Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, MD, PhD, FASA

Professor, Anesthesiology

Medical Schools
  • MD, University of Valladolid School of Medicine - Valladolid, Spain (1998)
  • PhD, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) (2004)
  • Complutense University of  Madrid - Madrid, Spain, Critical Care Medicine (2003)
  • Johns Hopkins University Program, Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology (2008)
English, Spanish

Research Interests

Mechanical ventilation, lung inflammation, Postoperative pulmonary complications, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Perioperative outcomes, anesthesia for liver and kidney transplant surgery


  • Cloyd BH, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Root MZ. Video Laryngoscopy for Surgical Endotracheal Intubation. JAMA. 2024 Aug 6;332(5):426. PubMed PMID: 38976242
  • Douin DJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Novel Resuscitation Strategies in Severe Trauma: Reply. Anesthesiology. 2024 Jun 1;140(6):1238-1239. PubMed PMID: 38578953
  • Ranjeva S, Nagebretsky A, Odozynski G, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Frendl G, Gupta RA, Sprung J, Subramaniam B, Ruiz RM, Bartels K, Giquel J, Lee JW, Houle T, Melo MFV. Effects of Intra-operative Cardiopulmonary Variability On Post-operative Pulmonary Complications in Major Non-cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Med Syst. 2024 Mar 15;48(1):31. PubMed PMID: 38488884
  • Schenkel BD, Rolfzen ML, Krutsinger DC, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Correlations of Opioid Intake During Different Predischarge Time Frames with Postdischarge Opioid Use Following Inpatient Surgery. A A Pract. 2024 Feb 1;18(2):e01753. PubMed PMID: 38305713
  • Adelmann D, Reddy M, Zhou GP, Fukazawa K, Wang R, Kassel C, Nguyen-Buckley C, Bastidas J, De Marchi L, Wilson EA, Nazemian R, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Anderson A, Chadha RM, Huang J, Moguilevitch M, Townsend E, Rosenfeld DM, Kothari RP. The perioperative care in liver transplantation multicenter database: Building the foundation for research collaboration in liver transplantation. J Clin Anesth. 2024 Oct 21;99:111651. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39437663
  • Kukreja N, Rodriguez IE, Moore HB, LaRiviere W, Crouch C, Stewart E, Nydam TL, Kennealey P, Hendrickse AD, Pomfret EA, Fernandez-Bustamante A. The in-vitro influence of urea concentration on thromboelastrography in patients with and without end stage renal disease. Am J Surg. 2023 Dec;226(6):817-822. PubMed PMID: 37407391
  • Wrigge H, Petroff D, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Pressure for High Positive End-expiratory Pressure in Obese Surgical Patients Is Growing. Anesthesiology. 2023 Sep 1;139(3):239-243. PubMed PMID: 37552098
  • Douin DJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Adjust Intraoperative Oxygen Therapy for Oxygenation Reasons Only!. Anesthesiology. 2023 Jan 1;138(1):10-12. PubMed PMID: 36520076
  • Crouch CE, Wilkey BJ, Hendrickse A, Kaizer AM, Schniedewind B, Christians U, Henthorn TK, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Lidocaine Intraoperative Infusion Pharmacokinetics during Partial Hepatectomy for Living Liver Donation. Anesthesiology. 2023 Jan 1;138(1):71-81. PubMed PMID: 36512707
  • Rolfzen ML, Wick A, Mascha EJ, Shah K, Krause M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Kutner JS, Ho PM, Sessler DI, Bartels K. Best Practice Alerts Informed by Inpatient Opioid Intake to Reduce Opioid Prescribing after Surgery (PRIOR): A Cluster Randomized Multiple Crossover Trial. Anesthesiology. 2023 Aug 1;139(2):186-196. PubMed PMID: 37155372
  • Bartels K, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Reversal of neuromuscular block: what are the costs?. Br J Anaesth. 2023 Aug;131(2):202-204. PubMed PMID: 37246063
  • Douin DJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Early Fibrinogen Replacement to Treat the Endotheliopathy of Trauma: Novel Resuscitation Strategies in Severe Trauma. Anesthesiology. 2023 Nov 1;139(5):675-683. PubMed PMID: 37815472
  • Fuchita M, Ridgeway KJ, Sandridge B, Kimzey C, Abraham A, Melanson EL, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Comparison of postoperative mobilization measurements by activPAL versus Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility scale after major abdominal surgery. Surgery. 2023 Oct;174(4):851-857. PubMed PMID: 37580218
  • Wrigge H, Petroff D, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Pressure for High Positive End-expiratory Pressure in Obese Surgical Patients Is Growing. Anesthesiology. 2023 Sep 1;139(3):239-243. PubMed PMID: 37552098
