Brian Stauffer, MD

Professor, Medicine-Cardiology

Medical School
  • MD, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine (1996)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Eastern Mennonite University (VA) (1991)
  • Case Western Reserve University-Cleveland Clinic Foundation-MetroHealth Medical Center Program (1997)
  • Case Western Reserve University-Cleveland Clinic Foundation-MetroHealth Medical Center Program, Internal Medicine (1999)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, General Cardiology (2005)

Professional Titles

  • Medical Director, Integrative Vascular Biology Laboratory, CU Boulder
  • Medical Director, CU Boulder Clinical Translational Research Center, Colorado Clinical Translational Sciences Institute, UCDSOM
  • Co-Founder, Pediatric Cardiovascular Research Laboratory (PCRL)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Research Committee, Colorado Clinical Translational Sciences Institute, UCDSOM
  • Chief, Division of Cardiology, Denver Health Medical Center


  • Fellow, American College of Cardiology (2007)
  • Fellow, American College of Physicians (2014)
  • 2015 Academic Excellence Award, Denver Health Medical Staff, Denver Health and Hospital Authority (2015)


  • Garcia VP, Fandl HK, Hijmans JG, Berry AR, Cardenas HL, Stockelman KA, DeSouza NM, Treuth JW, Greiner JJ, Park AJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Effects of circulating endothelial microvesicles isolated from adults with obesity on endothelial cell inflammation, apoptosis, and nitric oxide production. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jan 1;326(1):E38-E49. PubMed PMID: 37991453
  • DuBose LE, Babcock MC, Kohrt WM, Stauffer BL, Hildreth KL, Walker J, Armstrong MK, Moreau KL. Gonadal status modulates large elastic artery stiffness in healthy middle-aged and older men. Geroscience. 2024 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39110324
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Resistance training and inter-interindividual response differences on cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults: An ancillary meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sci Prog. 2024 Jan-Mar;107(1):368504241227088. PubMed PMID: 38312013
  • Garcia VP, Fandl HK, Hijmans JG, Berry AR, Cardenas HL, Stockelman KA, DeSouza NM, Treuth JW, Greiner JJ, Park AJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Effects of circulating endothelial microvesicles isolated from adults with obesity on endothelial cell inflammation, apoptosis, and nitric oxide production. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jan 1;326(1):E38-E49. PubMed PMID: 37991453
  • Hailu FT, Karimpour-Fard A, Neltner B, Stauffer BL, Lipshultz S, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Circulating and Cardiac Tissue miRNAs in Children with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2023 Sep 11;10(9). PubMed PMID: 37754820
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Effects of resistance training on body weight and body composition in older adults: An inter-individual response difference meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sci Prog. 2023 Apr-Jun;106(2):368504231179062. PubMed PMID: 37302150
  • Garcia AM, Toni LS, Miyano CA, Sparagna GC, Jonscher R, Phillips EK, Karimpour-Fard A, Chapman HL, Baybayon-Grandgeorge AN, Pietra AE, Selner E, Chatfield KC, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD. Cardiac Transcriptome Remodeling and Impaired Bioenergetics in Single-Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2023 Mar;8(3):258-279. PubMed PMID: 37034285
  • Wenner MM, Welti LM, Dow CA, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Aerobic exercise training reduces ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction and improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in postmenopausal women. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2023 Jun 1;324(6):H732-H738. PubMed PMID: 36961490
  • Fandl HK, Garcia VP, Treuth JW, Brewster LM, Greiner JJ, Davy KP, Stauffer BL, Desouza CA. Endothelial-derived extracellular vesicles from obese/hypertensive adults increase factors associated with hypertrophy and fibrosis in cardiomyocytes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2023 May 1;324(5):H675-H685. PubMed PMID: 36930654
  • Babcock MC, DuBose LE, Witten TL, Stauffer BL, Hildreth KL, Schwartz RS, Kohrt WM, Moreau KL. Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Are Associated With Age-Related Endothelial Dysfunction in Men With Low Testosterone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 18;107(2):e500-e514. PubMed PMID: 34597384
  • Babcock MC, DuBose LE, Hildreth KL, Stauffer BL, Cornwell WK, Kohrt WM, Moreau KL. Age-associated reductions in cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity are exaggerated in middle-aged and older men with low testosterone. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2022 Aug 1;133(2):403-415. PubMed PMID: 35771224
