Lilliam Ambroggio, PhD

Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Emergency Medicine

Graduate Schools
  • MPH, Drexel University (2008)
  • PhD, Drexel University (2011)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, University of Washington (WA) (2003)
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Program, T32 General Pediatrics Research Fellowship (2013)
English, Spanish
Pediatrics-Emergency Medicine


  • Lydon E, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Ambroggio L, Harris JK, Reeder R, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Leroue MK, Yehya N, DeRisi JL, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Langelier CR, Mourani PM. Proteomic profiling of the local and systemic immune response to pediatric respiratory viral infections. bioRxiv. 2024 Oct 10. PubMed PMID: 39416167
  • Cotter JM, Zaniletti I, Williams DJ, Ramgopal S, Fritz CQ, Taft M, Hall M, Temte E, Stassun J, Trivedi K, Kapes J, Lavey J, Kempe A, Ambroggio L. Association between initial antibiotic route and outcomes for children hospitalized with pneumonia. J Hosp Med. 2024 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39385410
  • Cafferty R, Dillon M, Goldwater B, Haasz M, Anthony B, O'Leary ST, Ambroggio L. Youth perceptions of electronic suicide screening in the pediatric emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2024 Oct 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39363553
  • Sayegh R, Tang L, Yun KW, Xu Z, Marzec SA, El Assal O, Leber AL, Everhart K, Mertz S, Desai A, Cohen DM, Alter SJ, Ambroggio L, Florin TA, Keaton M, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Wallihan R, Mejias A, Ramilo O. Nasal Mucosal Cytokines as Potential Biomarkers for Assessing Disease Severity and Class of Pathogen in Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. J Infect Dis. 2024 Oct 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39361598
  • Cafferty R, Haasz M, Leonard J, Ambroggio L. Impact of COVID-19 and Public Health Measures on Positive Suicide Screens Among Emergency Department Children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2024 Sep 1;40(9):e227-e232. PubMed PMID: 39178009
  • Haasz M, Betz ME, Ambroggio L, Cafferty R, King CA, Wong S, Leonard J, Brooks-Russell A, Sigel E. Acceptability and feasibility of video-based firearm safety education in a Colorado emergency department for caregivers of adolescents in firearm-owning households. Inj Prev. 2024 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39053924
  • Brant JA, D'Amico B, Orsborn J, Toney AG, Lam SHF, Mickley M, Ambroggio L. Characterizing Point-of-Care Ultrasound Credentialing in Pediatric Emergency Departments. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2024 Sep 1;40(9):e186-e194. PubMed PMID: 38713835
  • Coon ER, McDaniel CE, Paciorkowski N, Grimshaw M, Frakes E, Ambroggio L, Auger KA, Cohen E, Garber M, Gill PJ, Jennings R, Joshi NS, Leyenaar JK, McCulloh R, Pantell MS, Sauers-Ford HS, Schroeder AR, Srivastava R, Wang ME, Wilson KM, Kaiser SV. Prioritization of Randomized Clinical Trial Questions for Children Hospitalized With Common Conditions: A Consensus Statement. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 May 1;7(5):e2411259. PubMed PMID: 38748429
  • Schmidt S, Ambroggio L. Four rights of clinical decision support: You can build it, but will they come?. J Hosp Med. 2024 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38867653
  • Cotter JM, Hall M, Neuman MI, Blaschke AJ, Brogan TV, Cogen JD, Gerber JS, Hersh AL, Lipsett SC, Shapiro DJ, Ambroggio L. Antibiotic route and outcomes for children hospitalized with pneumonia. J Hosp Med. 2024 Aug;19(8):693-701. PubMed PMID: 38678444
  • Field MR, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. Time to Clinical Stability in Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2024 May 1;153(5). PubMed PMID: 38618659
