Kleymann AM, Zawadzki NA, Fong DL, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Anderson SM, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Corynebacterium bovis Growth in Tissue Culture Conditions and Media. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2024 Nov 1;63(6):655-661. PubMed PMID: 39181706
Manuel CA, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ. A Clinical Scoring System and Impact of Athymic Nude Mouse Age on Corynebacterium bovis Clinical Disease. Comp Med. 2024 Aug 1;74(4):246-254. PubMed PMID: 38704217
Tennis MA, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Manuel CA, Leszczynski JK, Fordham S. Animal Models in Research: Building student awareness of research rodent health and regulations. American Biology Teacher 2024; 86(6): 361-368. https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2024.86.6.361
Weng J, Fink MK, Sharma A. A Critical Appraisal of the Physicochemical Properties and Biological Effects of Artificial Tear Ingredients and Formulations. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 1;24(3). PubMed PMID: 36769079
Taylor JZ, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Leszczynski JK, Frank DN, Kofonow JM, Robertson CE, Nicklawsky AG, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Effects of Extended Cage Component Sanitation Interval on the Microenvironment, Health, and Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Rats (Rattus norvegicus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2023 May 1;62(3):212-221. PubMed PMID: 37072181
Gupta S*, Fink MK*, Kempuraj D, Sinha NR, Martin LM, Keele LM, Sinha PR, Giuliano EA, Hesemann NP, Raikwar SP, Chaurasia SS, Mohan RR. Corneal fibrosis abrogation by a localized AAV-mediated inhibitor of differentiation 3 (Id3) gene therapy in rabbit eyes in vivo. Mol Ther. 2022 Oct 5;30(10):3257-3269. PubMed PMID: 35780298
*These authors contributed equally to the authorship of this article.
Manuel CA, Johnson LK, Pugazhenthi U, Fong DL, Fink M, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Diana IR, Schurr MJ, Frank DN. Effect of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis on Corynebacterium bovis Infection and the Skin Microbiome of Immunodeficient Mice. Comp Med. 2022 Apr 1;72(2):78-89. PubMed PMID: 35379380
Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Kleymann AM, Manuel CA, Leszczynski JK, Fong DL. Behavioral and clinical characterization of mice presenting with atypical ulcerative dermatitis. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2022 AALAS National Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, October 23-27, 2022. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2022; 61(5): 527-528 [abstract P126]
Kleymann AM, Zawadzki NA, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Anderson SM, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Assessment of Corynebacterium bovis growth under tissue culture conditions. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2022 AALAS National Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, October 23-27, 2022. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2022; 61(5): 541 [abstract P302]
Feldman E, Dunbar M, Malbrue R, Williams-Fritz M, Jackson G, Manuel CA, Fink MK, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Larson D, Mitchell EL, Ortega M, Osborne A, Thurman C, Williams W. Approaches to chinchilla housing and enrichment in the laboratory animal setting. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2022 AALAS National Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, October 23-27, 2022. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2022; 61(5): 534 [abstract P216]
Nickerson KP, Clifford WL, Henderson KS, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA. Whole genome sequencing of skin microbiota in Corynebacterium bovis clinical and non-clinical infection. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2022 AALAS National Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, October 23-27, 2022. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 2022; 61(5): 563 [abstract PS25]
Chaffee LF, Nault GM, Goold HR, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA. Project bum bum: Clinical scoring system and assessment of medical treatments for rectal prolapses in mice. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2021 AALAS National Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-21, 2021. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2021; 60(5): 615 [abstract P124]
Nestel CN, Mullen-Fazekas C, Goold HR, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA. Amoxicillin water treatment for a Corynebacterium bovis outbreak: It takes a team! Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2021 AALAS National Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-21, 2021. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2021; 60(5): 610 [abstract P106]
Willams-Fritz M, Beiler R, Coble DJ. Darbyshire A, Dobek GL, Esquivel R, Fink MK, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Jackson G, Lewis S, Malbrue RA, Mitchell EL, Ortega M, Osborne A, Thurman C, Williams W, Manuel CA. The chinchilla consortium and its role in improvement of standard practices for the laboratory chinchilla. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2021 AALAS National Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-21, 2021. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2021; 60(5): 626 [abstract P222]
Manuel CA, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schutt MJ. Antibiotic management of Corynebacterium bovis associated clinical disease for NSG mice. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2021 AALAS National Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-21, 2021. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2021; 60(5): 665 [abstract PS71]