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Walking and resting blood pressure: An inter-individual response difference meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sci Prog. 2022 Apr-Jun;105(2):368504221101636. PubMed PMID: 35593130
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Inter-individual response differences on resting blood pressure as a result of qigong in adults: An ancillary meta-analysis of randomized trials. Complement Ther Med. 2022 Jun;66:102818. PubMed PMID: 35217171
  • Huck DM, Rosenberg MA, Stauffer BL. Nebivolol and incident cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients compared with nonvasodilatory beta blockers. J Hypertens. 2022 May 1;40(5):1019-1029. PubMed PMID: 35202021
  • Babcock MC, DuBose LE, Witten TL, Stauffer BL, Hildreth KL, Schwartz RS, Kohrt WM, Moreau KL. Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Are Associated With Age-Related Endothelial Dysfunction in Men With Low Testosterone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Jan 18;107(2):e500-e514. PubMed PMID: 34597384
  • Hailu FT, Karimpour-Fard A, Toni LS, Bristow MR, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Integrated analysis of miRNA-mRNA interaction in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy. Pediatr Res. 2022 Jul;92(1):98-108. PubMed PMID: 34012027
  • Stockelman KA, Bain AR, Goulding A, DeSouza NM, Rahaman C, Maly L, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Negative Influence of Insufficient Sleep on Endothelial Vasodilator and Fibrinolytic Function in Hypertensive Adults. Hypertension. 2021 Dec;78(6):1829-1840. PubMed PMID: 34488434
  • Jeffrey DA, Pires Da Silva J, Garcia AM, Jiang X, Karimpour-Fard A, Toni LS, Lanzicher T, Peña B, Miyano CA, Nunley K, Korst A, Sbaizero O, Taylor MR, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Serum circulating proteins from pediatric patients with dilated cardiomyopathy cause pathologic remodeling and cardiomyocyte stiffness. JCI Insight. 2021 Oct 8;6(19). PubMed PMID: 34383712
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Isometric exercise and inter-individual response differences on resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure in adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Blood Press. 2021 Oct;30(5):310-321. PubMed PMID: 34176377
  • Woulfe KC, Jeffrey DA, Pires Da Silva J, Wilson CE, Mahaffey JH, Lau E, Slavov D, Hailu F, Karimpour-Fard A, Dockstader K, Bristow MR, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Serum response factor deletion 5 regulates phospholamban phosphorylation and calcium uptake. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2021 Oct;159:28-37. PubMed PMID: 34139234
  • Sanchez JM, Farasat M, Levy AE, Douglas IS, Stauffer BL, Tzou WS, West JJ. A novel approach to electrocardiography in the prone patient. Heart Rhythm O2. 2021 Feb;2(1):107-109. PubMed PMID: 34113910
  • Hailu FT, Karimpour-Fard A, Toni LS, Bristow MR, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Integrated analysis of miRNA-mRNA interaction in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy. Pediatr Res. 2021 May 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34012027
  • Farasat M, Sanchez JM, West JJ, Burke JM, Prouse AF, Gore MO, Salame GA, Keach JW, Trent SA, Haigney MCP, Hogan SE, Peterson PN, Stauffer BL, Holland MR, Krantz MJ. A Point-of-Care Algorithm to Guide Proper Device Selection for Ambulatory Electrocardiography. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2021 Sep 1;20(3):140-142. PubMed PMID: 33731601
  • Gist KM, Korst A, Nakano SJ, Stauffer BL, Karimpour-Fard A, Zhou W, Campbell K, Wempe MF, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD. Circulating cyclic adenosine monophosphate concentrations in milrinone treated paediatric patients after congenital heart surgery. Cardiol Young. 2021 Sep;31(9):1393-1400. PubMed PMID: 33533327
  • Stockelman KA, Bain AR, Dow CA, Diehl KJ, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Regular aerobic exercise counteracts endothelial vasomotor dysfunction associated with insufficient sleep. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 Mar 1;320(3):H1080-H1088. PubMed PMID: 33416458
  • Babcock MC, DuBose LE, Witten TL, Brubaker A, Stauffer BL, Hildreth KL, Moreau KL. Assessment of macrovascular and microvascular function in aging males. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2021 Jan 1;130(1):96-103. PubMed PMID: 33151774
  • Babcock MC, DuBose LE, Witten TL, Brubaker A, Stauffer BL, Hildreth KL, Moreau KL. Assessment of macro and microvascular function in aging males. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33151774
  • Holland M, Burke J, Hulac S, Morris M, Bryskiewicz G, Goold A, McVaney K, Rappaport L, Stauffer BL. Excess Cardiac Arrest in the Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2020 Aug 24;13(16):1968-1969. PubMed PMID: 32819492
