Brian Flynn, MD

Professor, Surgery-Urology

Medical School
  • MD, Temple University School of Medicine (1995)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, University of Rochester (NY) (1991)
  • Geisinger Health System Program (1996)
  • Geisinger Health System Program, Chief Resident, Urology (2001)
  • Duke University Hospital Program, Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery (2002)

Professional Titles

  • Past President of the Rocky Mountain Urologic Society
  • Fellowship Director of Functional and Reconstructive Urology


  • Best Doctor for Executives, ColoradoBiz Magazine (2012)
    Named Best Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Doctor
  • University of Colorado Hospital Leadership Award, University of Colorado Hospital (2007)
    Awarded for the development and directorship of the UCH Female Pelvic Medicine Clinic
  • Best Poster, Societe Internaionale D’Urologie (SIU) (2017)
    Best Poster, section 8, reconstruction, trauma and urethroplasty: Societe Internaionale D’Urologie (SIU) 37th annual meeting, Libson, Portugal, October 2017. Transvesical ventral buccal mucosa graft inlay cystoplasty for reconstruction of refractory bladder neck contracture after benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery: Surgical techniques and preliminary results.
  • Faculty Teaching Award, U. of Colorado Department of Surgery/Urology (2016)
    The award, initiated by the University of Colorado Urology Residents is presented annually to recognize an outstanding urology educator. There are 25 faculty members eligible for this award and I have been the recipient three times in nine years.
  • AUA Residents Committee Teaching Award Nomi, American Urologic Association (2016)
    AUA Residents Committee Teaching Award Nominee, this award is presented to 1 individual, 14 nominated. The award, initiated by the AUA Residents Committee and approved by the AUA Board, is presented annually to recognize an outstanding urology educator or program director that has dedicated a portion of his/her career to teaching residents and advancing urology graduate medical education.
  • AUA Victor A. Politano Award Nominee, American Urologic Association (2015)
    AUA Victor A. Politano Award Nominee, this award is presented to an individual (urologist, basic scientist, researcher, biomedical engineer, etc.) for outstanding achievements in the field of urinary incontinence and for enhancing the treatment of incontinent patients.
  • Faculty Teaching Award, U. of Colorado Department of Surgery/Urology (2014)
    Faculty Teaching Award, Division of Urology, University of Colorado School of Medicine.
  • Faculty Teaching Award, U. of Colorado Department of Surgery/Urology (2008)
    Faculty Teaching Award, Division of Urology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Best Poster, Societe Internationale d’ Urologie (2020)
    Acceptable outcomes utilizing dorsal onlay urethroplasty for radiation-induced urethral stenosis: A multi-institutional experience.

Research Interests

I am interested in clinical outcome research. I prospectively maintain a databank of cases from my practice with a special focus on urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, mesh removal, robotic surgery and urethral stricture disease. I have authored numerous clinical papers, instructional videos and textbook chapters and have presented nationally on various topics including urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, transvaginal mesh removal and urethral stricture disease. I have received funding for scientific research in the area of voiding dysfunction.


