Weinstock RS, Raghinaru D, Gal RL, Bergenstal RM, Bradshaw A, Cushman T, Kollman C, Kruger D, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Beck RW, Hood K, Aleppo G. Older Adults Benefit From Virtual Support for Continuous Glucose Monitor Use But Require Longer Visits. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2024 Nov 2;:19322968241294250. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39487727
Hall T, Warman MK, Oser T, Filippi MK, Manning B, Carroll JK, Nease DE Jr, Staton EW, Oser S. Clinician-Reported Barriers and Needs for Implementation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring. J Am Board Fam Med. 2024 Jul-Aug;37(4):671-679. PubMed PMID: 39455273
Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Warman MK, Oser TK, Oser SM. Continuous glucose monitoring among nurse practitioners in primary care: Characteristics associated with prescribing and resources needed to support use. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2024 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39046421
Callen E, Clay T, Alai J, Crawford P, Visconti A, Nederveld A, Cruz I, Perez B, Roper KL, Oser TK, Saint Laurent ML, Jabbarpour Y. Migraine care practices in primary care: results from a national US survey. Fam Pract. 2024 Jun 12;41(3):277-282. PubMed PMID: 37221301
Healy ME, Messer LH, Stasinopoulos MG, Brewer SE, Berg A, Oser TK. Understanding patient and health care provider perceptions of barriers and facilitators to diabetes care in immigrant and refugee populations. Discover Public Health. 2024 Dec;21(1):1-2.
Oser C, Parascando JA, Kostiuk M, Nagel KE, Oser SM, Huss K, Westfeldt E, Prince B, Oser TK. Experiences of People With Type 1 Diabetes Using the iLet Bionic Pancreas in Primary Care: A Qualitative Analysis. Clinical Diabetes. 2024 Oct 7:cd240060
Hood K, Bergenstal RM, Cushman T, Gal RL, Raghinaru D, Kruger D, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Bradshaw A, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Kollman C, Weinstock RS, Beck RW, Aleppo G. Patient-reported outcomes improve with a virtual diabetes care model that includes continuous glucose monitoring. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2024 Aug 21. PMID: 39166322 DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2024.0093
Kostiuk M, Moore SL, Kramer S, Felton Gilens J, Sarwal A, Saxon D, Thomas JF, Oser TK. Assessment and intervention for diabetes distress in primary care using clinical and technological interventions: Protocol for a pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols. June 2024. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.62916
Johnson M, McArthur T, Olson B, Beck R, Oser S, Oser T, Oduah V, Bergenstal R, Cushman T, Kruger D, Alepp G, Weinstock R, Bradshaw A. Participation in Virtual Diabetes Care is Associated with Improvements in Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs). Telemedicine and e-Health. 21 August 2024
Kostiuk M, Kramer E, Oser TK. Screen for Diabetes Distress and Address Specific Causes. Practice Pearls. Family Practice Management. 2024;31(3):35
Oser SM and Oser TK. AAFP Resources for Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Fam Pract Manag. 2024;31(2):11-12
Wiggins K, Dickinson P, Buss D, Hall T, Oser TK, Oser S. CGM in Primary Care: Characteristics and Choice of CGM Implementation Strategy in PREPARE 4 CGM. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024.
Sobczak C, Jortberg B, Wettergreen S, Daffron A, Buss D, Parascando J, Oser TK, Oser S. Outcomes of a virtual CGM initiation service (virCIS) for primary care patients with diabetes. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Hall T, Oser TK, Buss D, Jortberg B, Gritz M, Cronin J, Kirchner S, Crispe K, Wiggins K, Dickinson M, Fernald D, Dickinson P, Oser SM. Implementation strategies for continuous glucose monitoring in primary care: PREPARE 4 CGM study lessons learned. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Westfeldt E, Prince B, Huss K, Parascando J, Jortberg B, Moncrief M, Oser JK, Lyon C, Cox DJ, Repine JE, Oser SM, Oser TK. Libre 2 CGM plus glycemic excursion mIniMization (GEM) in the treatment of PrEDiabEtes: Preliminary Analysis. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Huss K, Polsky S, Oser S, Karami AJ, Klein M, Wadwa RP, Pyle L, Mason E, Parascando J. Oser TK. Shared Empowerment for Early Device Success (SEEDS). 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Buss D, Huss K, Oser SM, Kramer E, Kostiuk M, Prince B, Westfeldt E, Parascando J, Oser J, Kumar S, Sarwal A, Oser TK. The Primary Care Diabetes Lab: A lab dedicated to increasing equity by decreasing disparities in diabetes. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Prince B, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Parascando J, Buss D, Sarwal A, Kumar S, Moncrief M, Rynders C, Varney C, McCall A, Cox DJ, Fabris C, Oser TK. Treating Early Type 2 Diabetes by Reducing Postprandial Glucose Excursions: A Paradigm Shift in Lifestyle Modification. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Parascando J, Calderon A, Prince B, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Oser JK, Lyon C, Cox DJ, Oser SM, Oser TK. Preliminary Qualitative Findings from Participation in the Glycemic Excursion Minimization (GEM) Prediabetes Study. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Westfeldt E, Prince B, Huss K, Kramer E, Putman MS, Sabean A, Ashley A, Greaux E, Wiggins K, Ying J, Zheng H, Weissberg-Benchell J, Shapiro J, Kostiuk M, Oser TK, Oser J, Oser SM. PRimary CarE PrAgmatic, Real World Experience for Automated Insulin Delivery (PREPARE 4 AID) in Patients with Diabetes. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Kostiuk M, Oser TK, Kramer E, Moore S, Sazon D. Assessing and treating diabetes distress in primary care using clinical and technological interventions. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Kramer E, Kostiuk M, Fatica K, Oser TK, Gilens J. Assessing and treating diabetes distress in primary care - Implementing into clinical practice. 2024 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada | 20-24 November 2024