  • Funk A, Florin TA, Kuppermann N, Finkelstein Y, Kazakoff A, Baldovsky M, Tancredi DJ, Breslin K, Bergmann KR, Gardiner M, Pruitt CM, Liu DR, Neuman MI, Wilkinson M, Ambroggio L, Pang XL, Cauchemez S, Malley R, Klassen TP, Lee BE, Payne DC, Mahmud SM, Freedman SB. Household Transmission Dynamics of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-Infected Children: A Multinational, Controlled Case-Ascertained Prospective Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Jun 14;78(6):1522-1530. PubMed PMID: 38530249
  • Boyanton BL Jr, Frenner RA, Ingold A, Ambroggio L, Kennedy JL. SARS-CoV-2 pandemic non-pharmacologic interventions temporally associated with reduced pediatric infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae and co-infecting respiratory viruses in Arkansas. Microbiol Spectr. 2024 Apr 2;12(4):e0290823. PubMed PMID: 38488365
  • Ramgopal S, Cotter JM, Navanandan N, Ambroggio L, Michelson KA, Florin TA. Radiographic uncertainty and outcomes of children with lower respiratory tract infections. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2024 Jun;59(6):1798-1802. PubMed PMID: 38415980
  • Florin TA, Freedman SB, Xie J, Funk AL, Tancredi DJ, Kim K, Neuman MI, Yock-Corrales A, Bergmann KR, Breslin KA, Finkelstein Y, Ahmad FA, Avva UR, Lunoe MM, Chaudhari PP, Shah NP, Plint AC, Sabhaney VJ, Sethuraman U, Gardiner MA, Sartori LF, Wright B, Navanandan N, Mintegi S, Gangoiti I, Borland ML, Chong SL, Kwok MY, Eckerle M, Poonai N, Romero CMA, Waseem M, Nebhrajani JR, Bhatt M, Caperell K, Campos C, Becker SM, Morris CR, Rogers AJ, Kam AJ, Pavlicich V, Palumbo L, Dalziel SR, Morrison AK, Rino PB, Cherry JC, Salvadori MI, Ambroggio L, Klassen TP, Payne DC, Malley R, Simon NJ, Kuppermann N. Features Associated With Radiographic Pneumonia in Children with SARS-CoV-2. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2024 Apr 24;13(4):257-259. PubMed PMID: 38391389
  • Chu VT, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Ambroggio L, Kalantar KL, Glascock A, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Matthay MA, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. The antibiotic resistance reservoir of the lung microbiome expands with age in a population of critically ill patients. Nat Commun. 2024 Jan 2;15(1):92. PubMed PMID: 38168095
  • Osborne CM, Langelier C, Kamm J, Williamson K, Ambroggio L, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Kirk Harris J, Wagner BD, Maddux AB, Caldera S, Lyden A, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Carpenter TC, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo JA, Meert KL, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, DeRisi J, Mourani PM. Viral Detection by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction in Upper Respiratory Tract and Metagenomic RNA Sequencing in Lower Respiratory Tract in Critically Ill Children With Suspected Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2024 Jan 1;25(1):e1-e11. PubMed PMID: 37732845
  • Xie J, Kuppermann N, Florin TA, Tancredi DJ, Funk AL, Kim K, Salvadori MI, Yock-Corrales A, Shah NP, Breslin KA, Chaudhari PP, Bergmann KR, Ahmad FA, Nebhrajani JR, Mintegi S, Gangoiti I, Plint AC, Avva UR, Gardiner MA, Malley R, Finkelstein Y, Dalziel SR, Bhatt M, Kannikeswaran N, Caperell K, Campos C, Sabhaney VJ, Chong SL, Lunoe MM, Rogers AJ, Becker SM, Borland ML, Sartori LF, Pavlicich V, Rino PB, Morrison AK, Neuman MI, Poonai N, Simon NE, Kam AJ, Kwok MY, Morris CR, Palumbo L, Ambroggio L, Navanandan N, Eckerle M, Klassen TP, Payne DC, Cherry JC, Waseem M, Dixon AC, Ferre IB, Freedman SB. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on the Association Between Laboratory Tests and Severe Outcomes Among Hospitalized Children. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Oct;10(10):ofad485. PubMed PMID: 37869403
