Nhu-Nguyen Le, MD

Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine


  • Jenkins C, Le N. 46 year old with chest pain develops a wide complex rhythm. Dr. Smith’s ECG Blog. August 2024. https://hqmeded-ecg.blogspot.com/2024/08/46-year-old-with-chest-pain-develops.html?m=1
  • Milgrim F, Mundo W, Le N, Heffler M, Ng W, Janik S, Riscinti M. Impact of a Novel Ultrasound Quality Assurance Middleware Software on Ultrasound Completion and Documentation. Presented by Mundo W at: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. May 2024; Phoenix, AZ.
  • Le N, Tovar E, Bommannan R, Glavinic J, Friedman L. The State of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Within Emergency Medicine Residencies Across a National Hospital System. Presented by Bommannan R at: Western Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (WSAEM). March, 2024; Long Beach, CA.
  • Hurd V, Del Valle M, Kravets V, Anderson A, Le N, Kendall J, Anderson A, Riscinti M. Skill Retention Using AI-Assisted Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Novice, Technically Competent Users. Presented by Hurd V at: NASA Human Research Program IWS. February 2024; Galveston, TX