Kostiuk M, Kramer S, Gilens J, Oser TK. Using an artificial intelligence chatbot to facilitate access to care for diabetes distress in primary care. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2024 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Denver, CO | 15-17 September 2024
Hall T, Halfacre J, Crispe K, Wearner R, Parascando J, Oser S, Dickinson P, Oser TK. “PRimary Care Education & Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PREPARE 4 CGM): Lessons Learned (lecture)”. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2024 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Denver, CO | 15-17 September 2024
Sobczak C, Buss D, Wettergreen S, Warman M, Daffron A, Parascando J, Oser M, Oser TK, Jortberg B. “Primary Care Helping Primary Care: Can a Virtual Service Increase Continuous Glucose Monitor Use in Patients with Diabetes (lecture)”? Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2024 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement, Denver, CO | 15-17 September 2024
Pasquel FR, Davis G, Huffman D, Peters AL, Parker J, Laffel LM, Mathew J, Castorino KN, Kruger DF, Dungan KM, Kipnes M, Jauch E, Oser TK, et al. “Glycemic Improvement with Use of the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Results of the SECURE-T2D Pivotal Trial.” American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL United States | 21-24 June 2024
Oser SM, Putman M, Russell S, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Prince B, Buss D, Oser J, Lyon C, Parascando J, O’Connor M, Sabean A, Ashley A, Greaux E, Bartholomew R, Gaston S, Anadakugan N, Zheng H, Balliro C, Hillard M, Damiano E, Oser TK. “Feasibility Study of Use of the iLet Bionic Pancreas in Primary Care and Telehealth”. American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL United States | 21-24 June 2024
Oser SM, Hall T, Warman M, Dickinson LM, and Oser TK. “Continuous Glucose Monitoring among Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care: Characteristics Associated with Prescribing and Resources Needed to Support Use (poster).” American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions. Orland, FL | 21-24 June 2024
Seiwald S, Huss K, Kwan B, Parascando J, Oser S, Oser TK. “Perceptions and Experiences of Primary Care Providers on Implementation of an Automated Insulin Delivery System (poster)”. Colorado Pragmatic Research in Health Conference (COPRH Con). Virtual | 5-6 June 2024
Calderon A, Parascando J, Prince B, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Oser SM, Oser TK. Patient perceptions of Glycemic Excursion Minimization (GEM) in the treatment of prediabetes: Preliminary qualitative analysis. Diabetes Day 2024. Aurora CO | 29 March 2024
Wiggins K, Oser TK, Hall T, Crispe K, Jortberg B, Gritz M, Dickinson M, Kirchner S, Gottsman A, Fernald D, Parascando J, Dickinson P, Oser SM. CGM in Primary Care: Practice Characteristics and Choice of CGM Implementation Strategy in the PREPARE 4 CGM Study. Diabetes Day 2024. Aurora CO | 29 March 2024
Oser C, Parascando J, Huss K, Prince B, Westfeldt E, Oser SM, Oser TK. Experiences of People with Type 1 Diabetes Using the iLet Bionic Pancreas in Primary Care: Preliminary Qualitative Analysis. Diabetes Day 2024. Aurora CO | 29 March 2024
Huss K, Prince B, Westfeldt E, Oser SM, Oser TK. Assessing the Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy of Deploying the iLet Bionic Pancreas by Primary Care Physicians. Diabetes Day 2024. Aurora CO | 29 March 2024
Oser TK, et al. SECURE-T2D Publication. JAMA Network Open. Accepted December 2024
Kramer ES, Oser TK, Kostiuk M. “Screen for Patients with Diabetes in Primary Care: Clinician-Reported Barriers and Resource Needss and Address Specific Causes.” Family Practice Management. May 2024;31(3):35. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/fpm/issues/2024/0500/practice-pearls.html
Oser SM, Oser TK. “Medicare coverage of continuous glucose monitoring – 2023 Updates.” Family Practice Management. January 2024;31(1):17-8
Pasquel FR, Davis G, Huffman D, Peters AL, Parker J, Laffel LM, Mathew J, Castorino KN, Kruger DF, Dungan KM, Kipnes M, Jauch E, Oser TK, et al. “Glycemic Improvement with Use of the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Results of the SECURE-T2D Pivotal Trial.” Diabetes. 2024 Jun 14; 73(Supplement_1)
Oser SM, Putman M, Russell S, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Prince B, Buss D, Oser J, Lyon C, Parascando J, O’Connor M, Sabean A, Ashley A, Greaux E, Bartholomew R, Gaston S, Anadakugan N, Zheng H, Balliro C, Hillard M, Damiano E, Oser TK. “Feasibility Study of Use of the iLet Bionic Pancreas in Primary Care and Telehealth”. Diabetes. 2024 Jun 14; 73(Supplement_1)
Oser SM, Hall T, Warman M, Dickinson LM, and Oser TK. Continuous Glucose Monitoring among Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care: Characteristics Associated with Prescribing and Resources Needed to Support Use. Diabetes. 2024 Jun 14; 73(Supplement_1)
Hall T, Warman M, Oser TK, Filippi M, Manning B, Carroll J, Nease DE, Staton EW, Oser SM. Implementation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Patients with Diabetes in Primary Care: Clinician-Reported Barriers and Resource Needs. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. March 2024. 10.3122/jabfm.2024.240049R1
Oser TK, Oser SM. “Experiences of People with Type 1 Diabetes Using the iLet Bionic Pancreas in Primary Care: Preliminary Qualitative Analysis.” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA, United States | 30 October – 3 November 2023.
