Diana Brostow, PhD

Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


  • 2. Brostow, D.P., Smith, A., Bahraini, N., Besterman-Dahan, K., Forster, J., & Brenner, L. (2024). Nutritional Functioning after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Military Veterans: Operationalizing a New Approach. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(4), e26-e27.
  • Hoisington AJ, Stearns-Yoder KA, Stamper CE, Holliday R, Brostow DP, Penzenik ME, Forster JE, Postolache TT, Lowry CA, Brenner LA. Association of homelessness and diet on the gut microbiome: a United States-Veteran Microbiome Project (US-VMP) study. mSystems. 2023 Dec 22;:e0102123. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38132705
  • Kamdar N, Khan S, Brostow DP, Spencer L, Roy S, Sisson A, Hundt NE. Association between modifiable social determinants and mental health among post-9/11 Veterans: A systematic review. J Mil Veteran Fam Health. 2023 Jun;9(3):8-26. PubMed PMID: 37886122
  • Brostow DP, Donovan M, Penzenik M, Stamper CE, Spark T, Lowry CA, Ishaq SL, Hoisington AJ, Brenner LA. Food desert residence has limited impact on veteran fecal microbiome composition: a U.S. Veteran Microbiome Project study. mSystems. 2023 Dec 21;8(6):e0071723. PubMed PMID: 37874170
  • Brostow, D.P., Smith, A.A., Bahraini, N.H., Besterman-Dahan, K., Forster, J.E., Brenner, L.A. (2022). Food insecurity and food worries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A point-in-time study of injured United States Veterans. J Hunger Env Nutr. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2022.2118564.
  • Johnston-Brooks, C., Miles, S., & Brostow, D.P. (2022). Mental Health Pocket Card for Management of Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 103 (3), 611–615.
  • Juckett, L.A., Lee, K., Bunger, A.C., & Brostow, D.P. (2022). Implementing nutrition education programs in congregate dining service settings: A scoping review. The Gerontologist, 62(2), e82-e96.
  • Brostow, D.P., Stamper, C.E., Stanislawski, M.A., Stearns-Yoder, K.A., Schneider, A., Postolache, T.T., Forster, J.E., Hoisington, A.J., Lowry, C.A., Brenner, L.A. (2021). Dietary habits and the gut microbiota in military Veterans: Results from the United States-Veteran Microbiome Project (US-VMP). Gut Microbiome, 2, E1. doi:10.1017/gmb.2021.1
  • Holliday, R., Liu, S., Brenner, L. A., Monteith, L. L., Cappelletti, M. M., Blosnich, J. R., Brostow, D. P., Gelberg, L., Hooshyar, D., Koget, J., McInnes, D. K., Montgomery, A. E., O’Brien, R., Rosenheck, R. A., Strickland, S., Workman, G. M., & Tsai, J. Preventing suicide among homeless veterans: A consensus statement by the VA Suicide Prevention among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness Workgroup. Medical Care. April 2021 - Volume 59 - Issue - p S103-S105 doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001399
  • Cogan, A., Silva, M., & Brostow, D.P. (2021). Low back pain and traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2021.02.019
  • Adams, R.S., Brostow, D.P., & Brenner, L.A. (2020). Traumatic Brain Injury. In Warner, C.H & Castro, C. (Ed.), Veteran and Military Mental Health: The Psychiatrist’s Role. (In Press). Routledge: Washington, D.C.
  • Monteith, L.L., Holliday, R., Brostow, D.P., & Hoffmire, C.A. (2019). Understanding suicide among female veterans: A theory-driven approach. In Kumar U. (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Military Psychology and Mental Health (p. 411-424). Routledge: Oxfordshire, UK.
  • Brenner LA, Forster JE, Stearns-Yoder KA, Stamper CE, Hoisington AJ, Brostow DP, Mealer M, Wortzel HS, Postolache TT, Lowry CA. Evaluation of an Immunomodulatory Probiotic Intervention for Veterans With Co-occurring Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study. Front Neurol. 2020;11:1015. PubMed PMID: 33192959
  • Juckett LA, Lee K, Bunger AC, Brostow DP. Implementing Nutrition Education Programs in Congregate Dining Service Settings: A Scoping Review. Gerontologist. 2020 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32833007
  • Brostow DP, Gunzburger E, Abbate LM, Brenner LA, Thomas KS. Mental Illness, Not Obesity Status, is Associated with Food Insecurity Among the Elderly in the Health and Retirement Study. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2019 Apr-Jun;38(2):149-172. PubMed PMID: 30794096
  • Brostow DP, Petrik ML, Starosta AJ, Waldo SW. Depression in patients with peripheral arterial disease: A systematic review. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2017 Mar;16(3):181-193. PubMed PMID: 28051339
  • Brostow DP, Gunzburger E, Thomas KS. Food Insecurity among Veterans: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study. J Nutr Health Aging. 2017;21(10):1358-1364. PubMed PMID: 29188901
  • Brostow DP, Hirsch AT, Pereira MA, Bliss RL, Kurzer MS. Nutritional status and body composition in patients with peripheral arterial disease: A cross-sectional examination of disease severity and quality of life. Ecol Food Nutr. 2016;55(1):87-109. PubMed PMID: 26654593
  • Brostow DP, Hirsch AT, Kurzer MS. Recruiting older patients with peripheral arterial disease: evaluating challenges and strategies. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015;9:1121-8. PubMed PMID: 26273200
  • Brostow DP, Hirsch AT, Collins TC, Kurzer MS. The role of nutrition and body composition in peripheral arterial disease. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2012 Nov;9(11):634-43. PubMed PMID: 22922595
  • Brostow DP, Odegaard AO, Koh WP, Duval S, Gross MD, Yuan JM, Pereira MA. Omega-3 fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes: the Singapore Chinese Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Aug;94(2):520-6. PubMed PMID: 21593505
  • Holliday, R., Liu, S., Brenner, L. A., Monteith, L. L., Cappelletti, M. M., Blosnich, J. R., Brostow, D. P., Gelberg, L., Hooshyar, D., Koget, J., McInnes, D. K., Montgomery, A. E., O’Brien, R., Rosenheck, R. A., Strickland, S., Workman, G. M., & Tsai, J. Preventing suicide among homeless veterans: A consensus statement by the VA Suicide Prevention among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness Workgroup. (In Press). Medical Care. 2020.
  • Kamdar, N., Khan, S., Brostow, D.P., Spencer, L., Roy, S., Sisson, A., Hundt, N.E. (2023). Association between modifiable social determinants and mental health among post-9/11 Veterans: A systematic review. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health. DOI: 10.3138/jmvfh-2022-0025
  • 1. Butler, J.M., Kamdar, N.P., Brostow, D.P., Ridberg, R., Mozaffarian, D., Johnson, D., Bowman, M., Shyevitch, A., Going, C., Zhang, Y., Napa, S., Heusser, J., Prater, S., Posada, S., Nelson, R. (2025). Veterans Affairs FreshConnectProduceRx: A Study Protocol for a Pragmatic Quasi-Experimental Study Assessing Health, Healthcare Costs, and Implementation Processes of a Produce Prescription Program in VA Medical Centers. BMC Public Health. In Press.
  • Adams, R.S., Brostow, D.P., & Brenner, L.A. (2021). Traumatic Brain Injury. In Warner, C.H & Castro, C. (Ed.), Veteran and Military Mental Health: The Psychiatrist’s Role. (In Press). Routledge: Washington, D.C.