Emily Wheat, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics-Heme/Onc and Bone Marrow Transplantation


  • Wheat, E., Reedy, J., Huebschmann, A., Begum, A., Brewer, S.E., Szefler, S.J., & Cicutto, L. (2024, September). Using observational coding to assess quality of asthma education delivery: Partnering with community experts to develop a quality assessment rubric [Poster presentation]. Society for Implementation Research Collaboration Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Wheat, E., Shearer, R., Wang, M., Fort, M., DeVoe, C., & Brega, A.G. (2024, September). A quality improvement initiative to understand barriers to access in health care for American Indian and Alaska Native individuals with rare bleeding and clotting disorders [Poster presentation]. Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Keystone, CO.
  • Thompson, V., Bernard, T.J., Warren, B.B., Norton, K.L., Thornhill, D., & Wheat, E. (2024, April). Age contributes to the odds of elevated internalizing symptoms for pediatric stroke survivors: When age is more than a number [Poster presentation]. Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • 1. Byrams, V., Baker, J., Bailey, C., Connell, N. T., Creary, M. S., Curtis, R. G., Dinno, A., Guelcher, C. J., Kim, M., Kulkarni, R., Lattimore, S., Norris, K. L., Ramirez, L., Skinner, M. W., Symington, S., Tobase, P., Vasquez, E., Warren, B. B., Wheat, E., & Buckner, T. W. (2023). Building the foundation for a community-generated national research blueprint for inherited bleeding disorders: research priorities in health services; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and implementation science. Expert Review of Hematology, 16, 87-106. https://doi.org/10.1080/17474086.2023.2183836
  • Witkop, M., Santaella, M., Nichols, C. D., Lambing, A. Y., Baumann, K., Curtis, R. G., Humphrey, C., Humphries, T. J., Newman, J., Durben, N., Fritz, R., Mauer, K., Thibodeaux, C. B., Wheat, E., & Buckner, T. (2022). Understanding the Pain Management Landscape Within the US Bleeding Disorder Community: A Multi-Center Survey. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), 23(2), 269–279. https://doi.org/10.1093/pm/pnab196
  • Wheat, E., Dunham, B.M., Tedeschi, W., Richfield, K., Spomer, N.M.S., Gibson, E., Blue, A., Regier, M., Wang, M., Buckner, T.W. (2021). Feasibility of delivering pediatric-to-adult transition education during annual comprehensive clinic appointments and patient-reported outcomes: A quality improvement study. Blood, 138 (Supplement 1): 2993. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2021-153090
  • Witkop M, Santaella M, Nichols CD, Lambing AY, Baumann K, Curtis RG, Humphrey C, Humphries TJ, Newman J, Fritz R, Mauer K, Thibodeaux CB, Wheat E, Buckner T. Understanding the Pain Management Landscape within the US Bleeding Disorder Community: A Multi-Center Survey. Pain Med. 2021 Jun 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34185087
  • Buckner, T. W., Santaella, M. E., Witkop, M. L., Jumphries, T. J., Lambing, A., Thibodeaux, C. B., Nichols, C. D., Humphrey, C., Newman, J. R., Durben, N., Jeffrey, S., Wheat, E., Baumann, K., Fritz, R., & Mauer, K. (2020). Management of chronic pain in persons with bleeding disorders: Guidance for practical application of the Centers for Disease Control's opioid prescribing guidelines. National Hemophilia Foundation. https://www.hemophilia.org/sites/default/files/document/files/260_pain.pdf
  • Grande, L., River, L., Wheat, E., (in press). Tackling separation and social anxiety during COVID-19. Association of Psychology Training Clinics (APTC) Bulletin, Summer/Fall 2020, 21.

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Psychology