Huss K, Oser TK, Westfeldt, Oser SM. “Assessing Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy of Deploying the iLet Bionic Pancreas by Primary Care Physicians.” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA, United States | 30 October – 3 November 2023
Oser SM, Hall T, Kirchner S, de la Cerda D, Dickinson P, Oser TK. “PRimary Care Education and Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PREPARE 4 CGM): Updates.” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA , United States | 30 October – 3 November 2023
Bryan B, Oser SM, Westfeldt E, Huss K, Jortberg B, Oser TK. “LIbre 2 CGM Plus Glycemic Excursion Minimization (GEM) in the Treatment of PrEDiabEtes: the IMPEDE Study.” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA , United States | 30 October – 3 November 2023
Jortberg B, Oser SM, Daffron A, Wettergreen S, Sobczak C, Oser TK. “Can a Virtual Service Help Primary Care Increase CGM Use in Patients with Diabetes? (poster).” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA , United States | 30 October – 3 November 2023
Westfeldt E, Prince B, Huss K, Oser SM, Oser TK. “Treating Early Type 2 Diabetes by Reducing Postprandial Glucose Excursions: a Paradigm Shift in Lifestyle Modification (poster).” 51st NAPCRG Annual Meeting, North American Primary Care Research Group, San Francisco, CA United States. | 30 October – 3 November 2023
Westen SC, Vesco, T, Swamy A, Oser S, Oser T, Zaharieva D, Trojanowski P, Maillard A, Johnson N, Weissberg-Benchell J. “Implementation of Inclusive Language to Enhance Communication in the Pediatric Diabetes Clinic Setting (Video Presentation)”. In: J. Weissberg-Benchell (Chair), Improving Inclusive Care in Pediatric Diabetes Clinics - ADA Youth Strategies Committee Symposium. [Symposium]. American Diabetes Association 83rd Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, United States | 23-26 June 2023
Healy M and Oser TK. “Understanding Patient and Health Care Provider Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Diabetes Care in Immigrant and Refugee Populations.” 2023 Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) Annual Meeting. Providence, RI | 13-15 October 2023
Oser SM, Crispe K, Hall T, Oser TK. “Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care Practices: Dynamic Resources from the PREPARE 4 CGM Project (poster).” Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) Annual Conference. Houston, TX | 4-7 August 2023
Oser SM, Prince B, Huss K, Oser TK. “Expanding the Horizons of Automated Insulin Delivery: A Pilot Study Bringing AID to Primary Care (poster).” Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) Annual Conference. Houston, TX | 4-7 August 2023
Weinstock RS, Thompson Z, Bergenstal RM, Cushman TL, Gal RL, Kollman C, Kruger DF, Hood KK, Johnson ML, McArthur TS, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Raghinaru D, Beck R, Aleppo G. “Older Adults Benefit from Virtual Support for CGM Use but Require Longer Visits (oral).” American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 83rd Scientific Sessions. San Diego, CA | 23-26 June 2023
Hood KK, Bergenstal RM, Cushman TL, Gal RL, Kollman C, Kruger DF, Johnson ML, McArthur TS, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Raghinaru D, Thompson Z, Weinstock RS, Beck R, Aleppo G. “Virtual Clinic Support – Patient-Reported Outcome Benefits (poster).” American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 83rd Scientific Sessions. San Diego, CA | 23-26 June 2023
Gal R, Aleppo G, Kruger D, Bergenstal R, Cushman T, Hood KK, Johnson ML, Olson B, Weinstock RS, Oser SM, Oser TK, McArthur T, Bradshaw A, Raghinaru D, Kollman C, Beck R. “Virtual Diabetes Specialty Care – Individualized Telemedicine and Technology Support” (oral). 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD). Berlin, Germany | 6-9 March 2023
Gal R, Raghinaru D, Aleppo G, Olson BA, Kruger DF, Bergenstal RM, Ruth S, Weinstock RS, Bradshaw A, McArthur TS, Oser S, Oser TK. Telemedicine Intervention Impact on Diabetes Self-Management- Twelve Month Virtul Diabetes Specialty Clinic (VDISC) Study Outcomes. Diabetes. June 2023, 72 (Supplement 1) 149-LB; https://doi.org/10.2337/db23-149-LB
