Allison Lindbloom, MD

Assistant Professor, Family Medicine

Family Medicine


  • Walsh C,?Colangelo H, Lindbloom A, Radi R.?Does universal syphilis rescreening in the third trimester improve neonatal outcomes?. Evidence-Based Practice ():10.1097/EBP.0000000000002062, January 25, 2024.
  • Lindbloom A, Radi R, Lyon C. Puffing to Persistent Smoking Cessation. J Am Board Fam Med March 2024, 37 (2) 354-356.
  • Carson, Jacqueline MD, MPH; Zha, Jessica MD, MPH; Lindbloom, Allison MD; Radi, Roxanne MD, MPH; DeSanto, Kristen MSLS, MS, RD. Is physician coaching effective in treating or reducing physician burnout?. Evidence-Based Practice ():10.1097/EBP.0000000000002300, October 29, 2024.
  • Lindbloom A, Kee-Young D, Burke S, Wongward J, Berger A, “Screening for Social Needs In Pregnancy at a Denver FQHC.” Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement, Denver, CO, September 2024.
  • Johnson A, Lyon C, Desanto K. Physical Activity and the Prevention of Depression. American Family Physician 2021 Aug;104(2):204-205.
  • Lindbloom A, Radi R, Lyon C. Puffing to Persistent Smoking Cessation. JABFM. Accepted publication, in press.
  • Smith R, Johnson A, Targan A, Piggott C, Kvach E. Taking our own temperature: using a residency climate survey to support minority voices. Family Medicine 2022 [accepted ahead of print]