  • Kukreja N, Rodriguez IE, Moore HB, LaRiviere W, Crouch C, Stewart E, Nydam TL, Kennealey P, Hendrickse AD, Pomfret EA, Fernandez-Bustamante A. The in-vitro influence of urea concentration on thromboelastrography in patients with and without end stage renal disease. Am J Surg. 2023 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37407391
  • Bartels K, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Reversal of neuromuscular block: what are the costs?. Br J Anaesth. 2023 Aug;131(2):202-204. PubMed PMID: 37246063
  • Fuchita M, Ridgeway KJ, Kimzey C, Melanson EL, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Accelerometer-Measured Inpatient Physical Activity and Associated Outcomes After Major Abdominal Surgery: Systematic Review. Interact J Med Res. 2023 May 15;12:e46629. PubMed PMID: 37184924
  • Rolfzen ML, Wick A, Mascha EJ, Shah K, Krause M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Kutner JS, Ho PM, Sessler DI, Bartels K. Best Practice Alerts Informed by Inpatient Opioid Intake to Reduce Opioid Prescribing after Surgery (PRIOR): A Cluster Randomized Multiple Crossover Trial. Anesthesiology. 2023 Aug 1;139(2):186-196. PubMed PMID: 37155372
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Parker RA, Sprung J, Eikermann M, Gama de Abreu M, Ferrando C, Thompson BT, Vidal Melo MF. An anesthesia-centered bundle to reduce postoperative pulmonary complications: The PRIME-AIR study protocol. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0283748. PubMed PMID: 37023031
  • Douin DJ, Pattee J, Scott B, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Prin M, Eckle T, Ginde AA, Clendenen N. Hyperoxemia During Cardiac Surgery Is Associated With Postoperative Pulmonary Complications. Crit Care Explor. 2023 Mar;5(3):e0878. PubMed PMID: 36875558
  • Douin DJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Adjust Intraoperative Oxygen Therapy for Oxygenation Reasons Only!. Anesthesiology. 2023 Jan 1;138(1):10-12. PubMed PMID: 36520076
  • Crouch CE, Wilkey BJ, Hendrickse A, Kaizer AM, Schniedewind B, Christians U, Henthorn TK, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Lidocaine Intraoperative Infusion Pharmacokinetics during Partial Hepatectomy for Living Liver Donation. Anesthesiology. 2023 Jan 1;138(1):71-81. PubMed PMID: 36512707
  • Crouch CE, Wilkey BJ, Hendrickse A, Kaizer AM, Schniedewind B, Christians U, Henthorn TK, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Lidocaine Intraoperative Infusion Pharmacokinetics during Partial Hepatectomy for Living Liver Donation. Anesthesiology 2022 [accepted October 2022]
  • Negrini D, Wu A, Oba A, Harnke B, Ciancio N, Krause M, Clavijo C, Al-Musawi M, Linhares T, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Schmidt S. Incidence of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction Following Inhalational vs Total Intravenous General Anesthesia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2022;18:1455-1467. PubMed PMID: 35874550
  • Fuchita M, Ridgeway KJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Pain and Mobilization after Surgery: Comment. Anesthesiology. 2022 Aug 1;137(2):265-266. PubMed PMID: 35588465
  • Douin DJ, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Hypoxia and Hypercoagulability in COVID-19: Chicken or the Egg?. Anesthesiology. 2022 Jul 1;137(1):13-14. PubMed PMID: 35522846
  • Bartels K, Frendl G, Sprung J, Weingarten TN, Subramaniam B, Martinez Ruiz R, Lee JW, Henderson WG, Moss A, Sodickson A, Giquel J, Vidal Melo MF, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Postoperative pulmonary complications with adjuvant regional anesthesia versus general anesthesia alone: a sub-analysis of the Perioperative Research Network study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2022 May 3;22(1):136. PubMed PMID: 35501692
  • Lagier D, Zeng C, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Perioperative Pulmonary Atelectasis: Part II. Clinical Implications. Anesthesiology. 2022 Jan 1;136(1):206-236. PubMed PMID: 34710217
  • Douin DJ, Krause M, Williams C, Tanabe K, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Quaye AN, Ginde AA, Bartels K. Corticosteroid Administration and Impaired Glycemic Control in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2022 Mar;26(1):32-40. PubMed PMID: 34470529
  • Selby LV, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Ejaz A, Gleisner A, Pawlik TM, Douin DJ. Association Between Anesthesia Delivered During Tumor Resection and Cancer Survival: a Systematic Review of a Mixed Picture with Constant Themes. J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Aug;25(8):2129-2141. PubMed PMID: 34100251
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Sprung J. Intraoperative Positive End-expiratory Pressure for Obese Patients: A Step Forward, a Long Road Still Ahead. Anesthesiology. 2021 Jun 1;134(6):838-840. PubMed PMID: 33909874