  • Chu VT, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Ambroggio L, Kalantar KL, Glascock A, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Matthay MA, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. The antibiotic resistance reservoir of the lung microbiome expands with age. Res Sq. 2023 Sep 18. PubMed PMID: 37790384
  • Langelier C, Chu V, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Ambroggio L, Kalantar K, Glascock A, Osborne C, Wagner B, Matthay M, DeRisi J, Calfee C, Mourani P. The antibiotic resistance reservoir of the lung microbiome expands with age. Res Sq. 2023 Sep 18. PubMed PMID: 37790384
  • Osborne CM, Langelier C, Kamm J, Williamson K, Ambroggio L, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Kirk Harris J, Wagner BD, Maddux AB, Caldera S, Lyden A, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Carpenter TC, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo JA, Meert KL, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, DeRisi J, Mourani PM. Viral Detection by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction in Upper Respiratory Tract and Metagenomic RNA Sequencing in Lower Respiratory Tract in Critically Ill Children With Suspected Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2023 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37732845
  • Cotter J, Schmiege S, Moss A, Ambroggio L. How to Interact With Interactions: What Clinicians Should Know About Statistical Interactions. Hosp Pediatr. 2023 Oct 1;13(10):e319-e323. PubMed PMID: 37732385
  • Boyanton BL, Frenner RA, Ingold A, Ambroggio L, Kennedy JL. SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Non-Pharmacologic Interventions Temporally Associated with Reduced Pediatric Infections Due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Co-Infecting Respiratory Viruses in Arkansas. medRxiv. 2023 Aug 9. PubMed PMID: 37609274
  • Ambroggio L, Cotter J, Hall M, Shapiro DJ, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Williams DJ, Blaschke AJ, Cogan JD, Neuman MI. Management of Pediatric Pneumonia: A Decade After the PIDS/IDSA Guideline. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37352841
  • Haasz M, Dulchavsky A, Stevens J, Nolan M, Leonard J, Phillips R, Knoepke C, Schroeppel T, Zuk J, Abbey W, Ambroggio L. Long-term physical and mental health outcomes of pediatric firearm-injured victims: A prospective cohort study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Oct 1;95(4):e31-e35. PubMed PMID: 37335171
  • Navanandan N, Searns J, Ambroggio L. Method/ology of Phases of Biomarker Discovery. Hosp Pediatr. 2023 Jul 1;13(7):e181-e185. PubMed PMID: 37317806
  • Ramgopal S, Cotter JM, Navanandan N, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L, Florin TA. Viral Detection Is Associated With Severe Disease in Children With Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2023 Jul 1;39(7):465-469. PubMed PMID: 37308159
  • Navanandan N, Florin TA, Leonard J, Ramgopal S, Cotter JM, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L. Impact of Adjunct Corticosteroid Therapy on Quality of Life for Children With Suspected Pneumonia. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2023 Jul 1;39(7):482-487. PubMed PMID: 37306694
  • Haasz M, Sigel E, Betz ME, Leonard J, Brooks-Russell A, Ambroggio L. Acceptability of Long Versus Short Firearm Safety Education Videos in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2023 Oct;82(4):482-493. PubMed PMID: 37140494
  • Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Kamm J, Kalantar KL, Caldera S, Lyden A, Tan M, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Osborne CM, Williamson KM, Soesanto V, Leroue M, Maddux AB, Simões EA, Carpenter TC, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Ambroggio L, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Integrated host/microbe metagenomics enables accurate lower respiratory tract infection diagnosis in critically ill children. J Clin Invest. 2023 Apr 3;133(7). PubMed PMID: 37009900
