Peter Smith, MD

Associate Professor, Family Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, Georgetown University School of Medicine (1994)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Family Medicine (1997)
Family Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
  • Associate Professor of Family Medicine
  • Medical Director for Primary Care


  • Perreault L, Kramer ES, Smith PC, Schmidt D, Argyropoulos C. A closer look at weight loss interventions in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023;10:1204849. PubMed PMID: 38076252
  • Perreault L, Suresh K, Rodriguez C, Dickinson LM, Willems E, Smith PC, Williams J Jr, Gritz RM, Holtrop JS. Baseline Characteristics of PATHWEIGH: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Study for Weight Management in Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2023 May-Jun;21(3):249-255. PubMed PMID: 37217322
  • Kramer ES DO, MPH, Deffenbacher B MD, Staton EW MSTC, Smith PC MD, Summers Holtrop J PhD. The Weight-Prioritized Visit: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Fam Pract Manag. 2023 Nov;30(6):19-25. PubMed PMID: 37963258
  • Holtrop JS, Smith PC, Williams J, Tietbohl C, Perreault L, Connelly L. Primary Care Patient and Practice Member Perspectives on Weight Loss Medications: Challenges and Opportunities. The Annals of Family Medicine Nov 2023, 21 (Supplement 3) 5139; DOI: 10.1370/afm.22.s1.5139
  • Holtrop JS, Kramer ES, Smith PC, Pan Q, Williams J, Perreault L, Connelly L, Rodriguez C, Tolle L, Gritz M. Creation and Use of a Weight-Prioritized Visit Type in Primary Care. The Annals of Family Medicine Nov 2023, 21 (Supplement 3) 5141; DOI: 10.1370/afm.22.s1.5141
  • Holtrop JS, Kramer ES, Gritz M, Suresh K, Perreault L, Dickinson LM, Tolle L, Williams J, Smith PC. Extent of Weight Management Services Provided in Health System Primary Care Practices.The Annals of Family Medicine Jan 2023, 21 (Supplement 1) 3516; DOI: 10.1370/afm.21.s1.3516
  • Holtrop JS, Kramer ES, Gritz M, Suresh K, Perreault L, Dickinson LM, Tolle L, Williams J, Smith PC. Baseline Characteristics of PATHWEIGH: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Study for Weight Management in Primary Care The Annals of Family Medicine Jan 2023, 21 (Supplement 1) 3517; DOI: 10.1370/afm.21.s1.3517
  • Kwan BM, Hamer MK, Bailey A, Cebuhar K, Conry C, Smith PC. Implementation and Qualitative Evaluation of a Primary Care Redesign Model with Expanded Scope of Work for Medical Assistants. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34997393
  • Suresh K, Holtrop JS, Dickinson LM, Willems E, Smith PC, Gritz RM, Perreault L. PATHWEIGH, pragmatic weight management in adult patients in primary care in Colorado, USA: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Trials. 2022 Jan 10;23(1):26. PubMed PMID: 35012628
  • Suresh K, Holtrop JS, Dickinson LM, Willems E, Smith PC, Gritz RM, Perreault L. PATHWEIGH, pragmatic weight management in adult patients in primary care in Colorado, USA: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Trials. 2022;23(1):26. Published 2022 Jan 10. doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05954-7.
  • Implementation and Qualitative Evaluation of a Primary Care Redesign Model with Expanded Scope of Work for Medical Assistants. Kwan BM, Hamer MK, Bailey A, Cebuhar K, Conry C, Smith PC. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Apr;37(5):1129-1137. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-07246-x.
  • Perreault L, Kramer ES, Smith PC, Schmidt D, Argyropoulos C. "A closer look at weight loss interventions in primary care: A systematic review and meta-analysis" BMJ.Under review, Preprint from medRxiv, 03 Aug 2022, DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.03.22278290 PPR: PPR526841.
  • Knierim K, Palmer C, Kramer ES, Rodriguez RS, VanWyk J, Shmerling A, Smith P, Holmstrom H, Bacak BS, Brown Levey SM, Staton EW, Holtrop JS. Lessons Learned During COVID-19 That Can Move Telehealth in Primary Care Forward. J Am Board Fam Med. 2021 Feb;34(Suppl):S196-S202. PubMed PMID: 33622838
  • Cebuhar K, Lyon C, English A, Ashby D, Smith PC. Extreme Makeover: Ambulatory Practice Edition 2.0 – Achieving the Quadruple Aim through Transformational Practice Redesign, pre-conference workshop, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Alvarez E, Smith PC, Deanda K, Sudfeld H, Palmer L, Simpson J, Kern D. Abstract of Distinction: A Novel Model Incorporating Advanced Rooming and Scribing Assistance in an Academic Neurology Practice. 71st American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Hamer MK, Smith PC, Cebuhar K, Kwan BM. Multi-Method Evaluation of the Primary Care Redesign (PCR) Model: Practice Context, Care Team Experience, and Patient Satisfaction. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • English A, Lyon C, Smith PC, Cebuhar K, Ashby D. It's Not Me, It's You: A 3-Year Analysis of MA Turnover in an Advanced Primary Care Practice. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Smith PC, Cebuhar K, Lyon C, English A. How Does Your Garden Grow? Complex Adaptive Systems and the Cultivation of High Performing Ambulatory Teams. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Holmstrom H, Cebuhar K, McDaniel M, Smith PC. My MA Is My Scribe! Tools to Evaluate and Improve Team-Based Documentation Support. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Smith PC. Lyon C, English AF, Conry C. Practice Transformation under the University of Colorado’s Primary Care Redesign Model. Ann Fam Med. 2019; 17: S24-S32.