  • Krause M, Douin DJ, Kim KK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Characteristics and Outcomes of Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients-An Observational Cohort Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2021 Mar;36(3):271-276. PubMed PMID: 32873103
  • Douin DJ, Parker RA, Vidal Melo MF, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Assessing the Effect of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: The Devil Is in the Details. Anesth Analg. 2021 Dec 1;133(6):e70-e71. PubMed PMID: 34784342
  • Douin DJ, Krause M, Williams C, Tanabe K, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Quaye AN, Ginde AA, Bartels K. Corticosteroid Administration and Impaired Glycemic Control in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2021 Sep 2;:10892532211043313. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34470529
  • Selby LV, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Ejaz A, Gleisner A, Pawlik TM, Douin DJ. Association Between Anesthesia Delivered During Tumor Resection and Cancer Survival: a Systematic Review of a Mixed Picture with Constant Themes. J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Aug;25(8):2129-2141. PubMed PMID: 34100251
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Sprung J. Intraoperative Positive End-expiratory Pressure for Obese Patients: A Step Forward, a Long Road Still Ahead. Anesthesiology. 2021 Jun 1;134(6):838-840. PubMed PMID: 33909874
  • Krause M, Douin DJ, Kim KK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Characteristics and Outcomes of Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients-An Observational Cohort Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2021 Mar;36(3):271-276. PubMed PMID: 32873103
  • Lagier D, Zeng C, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Perioperative Pulmonary Atelectasis: Part II. Clinical Implications. Anesthesiology. 2021 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34710217
  • Krause M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. In Response. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug;131(2):e79-e80. PubMed PMID: 33031673
  • Abrams BA, Murray KA, Mahoney K, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Nichols S, Mahmoudi E, Mayes LM, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Mitchell JD, Meguid RA, Zanotti G, Bartels K. Postdischarge Pain Management After Thoracic Surgery: A Patient-Centered Approach. Ann Thorac Surg. 2020 Nov;110(5):1714-1721. PubMed PMID: 32497643
  • Krause M, Douin DJ, Tran TT, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Aftab M, Bartels K. Association between procalcitonin levels and duration of mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients. PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239174. PubMed PMID: 32946466
  • Krause M, Douin DJ, Kim KK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Characteristics and Outcomes of Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients-An Observational Cohort Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2020 Sep 2;:885066620954806. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32873103
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Sprung J, Parker RA, Bartels K, Weingarten TN, Kosour C, Thompson BT, Vidal Melo MF. Individualized PEEP to optimise respiratory mechanics during abdominal surgery: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Br J Anaesth. 2020 Sep;125(3):383-392. PubMed PMID: 32682559
  • Repine KM, Hendrickse A, Tran TT, Bartels K, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Opioid-Free Epidural-Free Anesthesia for Open Hepatectomy: A Case Report. A A Pract. 2020 Jun;14(8):e01238. PubMed PMID: 32643901
  • Abrams BA, Murray KA, Mahoney K, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Nichols S, Mahmoudi E, Mayes LM, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Mitchell JD, Meguid RA, Zanotti G, Bartels K. Post-Discharge Pain Management After Thoracic Surgery - A Patient-Centered Approach. Ann Thorac Surg. 2020 Jun 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32497643
  • Krause M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. In Response. Anesth Analg. 2020 Mar 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32243290
  • Bartels K, Kaizer A, Jameson L, Bullard K, Dingmann C, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Hypoxemia Within the First 3 Postoperative Days Is Associated With Increased 1-Year Postoperative Mortality After Adjusting for Perioperative Opioids and Other Confounders. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug;131(2):555-563. PubMed PMID: 31971921
