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Kang PB, Gooch CL, McDermott MP, Darras BT, Finkel RS, Yang ML, Sproule DM, Chung WK, Kaufmann P, de Vivo DC, Muscle Study Group and the Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The motor neuron response to SMN1 deficiency in spinal muscular atrophy. Muscle Nerve. 2014 May;49(5):636-44. PubMed PMID: 23893312
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Kour S, Rajan DS, Fortuna TR, Anderson EN, Ward C, Lee Y, Lee S, Shin YB, Chair JH, Choi M, Siquier L, Cantagrel V, Amiel J, Stolerman ES, Barnett SS, Cousin MA, Castro D, McDonald K, Kirmse B, Nemeth AH, Rajasundaram D, Innes M, Lynch D, Frosk P, COllins A, Gibbons M, Yang M, Desguerre I, Boddaert N, Gitiaux C, Rydning SL, Selmer KK, Urreizti R, Garcia-Oguiza A, Osorio AN, Adriescu EC, Moody SB, Phornphutkul C, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Begtrup A, Houlden H, Kirschner J, Schilling D, Rudnik-Schoneborn S, Strom TM, Lenz S, Juliette K, Richardson R, Platzer K, Donkervoort S, Bonnemann CG, Wagner M, Issa MY, Elbendary HM, Stanley V, Maroofian R, Gleeson JG, Zaki MS, Senderek J, Pandey UB. Mutations in GEMIN5 cause a novel cerebellar ataxia syndrome by disrupting the dynamics of GEMIN5 expression, interaction, and assembly. Nature communications (in press).
Joshi C, Yang M, Eschbach K, Tong S, Jacobson M, Stillman C, Kropp A, Shea S, Frunzi G, Thomas F, and Olson C. Quality and safety analysis of 2999 telemedicine encounters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurology in Clinical Practice (in press).
James KA, Gralla J, Ridall LA, Do TN, Czaja AS, Mourani PM, Ciafaloni E, Cunniff C, Donnelly J, Oleszek J, Pandya S, Price E, Yang ML, Auerbach SR. Left ventricular dysfunction in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Cardiology Young (in press).