Eugene Wolfel, MD

Professor Emeritus, Medicine-Cardiology

Medical School
  • MD, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University (1976)
Graduate School
  • MA, Bryn Mawr College (1972)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Villanova University (PA) (1970)
  • Ohio State University Hospital Program (1977)
  • Ohio State University Hospital Program, Internal Medicine (1979)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, General Cardiology (1984)

Professional Titles

  • Medical Director, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program


  • Best Doctor for Executives, ColoradoBiz Magazine (2012)
    Named Best Doctor for Congestive Heart Failure and General Cardiovascular Disease.
  • Top Doctor in Denver, 5280 Magazine (2012)
    Voted a 5280 best doctor by my peers in response to the question, "Which physician would you trust to treat you and your family?"


  • Page RL II, Utz KJ, and Wolfel EE. Should Beta-blockers be used in the treatment of cocaine-associated acute coronary syndrome? Ann. Pharmacother 41: 2008-2013, 2007.
  • Tran T, Muralidhar A, Hunter K, Buchanan C, Coe G, Hieda M, Tompkins C, Zipse M, Spotts MJ, Laing SG, Fosmark K, Hoffman J, Ambardekar AV, Wolfel EE, Lawler J, Levine B, Kohrt WM, Pal J, and Cornwell WK. Right ventricular function and cardiopulmonary performance among patients with heart failure supported by durable mechanical circulatory support devices. J Heart Lung Transplant 2021, 40: 128-137.
  • Sailer Cm Edelmann H, Buchanan C, Giro P, Babcock M, Swanson C, Spotts M, Schulte M, Pratt-Cordova A, Coe G, Beibndorff M, Page RL, Ambardekar AV, Pal JD, Kohrt W, Wolfel E, Lawley JS, Tarumi T, and Cornwell WK. Impairments in blood pressure regulation and cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity among patients with heart failure supported by continuous-flow left ventricular devices. Circ Heart Fail 2021, 14: e007448.
  • Bozkurt B, Fonarow GC, Goldberg L, Guglin M, Josephson R, Forman DE, Lin G, Lindenfeld J, O'Connor C, Panjrath G, Pina IL, Shah T, Sinha SS, and Wolfel E. Cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure: State of the Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021 - in press
  • Cornwell WK, Baggish AL, Bhatta Y, Brosnan MJ, Dehnert C, Guseh JS, Hammer D, Levine BD, Parati G, and Wolfel G. Clinical implications for exercise at high altitude among individuals with cardiovascular disease: AHA Scientific Statement. Circulation 2021: in press
  • Bozkurt B, Fonarow GC, Goldberg LR, Guglin M, Josephson RA, Forman DE, Lin G, Lindenfeld J, O'Connor C, Panjrath G, Piña IL, Shah T, Sinha SS, Wolfel E. Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients With Heart Failure: JACC Expert Panel. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Mar 23;77(11):1454-1469. PubMed PMID: 33736829
  • Cornwell WK 3rd, Baggish AL, Bhatta YKD, Brosnan MJ, Dehnert C, Guseh JS, Hammer D, Levine BD, Parati G, Wolfel EE. Clinical Implications for Exercise at Altitude Among Individuals With Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Oct 5;10(19):e023225. PubMed PMID: 34496612
  • Cornwell WK, Tran T, Cerbin L, Coe G, Muralidhar A, Hunter K, Altman N, Ambardekar AV, Tompkins C, Zipse, M, Schulte M, O'Gean K, Ostertag M, Hoffman J, Pal JD, Lawley JS, Levine BD, Wolfel E, Kohrt WM and Buttrick P. New insights into resting and exertional right ventricular performance in the health heart through real-time pressure-volume analysis. J Physiol 2020, 598: 2575-2587.
  • Wolfel EE. Will the early use of biomarkers prevent the development of heart failure? J Cardiac Fail 2018; 24: 601-602.
  • Wolfel EE, "Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing in Heart Failure" in Color Atlas and Synopsis of Heart Failure. Eds: Baliga RR and Abraham WT. Mc Graw Hill, NY, ppg 291- 307, 2018.