  • Ramgopal S, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. Incorporation of biomarkers into a prediction model for paediatric radiographic pneumonia. ERJ Open Res. 2023 Mar;9(2). PubMed PMID: 36891073
  • Leroue MK, Williamson KM, Curtin PC, Sontag MK, Wagner BD, Ambroggio L, Bixby M, Busgang SA, Murphy SE, Peterson LA, Vevang KR, Sipe CJ, Kirk Harris J, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Simões EAF, Osborne CM, Robertson CE, Langelier C, Carcillo JA, Meert KL, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Mourani PM. Tobacco smoke exposure, the lower airways microbiome and outcomes of ventilated children. Pediatr Res. 2023 Aug;94(2):660-667. PubMed PMID: 36750739
  • Ramgopal S, Cotter JM, Navanandan N, Ambroggio L, Florin TA. Disease severity of community-acquired pneumonia among children with medical complexity. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2023 Mar;58(3):967-970. PubMed PMID: 36471562
  • Cogen JD, Hall M, Faino AV, Ambroggio L, Blaschke AJ, Brogan TV, Cotter JM, Gibson RL, Grijalva CG, Hersh AL, Lipsett SC, Shah SS, Shapiro DJ, Neuman MI, Gerber JS. Antibiotics and outcomes of CF pulmonary exacerbations in children infected with MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Cyst Fibros. 2023 Mar;22(2):313-319. PubMed PMID: 35945130
  • Funk AL, Kuppermann N, Florin TA, Tancredi DJ, Xie J, Kim K, Finkelstein Y, Neuman MI, Salvadori MI, Yock-Corrales A, Breslin KA, Ambroggio L, Chaudhari PP, Bergmann KR, Gardiner MA, Nebhrajani JR, Campos C, Ahmad FA, Sartori LF, Navanandan N, Kannikeswaran N, Caperell K, Morris CR, Mintegi S, Gangoiti I, Sabhaney VJ, Plint AC, Klassen TP, Avva UR, Shah NP, Dixon AC, Lunoe MM, Becker SM, Rogers AJ, Pavlicich V, Dalziel SR, Payne DC, Malley R, Borland ML, Morrison AK, Bhatt M, Rino PB, Beneyto Ferre I, Eckerle M, Kam AJ, Chong SL, Palumbo L, Kwok MY, Cherry JC, Poonai N, Waseem M, Simon NJ, Freedman SB. Post-COVID-19 Conditions Among Children 90 Days After SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2223253. PubMed PMID: 35867061
  • Navanandan N, Moss A, Tanverdi M, Ambroggio L, Brittan M. Corticosteroid choice and clinical outcomes for asthma exacerbations in the primary care setting. J Asthma. 2022 Feb;59(2):333-341. PubMed PMID: 33106059
  • Brittan MS, Moss A, Watson JD, Federico MJ, Rice JD, Dempsey AF, Ambroggio L. Association between early childhood lower respiratory tract infections and subsequent asthma. J Asthma. 2022 Nov;59(11):2143-2153. PubMed PMID: 34706607
  • Carter K, Raybin J, Ambroggio L, Frydenlund M, Thomas J, Squiers K, Brittan M. Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Consult Requests and Recommendations. J Pediatr Health Care. 2022 May-Jun;36(3):248-255. PubMed PMID: 34810051
  • Ramgopal S, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. A Prediction Model for Pediatric Radiographic Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2022 Jan 1;149(1). PubMed PMID: 34845493
  • Searns JB, Parker SK, Ambroggio LV, O'Leary ST. Identifying the Causative Pathogen in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Infections: Moving the Debate Forward. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2022 Mar 24;11(3):85-89. PubMed PMID: 34894261
  • Funk AL, Florin TA, Kuppermann N, Tancredi DJ, Xie J, Kim K, Neuman MI, Ambroggio L, Plint AC, Mintegi S, Klassen TP, Salvadori MI, Malley R, Payne DC, Simon NJ, Yock-Corrales A, Nebhrajani JR, Chaudhari PP, Breslin KA, Finkelstein Y, Campos C, Bergmann KR, Bhatt M, Ahmad FA, Gardiner MA, Avva UR, Shah NP, Sartori LF, Sabhaney VJ, Caperell K, Navanandan N, Borland ML, Morris CR, Gangoiti I, Pavlicich V, Kannikeswaran N, Lunoe MM, Rino PB, Kam AJ, Cherry JC, Rogers AJ, Chong SL, Palumbo L, Angelats CM, Morrison AK, Kwok MY, Becker SM, Dixon AC, Poonai N, Eckerle M, Wassem M, Dalziel SR, Freedman SB. Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2-Positive Youths Tested in Emergency Departments: The Global PERN-COVID-19 Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jan 4;5(1):e2142322. PubMed PMID: 35015063
