Lersten I, Fought A, Yannetsos C, Sheeder J, Roeca C. Patient perspectives of telehealth for fertility care: a national survey. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2023 Jun;40(6):1369-1376. PubMed PMID: 37115334
Lersten I, Fought A, Yannetsos C, Sheeder J, Roeca C. Patient perspectives of telehealth for fertility care: a national survey. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2023 Jun;40(6):1369-1376. PubMed PMID: 37115334
Fujimoto JT, Yannetsos C, Vigil DV, Florczyk D. Sport Specialization and Elite Athletic Performance: Is There a Link in AMerican Judo? Proceedings of UCLA Health. 2023; 27. https://proceedings.med.ucla.edu/index.php/2023/10/13/sport-specialization-and-elite-athletic-performance-is-there-a-link-in-american-judo/
Yannetsos, C., Foote-Lucero, C., Tsu, L. (2022 in Press). Patterns of Injury in Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence. In S. Henin, Riviello, R.J., and Rozzi, H.V. (Ed.). Domestic Violence Handbook (pg. 22-32). American College of Emergency Physicians.
Bloeman, E., Tietz, S., Foote-Lucero,C., Aschman, E., Yannetsos,C., Lindberg, D., (May, 2023).A New Form of Elder Abuse: Gaslighting with a Diagnosis of Dementia. American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Long Beach, CA
Resnick, Daniel., Yannetsos, C., Foote-Lucero, Christine., K. (2023, June). Serious Bodily Injury. University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
Yannetsos C, Pacheco M, Thomas D. Perspective of United States Judo Coaches on Concussion: A National Survey. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 2020; 25 (3): 148-151.