Schilling LM, Fraumeni BR, Nacht AS, Abraham AG, Bauguess HD, Matesi G, Fringuello ME, Rashidyan L, Billups SJ. Improving Maternal Health Care Quality and Outcomes: Evaluation of a Pregnancy Medical Home. Am J Med Qual. 2024 May-Jun 01; 39(3):123-130. PMID: 38713600.
Doolan, R., Drake, L.A., Schilling, L.M., Fraumeni, B.R., Weir, G., & Earnest, M. (May 2024) Right-sizing the Primary Care Template to Meet Modern Demands. Oral presentation at the Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Conference in Boston, MA.
Fraumeni, B.R., Drake, L. A., Doolan, R., Earnest, M., Weir. G., & Schilling, L.M. (May 2024) Humanity in Primary Care: Provider Responses to Dedicated Asynchronous Work Time. Poster presented at the Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Conference in Boston, MA.