  • Sterling J, Simhan J, Flynn BJ, Rusilko P, França WA, Ramirez EA, Angulo JC, Martins FE, Patel HV, Higgins M, Swerdloff D, Nikolavsky D. Multi-Institutional Outcomes of Dorsal Onlay Buccal Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty in Patients With Postprostatectomy, Postradiation Anastomotic Stenosis. J Urol. 2024 Apr;211(4):596-604. PubMed PMID: 38275201
  • Higgins MM, Wengryn D, Koslov D, Oliver J, Flynn BJ. Female urethroplasty with dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft: a single institution experience. Int Urol Nephrol. 2023 May;55(5):1149-1154. PubMed PMID: 36859624
  • Kong L, Coddington ND, Flynn BJ. Secondary placement of adjustable continence therapy (ProACT™) using open perineal technique: Case report of ProACT placement in a man with a devastated urethra following pelvic trauma and multiple AUS erosions. Urol Case Rep. 2023 Jul;49:102424. PubMed PMID: 37334261
  • Higgins MM, Wengryn D, Koslov D, Oliver J, Flynn BJ. Female urethroplasty with dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft: a single institution experience. Int Urol Nephrol. 2023 May;55(5):1149-1154. PubMed PMID: 36859624
  • 2. Policastro, C., Simham, J, Martins, F., Lumen, N., Venkatesan, K., Angulo, J., Gupta, S., Rusilko, P., Perez, E., Angulo, J., Redger, K., Flynn, B. J., Hughs, M., Blakely, S., and Nikolavasky, D.: Multi-institutional outcomes of dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in patients with post-prostatectomy, post-radiation anastomotic contracture. J of Urol. 2023. PMID:.
  • 5. Kong L, Coddington Nate, Shahinyan G.K., Flynn B.J. Robotic Ureterolithotomy for Retained Stent with Massive Encrustation: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Video presentation, AUA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 2023. Abstract ID: V01-12, J. Urol Volume 209 (4s), e83.
  • 7. Shahinyan G.K., Coddington N, Kong L, Flynn B.J.: Robotic Nephroureterectomy and Excision of Massive Diverticulum: Case Report and Technical Considerations. Video presentation at North American Robotic Urology Symposium 2023.
  • 8. Van der Voort G, Shahinyan G.K., Coddington N, Flynn B.J.: Robotic-Assisted Removal of Retained Pressure Regulating Balloon: A Case Report. Video presentation at North American Robotic Urology Symposium 2023
  • Kong L, Coddington ND, Flynn BJ. Secondary placement of adjustable continence therapy (ProACT™) using open perineal technique: Case report of ProACT placement in a man with a devastated urethra following pelvic trauma and multiple AUS erosions. Urol Case Rep. 2023 Jul;49:102424. PubMed PMID: 37334261
  • Quach A, Higgins M, Soria DJ, Redger KD, Flynn BJ. Surgical Management of Sacrocolpopexy Mesh Complications. Urology. 2022 Sep;167:e1-e2. PubMed PMID: 35772483
  • Flynn BJ. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Urology. 2022 Mar;161:123-124. PubMed PMID: 35307075
  • Higgins, M., Oliver, J., and Flynn, B.J. Female buccal mucosal urethroplasty: Updates and outcomes. AUA news, July, 2022.
  • Coddington, N., Higgins, M., Mian, A., and Flynn, B.J. Non-transecting Urethroplasty for bulbar urethral strictures - A non-transecting algorithm. J of Clinical Medicine: Nephrology & Urology, December 2022.
  • Mian A, Redger K, Flynn B. Acute management of complete bilateral ureteral transections aligned via stent through antegrade and retrograde approach. Urol Case Rep. 2021 Nov;39:101816. PubMed PMID: 34471607
  • Policastro CG, Simhan J, Martins FE, Lumen N, Venkatesan K, Angulo JC, Gupta S, Rusilko P, Ramírez Pérez EA, Redger K, Flynn BJ, Hughes M, Blakely S, Nikolavsky D. A multi-institutional critical assessment of dorsal onlay urethroplasty for post-radiation urethral stenosis. World J Urol. 2021 Jul;39(7):2669-2675. PubMed PMID: 32944804
  • Launer BM, Redger KD, Koslov DS, Sax-Bolder AN, Higuchi TT, Windsperger AP, Flynn BJ. Long-term Follow Up of Ileal Ureteral Replacement for Complex Ureteral Strictures: Single Institution Study. Urology. 2021 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34310914
  • Mian, A, Redger, K. and Flynn, B.J.: Acute management of bilateral ureteral transections aligned via stent through antegrade and retrograde approach. Urology CR. 2021.
  • Redger, K., Quach, A. and Flynn, B. J. Sexual health in the neurogenic patient. Curr. Bladder Dysfunct. Rep. Volume 15, issue 4, p. 1-12, Decemeber 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11884-020-00605-0.
  • Policastro CG, Simhan J, Martins FE, Lumen N, Venkatesan K, Angulo JC, Gupta S, Rusilko P, Ramírez Pérez EA, Redger K, Flynn BJ, Hughes M, Blakely S, Nikolavsky D. A multi-institutional critical assessment of dorsal onlay urethroplasty for post-radiation urethral stenosis. World J Urol. 2020 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32944804
  • Quach, A., Maccini, M., Koslov, D., Redger, K. and Flynn, B.J.: Standardized tensioning technique for autologous pubovaginal slings. Video presentation, AUA Annual Meeting, May 2020. V13-07: J. Urol. Volume 203 (4s). e1212.