  • Stockelman KA, Hijmans JG, Bammert TD, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Circulating endothelial cell derived microvesicles are elevated with hypertension and associated with endothelial dysfunction. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2020 Aug;98(8):557-561. PubMed PMID: 32268071
  • Garcia AM, McPhaul JC, Sparagna GC, Jeffrey DA, Jonscher R, Patel SS, Sucharov CC, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Chatfield KC. Alteration of cardiolipin biosynthesis and remodeling in single right ventricle congenital heart disease. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Apr 1;318(4):H787-H800. PubMed PMID: 32056460
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Obesity and cardiovascular outcomes: another look at a meta-analysis of Mendelian randomization studies. J Investig Med. 2020 Feb;68(2):357-363. PubMed PMID: 31331941
  • Nakano SJ, Walker JS, Walker LA, Li X, Du Y, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC, Garcia AM, Mitchell MB, Ambardekar AV, Stauffer BL. Increased myocyte calcium sensitivity in end-stage pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Dec 1;317(6):H1221-H1230. PubMed PMID: 31625780
  • Catenacci VA, Ostendorf DM, Pan Z, Bing K, Wayland LT, Seyoum E, Stauffer BL, Phelan S, Creasy SA, Caldwell AE, Wyatt HR, Bessesen DH, Melanson EL. The Impact of Timing of Exercise Initiation on Weight Loss: An 18-Month Randomized Clinical Trial. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Nov;27(11):1828-1838. PubMed PMID: 31565869
  • Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Stauffer BL. Obesity and cardiovascular outcomes: another look at a meta-analysis of Mendelian randomization studies. J Investig Med. 2019 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31331941
  • Chatfield KC, Sparagna GC, Chau S, Phillips EK, Ambardekar AV, Aftab M, Mitchell MB, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL. Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the Failing Human Heart. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2019 Apr;4(2):147-157. PubMed PMID: 31061916
  • Hijmans JG, Levy M, Garcia V, Lincenberg GM, Diehl KJ, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Insufficient sleep is associated with a pro-atherogenic circulating microRNA signature. Exp Physiol. 2019 Jun;104(6):975-982. PubMed PMID: 31016755
  • Hijmans JG, Stockelman KA, Garcia V, Levy MV, Brewster LM, Bammert TD, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, Connick E, DeSouza CA. Circulating Microparticles Are Elevated in Treated HIV -1 Infection and Are Deleterious to Endothelial Cell Function. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019 Feb 19;8(4):e011134. PubMed PMID: 30779672
  • Garcia AM, Nakano SJ, Karimpour-Fard A, Nunley K, Blain-Nelson P, Stafford NM, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD. Phosphodiesterase-5 Is Elevated in Failing Single Ventricle Myocardium and Affects Cardiomyocyte Remodeling In Vitro. Circ Heart Fail. 2018 Sep;11(9):e004571. PubMed PMID: 30354365
  • Woulfe KC, Wilson CE, Nau S, Chau S, Phillips EK, Zang S, Tompkins C, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL. Acute isoproterenol leads to age-dependent arrhythmogenesis in guinea pigs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 Oct 1;315(4):H1051-H1062. PubMed PMID: 30028197
  • Toni LS, Garcia AM, Jeffrey DA, Jiang X, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Optimization of phenol-chloroform RNA extraction. MethodsX. 2018;5:599-608. PubMed PMID: 29984193
  • Mariner PD, Korst A, Karimpour-Fard A, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Improved Detection of Circulating miRNAs in Serum and Plasma Following Rapid Heat/Freeze Cycling. Microrna. 2018;7(2):138-147. PubMed PMID: 29658445
  • Hijmans JG, Diehl KJ, Bammert TD, Kavlich PJ, Lincenberg GM, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Association between hypertension and circulating vascular-related microRNAs. J Hum Hypertens. 2018 Jun;32(6):440-447. PubMed PMID: 29615793
  • Hijmans JG, Diehl KJ, Bammert TD, Kavlich PJ, Lincenberg GM, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Influence of Overweight and Obesity on Circulating Inflammation-Related microRNA. Microrna. 2018;7(2):148-154. PubMed PMID: 29607782
  • Nakano SJ, Sucharov J, van Dusen R, Cecil M, Nunley K, Wickers S, Karimpur-Fard A, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Cardiac Adenylyl Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase Expression Profiles Vary by Age, Disease, and Chronic Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor Treatment. J Card Fail. 2017 Jan;23(1):72-80. PubMed PMID: 27427220
