Gardner TA, Breitbach EK, Limes JE, Connors GR, Berry AR, Longino AA, Shah S, Fainstad B, Miller TM, Ortiz-Lopez C, Fleshner M. A Quality Improvement Approach to Modification of a Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum. ATS Sch. 2023 Dec;4(4):538-545. PubMed PMID: 38196688
Gardner T, Breitach E, Ortiz-Lopez C, Zheng C, Fleshner M. POCUS Portfolio Development and Quality-Assurance for an Internal Medicine Residency. Poster accepted to Society of Hospital Medicine Conference in March 2023, presentation cancelled for family emergency.
Ferraro S, Fleshner M, Kramer H, Ortiz-Lopez C. Improving Financial Sustainability of a Hospitalist-run Medicine Procedure Service. Poster presented at Society of Hospital Medicine Conference in March 2023.
Fischer, Cristina; Limes, Julia; Fleshner, Michelle. Lessons Learned from a Pilot Study of POCUS near-Peer Mentored Scanning in a Large Academic Setting. Society of General Internal Medicine. May 12th 2023 in Aurora, Colorado
Williams RJ, Ortiz-Lopez C, Teitelbaum I, Fleshner M. Peritoneal Dialysis Management: Augmented with Point of Care Lung Ultrasonography: A Pilot Implementation Study. Poster presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine Conference, May, 2023.
Gardner T, … Fleshner M. Portfolio Development and Quality Assurance as Core Components of a Multifaceted Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum for a Large Internal Medicine Residency Program. Poster presented at the AAMC Conference, 2023.
Fleshner M, Fox S, Robertson T, Fujita AW, Bhamidipati D, Bui T. Impact of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Medical Decision Making: Informing the Development of an Internal Medicine Global Health POCUS curriculum. POCUS Journal. April 2022.
Maw, A.M., Morris, M.A., Glasgow, R.E. Barnard J, Ho P.M., Ortiz-Lopez C., Fleshner M. et al. Using Iterative RE-AIM to enhance hospitalist adoption of lung ultrasound in the management of patients with COVID-19: an implementation pilot study. Implement Sci Commun 3, 89 (2022).
Fleshner M. A commentary on: Diagnostic accuracy of focused deep venous, lung, cardiac and multiorgan ultrasound in suspected pulmonary embolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PracticeUpdate website. Available at: July 26, 2022
McQuade C, Wojcik R, Fleshner M, Smith B, Bonifacino E. Pitt Puzzles: A clinical reasoning tool by busy residents for busy residents. SGIM Forum. Vol 45 Num 12 December 2022.
1. Maw, A.M.; Ho, P.M.; Morris, M.A.; Glasgow, R.E.; Huebschmann, A.G.; Barnard, J.G.; Metter, R.; Tierney, D.M.; Mathews, B.K.; Havranek, E.P.; Kissler, M.; Fleshner, M.; Burian, B.K.; Platz, E.; Soni, N.J. Hospitalist Perceptions of Barriers to Lung Ultrasound Adoption in Diverse Hospital Environments. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 1451.
2. Maw A, Morras M, Barnard J, Wilson J, Glasgow R, Hueschmann A, Soni N, Fleshner M, Kaufman J, and Ho M. Multi-Level Stakeholder Perspectives on Determinants of Point of Care Ultrasound Implementation in a US Academic Medical Center. Diagnostics. 2021. [Accepted for publication].
Fox S, Fleshner M, Flanagan C, Robertson T, Fujita AW, Bhamidipati D, Abdulrahman S, Purushothaman R, Bui T. Developing and Evlauating a Remote Quality Assurance System for Point-of-Care Ultrasound for an Internal Medicine Residency Global Health Track. POCUS Journal. 2020. 5(2): 46-54.
Fleshner M, Fox S, Robertson T, Ayako Fujita AW, Bhamidipati D, Bui T. POCUS Journal. Impact of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Medical Decision Making: Informing the Development of an Internal Medicine Global Health POCUS Curriculum. [In press]