  • Gerard SE, Herrmann J, Kaczka DW, Musch G, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Reinhardt JM. Multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for fully automated segmentation of acutely injured lungs in multiple species. Med Image Anal. 2020 Feb;60:101592. PubMed PMID: 31760194
  • Krause M, McWilliams SK, Bullard KJ, Mayes LM, Jameson LC, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Neostigmine Versus Sugammadex for Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade and Effects on Reintubation for Respiratory Failure or Newly Initiated Noninvasive Ventilation: An Interrupted Time Series Design. Anesth Analg. 2020 Jul;131(1):141-151. PubMed PMID: 31702700
  • Bartels K, Mahoney K, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Schulick R, Hopfer CJ, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Opioid and non-opioid utilization at home following gastrointestinal procedures: a prospective cohort study. Surg Endosc. 2020 Jan;34(1):304-311. PubMed PMID: 30945059
  • Bartels K, Mahoney K, Raymond KM, McWilliams SK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Schulick R, Hopfer CJ, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Opioid and non-opioid utilization at home following gastrointestinal procedures: a prospective cohort study. Surg Endosc. 2019 Apr 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30945059
  • Bluth T, Serpa Neto A, Schultz MJ, Pelosi P, Gama de Abreu M. Effect of Intraoperative High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) With Recruitment Maneuvers vs Low PEEP on Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Obese Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2019 Jun 18;321(23):2292-2305. PubMed PMID: 31157366
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Bedside assessment of lung aeration and stretch. Br J Anaesth. 2018 Nov;121(5):1001-1004. PubMed PMID: 30336843
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. Bedside assessment of lung aeration and stretch. Br J Anaesth. 2018 Nov;121(5):1001-1004. PubMed PMID: 30336843
  • Mayes LM, Wong CA, Zimmer S, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Gender differences in career development awards in United States' anesthesiology and surgery departments, 2006-2016. BMC Anesthesiol. 2018 Jul 27;18(1):95. PubMed PMID: 30049265
  • Merkow JS, Hoerauf JM, Moss AF, Brainard J, Mayes LM, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Bartels K. Animal experimental research design in critical care. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2018 Jul 5;18(1):71. PubMed PMID: 29976162
  • Bartels K, Fernandez-Bustamante A, McWilliams SK, Hopfer CJ, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK. Long-term opioid use after inpatient surgery - A retrospective cohort study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Jun 1;187:61-65. PubMed PMID: 29627407
  • Serpa Neto A, Juffermans NP, Hemmes SNT, Barbas CSV, Beiderlinden M, Biehl M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Memtsoudis SG, Miranda DR, Moine P, Paparella D, Ranieri M, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, de Abreu MG, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ. Interaction between peri-operative blood transfusion, tidal volume, airway pressure and postoperative ARDS: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Ann Transl Med. 2018 Jan;6(2):23. PubMed PMID: 29430440
  • Shah CK, Moss A, Henderson W, Sullivan B, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Quick reference tidal volume cards reduce the incidence of large tidal volumes during surgery. J Anesth. 2018 Feb;32(1):137-142. PubMed PMID: 29134425
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K, Clavijo C, Scott BK, Kacmar R, Bullard K, Moss AFD, Henderson W, Juarez-Colunga E, Jameson L. Preoperatively Screened Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Associated With Worse Postoperative Outcomes Than Previously Diagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Anesth Analg. 2017 Aug;125(2):593-602. PubMed PMID: 28682951
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Schoen J, Vidal Melo MF. Incentive Spirometry After Bariatric Surgery: The Importance of Patient Compliance. JAMA Surg. 2017 Oct 1;152(10):984-985. PubMed PMID: 28636722
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF. The Increasing Call for Protective Ventilation During Anesthesia-Reply. JAMA Surg. 2017 Sep 1;152(9):894. PubMed PMID: 28593302
  • Brainard J, Scott BK, Sullivan BL, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Piccoli JR, Gebbink MG, Bartels K. Heated humidified high-flow nasal cannula oxygen after thoracic surgery - A randomized prospective clinical pilot trial. J Crit Care. 2017 Aug;40:225-228. PubMed PMID: 28454060