  • Stauffer BL, Dow CA, Diehl KJ, Bammert TD, Greiner JJ, DeSouza CA. Nebivolol, But Not Metoprolol, Treatment Improves Endothelial Fibrinolytic Capacity in Adults With Elevated Blood Pressure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Nov 9;6(11). PubMed PMID: 29122812
  • Nakano SJ, Siomos AK, Garcia AM, Nguyen H, SooHoo M, Galambos C, Nunley K, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC, Miyamoto SD. Fibrosis-Related Gene Expression in Single Ventricle Heart Disease. J Pediatr. 2017 Dec;191:82-90.e2. PubMed PMID: 29050751
  • Bain AR, Weil BR, Diehl KJ, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Insufficient sleep is associated with impaired nitric oxide-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Atherosclerosis. 2017 Oct;265:41-46. PubMed PMID: 28846879
  • Tatman PD, Woulfe KC, Karimpour-Fard A, Jeffrey DA, Jaggers J, Cleveland JC, Nunley K, Taylor MR, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy hearts display a unique gene expression profile. JCI Insight. 2017 Jul 20;2(14). [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28724804
  • Dow CA, Stauffer BL, Brunjes DL, Greiner JJ, DeSouza CA. Regular aerobic exercise reduces endothelin-1-mediated vasoconstrictor tone in overweight and obese adults. Exp Physiol. 2017 Sep 1;102(9):1133-1142. PubMed PMID: 28635124
  • Bammert TD, Hijmans JG, Kavlich PJ, Lincenberg GM, Reiakvam WR, Fay RT, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Influence of sex on the number of circulating endothelial microparticles and microRNA expression in middle-aged adults. Exp Physiol. 2017 Aug 1;102(8):894-900. PubMed PMID: 28568648
  • Held N, Little N, Krantz MJ, Stauffer BL. Refractory Cardiogenic Shock from Right Ventricular Infarction Successfully Managed with Inhaled Epoprostenol. Am J Case Rep. 2017 Mar 16;18:271-275. PubMed PMID: 28298620
  • Jiang X, Sucharov J, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Exosomes from pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy patients modulate a pathological response in cardiomyocytes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2017 Apr 1;312(4):H818-H826. PubMed PMID: 28130338
  • Brown DA, Perry JB, Allen ME, Sabbah HN, Stauffer BL, Shaikh SR, Cleland JG, Colucci WS, Butler J, Voors AA, Anker SD, Pitt B, Pieske B, Filippatos G, Greene SJ, Gheorghiade M. Expert consensus document: Mitochondrial function as a therapeutic target in heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2017 Apr;14(4):238-250. PubMed PMID: 28004807
  • Medina E, Sucharov CC, Nelson P, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL. Molecular Changes in Children with Heart Failure Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy. J Pediatr. 2017 Mar;182:184-189.e1. PubMed PMID: 27908653
  • Woulfe KC, Siomos AK, Nguyen H, SooHoo M, Galambos C, Stauffer BL, Sucharov C, Miyamoto S. Fibrosis and Fibrotic Gene Expression in Pediatric and Adult Patients With Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy. J Card Fail. 2017 Apr;23(4):314-324. PubMed PMID: 27890770
  • Nakano SJ, Sucharov J, van Dusen R, Cecil M, Nunley K, Wickers S, Karimpur-Fard A, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD, Sucharov CC. Cardiac Adenylyl Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase Expression Profiles Vary by Age, Disease, and Chronic Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor Treatment. J Card Fail. 2017 Jan;23(1):72-80. PubMed PMID: 27427220
  • Diehl KJ, Stauffer BL, Dow CA, Bammert TD, Brunjes DL, Greiner JJ, DeSouza CA. Chronic Nebivolol Treatment Suppresses Endothelin-1-Mediated Vasoconstrictor Tone in Adults With Elevated Blood Pressure. Hypertension. 2016 Jun;67(6):1196-204. PubMed PMID: 27113048
  • Dow CA, Templeton DL, Lincenberg GM, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Elevations in C-reactive protein and endothelin-1 system activity in humans. Life Sci. 2016 Aug 15;159:66-70. PubMed PMID: 26685760
  • Brown DA, Perry JB, Allen ME, Sabbah HN, Stauffer BL, Shaikh SR, Cleland JG, Colucci WS, Butler J, Voors AA, Anker SD, Pitt B, Pieske B, Filippatos G, Greene SJ, Gheorghiade M. Expert consensus document: Mitochondrial function as a therapeutic target in heart failure. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2016 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28004807
  • Medina E, Sucharov CC, Nelson P, Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL. Molecular Changes in Children with Heart Failure Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy. J Pediatr. 2016 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27908653
  • Woulfe KC, Siomos AK, Nguyen H, SooHoo M, Galambo C, Stauffer BL, Sucharov C, Miyamoto S. Fibrosis and Fibrotic Gene Expression in Pediatric and Adult Patients With Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy. J Card Fail. 2016 Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27890770