Fong DL, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Taylor J, Manuel CA, Leszczynski JK. The prevalence and contrasting outcomes of two common types of ulcerative dermatitis. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations, 2021 AALAS National Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 17-21, 2021. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2021; 60(5): 656 [abstract PS40]
Tripathi R, Balne PK, Sinha NR, Martin LM, Kamil S, Landreneau JR, Gupta S, Rodier JT, Sinha PR, Hesemann NP, Hofmann AC, Fink MK, Chaurasia SS, Mohan RR. A Novel Topical Ophthalmic Formulation to Mitigate Acute Mustard Gas Keratopathy In Vivo: A Pilot Study. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Nov;9(12):6. PubMed PMID: 33200047
Mitchell CM, Johnson LK, Crim MJ, Wiedmeyer CE, Pugazhenthi U, Tousey S, Tollin DJ, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA. Diagnosis, Surveillance and Management of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus Infections in Chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) . Comp Med. 2020 Aug 1;70(4):370-375. PubMed PMID: 32731906
Pearson EC, Pugazhenthi U, Fong DL, Smith DE, Nicklawsky AG, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Metaphylactic Antibiotic Treatment to Prevent the Transmission of Corynebacterium bovis to Immunocompromised Mouse Offspring. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2020 Nov 1;59(6):712-718. PubMed PMID: 32907697
Gupta S, Fink MK, Martin LM, Sinha PR, Rodier JT, Sinha NR, Hesemann NP, Chaurasia SS, Mohan RR. A rabbit model for evaluating ocular damage from acrolein toxicity in vivo. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2020 Nov;1480(1):233-245. PubMed PMID: 33067838
Manuel CA, Pearson EC, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Lesczynski JK, Shurr MJ. Development of a novel clinical scoring system for Corynebacterium bovis infections in NSG mice. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations - 2020 AALAS Virtual National Meeting. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2020 Sept 1;59(5):606 [abstract PS67] PubMed PMID: 32900423
Setter SM, Choi IF, Setter PW, Goold HR, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Lesczynski JK, Manuel CA. Assessment of a novel procedure to reverse mouse penile prolapse. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations - 2020 AALAS Virtual National Meeting. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2020 Sept 1;59(5):619 [abstract P110] PubMed PMID: 32900423
Rodier JT, Tripathi R, Fink MK, Sharma A, Korampally M, Gangopadhyay S, Giuliano EA, Sinha PR, Mohan RR. Linear Polyethylenimine-DNA Nanoconstruct for Corneal Gene Delivery. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Jan Feb;35(1):23-31. PubMed PMID: 30699061
Tripathi R, Giuliano EA, Gafen HB, Gupta S, Martin LM, Sinha PR, Rodier JT, Fink MK, Hesemann NP, Chaurasia SS, Mohan RR. Is sex a biological variable in corneal wound healing?. Exp Eye Res. 2019 Oct;187:107705. PubMed PMID: 31226339
Fraunfelder M, Gupta S, Fink MK, Balne P, Tripathi R, Sinha PR, Heil S, Giuliano EA, Hesemann NP, Chaurasia SS, Mohan RR. Id3 gene over-expression in corneal stromal fibroblasts blocks TGFß-driven fibrosis in an in vitro model. ARVO Meeting Abstracts, 2019 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, April 28 – May 2, 2019. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2019; 60(9): 4674 [abstract 4674]
Kendall LV, Owiny JR, Dohm ED, Knapek KJ, Lee ES, Kopanke JH, Fink M, Hansen SA, Ayers JD. Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction in Animal Studies With Biohazardous Agents. ILAR J. 2018 Dec 31;59(2):177-194. PubMed PMID: 30668740
Gupta S, Fink MK, Ghosh A, Tripathi R, Sinha PR, Sharma A, Hesemann NP, Chaurasia SS, Giuliano EA, Mohan RR. Novel Combination BMP7 and HGF Gene Therapy Instigates Selective Myofibroblast Apoptosis and Reduces Corneal Haze In Vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Feb 1;59(2):1045-1057. PubMed PMID: 29490341
Anumanthan G, Gupta S, Fink MK, Hesemann NP, Bowles DK, McDaniel LM, Muhammad M, Mohan RR. KCa3.1 ion channel: A novel therapeutic target for corneal fibrosis. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0192145. PubMed PMID: 29554088
Gupta S, Fink MK, Tripathi R, Sinha PR, Chaurasia SS, Giuliano EA, Hesemann NP, McDaniel LM, Dailey EM, Mohan RR. Acrolein exposure to eye causes corneal inflammation, fibrosis, and angiogenesis. ARVO Meeting Abstracts, 2018 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 29 – May 3, 2018. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018; 59(9): 151 [abstract 151]
An JA, Gupta S, Fink MK, Hesemann NP, Tripathi R, Sinha PR, McDaniel LM, Mohan RR. A novel Decorin and SAHA combination therapy to treat bleb fibrosis in vivo in rabbits. ARVO Meeting Abstracts, 2018 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 29 – May 3, 2018. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018; 59(9): 474 [abstract 474]
McDaniel LM, Gupta S, Fink MK, Hesemann NP, Sinha PR, Heil S, Gafen HB, Bowles DK, Mohan RR. Characterization and role of KCa3.1 ion channel in corneal wound healing and fibrosis. ARVO Meeting Abstracts, 2018 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 29 – May 3, 2018. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018; 59(9): 4334 [abstract 4334]
Rodier JT, Tripathi R, Fink MK, Sharma A, Korampally M, Gangopadhyay S, Giuliano EA, Sinha PR, Mohan RR. Linear Polyethylenimine-DNA Nanoconstruct for Corneal Gene Delivery. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. In press. DOI: 10.1089/jop.2018.0024