  • Hoerauf JM, Moss AF, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Study Design Rigor in Animal-Experimental Research Published in Anesthesia Journals. Anesth Analg. 2017 Feb 8. [ePub Ahead of Print] PubMed PMID: 28181936
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Frendl G, Sprung J, Kor DJ, Subramaniam B, Martinez Ruiz R, Lee JW, Henderson WG, Moss A, Mehdiratta N, Colwell MM, Bartels K, Kolodzie K, Giquel J, Vidal Melo MF. Postoperative Pulmonary Complications, Early Mortality, and Hospital Stay Following Noncardiothoracic Surgery: A Multicenter Study by the Perioperative Research Network Investigators. JAMA Surg. 2017 Feb 1;152(2):157-166. PubMed PMID: 27829093
  • Brainard J, Scott B, Sullivan B, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Piccoli J, Gebbink M, Bartels K. 975: HEATED HIGH-FLOW NASAL CANNULA OXYGEN AFTER THORACIC SURGERY: A PILOT RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL. Crit Care Med. 2016 Dec;44(12 Suppl 1):320. PubMed PMID: 27850613
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Frendl G, Sprung J, Kor DJ, Subramaniam B, Martinez Ruiz R, Lee JW, Henderson WG, Moss A, Mehdiratta N, Colwell MM, Bartels K, Kolodzie K, Giquel J, Vidal Melo MF. Postoperative Pulmonary Complications, Early Mortality, and Hospital Stay Following Noncardiothoracic Surgery: A Multicenter Study by the Perioperative Research Network Investigators. JAMA Surg. 2016 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27829093
  • Neto AS, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, El-Tahan MR, Ghamdi AA, Günay E, Jaber S, Kokulu S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Maslow AD, Memtsoudis SG, Reis Miranda D, Moine P, Ng T, Paparella D, Ranieri VM, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Amato MB, Costa EL, de Abreu MG, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ. Association between driving pressure and development of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation for general anaesthesia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. Lancet Respir Med. 2016 Apr;4(4):272-80. PubMed PMID: 26947624
  • Bender SP, Paganelli WC, Gerety LP, Tharp WG, Shanks AM, Housey M, Blank RS, Colquhoun DA, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Jameson LC, Kheterpal S. Intraoperative Lung-Protective Ventilation Trends and Practice Patterns: A Report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group. Anesth Analg. 2015 Nov;121(5):1231-9. PubMed PMID: 26332856
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Agazio A, Wilson P, Elkins N, Domaleski L, He Q, Baer KA, Moss AF, Wischmeyer PE, Repine JE. Brief Glutamine Pretreatment Increases Alveolar Macrophage CD163/Heme Oxygenase-1/p38-MAPK Dephosphorylation Pathway and Decreases Capillary Damage but Not Neutrophil Recruitment in IL-1/LPS-Insufflated Rats. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 6;10(7):e0130764. PubMed PMID: 26147379
  • Bartels K, Babu AN, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Subtle but serious: Pulmonary support after cardiac surgery. J Crit Care. 2015 Oct;30(5):1126. PubMed PMID: 26117218
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Seres T. In reply. Anesthesiology. 2015 May;122(5):1181. PubMed PMID: 25985029
  • Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Biehl M, Binnekade JM, Canet J, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, Hedenstierna G, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Maslow AD, Memtsoudis SG, Reis Miranda D, Moine P, Ng T, Paparella D, Putensen C, Ranieri M, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Schmid W, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ. Protective versus Conventional Ventilation for Surgery: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Anesthesiology. 2015 Jul;123(1):66-78. PubMed PMID: 25978326
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Hashimoto S, Serpa Neto A, Moine P, Vidal Melo MF, Repine JE. Perioperative lung protective ventilation in obese patients. BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 May 6;15:56. PubMed PMID: 25907273
  • Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM, Epstein RH, Kor DJ, Bartz RR, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF, Blum JM. Temporal trends and current practice patterns for intraoperative ventilation at U.S. academic medical centers: a retrospective study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 Mar 28;15:40. PubMed PMID: 25852301
  • Bender SP, Paganelli WC, Gerety LP, Tharp WG, Shanks AM, Housey M, Blank RS, Colquhoun DA, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Jameson LC, Kheterpal S. Intraoperative Lung-Protective Ventilation Trends and Practice Patterns: A Report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group. Anesth Analg. 2015 Nov;121(5):1231-9. PubMed PMID: 26332856
