Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Medical Director, Newborn Nursery, University of Colorado Hospital
Ruman A, Casillas N, Clark B, Lockwood J, Nathaniel E, Widmer K. Health Equity and Interpreter Access for Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Poster session presented at: North American Refugee Health Conference; 2023 Jul 21-23; Calgary, AB, Canada.
Ruman, A. Care of Newly Arrived Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Case-Based Review of Clinical Guidelines. Poster session presented at: North American Refugee Health Conference; 2023 Jul 21-23; Calgary, AB, Canada.
Danaher F, et al...Ruman al. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Health Care Professionals in Caring for Immigrant Patients. Oral presentation presented at: AAP NCE, 2023 Oct 20-24. Washington, D.C.
Sridhar S, et al, Ruman A, et al. Immigrant Family Detention in the US: A discussion of applicable standards for Pediatric Medical Care. Accepted for publication by Harvard University FXB Center for Human Rights, revisions in process (10/2023).
Ruman A and Casillas N. Eliminating Inequities with Interpretation: Effective Communication for Improving Health Outcomes. Charting Pediatrics Podcast. 2023 Sept 19.
Morris S, Fratt E, Rodriguez J, Ruman A, Nelson B; A Systematic Review of The Helping Babies Breathe Training Program: From Implementation To Impact. Pediatrics March 2021; 147 (3_MeetingAbstract): 227–228. 10.1542/peds.147.3MA3.227
Morris M, Fratt E, Rodriguez J, Ruman A, Wibecan L, Nelson B. Implementation of the Helping Babies Breathe Training Program: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics Sep 2020, 146 (3) e20193938; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2019-3938.
Yih-Chieh S. Chen, Emily Kung, Anna Ruman, Karen Soliz, Christopher Kirwan, Jessica Hack-Chabot; Improving Access To Interpreter Services For Patients And Families With Limited English Proficiency. Pediatrics August 2019; 144 (2_MeetingAbstract): 487. 10.1542/peds.144.2MA5.487
Clinical Interests
Immigrant, migrant, and newcomer health; care of patients and families who speak languages other than English; health and healthcare disparities