  • Yun KW, Wallihan R, Desai A, Alter S, Ambroggio L, Cohen DM, El-Assal O, Marzec S, Florin TA, Keaton M, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Sharpe S, Leber AL, Everhart K, Mejias A, Ramilo O. Clinical Characteristics and Etiology of Community-acquired Pneumonia in US Children, 2015-2018. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 May 1;41(5):381-387. PubMed PMID: 35143427
  • Freedman SB, Kuppermann N, Funk AL, Kim K, Xie J, Tancredi D, Dalziel SR, Neuman MI, Mintegi S, Plint AC, Gómez-Vargas J, Finkelstein Y, Ambroggio L, Klassen TP, Salvadori M, Malley R, Payne DC, Florin TA. Corticosteroids and Other Treatments Administered to Children Tested for SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Emergency Departments. Acad Pediatr. 2022 Sep-Oct;22(7):1200-1211. PubMed PMID: 35462066
  • Ambroggio L, Cotter JM, Hall M. Methodological progress note: A clinician's guide to propensity scores. J Hosp Med. 2022 Apr;17(4):283-286. PubMed PMID: 35535919
  • Tsitsiklis A, Osborne CM, Kamm J, Williamson K, Kalantar K, Dudas G, Caldera S, Lyden A, Tan M, Neff N, Soesanto V, Harris JK, Ambroggio L, Maddux AB, Carpenter TC, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert KL, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Zinter MS, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Lower respiratory tract infections in children requiring mechanical ventilation: a multicentre prospective surveillance study incorporating airway metagenomics. Lancet Microbe. 2022 Apr;3(4):e284-e293. PubMed PMID: 35544065
  • Cafferty R, Ambroggio L, Leonard J, Schmidt S, Haasz M. Evaluating Provider Documentation of Suicide Risk Factors Among Youth Screening Positive for Suicide Risk in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2022 Jul 1;38(7):317-320. PubMed PMID: 35608523
  • Shapiro DJ, Thurm CW, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Cogen JD, Neuman MI. Respiratory virus testing and clinical outcomes among children hospitalized with pneumonia. J Hosp Med. 2022 Sep;17(9):693-701. PubMed PMID: 35747928
  • Ramgopal S, Lorenz D, Navanandan N, Cotter JM, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L, Florin TA. Validation of Prediction Models for Pneumonia Among Children in the Emergency Department. Pediatrics. 2022 Jul 1;150(1). PubMed PMID: 35748157
  • Cotter JM, Florin TA, Moss A, Suresh K, Ramgopal S, Navanandan N, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L. Factors Associated With Antibiotic Use for Children Hospitalized With Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2022 Aug 1;150(2). PubMed PMID: 35775330
  • Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa PH, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li LM, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson KM, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Smith C, Abuogi L, Kistler A, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Ambroggio L, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Upper airway gene expression shows a more robust adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children. Nat Commun. 2022 Jul 8;13(1):3937. PubMed PMID: 35803954
  • Ambroggio L, Manning WA. Propensity scores to estimate treatment effects of thiamine in alcohol use disorder. J Hosp Med. 2022 Aug;17(8):671-672. PubMed PMID: 35811384
  • Navanandan N, Moss A, Tanverdi M, Ambroggio L, Brittan M. Corticosteroid choice and clinical outcomes for asthma exacerbations in the primary care setting. J Asthma. 2022 Feb;59(2):333-341. PubMed PMID: 33106059
  • Cotter JM, Florin TA, Moss A, Suresh K, Navanandan N, Ramgopal S, Shah SS, Ruddy R, Kempe A, Ambroggio L. Antibiotic use and outcomes among children hospitalized with suspected pneumonia. J Hosp Med. 2022 Dec;17(12):975-983. PubMed PMID: 36380654