  • Dow CA, Lincenberg GM, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Endothelial vasodilator function in normal-weight adults with metabolic syndrome. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2016 Oct;41(10):1013-1017. PubMed PMID: 27643673
  • Dow CA, Templeton DL, Lincenberg GM, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Elevations in C-reactive protein and endothelin-1 system activity in humans. Life Sci. 2015 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26685760
  • Dow CA, Stauffer BL, Greiner JJ, DeSouza CA. Influence of habitual high dietary fat intake on endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2015 Jul;40(7):711-5. PubMed PMID: 26058441
  • Stauffer BL, Dockstader K, Russell G, Hijmans J, Walker L, Cecil M, Demos-Davies K, Medway A, McKinsey TA, Sucharov CC. Transgenic over-expression of YY1 induces pathologic cardiac hypertrophy in a sex-specific manner. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Jun 26;462(2):131-7. PubMed PMID: 25935483
  • Miyamoto SD, Karimpour-Fard A, Peterson V, Auerbach SR, Stenmark KR, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Circulating microRNA as a biomarker for recovery in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2015 May;34(5):724-33. PubMed PMID: 25840506
  • Diehl KJ, Weil BR, Greiner JJ, Wright KP, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Impaired endogenous fibrinolytic capacity in prehypertensive men. J Hum Hypertens. 2015 Aug;29(8):468-72. PubMed PMID: 25566873
  • Konhilas JP, Chen H, Luczak E, McKee LA, Regan J, Watson PA, Stauffer BL, Khalpey ZI, Mckinsey TA, Horn T, LaFleur B, Leinwand LA. Diet and sex modify exercise and cardiac adaptation in the mouse. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2015 Jan 15;308(2):H135-45. PubMed PMID: 25398983
  • Sucharov CC, Sucharov J, Karimpour-Fard A, Nunley K, Stauffer BL, Miyamoto SD. Micro-RNA expression in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. J Card Fail. 2015 Jan;21(1):83-8. PubMed PMID: 25291457
  • Nakano SJ, Miyamoto SD, Movsesian M, Nelson P, Stauffer BL, Sucharov CC. Age-related differences in phosphodiesterase activity and effects of chronic phosphodiesterase inhibition in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circ Heart Fail. 2015 Jan;8(1):57-63. PubMed PMID: 25278000
  • Gavin, KM, C Jankowski, WM Kohrt, BL Stauffer, DR Seals, KL Moreau. Hysterectomy is associated with large artery stiffening in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women. In Press. Menopause
  • Diehl, KJ, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Nitric oxide-mediated endothelium dependent vasodilation is impaired with borderline high LDL-cholesterol. In Press. Clinical and Translational Science.
  • Weil BR, CM Westby, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Elevated endothelin-1 vasoconstrictor tone in prehypertensive adults. In Press. Canadian J Cardiology.
  • Weil BR, CM Westby, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Enhanced endothelin-1 system activity with overweight and obesity. AJP: Heart Circ. 301:H689-95, 2011 (PMID: 21666117).
  • Weil BR, BL Stauffer, ML Mestek, CA DeSouza. Influence of abdominal obesity on vascular endothelial function in overweight/obese adult men. Obesity 19:1742-1746, 2011 (PMID: 21738236).
  • Weil BR, EJ Kushner, KJ Diehl, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. CD31+ T cells, endothelial function and cardiovascular risk. Heart Lung Circ. 20:659-662, 2011 (PMID: 21767986).
  • Weil BR, JJ Greiner, CA DeSouza, BL Stauffer. Relation of C-reactive protein to endothelial fibrinolytic function in healthy adults. Am J Cardiology 108:1675-1679, 2011. (PMID: 21890088).
  • Weil BR, BL Stauffer, JJ Greiner, CA DeSouza. Prehypertension is associated with impaired nitric oxide-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation in sedentary adults. Am J Hypertens. 24:976-981, 2011 (PMID: 21633396).
  • Kushner EJ, OJ MacEneaney, RG Morgan, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging is associated with a pro-apoptotic endothelial progenitor cell phenotype. J Vasc Res. 48:408-414, 2011 (PMID: 21625174).
  • Luczak E, K Barthel, B Stauffer, J Konhilas, T Cheung, and L Leinwand. Remodeling the cardiac transcriptional landscape with diet. Physiol Genomics. 43:772-80, 2011 (PMID: 21487031).
  • Weil BR, OJ MacEneaney, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Habitual short sleep duration and endothelial progenitor cell function. J Cardiovasc Dis Res. 2:110-114, 2011 (PMID: 21814415).
  • Stauffer BL, R Sobus, CC Sucharov. Sex differences in cardiomyocyte connexin43 expression. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 58:32-39, 2011 (PMID: 21753256).
  • Westby CM, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Endothelin-1 vasoconstriction and the age-related decline in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in men. Clinical Science(Lond). 120:485-91, 2011 (PMID: 21143196).