  • Quach, A., Koslov, D., Redger, K. and Flynn, B.J.: Robotic removal of hernia mesh bladder erosion. Video presentation, AUA Annual Meeting, My 2020. V11-12: J. Urol. volume 203 (4S). Video presentation, AUA Annual Meeting, May 2020. V10-06: J. Urol. Volume 199 (4s), e1074.
  • Quach, A., Redger, K., Koslov, D., Halstead, N., Vanadurongvan, T., Atwell, M., Higuchi, T. and Flynn, B.J.: Management of the “Difficulty Foley”: Catheter over wire and suparpubic. Video presentation, AUA University Core Curriculum, February 2020.
  • Avallone, M., Koslov, D.S., Nikolavasky, D, Terlcki, R.P., and Flynn, B. J. Evaluation and management of posterior urethral stenosis after prostate cancer therapy: Bladder neck contracture, vesicourethral anastamotic stenosis, bulbomembranous urethral stricture. AUA Update Series volume 38, Lesson 2, 2019.
  • Daneshvar, M., Simhan, J., Blakely, S., Angulo, J., Lucas, J., Hunter, C., Chee, J., Alvarado, D., Ramirez-Perez, E., Madala, Madala, A., A, Benito, J., Martins, F., Felicio, J., Rusilko, P., Flynn, B.J. and Nikolavsky, D.: Transurethral ventral buccal mucosa graft inlay for treatment of distal urethral strictures: International, multi-institutional experience. World J of Urol. 2019. PMID:xxxx.
  • Avallone, M.A.,Quach, A., Warncke, J., Nikolavsky, D and Flynn, B.J.: Robotic-assisted laparoscopic sub-trigonal inlay of buccal mucosal graft for the treatment of refractory bladder neck contracture. Urology. 2019 May 4. PMID: 31063762. DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2019.02.048.
  • Moses, R.A., Selph, J.P., Voelzke ,B.B., Piotrowski, J., Eswara, J.R., Erickson, B.A., Gupta, S., Dmochowski, R.R., Johnsen, N.V., Shridharani, A., Blaschko, S.D., Elliott, S.P., Schwartz, I., Harris, C.R., Borawski, K., Figler, B.D., Osterberg, E.C. 3rd, Burks F.N., Bihrle, W. 3rd, Miller B., Santucci, R.A., Breyer, B.N., Flynn, B., Higuchi, T., Kim, F.J., Broghammer, J.A., Presson, A.P., Myers, J.B.; from the Trauma and Urologic Reconstruction Network of Surgeons (TURNS). An American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) prospective multi-center research protocol: outcomes of urethral realignment versus suprapubic cystostomy after pelvic fracture urethral injury. Transl Androl Urol. 2018 Aug;7(4):512-520. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.11.07.
  • Anderson KM, Blakely SA, O'Donnell CI, Nikolavsky D, Flynn BJ. Primary non-transecting bulbar urethroplasty long-term success rates are similar to transecting urethroplasty. Int Urol Nephrol. 2017 Jan;49(1):83-88. PubMed PMID: 27844407
  • Anderson KM, Blakely SA, O'Donnell CI, Nikolavsky D, Flynn BJ. Primary non-transecting bulbar urethroplasty long-term success rates are similar to transecting urethroplasty. Int Urol Nephrol. 2017 Jan;49(1):83-88. PubMed PMID: 27844407
  • Greear, G., Lefkowits, C., Parrillo, L.M. and Flynn, B. J. Incontinence and Voiding Dysfunction after Treatment of Gynecologic Malignancies with Radiation. Bladder Dysfunct. Rep. volume 11, issue 2, p. X, June 2016.
  • Flynn, B. J. and Knoll, P. Urethral Stricture. In Conn’s Current Therapy 2015. Elsevier, 2016.
  • Anderson KM, Davis K, Flynn BJ. Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Med Clin North Am. 2015 Mar;99(2):405-16. PubMed PMID: 25700591
  • Flynn BJ, Larke RJ, Knoll PB, Anderson KM, Siomos VJ, Windsperger AP. Prospective study of the Transurethral Suprapubic endo-Cystostomy (T-SPEC(®)): an 'inside-out' approach to suprapubic catheter insertion. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Feb;47(2):257-62. PubMed PMID: 25425440
  • Anderson, K. M., Higuchi, T. T, and Flynn, B. J. Management of the devastated posterior urethra and bladder neck: Refractory incontinence and stenosis. Trans. Androl. and Urol,, 4, 60, 2015.
  • Anderson, K. M., Higuchi, T. T. and Flynn, B. J. Evaluation and management of rectourethral fistulas after prostate cancer treatment. Curr. Bladder Dysfunct. Rep. volume 10, issue 2, p. 132, June 2015.
  • Nikolavsky D, Blakely SA, Hadley DA, Knoll P, Windsperger AP, Terlecki RP, Flynn BJ. Open reconstruction of recurrent vesicourethral anastomotic stricture after radical prostatectomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 Nov;46(11):2147-52. PubMed PMID: 25134944
  • Hadley D, Anderson K, Knopick CR, Shah K, Flynn BJ. Creation of a continent urinary channel in adults with neurogenic bladder: long-term results with the Monti and Casale (Spiral Monti) procedures. Urology. 2014 May;83(5):1176-80. PubMed PMID: 24612618
  • Shah, K, Nikolavasky, D. and Flynn, B.J.: Bacteriological analysis of explanted transvaginal meshes: Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the AUA, San Diego, CA, May 2013. Abstract ID: 13-5902.
  • Pshak T, Nikolavsky D, Terlecki R, Flynn BJ. Is tissue interposition always necessary in transvaginal repair of benign, recurrent vesicovaginal fistulae?. Urology. 2013 Sep;82(3):707-12. PubMed PMID: 23830081
  • Shah K, Nikolavsky D, Gilsdorf D, Flynn BJ. Surgical management of lower urinary mesh perforation after mid-urethral polypropylene mesh sling: mesh excision, urinary tract reconstruction and concomitant pubovaginal sling with autologous rectus fascia. Int Urogynecol J. 2013 Dec;24(12):2111-7. PubMed PMID: 23824269
