Lauren Hughes, MD, MPH

Associate Professor, Family Medicine

Family Medicine


  • Sullivan E, Etz R, Gonzalez M, Deubel J, Reves S, Stange K, Hughes L, and Linzer M. “You cannot function in ‘overwhelm’: Helping primary care navigate the slow end of the pandemic.” J Healthc Manag 2024;69(3):190-204.
  • Phillips R, Nielsen M, Cohen D, Hughes L, Bitton A, and Bazemore A. “The Essential Role of Primary Health Care for Health Security.” 2024;37(Supplement) S21-25.
  • Hughes L (contributor as member of the Collaborative) “Colorado’s Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative: Fifth Annual Recommendations Report.” February 2024.
  • Hughes L (Co-chair), Wakefield M (Co-chair), Cancino R, Fortuna K, Grumbach K, Jabbarpour Y, Sprott C, and Winford E. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Response to the Pay PCPs Act of 2024 request for information. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  • Krist A (Co-chair), Cancino R (Co-chair), Anderson A, Bortz B, Fortuna K, Ganguli I, Grumbach K, Hasselberg M, Hughes L, Sprott C, and Winford E. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CY2025 advanced primary care hybrid payment request for information. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  • “Few primary care physicians lead hospitals, despite their immense value: Systems change and delivery system evolution can reverse this trend.” J Am Board Fam Med. 2023;36(4):687-89.
  • “The Primary Care Centers Roundtable: Translating Research into Impactful Policy.” Ann Fam Med. 2023;21(4):379-80.
  • “You cannot function in overwhelm: Helping primary care navigate the slow end of the pandemic.” Journal of Healthcare Management.
  • Strengthening primary care to improve health outcomes in the US - Creating oversight to address invisibility
  • Solving rural US health care challenges with frugal innovation: Low-costs, high returns
  • The Promise of AIRE
  • Dedicated Time for Education is Essential to the Residency Learning Environment
  • Residency learning networks: Why and how
  • The Burnout of a Rural Doctor
  • Vaccine hesitancy threatens rural communities and their health care: This is an emergency
  • Navigating Vaccination Challenges in an Iowa Community
  • Rural health care is in crisis – here are 5 innovative ways Biden can help it transform.
  • Colorado's primary care practices are fragile and at risk of collapse.
  • COVID-19 vaccines: Rural Colorado primary care practices are primed and ready to help.
  • Michener L, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alberti PM, Castaneda MJ, Castrucci BC, Harrison LM, Hughes LS, Richmond A, Wallerstein N. Engaging With Communities - Lessons (Re)Learned From COVID-19. Prev Chronic Dis. 2020 Jul 16;17:E65. PubMed PMID: 32678059
  • Kuy S, Tsai R, Bhatt J, Chu QD, Gandhi P, Gupta R, Gupta R, Hole MK, Hsu BS, Hughes LS, Jarvis L, Jha SS, Annamalai A, Kotwal M, Sakran JV, Vohra S, Henry TL, Correa R. Focusing on Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19. Acad Med. 2020 Nov;95(11):e2-e3. PubMed PMID: 32639264
  • Kuy S, Gupta R, Correa R, Tsai R, Vohra S, Henry T, Jarvis L, Kotwal M, Gupta R, Sakran J, Hsu B, Gandhi P, Jha S, Fiedler A, Chu Q, Hughes L, Hole M, Robinson L, Bhatt J, and Gordon D. “Best practices for a Covid-19 preparedness plan for health systems.” NEJM Catalyst. 2020.
  • Westfall J, Coffman M, Hughes L, and Jabbarpour Y. “Incorporating mental health and substance abuse screening into COVID-19 contact tracing.” Health Affairs Blog. July 9, 2020.
  • Hughes L, Anderson B, Tad-Y D, Deutchman M, Gold S, Vagnini K, Mathieu S, Oyler W, Conyers-Tucker H. "Re-imagining leadership: A pathway for rural health to thrive in a COVID-19 world."
  • Hughes L, McKenney J. "Rural hospitals are under siege from COVID-19 - here's what doctors are facing, in their own words." The Conversation. November 20, 2020.
  • Hughes L, Silva R. "In rural America, resentment over COVID-19 shutdowns is colliding with rising case numbers." The Conversation. October 26, 2020.
  • Westfall J, Liaw W, Griswold K, Stange K, Green L, Phillips R, Bazemore A, Jaen C, Hughes L, DeVoe J, Gullett H, Puffer J, Gotler R. "Uniting Public Health and Primary Care for Healthy Communities in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond." JABFM. COVID-19 Ahead-of-Print Subject Collection.
  • Rural Health Care Leadership Conundrum: The Burnout of a Good Doctor. Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care: Primary Care Systems Case Collection.
  • Rural Health Care Leadership Conundrum: Navigating Vaccination Challenges in an Iowa Community. Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care: Primary Care Systems Case Collection.
  • Understanding and supporting the revenue cycle in a rural critical access hospital: What would you do?
  • “In pursuit of high-quality primary care: A call to action to implement the objectives of the 2021 NASEM report.” Families, Systems, & Health.

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

CeDAR - Center for Dependency, Addiction and Rehabilitation
1693 N. Quentin St
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Family Medicine, Board Certification