Weinstock RS, Thompson Z, Bergenstal RM, Cushman TL, Gal RL, Kollman C, Kruger DF, Hood KK, Johnson ML, McArthur TS, Olson, BA, Oser TK. Older Adults Benefit from Virtual Support for CGM Use but Require Longer Visits. Diabetes. June 2023, 72 (Supplement 1) 263-OR; https://doi.org/10.2337/db23-263-OR
Curcija K, Sutter C, Zittleman L, Westfall J, Frakes C, Miller M, Oser T, Felzien K, Carrica J. Chaning Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory to Improve Mental Health in Rural Communities: The Comet Program. The Annals of Family Medicine January 2023, 21 (Supplement 1) 3995; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.21.s1.3995
Aleppo G, Gal RL, Raghinaru D, Kruger D, Beck RW, Bergenstal RM, Cushman T, Hood KK, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Bradshaw A, Olson BA, Oser SM, Oser TK, Kollman C, Weinstock RS. Comprehensive Telehealth Model to Support Diabetes Self-Management. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Oct 2;6(10):e2336876. PubMed PMID: 37792375
Messer LH, Vigers T, Akturk HK, Forlenza GP, Huss KB, Karami AJ, Malecha E, Oser SM, Polsky S, Pyle L, Shah VN, Wadwa RP, Oser TK. Increasing Use of Diabetes Devices: What Do Health Care Professionals Need?. Clin Diabetes. 2023 Summer;41(3):386-398. PubMed PMID: 37456091
Callen E, Clay T, Alai J, Crawford P, Visconti A, Nederveld A, Cruz I, Perez B, Roper KL, Oser TK, Saint Laurent ML, Jabbarpour Y. Migraine care practices in primary care: results from a national US survey. Fam Pract. 2023 May 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37221301
Darby A, Parascando JA, Lipinski M, Lipinski C, Mendez-Miller M, Berg A, Rabago D, Oser TK. Awareness and interest in osteopathic manipulative treatment in allopathic medical students. J Osteopath Med. 2023 Aug 1;123(8):379-384. PubMed PMID: 37159913
Filippi MK, Oser SM, Alai J, Brooks-Greisen A, Oser TK. A Team-Based Training for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Care: Mixed Methods Pilot Implementation Study in Primary Care Practices. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Apr 24;7:e45189. PubMed PMID: 37093632
Radico JA, Parascando J, Oser TK, Riley TD. Assessment of a Recognition Program in an Academic Family Medicine Department. Fam Med. 2023 Mar;55(3):180-184. PubMed PMID: 36888672
Lewis DM, Oser TK, Wheeler BJ. Continuous glucose monitoring. BMJ. 2023 Mar 3;380:e072420. PubMed PMID: 36868576
Phillip M, Nimri R, Bergenstal RM, Barnard-Kelly K, Danne T, Hovorka R, Kovatchev BP, Messer LH, Parkin CG, Ambler-Osborn L, Amiel SA, Bally L, Beck RW, Biester S, Biester T, Blanchette JE, Bosi E, Boughton CK, Breton MD, Brown SA, Buckingham BA, Cai A, Carlson AL, Castle JR, Choudhary P, Close KL, Cobelli C, Criego AB, Davis E, de Beaufort C, de Bock MI, DeSalvo DJ, DeVries JH, Dovc K, Doyle FJ, Ekhlaspour L, Shvalb NF, Forlenza GP, Gallen G, Garg SK, Gershenoff DC, Gonder-Frederick LA, Haidar A, Hartnell S, Heinemann L, Heller S, Hirsch IB, Hood KK, Isaacs D, Klonoff DC, Kordonouri O, Kowalski A, Laffel L, Lawton J, Lal RA, Leelarathna L, Maahs DM, Murphy HR, Nørgaard K, O'Neal D, Oser S, Oser T, Renard E, Riddell MC, Rodbard D, Russell SJ, Schatz DA, Shah VN, Sherr JL, Simonson GD, Wadwa RP, Ward C, Weinzimer SA, Wilmot EG, Battelino T. Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Automated Insulin Delivery Technologies in Clinical Practice. Endocr Rev. 2023 Mar 4;44(2):254-280. PubMed PMID: 36066457
Satriale F, Garman JC, Roy S, Parascando J, Berg A, Oser T. Understanding Nutritional Knowledge and Experiences in Families With a Child Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectr. 2023 Winter;36(1):52-58. PubMed PMID: 36818411
Oser TK, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Callen E, Carroll JK, Nease DE Jr, Michaels L, Oser SM. Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care: Understanding and Supporting Clinicians' Use to Enhance Diabetes Care. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Nov-Dec;20(6):541-547. PubMed PMID: 36443083