  • Exercise at High Altitude in Sports Cardiology. eds Thompson P and Fernandez A. (in press) 2017
  • Exercise at High Altitude in "Exercise and Sports Cardiology " editor: Paul Thompson, M.D.
  • Exploring the Mechanisms of Exercise Intolerance in Patients with HFpEF: Are we too cardiocentric? JACC Heart Failure 2016; 4: 646-8.
  • Allen. LA. Ambardekar AV, Devaraj KM, Maleszewski JJ, and Wolfel EE. Clinical Problem-Solving: Missing Elements of the History – Case of Cobalt Cardiomyopathy. New Engl J Med 2013; 370: 559-566.
  • Aquilante CL, Page II RL, Vu A, Roscoe, N, Wolfel EE, and Lindenfeld JA. Comparison of office, home, and ambulatory blood pressure in heart transplant recipients. J Card Fail 2014; 20: 602-610.
  • Salcedo EE, Quaife R, and Wolfel EE. Non-compaction cardiomyopathy: Underdiagnosed or overdiagnosed? Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports 2013; 6: 498-506.
  • Gardin JM, Leifer ES Kitzman DW, Cohen G, Landzberg JS, Cotts W, Wolfel EE, Safford RE, Bess RL, and Fleg JL. Usefulness of Doppler Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Peak Exercise Oxygen Consumption to Predict Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure (from HF-ACTION). Am. J. Cardiol 2012; 110: 862-869.
  • Swank AM, Horton J, Fleg JL, Fonarow GC, Keteyian S, Goldberg L, Wolfel G, Handberg EM, Bensimhon D, Illious MC, Vest M, Ewald G, Balckburn G, Leifer E, Cooper L, Kraus WE, and for the HF-ACTION Investigators. Modest Increase in Peak VO2 Is Related to Better Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure Patients (Results from the Heart Failure and a Controlled Trial to Investigate Outcomes of Exercise Training). Circ Heart Fail 2012; 5: 579-585.
  • Gardin, JM, Kitzman DW, Leifer ES, Cohen G, Landzberg JS, Cotts WG, Wolfel EE, Safford RE, Bess RL, and Fleg JL. Left ventricular diastolic function and peak exercise oxygen consumption contribute independently to predicting clinical outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training (HF-ACTION). Circulation 124 (Suppl A): 16091. Presented at the American Heart Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2011.
  • Baggish AL, Wolfel EE, and Levine BD. The Cardiovascular System at High Altitude: Heart and Systemic Circulation. in Swenson ER and Bartsch P, eds. Hypoxia: Human Adaptation to High Altitude. Second Edition. Informa Health Care, NY (in press, 2011)
  • Swank AM, Horton J, Fonarow GC, Fleg JL, Keteyian SJ, Goldberg L, Wolfel EE, Handberg EM, Bensimhon D, Illiou MC, Vest M, Ewald G, Blackburn G, Leifer E, Cooper L, and Kraus WE. Modest increase in peak VO2 is related to better clinical outcomes in chronic heart failure patients: Results from Heart Failure and a Controlled Trial to Investigate Outcomes from Exercise Training (HF-ACTION). (Circulation, resubmission, 2011)
  • The International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for the care of heart transplant recipients. J. Heart Lung Transplt 2010; 29: 914-956. (co-author, Task Force 3)
  • Salcedo EE, Moloo J, Quaife R and Wolfel EE. Imaging Heart Failure in 2010. Current Cardiovasc. Imaging Reports 2010; 3: 303-316.
  • O’Connor C, Whellan DJ, Lee KL, Keteyian SJ, Cooper LS, Ellis SJ, Leifer ES, Kraus WE, Kitzman DW, Blumenthal JA, Rendall DS, Houston NH, Fleg JL, Schulman KA, McKelvie RS, Zannad F, Pina IL for the HF-ACTION Investigators. Efficacy and safety of exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure: HF-ACTION Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 301: 1439-1450, 2009.
  • Gardin JM, Leifer E, Felig J, Whellan D, Kokkinos P, LeBlanc M, Wolfel E, and Kitzman DW. Relationship of Doppler-echocardiographic left ventricular diastolic function to exercise capacity in systolic heart failure: The HF-ACTION study. Am. Heart J. 158 (suppl 1): S45-S52, 2009.