  • MacEneaney OJ, CA DeSouza, BR Weil, EJ Kushner, GP Van Guilder, M Mestek, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer. Prehypertension and endothelial progenitor cell function. J. Human Hypertension. In Press.
  • Weil BR, ML Mestek, CM Westby, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Short sleep duration is associated with enhanced endothelin-1 vasoconstrictor tone. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, In Press.
  • Mestek ML, CM Westby, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Regular aerobic exercise, without weight loss, improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in overweight and obese adults. Obesity. Jan 7, 2010 (PMID: 20057377).
  • MacEneaney OJ, EJ Kushner, CM Westby, JN Cech, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Endothelial progenitor cell function, apoptosis and telomere length in overweight/obese humans. Obesity. Jan 7, 2010 (PMID: 20057362).
  • Westby CM, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Endothelin-1 vasoconstriction and the age-related decline in endothelium-dependent vasodilation in men. Clinical Science(Lond). 2010 epub Dec 10 (PMID: 21143196).
  • Kushner EJ, BR Weil, OJ MacEneaney, RG Morgan, ML Mestek, GP Van Guilder, KJ Diehl, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Human aging and CD31+ T cell number, migration, apoptotic susceptibility and telomere length. J Applied Physiol. 109:1756-1761, 2010 (PMID: 20864561)
  • Stauffer BL, CA DeSouza. Epigenetics: An emerging player in health and disease. Journal of Applied Physiology, 109:230-231, 2010 (PMID: 20489037).
  • Mestek ML, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, CM Westby, CA DeSouza, BL Stauffer. Osteopenia and endothelin-1-mediated vasoconstrictor tone in postmenopausal women. Bone, 47:542-545, 2010 (PMID: 20685405).
  • MacEneaney OJ, CA DeSouza, BR Weil, EJ Kushner, GP Van Guilder, M Mestek, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer. Prehypertension and endothelial progenitor cell function. J. Human Hypertension. 25:57-62, 2010 (PMID: 20336149).
  • Weil BR, ML Mestek, CM Westby, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Short sleep duration is associated with enhanced endothelin-1 vasoconstrictor tone. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 88:777-781, 2010 (PMID: 20725134).
  • Walker JS, LA Walker, SD Miyamoto, CC Sucharov and BL Stauffer. Skinned myocytes from children in heart failure show normal responses to PKA treatment. Presented as an oral abstract at the Annual AHA meeting Nov. 2010
  • Miyamoto SD, Stauffer BL, Haubold K, Nelson P, Medway A, Friedrich M, Stenmark KR, Sucharov CC. Beta-adrenergic Receptors are Downregulated in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Presented as an oral abstract at the Annual AHA meeting Nov. 2010.
  • MacEneaney OJ, EJ Kushner, J Stoner, BL Stauffer, E Connick, CA DeSouza. HIV-1 viral proteins gp120 and Tat impair endothelial progenitor cell function. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster.
  • MacEneaney OJ, EJ Kushner, JN Cech, RG Morgan, ML Mestek, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, E Connick, CA DeSouza. Influence of HIV-1 and HAART therapy on endothelial progenitor cell number and function. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster.
  • Weil BR, BL Stauffer, ML Mestek, JJ Greiner, E Connick, CA DeSouza. Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation with HIV-1 infection is due to oxidative stress. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster.
  • Diehl KJ, BR Weil, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Higher white blood cell count is associated with enhanced endothelin-1 system activity in adult humans. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster.
  • Kushner EJ, RG Morgan, OJ MacEneaney, BR Weil, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. CD31+ T cells, endothelial function and cardiovascular disease risk. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster.
  • Weil BR, KJ Diehl, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. C-Reactive Protein and Endothelial Fibrinolytic Dysfunction. American Physiological Society meeting: Inflammation, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Westminster, CO, 2010. Poster
  • Kushner EJ, OJ MacEneaney, BR Weil, RG Morgan, ML Mestek, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, KJ Diehl, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Influence of Aging on Angiogenic T Cells. FASEB Journal. 24: 774.18. Presented at the annual Experimental Biology meeting, Anaheim, CA 2010.
  • Morgan RG, BR Weil, OJ MacEneaney, EJ Kushner, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Short Sleep Duration and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Function. FASEB Journal. 24: 1058.13. Presented at the 2010 Experimental Biology Meeting, Anaheim, CA 2010
  • Hijmans J, S Miyamoto, B Sobus, C Sucharov, B Stauffer. Development of a Mouse Model of Pediatric Heart Failure. Presented at the University of Colorado Denver, Research and Creative Activities Annual Symposium, April 30, 2010.
  • Kushner, E, GP Van Guilder, OJ MacEneaney, JN Cech, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging is Associated with Reduced Endothelial Progenitor Cell Telomere Length in Healthy Men, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 47: 47-50, 2009.