Phillip M, Nimri R, Bergenstal RM, Barnard-Kelly K, Danne T, Hovorka R, Kovatchev BP, Messer LH, Parkin CG, Ambler-Osborn L, Amiel SA, Bally L, Beck RW, Biester S, Biester T, Blanchette JE, Bosi E, Boughton CK, Breton MD, Brown SA, Buckingham BA, Cai A, Carlson AL, Castle JR, Choudhary P, Close KL, Cobelli C, Criego AB, Davis E, de Beaufort C, de Bock MI, DeSalvo DJ, DeVries JH, Dovc K, Doyle FJ, Ekhlaspour L, Shvalb NF, Forlenza GP, Gallen G, Garg SK, Gershenoff DC, Gonder-Frederick LA, Haidar A, Hartnell S, Heinemann L, Heller S, Hirsch IB, Hood KK, Isaacs D, Klonoff DC, Kordonouri O, Kowalski A, Laffel L, Lawton J, Lal RA, Leelarathna L, Maahs DM, Murphy HR, Nørgaard K, O'Neal D, Oser S, Oser T, Renard E, Riddell MC, Rodbard D, Russell SJ, Schatz DA, Shah VN, Sherr JL, Simonson GD, Wadwa RP, Ward C, Weinzimer SA, Wilmot EG, Battelino T. Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) Technologies in Clinical Practice. Endocr Rev. 2022 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36066457
Litchman ML, Kwan BM, Zittleman L, Simonetti J, Iacob E, Curcija K, Neuberger J, Latendress G, Oser TK. A Telehealth Diabetes Intervention for Rural Populations: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jun 14;11(6):e34255. PubMed PMID: 35700026
Oser TK, Zittleman L, Curcija K, Kwan B, Burke S, Gonzalez S, Huss K, Johnson M, Sanchez N, Neuberger J, Iacob E, Simonetti J, Litchman M. Informing a Randomized Control Trial in Rural Populations: Adaptation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Intervention. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Jun 10;7(2):e35664. PubMed PMID: 35687385
Riley TD, Radico JA, Parascando J, Berg A, Oser TK. Challenges in Effective Faculty and Provider Recognition to Enhance Engagement. Fam Med. 2022 Jun;54(6):461-465. PubMed PMID: 35675461
Oser TK, Oser SM. Glycemic Targets and Glucose Monitoring. Prim Care. 2022 Jun;49(2):213-223. PubMed PMID: 35595478
Blanchette JE, Tran MJ, Grigorian EG, Iacob E, Edelman LS, Oser TK, Litchman ML. GoFundMe as a Medical Plan: Ecological Study of Crowdfunding Insulin Success. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Apr 15;7(2):e33205. PubMed PMID: 35436214
Oser TK, Cucuzzella M, Stasinopoulos M, Moncrief M, McCall A, Cox DJ. An Innovative, Paradigm-Shifting Lifestyle Intervention to Reduce Glucose Excursions With the Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Educate, Motivate, and Activate Adults With Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Study. JMIR Diabetes. 2022 Feb 23;7(1):e34465. PubMed PMID: 35050857
Francesco Satriale, John C. Garman, Siddhartha Roy, Jessica Parascando, Arthur Berg, Tamara Oser; Understanding Nutritional Knowledge and Experiences in Families With a Child Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectr 2022; ds220009.
Warman M, Filippi M, Manning B, Oser TK, Nease D, Hall T, Oser SM, Carroll J. Continuous glucose monitoring for primary care patients with diabetes: Barriers, facilitators, & resources to support access. The Annals of Family Medicine. April 2022, 20(Supplement 1) 2689; DOI:https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.20.s1.2689.
Hall T, Dickinson M, Callen E, Nease D, Carroll J, Oser TK, Warman M, Michaels L, Oser S. Relationship of Primary Care Clinicians Characteristics with Continuous Glucose Monitoring Use and Confidence. The Annals of Family Medicine. April 2022, 20 (Supplement) 2745; DOI:https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.20.s1.2745.
Oser TK, Jortberg B, Wettergreen S, Daffron A, Messer L, Oser S. Development of a Novel Virtual CGM Initiation Service to Enhance CGM Uptake in Primary Care Practices. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. April 2022. A-1-1-237. http://doi.org/10.1089/dia.2022.2525.abstracts.
Oser SM, Dickinson W, Dickinson L, Gritz R, Jortberg B, Hall T, Fernald D, Fisher L, Hessler-Jones D, Crispe K, Oser TK. Implementing CGM in Primary Care Practices via The American Academy of Family Physicians TIPS CGM Module With and Without Practice Facilitation: A Randomized Trial. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. April 2022. A-1-1-237. http://doi.org/10.1089/dia.2022.2525.abstracts.
