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McDonald, A.R. (2016, May). Domestic minor sex trafficking beyond victims and villains [Review of the book Domestic minor sex trafficking beyond victims and villains, by A. Lutnick]. Journal of Children and Poverty. doi: 10.1080/10796126.2016.1184629
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McDonald, A.R., Sedivy, J., & Kay, A. (under review). Areas to consider: Using trauma-informed strategies as primary prevention for substance use among youth.Journal of Human Behavior and Environment
McDonald, A.R., Bacon, B., Choi, L., Plassmeyer, M., & Everett, M. (under review). Co-Response in the U.S. American Media. Behavior and Social Issues.
McDonald, A.R., Sedivy, J., & Kay, A. (under review). Areas to consider: Using trauma-informed strategies as primary prevention for substance use among youth. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse