Warren Binford, JD, EdM
Professor, Pediatrics-Child Abuse and Neglect/Kempe

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Graduate Schools :
  • M.Ed, Boston University (1993)
  • JD, Harvard University (1998)
Undergraduate School:
  • BA, Boston University (MA) (1989)
Department: Pediatrics-Child Abuse and Neglect/Kempe

Professional Titles

  • W.H. Lea for Justice Endowed Chair in Pediatric Law, Ethics & Policy
  • Director for Pediatric Law, Ethics & Policy at the Kempe Center
  • Professor of Law (by courtesy)
  • Core Faculty

Recognition & Awards

  • Richard Krugman Award, EndCAN (2023)
  • Inaugural Gary B Melton Award, Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice (2022)
  • Top 50 Women Leaders of Oregon 2022, Women We Admire (2022)
  • Woman of Influence, Portland Business Journal (2020)
  • Hans J. Linde Award, American Constitution Society (2020)
  • Lifetime Fellow, American Bar Foundation (2020)
  • Inaugural Fulbright Canada-Palix Foundation Distinguished Visiting Chair in Brain Science, and Child and Family Health and Wellness, Fulbright Canada (2015)
  • Fulbright Scholar Award (South Africa), Fulbright (2012)


  • Professor (2020)
    School of Medicine, Pediatrics


  • Straub DM, Binford W. Supporting health professionals who serve gender-diverse youth. Fam Syst Health. 2023 Sep;41(3):396-400. PubMed PMID: 37732979
  • Warren Binford, What Frontline Professionals Need to Combat Child Maltreatment Online, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILD MALTREATMENT: RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE (2023), doi: 10.1007/s42448-023-00164-x.
  • Warren Binford, Michael Bochenek, Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Emma Day, Sarah Field, Marci Hamilton, Benyam Mezmur, Ann Skelton, Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Ton Liefaard, Hans van Loon, Jinske Verhellen, Fasil Mulatu, Co-Authored Report on Enforcing the Rights of Children in Migration by the International Law Association Study Group on Cross-Border Violations of Children’s Rights, LAWS, (2023).
  • Warren Binford & Michael Garcia Bochenek (co-editors), Laws Special Issue on Protecting the Rights of Children in Migration (January 2023).
  • Warren Binford, Instituting Full Political Participation and Representation in the 21st Century United States, HARVARD HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (July 2023).
  • Gina Dimitropoulos, David Lindenbach, Daniel J Devoe, Emily Gunn, Olivia Cullen, Asmita Bhattarai, Jennifer Kuntz, Warren Binford, Scott Patten, & Paul Arnold. Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients, 124 CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 105448 (2022).
  • Gina Dimitropoulos, David Lindenbach, Daniel J Devoe, Emily Gunn, Olivia Cullen, Asmita Bhattarai, Jennifer Kuntz, Warren Binford, Scott Patten, & Paul Arnold. Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients, 124 CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 105448 (2022).
  • Miriam Abaya, Nandita Bajaj, Warren Binford, Michelle Blake, Carter Dillard, James Dold, Hope Ferdowsian, Wendy Lazarus, Reid Maki, Shantel Meek, Jerry Milner, Jennifer Nagda, Vidya Kumar Ramanathan, Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic, Jonathan Todres, Why a US High-Level Entity for Children is Critical for Children’s Rights, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (March 10, 2022).
  • Michael Garcia Bochenek & Warren Binford, Children Arriving in the United States Need Strong Safeguards, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (April 19, 2022).
  • 4. Greg R. Wehrer, Rafael M. Langer-Osuna, Keith Bradley, Mary Kelly Persyn, Warren Binford, et al. Co-authored Brief of American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children and 19 Professional Child Welfare Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellees, Abbott v. Doe (filed August 25, 2022).
  • Warren Binford, Instituting Full Political Participation and Representation in the 21st Century United States, HARVARD HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (forthcoming November 2022).
  • Warren Binford & Mary Kelly Persyn, Politics, Not Doctors, Place Transgender Children at Risk, THE DENVER POST (June 2, 2022).
  • Dimitropoulos G, Lindenbach D, Devoe DJ, Gunn E, Cullen O, Bhattarai A, Kuntz J, Binford W, Patten SB, Arnold PD. Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients. Child Abuse Negl. 2022 Feb;124:105448. PubMed PMID: 34952461
  • HEAR MY VOICE/ESCUCHA MI VOZ (Workman Publishing 2021).
  • Warren Binford, Michael Bochenek, Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Emma Day, Sarah Field, Marci Hamilton, Benyam Mezmur, Ann Skelton, Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Ton Liefaard, Hans van Loon, Jinske Verhellen, Fasil Mulatu, Co-Authored Report on Enforcing the Rights of Children in Migration by the International Law Association Study Group on Cross-Border Violations of Children’s Rights (May 2021).