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Agazio A, Wilson P, Elkins N, Domaleski L, He Q, Baer KA, Moss AF, Wischmeyer PE, Repine JE. Brief Glutamine Pretreatment Increases Alveolar Macrophage CD163/Heme Oxygenase-1/p38-MAPK Dephosphorylation Pathway and Decreases Capillary Damage but Not Neutrophil Recruitment in IL-1/LPS-Insufflated Rats. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0130764. PubMed PMID: 26147379
  • Bartels K, Babu AN, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Subtle but serious: Pulmonary support after cardiac surgery. J Crit Care. 2015 Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26117218
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Seres T. In reply. Anesthesiology. 2015 May;122(5):1181. PubMed PMID: 25985029
  • Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Biehl M, Binnekade JM, Canet J, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Gajic O, Hedenstierna G, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Maslow AD, Memtsoudis SG, Reis Miranda D, Moine P, Ng T, Paparella D, Putensen C, Ranieri M, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Schmid W, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Sundar S, Talmor D, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ. Protective versus Conventional Ventilation for Surgery: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Anesthesiology. 2015 Jul;123(1):66-78. PubMed PMID: 25978326
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Hashimoto S, Serpa Neto A, Moine P, Vidal Melo MF, Repine JE. Perioperative lung protective ventilation in obese patients. BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 May 6;15:56. PubMed PMID: 25907273
  • Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM, Epstein RH, Kor DJ, Bartz RR, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Vidal Melo MF, Blum JM. Temporal trends and current practice patterns for intraoperative ventilation at U.S. academic medical centers: a retrospective study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2015;15:40. PubMed PMID: 25852301
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Seres T, Agazio A, Pennington AP, Christians U, Klawitter J, Repine JE. Exhaled breath condensate nitrate levels are inversely associated with the body mass index of patients without respiratory disease. J Pulm Respir Med 2015;5: 243. doi:10.4172/2161-105X.1000243
  • Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Moine P, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ. Incidence of mortality and morbidity related to postoperative lung injury in patients who have undergone abdominal or thoracic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec;2(12):1007-15. PubMed PMID: 25466352
  • Serpa Neto A, Hemmes SN, Barbas CS, Beiderlinden M, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Futier E, Hollmann MW, Jaber S, Kozian A, Licker M, Lin WQ, Moine P, Scavonetto F, Schilling T, Selmo G, Severgnini P, Sprung J, Treschan T, Unzueta C, Weingarten TN, Wolthuis EK, Wrigge H, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz MJ, PROVE Network investigators. Incidence of mortality and morbidity related to postoperative lung injury in patients who have undergone abdominal or thoracic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec;2(12):1007-15. PubMed PMID: 25466352
  • Mehta N, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Seres T. A review of intraoperative goal-directed therapy using arterial waveform analysis for assessment of cardiac output. ScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:702964. PubMed PMID: 24987744
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Klawitter J, Repine JE, Agazio A, Janocha AJ, Shah C, Moss M, Douglas IS, Tran ZV, Erzurum SC, Christians U, Seres T. Early effect of tidal volume on lung injury biomarkers in surgical patients with healthy lungs. Anesthesiology. 2014 Sep;121(3):469-81. PubMed PMID: 24809976
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Repine JE. Chronic inflammatory diseases and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Curr Pharm Des. 2014;20(9):1400-8. PubMed PMID: 23978096
  • Early increase in alveolar macrophage prostaglandin 15d-PGJ2 precedes neutrophil recruitment into lungs of cytokine-insufflated rats. Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, Jelena Klawitter, Paul Wilson, Nancy D Elkins, Amanda Agazio, Takahiro Shibata, Koji Uchida, Uwe Christians, John E Repine. Inflammation [accepted with minor revision]
  • Clinical Anesthesia, 7th edition. Ed: Paul Barash, Bruce F. Cullen, Robert K. Stoelting, Michael Cahalan, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega. Co-author of Chapter "Anesthesia and Obesity".