“Controversies in Diabetes Care: Time In Range (and Other Glycemic Metrics).” Colorado ADCES Annual Conference: Emerging Topics in Diabetes Care, Colorado Coordinating Body, Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, Denver, Colorado. September 2022.
“Diabetes Technologies in Primary Care: Past, Present, and Future.” Convening Across Sectors for Colorado’s Health Equity and Wellness (CASCHEW), Vail, Colorado. September 2022.
“Therapeutic Inertia/Health Disparities Panel. ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 9-10, 2022.
“Implementation of Professional to Personal CGM in Your Practice- Team Approach- Professional CGM Codes. ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 9-10, 2022.
“Advancing Technology Use Beyone the Clinic: PREPARE 4 CGM. Diabetes Technology Conference, Chicago, IL, December 9-10, 2022.
Oser TK, Jortberg B, Wettergreen S, Daffron A, Messer L, Oser S. Development of a Novel Virtual CGM Initiation Service to Enhance CGM Uptake in Primary Care Practices. 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments For Diabetes (ATTD). Barcelona, Spain. April 27-30, 2022.
Oser SM, Dickinson W, Dickinson L, Gritz R, Jortberg B, Hall T, Fernald D, Fisher L, Hessler-Jones D, Crispe K, Oser TK. Implementing CGM in Primary Care Practices via The American Academy of Family Physicians TIPS CGM Module With and Without Practice Facilitation: A Randomized Trial. 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments For Diabetes (ATTD). Barcelona, Spain. April 27-30, 2022.
Wearner R, Dickinson P, Hall T, Oser TK, Halfacre J. Support for Implementing Continuous Glucose Monitors for Adults Living with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care. 2022 NAPCRG International Conference on Practice Facilitation (ICPF). Savannah, GA. September 8-9, 2022.
Curcija K, Sutter C, Zittleman L, Westfall J, Frakes C, Miller M, Oser TK, Felzien M, Carrica J. Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory to Improve Mental Health in Rural Communities: The COMET Program. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Messer LH, Vigers T, Akturk HK, Forlenza GP, Huss K, Karami A, Malecha E, Oser SM, Polsky S, Pyle L, Shah VN, Wadwa RP, Oser TK. “Healthcare Professional (HCP) Perspectives on Support Tools for Diabetes Devices.” American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions | 3-7 June 2022
Curcija K, Litchman ML, Kwan B , Zittleman L, Neuberger J, Sutter C, Iacob E, Gonzalez S, Latendresse G, Oser TK. Qualitative Findings of a Culturally-tailored Rural Diabetes One-Day DSMES Program in Eastern Colorado. American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions | 3-7 June 2022
Oser TK, Hall T, Warman M, Filippi M, Manning B, Callen E, Carroll J, Dickinson M, Michaels L, Nease DE, Oser SM. Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care: Explaining Characteristics Associated with CGM Prescription. American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions | 3-7 June 2022
Litchman M, Oser TK, Kwan B, Simonetti J, Zittleman L, Gonzalez S, Curcija K, Neuberger J, Latendresse G, Iacob E. Rural-D1D: A Hybrid Telehealth Intervention to Reach Multiple Rural Primary Care Practices and Patients. ADCES2022. Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists 2022 Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. August 2022.
Oser SM, Messer L, Huss K, Akturk H, Vigers T, Wadwa RP, Pyle L, Polsky S, Karami K, Oser TK. Shared Empowerment for Early Device Success (SEEDS) in Diabetes. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Zittleman L, Oser TK, Brooke J, Sutter C, Martinez M. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Alcohol Use in Rural Colorado Practice-based Research Networks. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Oser SM, Huss K, Bryan B, Oser C, Oser TK. Delivery of Diabetes Devices Through Primary Care: A Pilot Feasibility Study. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Oser TK, Crispe K, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM, Dickinson P, Fernald D, Gritz M, Hall T, Jortberg B, Kirchner S, Oser SM. The Primary Care Education and Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PREPARE 4 CGM) Study. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Huss K, Bryan B, Oser SM, Oser TK. The Primary Care Diabetes Lab: a multi-disciplinary lab dedicated to increasing equity by decreasing disparities in diabetes. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Gonzalez S, Sutter C, Curcija K, Zittleman L, Rodriguez M, Sanchez, N, Sanchez S, Iacob E, Litchman M, Oser TK. Reaching Underrepresented Minority Populations in Clinical Research. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Wearner R, Hall T, Kirchner S, Oser SM, Dickinson P, Oser TK, Halfacre J. Support for Implementing Continuous Glucose Monitors for Adults Living with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Mullen R, Curcija K, Zittleman L, Oser TK, Felzien M, Garcia S, Espinoza A. Strategies to Cope with Loneliness in Rural Communities: The Tackling Loneliness with Communities Pilot Project. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Bryan B, Oser SM, Jortberg B, Huss K, Oser TK. Continuous Glucose Monitoring plus Glycemic Excursion Minimization (GEM) in the Treatment of Prediabetes. The IMPEDE Study. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Sutter C, Curcija K, Gonzalez S, Litchman M, Neuberger J, Zittleman L, Iacob E, Kwan B, Oser TK. Rural Diabetes One Day- A Pilot Clinical Trial. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Riley TD, Radico J, Parascando J, Oser TK. Novel recognition program to enhance faculty and provider engagement: Qualitative assessment. 2022 AAFP Physician Health and Well-being Conference | March 30 – April 2, 2022, Naples, Florida
Lanigan A, Alai J, Filippi M, Oser TK, Oser SM, Brooks-Greisen. Partnering with Advisory Groups to Strengthen Research. North American Primary Care Research Group 50th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. November 18-2022.
