Sadowsky A and Bebic Z. Expanded perineal coverage with combined pudendal and inferior cluneal nerve blocks: a case report. A&A Practice; 2021
Bebic Z, and Hoagland, M. “Please No General Anesthesia for My Baby! Spinal Anesthesia for Laparoscopy in a Neonate with Chronic Lung Disease.” Society of Pediatric
Anesthesia Annual Meeting. February 26 - March 1, 2020. Nassau, Bahamas
Creator and developer of Canvas Course for Pediatric Chronic Pain including lectures, and educational resources
Assistant developer and contributor for Canvas Course for Pain Management fellowship
Bebic Z, & Thomas JJ. Use of virtual reality for epidural placement in an adolescent
with ischemic priapism. Paediatr Neonatal Pain 2020;00:1-2
Hagen J, Devlin C, Barnett N, Padover A, Kars M, Bebic Z. Erector spinal plane blocks
for pediatric cardiothoracic surgeries. J of Clinical Anesthesia (2019);57:53-54.
Bebic Z, Wilder M, Achilike I, Stringer N, Sorrano D, Yaster M, and Strupp K. “Acute
kidney injury with ketorolac administration: is it necessary to monitor BUN and Creatinine?” Society of Pediatric Anesthesia Annual Meeting. March 15-17, 2019. Houston,