  • Karsh LI, Egerdie RB, Albala DM, Flynn BJ. The transurethral suprapubic endo-cystostomy (T-SPeC): a novel suprapubic catheter insertion device. J Endourol. 2013 Jul;27(7):880-5. PubMed PMID: 23488708
  • Hinoul, P., Elzevier, H.W., Kirkemo, A., Patel, B.G., Flynn, B. J. and Walters, M. D. A novel radiographic technique to asses implanted grafts in the female pelvis: a comparison of the Inside-Out and the Outside-In transobturator mid urethral sling positioning. FVV in Ob Gyn, 5: 249-253, 2013.
  • Shah, K, Nikolavasky, D. and Flynn, B.J.: Bacteriological analysis of explanted transvaginal meshes. Abstract ID: 13-5902
  • Larke, R, Siomos, V and Flynn, B.J.: The First United States Series Using the Transurethral Suprapubic Endo-Cystostomy Device for Suprapubic Catheter Insertion. Abstract ID: 13-1198
  • Shah, K and Flynn, B.J.: Bacteriological analysis of explanted transvaginal meshes. Abstract. ID: 1700140
  • Shah, K and Flynn, B.J.: A Novel Combination of Surgical Techniques to Resolve Lower Urinary Tract Erosion in a Single Operation: Near Total Transvaginal Mesh Excision, urinary Tract Reconstruction and Concomitant Repair with a Biological Graft. Abstract ID: 1700124
  • Flynn, B. J. and Hadley, D. Urethral Stricture. In Conn’s Current Therapy 2013. Elsevier, 2013.
  • Larke, R, Siomos, V and Flynn, B.J.: An Innovative Inside-Out Approach to Suprapubic Catheter Insertion in the Obese Patient with a Neurogenic Bladder: The Transurethral Suprapubic Endo-Cystostomy Device. World Congress Endourology, New Orleans LA, October 2013. Abstract ID: 13-544
  • Hinoul, P., Kirkemo, A., Walters, M.D., Flynn, B.J. and Elzevier, H.W. Inside-Out versus Outside-In transobturator trajectories for the treatment of female stress incontinence: radiographic considerations.Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, Paris, France, September 2012.
  • Flynn, B.J. and Hadley,D. Urethral Stricture. In Conn's Current Therapy 2013. Elsevier,2013.
  • Flynn, B.J.: Has the FDA public Health notification regarding complications from transvaginal mesh changed how I manage SUI and POP: A single surgeon experience 2006-2011. Podium Presentation, Annual Meeting of the SCS AUA, Colorado Springs, CO October 2012
  • Nikolavasky, D, Hadley, D.A. and Flynn B.J.: Reconstruction of the obliterated outlet following prostate cancer treatment. Podium Presentation, Annual Meeting of the SCS AUA, Colorado Springs, CO October 2012
  • Pshak T., Phillips, J. and Flynn, B.J.: Transvaginal repair of primary versus recurrent vesicovaginal fistula: Is there a difference in outcome. Podium presentation, Annual Meeting of the SCS AUA, Colorado Springs,CO, October 2012
  • Nikolavasky, D., Hadley, D.A.Phillips, J. and Flynn,B.J.: Outpatient Anterior Urethroplasty: Is it Feasible? Moderated poster presentation, Annual meeting of the AUA, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2012. Abstract # 1204294
  • Flynn, B.J., Henry, G.D., Cornell, R.J., Simmons, C. J. and Carrion. R.E.: Capsule to capsule closure may have less urethral stricture rates than mucosa-to-mucosa closure for management of artificial urinary sphincter erosion: A preliminary five-center study. Moderated poster presentation, Annual Meeting og the AUA, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2012, Abstract# 1202062
  • Hadley, D.A., Knopick, C. and Flynn, B.J.: Creation of a continent urinary channel in adults with neurogenic bladder using a single piece of bowel: Long-term results with the Monti and Casale (Spiral Monti) procedures. • Moderated poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the AUA, Washington, D.C, May 2011. Abstract #1149
  • Hadley, D A. and Flynn, B.J.: Surgical algorithm for complex polypropylene mesh complications: recurrent vaginal wall extrusion and urinary tract erosions. • Podium presentation, Annual Meeting of the AUA, Washington, D.C, May 2011. Abstract #1874
  • Hadley, D A. and Flynn, B.J.: Open reconstruction of vesicourethral anastomotic stricture following open, laparoscopic, and robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. • Podium presentation, Annual Meeting of the SUFU, Phoenix, Arizona, March 2011.
  • Hadley, D A. and Flynn, B.J.: Surgical management of urethral complications following artificial urinary sphincter erosion. • Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the SUFU, Phoenix, Arizona, March 2011.
  • Flynn, B. J. and Hadley, D. Urethral Stricture. In Conn’s Current Therapy, 63rd Eds. Elsevier, 2010.
  • Flynn, B. J. and Terlecki, R.: The use of polypropylene mesh in incontinence and prolapse surgery: Indications for use, technical considerations and management of complications. AUA Update Series, Lesson 14, volume 29 2010.
  • Hadley, D A. and Flynn, B.J.: Open reconstruction and urinary diversion following complications from prostate cancer treatment. • Moderated poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the AUA, Washington, D.C, May 2011. Abstract #93