Cox DJ, Oser TK, Moncrief M, Conaway M, McCall A. An Innovative Lifestyle Intervention to Reduce Glucose Excursions with the Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Educate, Motivate, and Activate Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. ADCES22. Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists 2022 Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. August 2022.
Curcija K, Sutter C, Felzien M, Oser TK, Zittleman L. Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory to Improve Mental Health in Rural Communities: the COMET Program. Public Health in the Rockies Annual Conference. Keystone, CO. September 2022.
Oser TK, Litchman ML, Allen NA, Kwan BM, Fisher L, Jortberg BT, Polonsky WH, Oser SM. Personal Continuous Glucose Monitoring Use Among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Clinical Efficacy and Economic Impacts. Curr Diab Rep. 2021 Dec 9;21(11):49. PubMed PMID: 34882273
Cox DJ, Oser T, Moncrief M, Conaway M, McCall A. Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing glycemic excursion minimization (GEM) to weight loss (WL) in the management of type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021 Nov;9(2). PubMed PMID: 34845062
Ladwig MA, Sciamanna CN, Auer BJ, Oser TK, Stine JG, Agans JP. When American Adults Do Move, How Do They Do So? Trends in Physical Activity Intensity, Type, and Modality: 1988-2017. J Phys Act Health. 2021 Sep 1;18(10):1181-1198. PubMed PMID: 34470912
Moss JL, Roy S, Clebak KT, Radico J, Sell J, Scartozzi C, Zhou S, Chi G, Oser T. Area- and Individual-Level Correlates of Self-Rated Health: Implications for Geographic Health Disparities. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec;12:21501327211039715. PubMed PMID: 34412529
O'Donovan A, Oser SM, Parascando J, Berg A, Nease DE, Oser TK. Determining the Perception and Willingness of Primary Care Providers to Prescribe Advanced Diabetes Technologies. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2021 Summer;8(3):272-276. PubMed PMID: 34322581
Oser TK, Roy S, Parascando J, Mullen R, Radico J, Reedy-Cooper A, Moss J. Loneliness in Primary Care Patients: Relationships With Body Mass Index and Health Care Utilization. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2021 Summer;8(3):239-247. PubMed PMID: 34322576
Diaz Del Valle F, Koff PB, Min SJ, Zakrajsek JK, Zittleman L, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE, Hunter AR, Moody EJ, Miller Temple K, Niblock JL, Grund C, Oser TK, Greiner KA, Vandivier RW. Challenges Faced by Rural Primary Care Providers When Caring for COPD Patients in the Western United States. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2021 Jul 28;8(3):336-349. PubMed PMID: 34048644
Bogale KT, Oser TK, Zettlemoyer A, Parascando J, Silvis ML. Prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Are certified athletic trainers an untapped resource?. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab. 2021 Apr;4(2):e00188. PubMed PMID: 33855200
Radico J, Oser TK, Fausnight T, Berg A, Ouyang A, Leong SL. 2021, 'Factors that Influence Work Family Conflict for Women Faculty', MedEdPublish, 10, [1], 63, https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2021.000063.1
Stuckey HL, Oser SM, Miller EL, Oser TK, Peyrot M, Sharma A. “Not Today, Diabetes”: Using Blog Analysis to Understand Emotional Interactions and Support Among People With Type 1 Diabetes. Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare. 2021 Jan;1:613569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcdhc.2020.613569.
