Obstetrics and Gynecology, Board Certification (2012)
Conditions & Treatments
Women's Health
Women's Health - Adolescent Reproductive Health - Adolescent Gynecology
Women's Health - Breast Feeding
Women's Health - Contraception
Women's Health - Endometriosis
Women's Health - Gynecologic and Obstetric Infections
Women's Health - Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women's Health - Lower Genital Tract Disorders
Women's Health - Menopause
Women's Health - Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Transgender Health for Adults
Pregnancy and Reproduction
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Childbirth
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Endocrine Disorders
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Gestational Diabetes
Pregnancy and Reproduction - High-Risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Infertility / Fertility Treatment
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Maternal and Fetal Health
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Prenatal Care
Pregnancy and Reproduction - Prenatal Testing
Surgery - Laparoscopic Surgery
Surgery - Robotic Surgery
Care Philosophy
I strive to help women understand normal changes, pregnancy and any gynecologic issue that may arise over the course of their lifetime.