Professional Memberships

  • American Urological Association, Member
  • American Urological Association, South Central Section, Past President
  • Rocky Mountain Urological Society, Educational Chair
  • Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons, Member
  • Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction, Member
  • North American Robotic Urologic Surgeons, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth Urology Clinic - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
3rd Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital
  • Denver Health Medical Center
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital
  • UCHealth Broomfield Hospital
  • UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Urology, Board Certification (2004)
  • Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Board Certification (2014, 2014)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Kidneys and Urinary System - Incontinence
  • Kidneys and Urinary System - Reconstructive Urology
  • Kidneys and Urinary System - Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
  • Women's Health - Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Kidneys and Urinary System - Bladder Disease
  • Surgery - Robotic Surgery
  • Surgery - Urologic Surgery
  • Kidneys and Urinary System
  • Women's Health
  • Surgery
Clinical Interests
I am interested in functional and reconstructive urology, robotic surgery, urodynamics with emphasis on female and male incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, urethral stricture disease, genitourinary fistula surgery, ureteral and bladder reconstruction.

Care Philosophy
Treat all patients to the best of my ability, as I would want to be treated. Individualize each patient’s treatment based on his or her specific needs and desires. I tell our fellows, residents and students when faced with a clinical dilemma of what to recommend for a patent, "just put yourself in their shoes when possible and the decision should become very clear."

Personal Interests
I enjoy electronics/technology/internet/history, trail running, hiking, skiing, mountain biking, crossfit and spending time with my family.

Volunteer Activities
Denver VA Hospital

Public Speaking
Have presented at many national and international meetings on urethral stricture disease, urinary incontinence in men and women, ureteral stricture and robotics.