  • Michael Garcia Bochenek, Warren Binford, Ryan Matlow, and Ewen Wang, “Like I’m Drowning”: Children and Families Sent to Harm by the US “Remain in Mexico” Program, Human Rights Watch Report (January 6, 2021).
  • Olivia Cullen, Keri Zug Ernst, Natalie Dawes, Warren Binford & Gina Dimitropoulos, “Our Laws Have Not Caught up with the Technology”: Understanding Challenges and Facilitators in Investigating and Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse Materials in the United States, LAWS (2020).
  • Warren Binford, Foreword to BORDERX: A CRISIS IN GRAPHIC DETAIL, edited by Mauricio Alberto Cordero (2020).
  • Warren Binford & Elizabeth L. MacDowell, A Children’s Rights Commentary on Turner v. Rogers, in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: REWRITTEN FAMILY LAW OPINIONS (Cambridge University Press 2020).
  • Aaron X. Fellmeth, W. Warren H. Binford, Blaine I. Green, Erica Turcios Yader, Michael Garcia Bochenek, Stella Burch Elias, Ian M. Kysel, Co-authored Brief of Legal Scholars and Non-Governmental Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees, Flores v. Barr (filed January 28, 2020).
  • Warren Binford, Michael Bochenek, Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Emma Day, Sarah Field, Marci Hamilton, Benyam Mezmur, Ann Skelton, Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Ton Liefaard, Hans van Loon, Jinske Verhellen, Fasil Mulatu, Co-Authored Mid-Term Report of International Law Association Study Group on Cross-Border Violations of the Rights of Children (October 2020).
  • Warren Binford & Michael Garcia Bochenek, Children Sent to Mexico under Trump’s Asylum Policy Face Risk of Abuse, Trauma and Sex Trafficking, DALLAS MORNING NEWS, March 1, 2020.
  • Warren Binford & Hope Frye, Free the Separated Children. NEWSWEEK (October 28, 2020).
  • Warren Binford, Viewing Pornography through a Children’s Rights Lens, 25 SEXUAL ADDICTION & COMPULSIVITY: THE JOURNAL OF TREATMENT & PREVENTION (2019).
  • Warren Binford, The Death of a Clinic, 26 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 99 (2019).
  • W. Warren H. Binford (for Child Redress International), UK Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse, First Witness Statement, Children Outside the UK (December 11, 2018); Second Witness Statement, Children Outside the UK (December 11, 2018); Third Witness Statement, Children Outside the UK (February 6, 2019); Live Testimony Transcript (February 12, 2019); Fourth Witness Statement, The Internet Investigation (April 25, 2019).
  • Thomas J. Beers, Irma S. Russell, & W. Warren H. Binford, Co-authored Brief of Amicus Curiae Zero Hour on Behalf of Approximately 32,340 Children and Young People in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees, Juliana, et al., v. U.S., 2019 WL 1069616 (9th Cir. Mar. 1, 2019).
  • Warren Binford, Jack P. Shonkoff, Alan Shapiro, Ryan B. Matlow, N. Ewen Wang, David L. Corwin, Marsha Griffin, Michael Garcia Bochenek, Lisa L. Fortuna, Hope Frye, Kelli Hughes, Ronald Hughes, Clara Long, Pamela J. Miller, Elora Mukherjee, Charles J. Nelson III, Jennifer Podkul, Mary Kelly Persyn, Co-authored Custody and Care of Children at the Border: 2019 Congressional Briefing Book (September 2019).
  • Warren Binford & Patricia Stoneroad, Co-authored (with students) Submission to United Nations Human Rights Council documenting abuse of children by the United States government in various immigration facilities as part of the 2019-2020 Universal Periodic Review Process of the United States (filed October 2, 2019; available upon request).
  • Warren Binford & Mary Kelly Persyn, Save These Children’s Lives, Now: The Humane Answer to the Border Catastrophe, THE DAILY NEWS, June 27, 2019.
  • Warren Binford & Michael Garcia Bochenek, How to Get Children Out of Cages, THE PROGRESSIVE, July 25, 2019.
  • Michael Garcia Bochenek & Warren Binford, The U.S. Is Mistreating Children in Its Custody. Can International Law Help?, THE AMERICAN PROSPECT, August 15, 2019.
  • Warren Binford, Systems Must be Reworked So Assault Survivors Learn to Trust Them, STATESMAN JOURNAL, October 10, 2018, p. 10A.
  • Warren Binford, The Constitutionalization of Children’s Rights in South Africa 1994-2014, 60 NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL LAW REVIEW 333 (2015-2016).
  • Warren Binford, Constitutionalization of Children’s Rights, in MAX PLANCK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (Ranier Grote, Frauke Lachemann, & Rüdiger Wolfrum, eds.) (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Warren Binford, US Supreme Court and ‘Boiled Brains’ of Youth, STATESMAN JOURNAL, January 31, 2016 .
  • Warren Binford, How to Be the World’s Best Law Professor, 64 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION 542 (May 2015).