  • MacEneaney OJ, Kushner EJ, Van Guilder GP, Greiner JJ, Stauffer BL, DeSouza CA. Endothelial progenitor cell number and colony-forming capacity in overweight and obese adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 33:219-225, 2009 (PMID: 19079361).
  • Kushner, E, GP Van Guilder, OJ MacEneaney, JN Cech, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging is Associated with Reduced Endothelial Progenitor Cell Telomere Length in Healthy Men, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 47: 47-50, 2009 (PMID: 19055473).
  • Kushner EJ, GP Van Guilder, OJ MacEneaney, JJ Greiner, JN Cech, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging and endothelial progenitor cell release of proangiogenic cytokines. Age and Aging. 1-4, 2009 (doi: 10.1093/ageing/afp244).
  • Stauffer BL, CM Westby, JJ Greiner, GP Van Guilder, CA DeSouza. Sex-differences in endothelin-1 mediated vasoconstrictor tone in middle-aged adults. AJP: Regul Integr Comp Physiol, Nov 25, 2009 (PMID: 19939973).
  • Stauffer, BL, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, CA DeSouza. Metabolic Syndrome and Endothelial Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) Release in Older Adults. Presented at the T. Franklin Williams Scholars Symposium, Austin, TX, January 2009.
  • Mestek, M.L., Stauffer, B.L., Westby, C.M., Weil, B.R., Van Guilder, G.P., Greiner, J.J., Connick, E., and DeSouza, C.A. Endothelial fibrinolytic capacity is impaired in HIV-1 infected men and is associated with oxidative stress. Abstract 728, Presented at the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
  • Van Guilder, G.P., Stauffer, B.L., Mestek, M.M., Westby, C.M., Greiner, J.J., Connick, E., and DeSouza, C.A. HIV-1 Infection is associated with accelerated vascular aging. Abstract 731, Presented at the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
  • Van Guilder, GP, GL Hoetzer, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Metabolic Syndrome and Endothelial Fibrinolytic Capacity in Obese Adults, American Journal of Physiology:Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 294:R39-44, 2008.
  • Miyamoto, SD, P Lampe, BD Sobus, JE Nydam, BL Stauffer. Myocardial Gene Expression in Children with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Presented at the AHA The Scientific Basis of Heart Failure in Children Conference, 2008.
  • Westby CM, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. ET-1 mediated vasoconstrictor tone is equally elevated in overweight and obese adults. Vascular Medicine, 13:31, 2008. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Vascular Medicine, Minneapolis, MN, 2008.
  • Van Guilder GP, CM Westby, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Prehypertension and endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Vascular Medicine, 13:26, 2008. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Vascular Medicine, Minneapolis, MN, 2008.
  • GP Van Guilder, OJ MacEneaney, CM Westby, EJ Kushner, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Prehypertension and circulating endothelial progenitor cell function. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 28:e146, 2008. Presented at the annual Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2008.
  • OJ MacEneaney, EJ Kushner, CM Westby, JJ Greiner, JN Cech, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Influence of adiposity on endothelial prognitor cell number and clonogenic capacity. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 28:e145, 2008. Presented at the annual Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2008.
  • EJ Kushner, RG Morgan, JN Cech, CM Westby, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging is associated with a proapoptotic endothelial progenitor cell phenotype. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 28:e140, 2008. Presented at the annual Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2008.
  • EJ Kushner, GP Van Guilder, OJ MacEneaney, JN Cech, AJ Zaug, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Shortened telomere length in endothelial progenitor cells with age. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 28:e105, 2008. Presented at the annual Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2008.
  • EJ Kushner, GL Hoetzer, OJ MacEneaney, JJ Greiner, JN Cech, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging and EPC release of proangiogenic factors. FASEB Journal. 22: 746.11. Presented at the annual Experimental Biology meeting, San Diego, CA 2008.
  • Stauffer, BL, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, CA DeSouza. Metabolic Syndrome and Endothelial Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) Release in Older Adults. Presented at the Williams Symposium at the American Geriatrics Society Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2008.
  • Stauffer BL, R Sobus. Sex Differences in Connexin 43 in a Model of Pathologic Hypertrophy. Circulation Research, 103:e45, 2008. Presented at the 2008 American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Conference: Heart Failure: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets.
  • Stauffer, BL, GP Van Guilder, JJ Greiner, CA DeSouza. Metabolic Syndrome Impairs Endothelial Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) Release in Older Adults. Presented at the Northwestern Cardiovascular Young Investigators’ Forum, October 4, 2008.
  • Van Guilder, GP, GL Hoetzer, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Metabolic Syndrome and Endothelial Fibrinolytic Capacity in Obese Adults, American Journal of Physiology:Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 294:R39-44, 2008.