Gal RL, Cohen NJ, Kruger D, Beck RW, Bergenstal RM, Calhoun P, Cushman T, Haban A, Hood K, Johnson ML, McArthur T, Olson BA, Weinstock RS, Oser SM, Oser TK, Bugielski B, Strayer H, Aleppo G. Diabetes Telehealth Solutions: Improving Self-Management Through Remote Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring. J Endocr Soc. 2020 Sep 1;4(9):bvaa076. PubMed PMID: 32864542
Veldheer S, Scartozzi C, Knehans A, Oser T, Sood N, George DR, Smith A, Cohen A, Winkels RM. A Systematic Scoping Review of How Healthcare Organizations Are Facilitating Access to Fruits and Vegetables in Their Patient Populations. J Nutr. 2020 Nov 19;150(11):2859-2873. PubMed PMID: 32856074
Isaacs D, Cox C, Schwab K, Oser TK, Rinker J, Mason MJ, Greenwood DA, Albanese-O'Neill A. Technology Integration: The Role of the Diabetes Care and Education Specialist in Practice. Diabetes Educ. 2020 Aug;46(4):323-334. PubMed PMID: 32780003
Oser SM, Oser TK. Diabetes Technologies: We Are All in This Together. Clin Diabetes. 2020 Apr;38(2):188-189. PubMed PMID: 32327892
Litchman ML, Oser TK, Hodgson L, Heyman M, Walker HR, Deroze P, Rinker J, Warshaw H. In-Person and Technology-Mediated Peer Support in Diabetes Care: A Systematic Review of Reviews and Gap Analysis. Diabetes Educ. 2020 Jun;46(3):230-241. PubMed PMID: 32321370
Oser TK, Oser SM, Parascando JA, Grisolano LA, Krishna KB, Hale DE, Litchman M, Majidi S, Haidet P. Challenges and Successes in Raising a Child With Type 1 Diabetes and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Mixed Methods Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jun 3;22(6):e17184. PubMed PMID: 32217508
Oser TK, Oser SM, Parascando JA, Hessler-Jones D, Sciamanna CN, Sparling K, Nease D Jr, Litchman ML. Social Media in the Diabetes Community: a Novel Way to Assess Psychosocial Needs in People with Diabetes and Their Caregivers. Curr Diab Rep. 2020 Feb 20;20(3):10. PubMed PMID: 32080765
Litchman ML, Oser TK, Wawrzynski SE, Walker HR, Oser S. The Underground Exchange of Diabetes Medications and Supplies: Donating, Trading, and Borrowing, Oh My!. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2020 Nov;14(6):1000-1009. PubMed PMID: 31801370
Oser SM, Oser TK. Qualitative Content Analysis of Type 1 Diabetes Caregiver Blogs and Correlations With Caregiver Challenges and Successes. Journal of Patient Experience. December 2020:957-963. doi:10.1177/2374373520975726
Bogale, KT, Oser, TK, Zettlemoyer, A, Parascando, J, Silvis, ML. Prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Are certified athletic trainers an untapped resource?. Endocrinol. Diab. Metab. 2020; 00:e00188. https://doi.org/10.1002/edm2.188
Mendez Miller, Megan DO; Milunic, Stacey MD; Oser, Tamara MD; Sell, Jarrett MD Are helmets effective in correcting skull shape in infants with plagiocephaly?, Evidence-Based Practice: May 2020 - Volume 23 - Issue 5 - p 36-37
doi: 10.1097/EBP.0000000000000586
Litchman ML, Walker HR, Ng AH, Wawrzynski SE, Oser SM, Greenwood DA, Gee PM, Lackey M, Oser TK. State of the Science: A Scoping Review and Gap Analysis of Diabetes Online Communities. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019 May;13(3):466-492. PubMed PMID: 30854884
Oser TK, Minnehan KA, Wong G, Parascando J, McGinley E, Radico J, Oser SM. Using Social Media to Broaden Understanding of the Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019 May;13(3):457-465. PubMed PMID: 30862185
Oser SM, Stuckey HL, Parascando JA, McGinley EL, Berg A, Oser TK. Glycated Hemoglobin Differences Among Blog-Reading Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Compared With Those Who Do Not Read Blogs: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Diabetes. 2019 Apr 2;4(2):e13634. PubMed PMID: 30938693
Warshaw H, Hodgson L, Heyman M, Oser TK, Walker HR, Deroze P, Rinker J, Litchman ML. The Role and Value of Ongoing and Peer Support in Diabetes Care and Education. Diabetes Educ. 2019 Dec;45(6):569-579. PubMed PMID: 31617467
Litchman ML, Oser TK, Wawrzynski SE, Walker HR, Oser S. The Underground Exchange of Diabetes Medications and Supplies: Donating, Trading, and Borrowing, Oh My!. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019 Dec 4;:1932296819888215. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31801370
Driscoll K, Oser TK, Oser SM, Hood KK, Siminerio L. “Diabetes.” In: Behavioral and Social Science in Medicine: Principles and Practice of Biopsychosocial Care. Waldstein SR, ed. Springer. 2021 (in press).
Oser SM, Ghanim D, Oser TK. “Telehealth for Training Diabetes Professionals.” In: Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth. Klonoff DC, ed. Elsevier. 2022 (accepted).
Litchman ML, Blanchette, JE, Shockley, C, Oser TK. “Digital Health and Telehealth for Behavior Change in Diabetes.” In: Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth. Klonoff DC, ed. Elsevier. 2022 (accepted).
Oser TK, Oser SM. "Glycemic Targets and Glucose Monitoring." In: Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. Salzberg L, ed. Elsevier. 2022 (accepted)
Blanchette JE, Tran M, Grigorian EG, Iacob E, Edelman LS, Oser TK, Litchman ML. “GoFundMe isn’t a Medical Plan”: An Ecological Study of Crowdfunding Insulin Success JMIR Preprints. 2021 Aug 08: http://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.33205
Oser SM, Oser TK. “AAFP Resources for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM).” Family Practice Management. March 2024;31(2):11-2