Chelsea Lohman, PhD

Associate Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology


  • Organ JM, Smith HF, Trainor PA, Allen K, Balta JY, Beresheim AC, Brewer-Deluce D, Brown KM, Burrows AM, Byers KT, Byram JN, Cale AS, Carroll MA, Champney T, Cornwall J, Dayal MR, DeLeon VB, Dunnwald M, Ferrigno C, Finn GM, Fox GM, Geller PL, Guttmann GD, Harper N, Harrell KM, Hartstone-Rose A, Hildebrandt S, Hortsch M, Jackson J, Johnson LE, Lohman Bonfiglio CM, McCumber TL, Menegaz RA, Mussell JC, O'Loughlin VD, Otobo TM, Oyedele O, Pascoe MA, Person D, Reidenberg JS, Robinson RE, Rogers KA, Ros MA, Ross CF, Sanders KA, Schmitt B, Schoenwolf GC, Smith TC, Smith TD, Sumner DR, Taylor AB, Taylor MJ, Teaford MF, Topp KS, Willmore KE, Wisco JJ, Yang J, Zumwalt AC. Personal autonomy and self-determination are crucial for professionalism in healthcare. Anat Sci Educ. 2023 Jul-Aug;16(4):571-573. PubMed PMID: 37014284
  • Gustilo KS, Stabio M, Goldberg C, Lohman Bonfiglio CM. A Novel En Bloc Circulatory System Dissection: A Teaching Tool for Systems-Based Medical School Curricula. Abstract. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. May 2022.
  • Collins AJ, Gest TR, Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Meyer ER, Nation HL, Wisco JJ, Carter Y. The sum of our voices: toward achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the AACA. Abstract. Clinical Anatomy. March 2022.
  • MacDonald AA, Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Shorofsky MJ, Zablah JE. Evaluation of 3D printed models impact on cardiac catheterization staff education of single ventricle palliation. Anatomical Sciences Education. Under Review
  • Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Gilbert KK, Brismée JM, Sobczak S, Hixson KM, James CR, Sizer PJ. Upper limb neurodynamic testing with radial and ulnar nerve biases: An analysis of cervical spinal nerve mechanics. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2021 Apr;52:102320. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2021.102320. Epub 2021 Jan 12. PMID: 33513560
  • Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Richter SD. Three dimensional printed models of anatomic variation: A pilot study. Abstract. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2020;34(S1).
  • Huxel Bliven KC, Picha KJ, Hlavac R, Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Welch Bacon CE. Graduate students’ use and perceptions of learning resources throughout a human anatomy course. Abstract. Clinical Anatomy. October 2020
  • Richter SD, Lohman Bonfiglio CM. From concept to creation: 3D printed anatomical structures without modeling expertise. Abstract. Clinical Anatomy. October 2020.
  • Lohman Bonfiglio CM, Bliven KCH, Raffoul AJ, et al. Multiple left accessory renal vessels. Int J Anat Var. Mar 2019;12(1):021-023.