  • Ramgopal S, Lorenz D, Ambroggio L, Navanandan N, Cotter JM, Florin TA. Identifying Potentially Unnecessary Hospitalizations in Children With Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2022 Sep 1;12(9):788-806. PubMed PMID: 36000331
  • Ramgopal S, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. A Prediction Model for Pediatric Radiographic Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2022 Jan 1;149(1). PubMed PMID: 34845493
  • Carter K, Raybin J, Ambroggio L, Frydenlund M, Thomas J, Squiers K, Brittan M. Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Consult Requests and Recommendations. J Pediatr Health Care. 2022 May-Jun;36(3):248-255. PubMed PMID: 34810051
  • Brittan MS, Moss A, Watson JD, Federico MJ, Rice JD, Dempsey AF, Ambroggio L. Association between early childhood lower respiratory tract infections and subsequent asthma. J Asthma. 2022 Nov;59(11):2143-2153. PubMed PMID: 34706607
  • Ramgopal S, Lorenz D, Ambroggio L, Navanandan N, Cotter JM, Florin TA. Identifying Potentially Unnecessary Hospitalizations in Children With Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2022 Sep 1;12(9):788-806. PubMed PMID: 36000331
  • Cogen JD, Hall M, Faino AV, Ambroggio L, Blaschke AJ, Brogan TV, Cotter JM, Gibson RL, Grijalva CG, Hersh AL, Lipsett SC, Shah SS, Shapiro DJ, Neuman MI, Gerber JS. Antibiotics and outcomes of CF pulmonary exacerbations in children infected with MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Cyst Fibros. 2022 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35945130
  • Funk AL, Kuppermann N, Florin TA, Tancredi DJ, Xie J, Kim K, Finkelstein Y, Neuman MI, Salvadori MI, Yock-Corrales A, Breslin KA, Ambroggio L, Chaudhari PP, Bergmann KR, Gardiner MA, Nebhrajani JR, Campos C, Ahmad FA, Sartori LF, Navanandan N, Kannikeswaran N, Caperell K, Morris CR, Mintegi S, Gangoiti I, Sabhaney VJ, Plint AC, Klassen TP, Avva UR, Shah NP, Dixon AC, Lunoe MM, Becker SM, Rogers AJ, Pavlicich V, Dalziel SR, Payne DC, Malley R, Borland ML, Morrison AK, Bhatt M, Rino PB, Beneyto Ferre I, Eckerle M, Kam AJ, Chong SL, Palumbo L, Kwok MY, Cherry JC, Poonai N, Waseem M, Simon NJ, Freedman SB. Post-COVID-19 Conditions Among Children 90 Days After SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2223253. PubMed PMID: 35867061
  • Ambroggio L, Manning WA. Propensity scores to estimate treatment effects of thiamine in alcohol use disorder. J Hosp Med. 2022 Aug;17(8):671-672. PubMed PMID: 35811384
  • Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa PH, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li LM, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson KM, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Smith C, Abuogi L, Kistler A, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Ambroggio L, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Upper airway gene expression shows a more robust adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children. Nat Commun. 2022 Jul 8;13(1):3937. PubMed PMID: 35803954
  • Cotter JM, Florin TA, Moss A, Suresh K, Ramgopal S, Navanandan N, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L. Factors Associated With Antibiotic Use for Children Hospitalized With Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2022 Aug 1;150(2). PubMed PMID: 35775330
  • Ramgopal S, Lorenz D, Navanandan N, Cotter JM, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Ambroggio L, Florin TA. Validation of Prediction Models for Pneumonia Among Children in the Emergency Department. Pediatrics. 2022 Jul 1;150(1). PubMed PMID: 35748157
  • Shapiro DJ, Thurm CW, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Cogen JD, Neuman MI. Respiratory virus testing and clinical outcomes among children hospitalized with pneumonia. J Hosp Med. 2022 Sep;17(9):693-701. PubMed PMID: 35747928
