Kelly Arora, PhD

Assistant Professor, Medicine-Internal Medicine


  • Arora, K. Seeing Others Deeply Palliative Care Blog July 16, 2024.
  • Arora, K. (2024). New Year’s intention: Learn the Basics of Palliative Care. Palliative Care Blog January 2024.
  • Arora, K. (2021). Interspiritual dialogue skills to enhance spiritual direction. Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, 27(2), 59-69.
  • Arora, K. (2021) African Americans, Spirituality & Chronic Illness. Palliative Care Blog
  • Arora, K. (2021) Visiting Someone’s Spiritual ‘Home.’ Palliative Care Blog
  • Siler, S., Arora, K., Doyon, K. & Fischer, S. M. (2021). Spirituality and the illness experience: Perspectives of African American older adults. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 1-8.
  • Arora, K. (2020). One Thoughtless Comment. Palliative Care Blog
  • Arora, K. (2020). Spirituality and meaning making in chronic illness: How spiritual caregivers can help people navigate long-term health conditions. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
  • Fink, R. M., Arora, K., Gleason, S. E., Morrison, K. T., Robertson, N., Knudson, J., Sanute, L., Abbott, J. T., Earnest, M., Bailey, F. A. (2019). Interprofessional Master of Science in Palliative Care: On Becoming a Palliative Care Community Specialist. Journal of Palliative Medicine, doi: 10.1089/jpm.2019.0108
  • Arora, K. (2017). Teaching interreligious encounters to health care professionals. In A. Y. Hwang & M. A. Pugliese, (Eds.), Teaching Interreligious Encounters. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Arora, K. & McCulliss, D. (2015). Illness narratives in spiritual direction: Healing through story. Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, 21(1), 34-40.
  • Arora, K. R. (2013). Spiritual direction as psychospiritual care for women with autoimmune diseases. In R. Green, D. Y. Schumm & M. J. Stoltzfus (Eds.), Chronic illness and spirituality: Diverse disciplinary, religious, and cultural perspectives, (pp. 47-64). Hampshire, England: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Arora, K. R. (2011). Not-knowing in spiritual direction: Reflections on social identity. Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, 17(2), 19-26.