  • Kern D, Alvarez E, Deanda K, Sudfeld H, Smith PC, Palmer L, Simpson J, Frey L. Effects of a Novel Practice Model on Medical Team Burnout in an Academic Neurology Practice. 71st American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Mullen R, Hamer M, Ruland S, Pulver G, Ford K, Smith PC, Bailey A, Hamer M, Kwan B. Implementing the Primary Care Redesign Model to Improve Preventive Care Service Utilization and Chronic Disease Management: A Difference-in- Differences Estimation. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Lyon C, English AF, Smith PC. A Team-Based Care Model That Improves Job Satisfaction. Fam Pract Manag. 2018;25(2):6-11.
  • Carrico JA, Mahoney K, Raymond KM, Mims L, Smith PC, Sakai JT, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Hopfer CJ, Bartels K. The Association of Patient Satisfaction-Based Incentives with Primary Care Physician Opioid Prescribing. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018 Nov-Dec;31(6):941-943. PubMed PMID: 30413550
  • Lyon C, English AF, Chabot Smith P. A Team-Based Care Model That Improves Job Satisfaction. Fam Pract Manag. 2018 Mar Apr;25(2):6-11. PubMed PMID: 29537246
  • Lyon C, English AF, Smith PC. A Team-Based Care Model That Improves Job Satisfaction. Fam Pract Manag. 2018; 25: 6-11.
  • Carrico JA, Mahoney K, Raymond K, Mims, Smith PC, Sakai J, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Hopfer C, Bartels K. The Association of Patient Satisfaction-Based Incentives with Primary Care Physician Opioid Prescribing. J Am Board Fam Med. 2018; 31: 941-943.
  • Smith PC, Brown Levey SM, Lyon C. Evaluating transformation with available resources: The influence of APEX on depression screening. Fam Syst Health. 2017 Jun;35(2):238-247. PubMed PMID: 28617024
  • Smith PC. Maximizing the Potential of the PCMH Framework: An “Open Floor Plan” for the Medical Home. The Colorado Health Foundation Educational Committee.
  • West, David R. Radcliff, Tiffany A. Brown, Tiffany. Cote, Murray J. Smith, Peter C. Dickinson, W Perry. Costs associated with data collection and reporting for diabetes quality improvement in primary care practices: a report from SNOCAP-USA. JABFM. 25(3):275-82.
  • Mahvan T, Namdar R, Voorhees K, Ackerman W. Smith PC. Which smoking cessation interventions work best? J Fam Pract July 2011 • Vol. 60, No. 07: 430-431
  • West D, Radcliff T, Cote M, Brown T, Smith PC, Dickinson P. Costs Associated with Data Collection and Reporting for Diabetes Quality Improvement in Primary Care Practices. JABFM. In Press.
  • Smith PC, Myers T, Stern J, Bacak B, Ems P, Colvin L, Bogedahl M, Burch J. Rose Family Medicine Practice Improvement Project, 2011 FPM Practice Improvement Award. Conference on Practice Improvement, Newport Beach, CA, 12/3/2011.
  • Smith PC. Using Patient Safety Research Methods to Build a Data-driven Patient-centered Medical Home. Conference on Practice Improvement, Newport Beach, CA, 12/3/2011
  • Leiszler M, Poddar S. Fletcher. Are serum uric acid levels always elevated in acute gout? October 2011 • Vol. 60, No. 10: 618-620
  • Bailey J, McCarthy C, Smith RF. What is the most effective way to treat recurrent canker sores? JFP October 2011 • Vol. 60, No. 10: 621-632
  • Lee J, Gray L. Does metformin therapy reduce morbidity in obese adolescents? In Press
  • Wells A, Meurer L. How should patients with a new diagnosis of Hepatitis C be managed? In Press.
  • Schreiber K, Khodaee M, Poddar S, Tweed E. What are the most effective treatment options for Morton's Neuroma? Journal of Family Practice. 2011. 60(3): 157-168.
  • Mahvan T,Voorhees K, Namdar R. What are the most effective interventions for smoking cessation? Journal of Family Practice. In Press.
  • Leiszler M, Poddar S, Fletcher A. Will serum uric acid levels necessarily be elevated with acute gout? Journal of Family practice. In Press.
  • Wells A, Meurer L, Jamiesen B. How should patients with a new diagnosis of Hepatitis C be Managed? Journal of Family Practice. In Press.
  • Bailey J, McCarthy C, Smith R. What is the best treatment for aphthous stomatitis? Journal of Family Practice. In Press.