  • Van Guilder, GP BL Stauffer, JJ Greiner, and CA DeSouza. Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation in Overweight and Obese Adult Humans is not Limited to Muscarinic Receptor Agonists, American Journal of Physiology:Heart, 294:H1685-H1692, 2008.
  • Stauffer, BL, CM Westby, CA DeSouza. Endothelin-1, Aging and Hypertension. Current Opinions in Cardiology, 23:350-355, 2008.
  • Van Guilder, GP, GL Hoetzer, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Acute and chronic effects of vitamin C on endothelial fibrinolytic function in overweight and obese adult humans, J. Physiol., 586:3525-3535, 2008.
  • Stauffer, BL, OJ MacEneaney, EJ Kushner, JN Cech, JJ Greiner, CM Westby, CA DeSouza. Gender and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Number in Middle-Aged Adults. Artery Research, 2:156-160, 2008.
  • Stauffer, BL, EJ Kushner, T Wulfman, T Zeller, R Sobus, CM Westby. Transcriptional Regulation of ß2-Microglobulin Demonstrated Via a Novel Genomic and Proteomic Analysis of Percutaneously Collected Peripheral Atheroma. Clinical and Translational Science, 1:240-244, 2008.
  • Hoetzer, GL, GP Van Guilder, HM Irmiger, RS Keith, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Aging, Exercise and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Colonogenic and Migratory Capacity in Men. Journal of Applied Physiology, 102:847-852, 2007.
  • Hoetzer, GL, OJ MacEneaney, HM Irmiger, R Keith, GP Van Guilder, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Sex Differences in Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cell Colony-Forming Capacity and Migratory Activity in Middle-Aged Adults. American Journal of Cardiology, 99:46-48, 2007.
  • Van Guilder, GP, C Westby, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Endothelin-1 Vasoconstrictor Tone Increases with Age in Healthy Men but can be Reduced by Regular Aerobic Exercise. Hypertension, 50:403-409, 2007.
  • Van Guilder, GP, GL Hoetzer, Jared J. Greiner, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Obese Adults with and without the Metabolic Syndrome. Obesity Research, 14:2127-2131, 2006.
  • Van Guilder, GP, GL Hoetzer, Donald R. Dengel, BL Stauffer and CA DeSouza. Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation in Normotensive and Normoglycemic Obese Adult Humans. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 47: 310-313, 2006.
  • Konhilas, JP, PA Watson, A Maass, DM Boucek, T Horn, BL Stauffer, SW Luckey, P Rosenberg, LA Leinwand. Exercise can prevent and reverse the severity of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Circulation Research, 98: 540-548, 2006.
  • Stauffer, BL, JP Konhilas, ED Luczak, LA Leinwand. Soy worsens heart disease in mice. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 116(1):209-216. 2006.
  • Held, N, N Little, MJ Krantz, BL Stauffer. Refractory cardiogenic shock from right ventricular infarction successfully managed with inhaled epoprostenol. In Press. Am J Case Reports.
  • Hijmans, J, T Bammert, P Kavlich, K Diehl, G Lincenberg, JJ Greiner, BL Stauffer, E Connick and CA DeSouza. Circulating microparticles are elevated in treated HIV-1 infection and are deleterious to endothelial cell function. In Press. JAHA. DOI:10.1161/JAHA.118.011134
  • Chatfield, KC*, GC Sparagna*, S Chau, EK Phillips, AV Ambardekar, M Aftab, MB Mitchell, CC Sucharov, SD Miyamoto and BL Stauffer. Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the Failing Human Heart. In Press. JACC: Basic and Translational. *Co-First Authors.
  • 1. Kelley, GA, KS Kelley, BL Stauffer. Inter-individual Response Variation to Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation on Changes in Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Heart Transplant Patients: A Secondary Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Open. In Press.
  • 2. Kelley, GA, KS Kelley, BL Stauffer. Resistance Training and Inter-Interindividual Response Differences on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Older Adults: An Ancillary Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Science Progress. In Press.
  • 3. Park, AJ, VP Garcia, JJ Greiner, AR Berry, HL Cardenas, KN Wegerson, BL Stauffer, CA DeSouza. Development of a hypercoagulable-hypofibrinolytic state early after spinal cord injury. Archives of PM&R. In Press.

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Cardiology, Fellow
  • American College of Physicians, Fellow
  • American Physiological Society, Member
  • American Heart Association, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Denver Health
777 Bannock St
Denver, CO 80204

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital
  • Denver Health Medical Center

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • General Cardiology, Board Certification (2005, 2015)
  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification (1999)
  • Cardiology, Board Certification (2005, 2015)