  • Bergman BC, Tsvetkova T, Lowes B, and Wolfel EE. Myocardial FFA metabolism during rest and atrial pacing in humans. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol Metab 296 (in press), 2009.
  • Regensteiner JG, Bauer TA, Reusch JEB, Quaife R, Chen MY, Smith SC, Miller T, Groves BM, and Wolfel EE. Cardiac dysfunction during exercise in uncomplicated Type 2 diabetes. Med Science Sports Exer (in press, May,2009)
  • Bergman BC, Tsvetkova T, Lowes B, and Wolfel EE. Myocardial glucose and lactate metabolism during rest and atrial pacing in humans. J. Physiol. (in press, 2009)
  • Ambardekar AV and Wolfel EE. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Baliga R, ed. Cardiology Review. McGraw Hill Publishing; New York, NY (in press), 2009.
  • Wolfel EE, DeMarco T, Boehmer J, Lowes B, Wagoner LE, Ghali JK, Thgackeray L, Smith M, Yong P, Leigh J, and Bristow MR. Effect of baseline peak oxygen consumption on clinical outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy: Findings from the COMPANION Exercise Performance Substudy. Circulation 118 (Suppl II): S951, 2008.
  • DeMarco T, Wolfel EE, Feldman AM, Lowes BD, Higginbotham MB, Ghali JK, Wagoner L, Kirlin PC, Kennett JD, Goel S, Saxon LA, Boehmer JP, Mann D, Galle E, Ecklund F, Yong P, and Bristow MR. Impact of cardiac resynchronization therapy on exercise performance, functional capacity, and quality of life in systolic heart failure with QRS prolongation: COMPANION Trial sub-study. J. Cardiac Failure 14: 9-18, 2008.
  • Lowes BD, Zolty R, Shakar SF, Brieke A, Gray N, Reed M, Calalb M, Minobe W,Lindenfeld J, Wolfel EE, Geraci M, Bristow MR, and Cleveland J Jr. Persistent fetal gene expression patterns during assist device support. J. Heart Lung Transplant. 26: 1170-1176, 2007.
  • Friedlander AL, Jacobs KA, Fattor JA, Horning MA, Hagobian TA, Bauer TA, Wolfel EE, and Brooks GA. Contributions of working muscle to whole body lipid metabolism are altered by exercise intensity and training. Am. J. Physiol. 292: E107-E116, 2007.
  • Wolfel, EE. Can we predict and prevent the onset of acute decompensated heart failure? Circulation 116: 1526-1529, 2007.
  • Friedlander AL, Jacobs KA, Fattor JA, Horning MA, Hagobian TA, Bauer TA, Wolfel EE, and Brooks GA. Contributions of working muscle to whole body lipid metabolism are altered by exercise intensity and training. Am. J. Physiol. 292: E107-E116, 2007.
  • Tate CW. Robertson AD, Zolty R, Shakar SF, Lindenfeld J, Wolfel EE, Bristow MR, and Lowes BD. Quality of life and prognosis in Heart Failure: Results of the Beta-Blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial (BEST). J. Cardiac Failure 13: 732-737, 2007.
  • Wallis GA, Friedlander AL, Jacobs KA, Horning MA, Fattor JA, Wolfel EE, Lopaschuk GD, and Brooks GA. Substantial working muscle glycerol turnover during two-legged cycle ergometry. Am. J. Physiol. 293: E950-957, 2007.
  • Wolfel EE. Exercise testing with concurrent beta-blocker usage: Is it Useful? What do we learn? Current Heart Failure Reports 3: 81-88, 2006.
  • Lindenfeld J, Shakar S, Zolty R, Robertson AD, Lowes BD, Wolfel EE, Brieke A, and Bristow MR. Increasing age decreases the risk of sudden death compared to progressive heart failure in patients with advanced heart failure. Circulation 114 (Suppl II): 1880, 2006
  • Shakar SF, Lowes BD, Lindenfeld J, Zolty R, Brieke A, Wolfel EE, Robertson AD, and Bristow MR. In chronic heart failure, chronic renal failure may increase mortality through sympathetic activation. Circulation 114 (Suppl II): 3608, 2006
  • Exercise testing with concurrent beta-blocker usage: Is it useful? What do we learn? Current Heart Failure Reports, 2006 (in press).
  • Effects of carvedilol and metoprolol on adrenergic signal transduction in heart failure patients. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (under review) - Lowes is 1st author
