;8(6):101289. PubMed PMID: 37457824
Penoncello, G. P., Robertson, D. G., Bhangoo, R. S., Hu, Y., Liu, W., Yang, Y., Rule, W., & Vargas, C. E. (2022). History and future of image-guided radiation therapy in abdominal cancer. In Principles and Practice of Image-Guided Abdominal Radiation Therapy (pp. 2). Institute of Physics Publishing.
Pepin MD, Penoncello GP, Brom KM, Gustafson JM, Long KM, Rong Y, Fong de Los Santos LE, Shiraishi S. Assessment of dose-volume histogram precision for five clinical systems. Med Phys. 2022 Oct;49(10):6303-6318. PubMed PMID: 35943829
Penoncello GP, Gagneur JD, Vora SA, Yu NY, Fatyga M, Mrugala MM, Bendok BR, Rong Y. Comprehensive Commissioning and Clinical Implementation of GammaTiles STaRT for Intracranial Brain Cancer. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2022 Jul-Aug;7(4):100910. PubMed PMID: 35434425
Jesse L. Butterfield, Gregory P. Penoncello, Karan Dikshit, and Carson J. Bruns. Photochromic Intradermal Smart Tattoo Based on Diarylethene-Doped Polystyrene Nanoparticles for Personal ?-Ray Dosimetry. ACS Applied Nano Materials Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c01554
Lim R, Penoncello GP, Hobbis D, Harrington DP, Rong Y. Technical note: Characterization of novel iterative reconstructed cone beam CT images for dose tracking and adaptive radiotherapy on L-shape linacs. Med Phys. 2022 Dec;49(12):7715-7732. PubMed PMID: 36031929
Feng H, Patel SH, Wong WW, Younkin JE, Penoncello GP, Morales DH, Stoker JB, Robertson DG, Fatyga M, Bues M, Schild SE, Foote RL, Liu W. GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo-based online adaptive proton therapy: A feasibility study. Med Phys. 2022 Jun;49(6):3550-3563. PubMed PMID: 35443080
Penoncello GP, Ding GX. Skin dose differences between intensity-modulated radiation therapy and volumetric-modulated arc therapy and between boost and integrated treatment regimens for treating head and neck and other cancer sites in patients. Med Dosim. 2016 Spring;41(1):80-6. PubMed PMID: 26764180
Gunewardene MS, Subach FV, Gould TJ, Penoncello GP, Gudheti MV, Verkhusha VV, Hess ST. Superresolution imaging of multiple fluorescent proteins with highly overlapping emission spectra in living cells. Biophys J. 2011 Sep 21;101(6):1522-8. PubMed PMID: 21943434