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Repine JE. The Obesity ARDS Paradox: “A Pre-Conditioning Cloud". Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine. 2013; 1–3.
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Repine JE. Adipose-Lung Cell Crosstalk in the Obesity-ARDS Paradox [review]. J Pulmon Resp Med 2013; 3(144):1-7.
  • Kheterpal S, Healy D, Aziz MF, Shanks AM, Freundlich RE, Linton F, Martin LD, Linton J, Epps JL, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Jameson LC, Tremper T, Tremper KK, Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG) Perioperative Clinical Research Committee. Incidence, predictors, and outcome of difficult mask ventilation combined with difficult laryngoscopy: a report from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group. Anesthesiology. 2013 Dec;119(6):1360-9. PubMed PMID: 24071617
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Klawitter J, Wilson P, Elkins ND, Agazio A, Shibata T, Uchida K, Christians U, Repine JE. Early increase in alveolar macrophage prostaglandin 15d-PGJ2 precedes neutrophil recruitment into lungs of cytokine-insufflated rats. Inflammation. 2013 Oct;36(5):1030-40. PubMed PMID: 23616184
  • Sugammadex, the first selective relaxant binding agent for neuromuscular block reversal. Stair C, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Drugs Today (Barc). 2012 Jun;48(6):405-13. doi: 10.1358/dot.2012.48.6.1813474. PMID: 22745926
  • Regional pulmonary inflammation in an endotoxemic ovine acute lung injury model. Fernandez-Bustamante A, Easley RB, Fuld M, Mulreany D, Chon D, Lewis JF, Simon BA. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2012 Aug 15;183(2):149-58. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2012.06.015. Epub 2012 Jun 21. PMID: 22728442
  • Lucinactant for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates. Piehl E, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Drugs Today (Barc). 2012 Sep;48(9):587-93. doi: 10.1358/dot.2012.48.9.1835160. Review. PMID: 23032799
  • Transesophageal echocardiography in noncardiac thoracic surgery. Sullivan B, Puskas F, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Anesthesiol Clin. 2012 Dec;30(4):657-69. doi: 10.1016/j.anclin.2012.08.007. PMID: 23089501
  • The Obesity ARDS Paradox: A Pre-Conditioning Cloud. Fernandez-Bustamante A, Repine JE (2012). J Pulmon Resp Med 2:e122. doi:10.4172/2161-105X.1000e122
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Repine JE. Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) [review]. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013. Jul 25.
  • Fernandez-Bustamante A, Klawitter J, Repine JE, Agazio A, Janocha AJ, Shah C, Moss M, Douglas IS, Tran ZV, Erzurum SC, Christians U, Seres T. Early effect of tidal volume on lung injury biomarkers in surgical patients with healthy lungs.
  • Chirag K Shah, Angela Moss, William Henderson, Breandan Sullivan, Ana Fernandez-Bustamante. Quick reference tidal volume cards reduce the incidence of large tidal volumes during surgery. Journal of Anesthesia [accepted November 3rd, 2017].
  • Bartels K, Kaizer A, Jameson L, Bullard K, Dingmann C, Fernandez-Bustamante A. Hypoxemia Within The First Three Postoperative Days Is Associated With Increased One-Year Postoperative Mortality After Adjusting For Perioperative Opioids And Other Confounders. Anesthesia & Analgesia [accepted]
  • Krause M, McWilliams SK, Bullard K, Mayes LM, Jameson LC, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Neostigmine versus Sugammadex for Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade and Effects on Severe Adverse Postoperative Pulmonary Outcomes - A Quasi-Experiment. Anesthesia & Analgesia [accepted]
  • Krause M, McWilliams SK, Bullard K, Mayes LM, Jameson LC, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Bartels K. Neostigmine versus Sugammadex for Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade and Effects on Severe Adverse Postoperative Pulmonary Outcomes - A Quasi-Experiment. Anesthesia & Analgesia [accepted]

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Anesthesiology, Board Certification (2003, 2015)
Clinical Interests
Mechanical ventilation, jet ventilation, postoperative outcomes, liver transplant anesthesia, thoracic/airway anesthesia, bariatric anesthesia.