Sneha Shah, MD

Assistant Professor, Medicine-Hospital Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, Medical College of Wisconsin (2017)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Marquette University (WI) (2013)
  • University of Colorado, Chief Resident, Internal Medicine (2020)
English, Gujarati, Hindi
Medicine-Hospital Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Hospitalist
  • POCUS Curriculum Lead (VA)


  • Tiffany A. Gardner, Elizabeth K. Breitbach, Julia E. Limes, Geoffrey R. Connors, Andrew R. Berry, August A. Longino, Sneha Shah, Brandon Fainstad, Tyler M. Miller, Carolina Ortiz-Lopez, and Michelle Fleshner. A Quality Improvement Approach to Modification of a Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum. ATS Scholar.
  • Pace C, Shah S, Zhang AX, Zosel AE. Impact of a chronic pain management pathway on opioid administration and prescribing in an Emergency Department. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2018 Aug;56(8):744-750. PubMed PMID: 29168404
  • Shinya S, Ghinet MG, Brzezinski R, Furuita K, Kojima C, Shah S, Kovrigin EL, Fukamizo T. NMR line shape analysis of a multi-state ligand binding mechanism in chitosanase. J Biomol NMR. 2017 Apr;67(4):309-319. PubMed PMID: 28393280

Practice Locations

Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Administration Medical Center
1700 Wheeling St
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification
  • MAT Waiver, Other (0001)
Clinical Interests
Point-of-Care Ultrasound; Medical Education: Clinical Reasoning; Clinical Education: Innovations in teaching on the wards

Care Philosophy
I provide comprehensive and compassionate care to facilitate for those I treat a healthy and joyful life. I not only aim to provide evidence-based clinical care to the hospitalize patient but consider the whole person and incorporate their psychosocial and economic needs into my care. As an academic hospitalist, I strive to create safe learning environments for medical students and residents so they can deliver impactful and person-centered care.

Personal Interests
Outside of work, I enjoy: playing and watching tennis, reading and writing poetry, visiting awe-inspiring US National Park, eating food. I hope to open my own restaurant one day.

Public Speaking