  • Small exercise and training effects on muscle lipid metabolism. Am. J. Physiol. (under review), Ann Friedlander from Stanford - 1st author
  • Pharmacokinetic impact of cyclosporine on phenytoin concentrations in two heart transplant recipients. Am. J. Transplantation (under review) - Kiser - 1st author
  • Quaife RA, Chen MY, Lynch D, Badesch DB, Groves BD, Wolfel EE, Robertson AD, Bristow MR, and Voelkel NF. Importance of right ventricular end-systolic regional wall stress in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: A new method for estimation of right ventricular wall stress. Eur. J. Med. Res. 11: 214-220, 2006.
  • Jacobs KA, Krauss RM, Fattor JA, Horning MA, Friedlander AL, Bauer T, Hagobian TA, Wolfel EE, and Brooks GA. Endurance training has little effect on active muscle free fatty acid, lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride net balances. Am. J. Physiol. 291: E656 –E665, 2006.
  • Marathoners or couch potatoes: What is the role of exercise in the management of heart failure? Current Heart Failure Reports, 2005; 2: 25-34.
  • Boop is common in cardiac transplant patients switched from a calcineurin inhibitor to sirolimus, Am. J. Transplantation 2005, 5: 1392-1396 (Lindenfeld - 1st author)
  • importance of right ventricular end-systolic regional wall stress in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: A novel MRI method for estimation of right ventricular wall stress. Eur. J. Med. Res., 2006 (in press). (Quaife - 1st author).
  • Cleveland, J Jr, Grover FL, Fullerton DA, Campbell DN, Mitchell MB, Lindenfeld J, Wolfel EE, Lowes BD, Shakar SF, Brieke A, Cannon A, and Robertson AD. Left ventricular assist device as bridge to transplantation does not adversely affect one-year heart transplantation survival. J. Thoracic and Cardiovasc. Surg. (in press, 2008).
  • Regensteiner JG, Bauer TA, Huebschmann A, Herlache L, Weinberger HD, Wolfel EE, and Reusch J. Sex differences in the effects of type 2 diabetes on exercise performance. Med Sci Sport Exer (in press).
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure: State-of-the-Art Review. Bozkurt B, Fonarow GC, Goldberg L, Guiglin M, Josephson R, Forman D, Lin G, Lindenfeld J, O'Connor C, Panjrath G, Pina I, Shah T, Sinha S and Wolfel E. JACC (in press)
  • Relationship between nocturnal blood pressure patterns and end organ damage and diastolic dysfunction in heart transplant recipients. Oreschak K, Wolfel EE, Saba LM, Ambardekar A, Lindenfeld J, and Aquilante C. Clin Transplantation (in press)
  • Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing in Heart Failure in Color Atlas on Heart Failure, Eds. Abraham WT and Baliga R, McGraw Hill in press for 2018

Professional Memberships

  • American Heart Association (AHA), Fellow
  • International Society of Heart/Lung Treatment, Member
  • Heart Failure Society of America, Fellow

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Radiology - Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Radiology - Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion
1635 Aurora Ct
1st Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Heart Failure Program - Anschutz
12505 E. 16th Ave
Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion 2, 3rd floor
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Heart & Vascular Center - Anschutz
12505 E. 16th Ave
Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion 2, 3rd floor
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification (1979)
  • General Cardiology, Board Certification (1983)
  • Cardiology, Board Certification (1983)
  • Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, Board Certification (2011)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Heart and Circulation - Heart Diseases
  • Heart and Circulation - Heart Failure
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Surgery - Heart Transplant Surgery
  • Surgery