Walsh C,?Colangelo H, Lindbloom A, Radi R.?Does universal syphilis rescreening in the third trimester improve neonatal outcomes?. Evidence-Based Practice ():10.1097/EBP.0000000000002062, January 25, 2024.
Lindbloom A, Radi R, Lyon C. Puffing to Persistent Smoking Cessation. J Am Board Fam Med March 2024, 37 (2) 354-356.
Carson, Jacqueline MD, MPH; Zha, Jessica MD, MPH; Lindbloom, Allison MD; Radi, Roxanne MD, MPH; DeSanto, Kristen MSLS, MS, RD. Is physician coaching effective in treating or reducing physician burnout?. Evidence-Based Practice ():10.1097/EBP.0000000000002300, October 29, 2024.
Lindbloom A, Kee-Young D, Burke S, Wongward J, Berger A, “Screening for Social Needs In Pregnancy at a Denver FQHC.” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement, Denver, CO, September 2024.
Johnson A, Lyon C, Desanto K. Physical Activity and the Prevention of Depression. American Family Physician 2021 Aug;104(2):204-205.
Lindbloom A, Radi R, Lyon C. Puffing to Persistent Smoking Cessation. JABFM. Accepted publication, in press.
Smith R, Johnson A, Targan A, Piggott C, Kvach E. Taking our own temperature: using a residency climate survey to support minority voices. Family Medicine 2022 [accepted ahead of print]