  • Smith PC. Bacak BS. Montgomery LC. Onysko M. Park M. The Evidence Based Patient Centered Medical Home Transformation: The Family Physicians Inquiries Network PCMH Project. STFM Annual Spring Conference
  • Smith PC. Bacak BS. Driving Residency Practice Transformation into a Patient Centered Medical Home Through the Use of a Practice “Dashboard.” Workshop for Directors of Family Medicine Residencies, Kansas City, MO.
  • Wu A, Smith PC. How intensively should glucose be controlled for hospitalized patients? J Fam Pract. In Press.
  • Koch-Laking A. Park MK. Tweed E. Does direct marketing to patients affect physician's prescribing habits? Journal of Family Practice. 59(11):649-50, 2010.
  • Rufner KL. Park MK. Tweed EM. Is aspirin effective for the primary prevention colon cancer? Journal of Family Practice. 59(7):E410c-d, 2010.
  • Khodaee M. Housner JA. Tweed EM. How useful are genital exams during boys’ sports physicals? Journal of Family Practice. 59(7):E410a-b, 2010.
  • Park MK, Smith PC, Wanserski G, Neher JO. FPIN's clinical inquiries. Aspirin in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Am Fam Physician. 2009 Feb 1;79(3):226-7.
  • Parnes B, Smith PC, Gilroy C, Quintela J, Emsermann CB, Dickinson LM, Westfall JM. Lack of impact of direct-to-consumer advertising on the physician-patient encounter in primary care: a SNOCAP report. Ann Fam Med. 2009 Jan-Feb;7(1):41-6.
  • Voorhees K, Fernald DH, Emsermann C, Zittleman L, Smith PC, Parnes B, Winkelman K, Westfall JM. Underinsurance in Primary Care: A Report from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 21 (4): 309-316 (2008)
  • Dolor RJ, Smith PC, Neale AV. Institutional Review Board Training for Community Practices: Advice from the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality Practice-Based Research Network Listserv. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 21 (4): 345-352 (2008).
  • Voorhees K, Fernald D, Emseman C, Zittleman L, Smith PC, PArnes B, Winkleman K, Westfall JM. Underinsurance in Primary Care: A Report from SNOCAP. JABFM. 2008;21(4):309-316.
  • Park M, Wanserski G, Smith PC. Does aspirin decrease morbidity in patients with acute ischemic stroke? Journal of Family Practice. In Press
  • Malaty W, Stigleman S, Smith PC. FPIN's clinical inquiries. Antiepileptic drug level monitoring. Am Fam Physician. 2008 Aug 1;78(3):385-6.
  • Shakil A, Hitchcock K, Smith PC. What is the appropriate evaluation for severe or prolonged constipation in infants? Journal of Family Practice.
  • Barnhouse K, Powers A, Smith PC. What is the best approach to the evaluation of testicular masses? Journal of Family Practice. 56(10):851-3.
  • Breen DP. Wanserski GR. Smith PC. What is the recommended workup for a man with a first UTI? Journal of Family Practice. 2007;56:657-8.
  • Hennemann S. Crawford P. Nguyen L. Smith PC. What is the best initial treatment for orbital cellulitis in children? Journal of Family Practice. 2007;56:662-4.
  • Warren J, Biagioli F, Hamilton A, Smith PC. Evaluation of apparent life threatening events in infants. American Family Physician. 2007;76:124-6.
  • Smith PC. Residency faculty as hospitalists. [Comment. Letter]. Pediatrics. 2007; 119:412.
  • Cooper B, Anderson C, Gabow P, Glazner J, Plock C, Smith PC. A Plan for Covering Colorado. April 2007. Available at
  • Illige M, Meyer A. What are the indications for surgery in a patient with asymptomatic cholelithiasis? In Press
  • Lee JH, Gray L, Nalshesky J. Does metformin therapy reduce morbidity in obese adolescents? Journal of Family Practice. IN PRESS
  • Wells A, Meurer L, Jamiesen B. How should patients with a new diagnosis of Hepatitis C be Managed? Journal of Family Practice. In Press.
  • Illige M, Meyer A. What are the indications for surgery in a patient with asymptomatic cholelithiasis? Journal of Family Practice. In Press.
  • Knierim K, Bacak B, Brown Levey S, Holmstrom, H, Holtrop JS, Kramer ES, Palmer C, Rodriguez RS, Shmerling A, Smith PC, Staton EW. Rapid Transition to Telehealth during COVID-19: Lessons Learned that can Move Primary Care Forward. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. in press (v34/s1).
  • Perreault L, Suresh K, Rodriguez C, Dickinson LM, Willems E, Smith PC, Williams, J II, Gritz RM, Holtrop JS. Baseline characteristics of PATHWEIGH: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized study for weight management in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine. In Press.
  • Kramer ES, Deffenbacher B, Staton EW, Smith PC, Holtrop JS. The Weight-Prioritized Visit in Primary Care: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Family Practice Management. In Press.

Practice Locations

UCHealth Family Medicine - Westminster
7403 Church Ranch Blvd
Suite 107
Westminster, CO 80021

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Family Medicine, Board Certification