  • Warren Binford, A Global Survey of Country Efforts to Ensure Compensation for Child Pornography Victims, 13 OHIO STATE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW 37 (2015).
  • Warren Binford, Janna Giesbrecht-McKee, Joshua L. Savey, and Rachel Schwartz-Gilbert, Beyond Paroline: Ensuring Meaningful Remedies for Child Pornography Victims, 35 CHILDREN’S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 117 (2015).
  • Michele Pistone & Warren Binford, Use of Technology in Teaching, in BUILDING ON BEST PRACTICES: TRANSFORMING LEGAL EDUCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD (Deborah Maranville, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Carolyn Wilkes Kaas, & Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, eds., Lexis 2015).
  • Warren Binford, Does America Need a Children’s Bill of Rights? JURIST, November 2015.
  • Co-creator with Canadian Centre for Child Protection of International Survivors’ Survey – Identifying and Responding to the Unique Needs of Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Imagery (2015).
  • Warren Binford, Discovering Mandela’s Children, TRANSITION AT [Harvard University’s] HUTCHINS CENTER, December 2014, pp. 51-66.
  • Warren Binford, A Client Is Killed, CALIFORNIA LAWYER, January 2014, pp. 103-04.
  • Warren Binford, Paroline Raises Difficult Questions for Supreme Court, JURIST, February 27, 2014.
  • Warren Binford, I Can’t Breathe: Voices of Justice, TRANSITION MAGAZINE AT [Harvard University’s] HUTCHINS CENTER, December 2014.
  • Warren Binford, Congress Should Listen to Child Sex-Abuse Victims, STATESMAN JOURNAL, April 25, 2014.
  • Warren Binford, Congress Should Listen to Child Sex-Abuse Victims, STATESMAN JOURNAL, April 25, 2014.
  • W. Warren H. Binford & Paul J. De Muniz, Co-Authored (with students) Amicus Brief in the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children in U.S. v. Paroline (filed November 20, 2013).
  • W. Warren H. Binford, Envisioning a 21st-Century Legal Education, 41 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY 157 (2013).
  • Warren H. Binford, Giving Voice to Unaccompanied Children in Removal Proceedings, 21 WILLAMETTE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW & DISPUTE RESOLUTION 34 (2013).
  • Warren Binford, Leaning Back Makes You Rich, USA TODAY, April 6, 2013.
  • Warren Binford, The Angel Taxi Service, WILLAMETTE LAWYER, April 26, 2013.
  • Warren Binford, Criminal Capacity and the Teenage Brain: Insights from Neurological Research, 14 ARTICLE 40: THE DYNAMICS OF YOUTH JUSTICE & THE CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN SOUTH AFRICA 1 (2012) (published by the Children’s Rights Project).
  • Warren Binford, Utilizing the Communications Procedures of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (2012) (published by Save the Children).
  • W. Warren H. Binford, Sexting Teens Should Be Taught Self Respect, in SEXTING 91 (Stefan Kiesbye, ed. 2011).
  • W. Warren H. Binford, Saving Haiti’s Children from Hell, 6 INTERCULTURAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 11 (2011).
  • Warren Binford, Saving Oregon’s Families, One Regulation at a Time, THE OREGONIAN, January 25, 2011.
  • Warren Binford, High Court Punts on Bend Girl’s Interrogation, THE OREGONIAN, June 14, 2011.
  • W. Warren H. Binford, Reconstructing a Clinic, 15 CLINICAL LAW REVIEW 283 (2009).
  • Warren Binford, Teach “Something Great to Imitate”: Self Respect, THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, Apr. 5, 2009, p. C5.
  • Warren Binford, Society Must Stay Vigilant Against Child Sex Abuse, STATESMAN JOURNAL, October 27, 2009, p. 5C.
  • W. Warren H. Binford, When Free Expression Gets Expensive: Legalities, Liabilities, and Realities, in THE ROLE OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN A MULTICULTURAL AND DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (Jennifer L. Jopp, ed., 2008).
  • W. Warren H. Binford, School Lessons in War: Children at Tuol Sleng & The Rise of International Protections for Children in War, 16 WILLAMETTE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW & DISPUTE RESOLUTION 28 (2008).
  • W. Warren H. Binford, Preston C. Greene, and Maria C. Schmidlkofer, Seeking Best Practices among Intermediate Courts of Appeal: A Nascent Journey, 9 JOURNAL OF APPELLATE PRACTICE AND PROCESS 37 (2007).
  • Warren Binford, Croatia’s Deadly Legacy: Landmines and a Misguided Embargo Threaten Economic Recovery, TOWARD FREEDOM, 20 (August 1996).
  • Warren Binford, The Rights of Children in Armed Conflicts, CHILDREN IN ARMED CONFLICT, 62-64 (October 1995) (published by the International Red Cross).
  • Warren Binford, Child Soldiers and Other Victims of Armed Conflict, CHILDREN IN ARMED CONFLICT, 23-47 (October 1995) (published by the International Red Cross).
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Professional Memberships

  • California State Bar, Member
  • AALS International Human Rights Section, Former Chair
  • International Law Association, Co-Chair, Committee on the Rights of Children in Migration
  • U.S. Supreme Court Bar, Member
  • American Bar Foundation, Lifetime Fellow
  • 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Bar, Member
  • Human Rights Section, American Branch of the International Law Association, Co-Chair
  • ABILA International Law Weekend 2024, Co-Chair, Planning Committee

Practice Locations

Clinical Interests
International children’s rights; 21st century forms of child abuse, exploitation & trauma; Evidence-based child advocacy and decision-making; Multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to child-focused research and policy

Care Philosophy
I recognize that children are fully human with evolving capacity as they mature. They hold all of the rights inherent to their humanity and should be supported and empowered to exercise those rights at developmentally-appropriate levels. I believe that children are individuals but also deeply connected to larger social milieux, which include relationships to family, schools, and communities. These rleationships should be actively and intentionally nurtured to support children's health and wellbeing physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I believe that as adults, we are obligated to create a world that both protects children and empowers them and their loved ones to protect themselves.

Personal Interests
I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two children backpacking, hiking, snowboarding, skiing, and mountain climbing.

Volunteer Activities
My volunteer activities mostly focus on children and include serving for years as a Court-Appointed Special Advocate, a volunteer civics teacher for local middle school students, and on numerous non-profit boards.

Public Speaking
I speak locally, nationally, and internationally about children and families and the challenges they face in the 21st century such as digital forms of child sexual abuse and migration. I am a passionate advocate for children and families and actively seek to identify and conduct research that tells us how we can support the health, happiness, resilience, intelligence, and integrity of children and families.

General Information

Graduate Schools:
  • M.Ed, Boston University (1993)
  • JD, Harvard University (1998)
Undergraduate Schools:
  • BA, Boston University (MA) (1989)
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Department: Pediatrics-Child Abuse and Neglect/Kempe
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Campus Box C290
Aurora, CO 80045

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