  • Cafferty R, Ambroggio L, Leonard J, Schmidt S, Haasz M. Evaluating Provider Documentation of Suicide Risk Factors Among Youth Screening Positive for Suicide Risk in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2022 Jul 1;38(7):317-320. PubMed PMID: 35608523
  • Tsitsiklis A, Osborne CM, Kamm J, Williamson K, Kalantar K, Dudas G, Caldera S, Lyden A, Tan M, Neff N, Soesanto V, Harris JK, Ambroggio L, Maddux AB, Carpenter TC, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert KL, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Zinter MS, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Lower respiratory tract infections in children requiring mechanical ventilation: a multicentre prospective surveillance study incorporating airway metagenomics. Lancet Microbe. 2022 Apr;3(4):e284-e293. PubMed PMID: 35544065
  • Ambroggio L, Cotter JM, Hall M. Methodological progress note: A clinician's guide to propensity scores. J Hosp Med. 2022 Apr;17(4):283-286. PubMed PMID: 35535919
  • Freedman SB, Kuppermann N, Funk AL, Kim K, Xie J, Tancredi D, Dalziel SR, Neuman MI, Mintegi S, Plint AC, Gómez-Vargas J, Finkelstein Y, Ambroggio L, Klassen TP, Salvadori M, Malley R, Payne DC, Florin TA. Corticosteroids and Other Treatments Administered to Children Tested for SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Emergency Departments. Acad Pediatr. 2022 Sep-Oct;22(7):1200-1211. PubMed PMID: 35462066
  • Yun KW, Wallihan R, Desai A, Alter S, Ambroggio L, Cohen DM, El-Assal O, Marzec S, Florin TA, Keaton M, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Sharpe S, Leber AL, Everhart K, Mejias A, Ramilo O. Clinical Characteristics and Etiology of Community-acquired Pneumonia in US Children, 2015-2018. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 May 1;41(5):381-387. PubMed PMID: 35143427
  • Funk AL, Florin TA, Kuppermann N, Tancredi DJ, Xie J, Kim K, Neuman MI, Ambroggio L, Plint AC, Mintegi S, Klassen TP, Salvadori MI, Malley R, Payne DC, Simon NJ, Yock-Corrales A, Nebhrajani JR, Chaudhari PP, Breslin KA, Finkelstein Y, Campos C, Bergmann KR, Bhatt M, Ahmad FA, Gardiner MA, Avva UR, Shah NP, Sartori LF, Sabhaney VJ, Caperell K, Navanandan N, Borland ML, Morris CR, Gangoiti I, Pavlicich V, Kannikeswaran N, Lunoe MM, Rino PB, Kam AJ, Cherry JC, Rogers AJ, Chong SL, Palumbo L, Angelats CM, Morrison AK, Kwok MY, Becker SM, Dixon AC, Poonai N, Eckerle M, Wassem M, Dalziel SR, Freedman SB. Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2-Positive Youths Tested in Emergency Departments: The Global PERN-COVID-19 Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jan 4;5(1):e2142322. PubMed PMID: 35015063
  • Searns JB, Parker SK, Ambroggio LV, O'Leary ST. Identifying the Causative Pathogen in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Infections: Moving the Debate Forward. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2022 Mar 24;11(3):85-89. PubMed PMID: 34894261
  • Graham JMK, Ambroggio L, Leonard JE, Ziniel SI, Grubenhoff JA. Evaluation of feedback modalities and preferences regarding feedback on decision-making in a pediatric emergency department. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Dec 13;9(2):216-224. PubMed PMID: 34894116
  • Desai S, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Gerber JS, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI, Ambroggio L. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Testing and Treatment Among Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2021 Jul;11(7):760-763. PubMed PMID: 34583319
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Nylen ES, Balmert L. Urinary Proadrenomedullin and Disease Severity in Children with Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34533488
  • Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa P, Detweiler A, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li L, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson K, Soesanto V, Simões E, Kistler A, Wagner B, DeRisi J, Ambroggio L, Mourani P, Langelier C. Upper airway gene expression reveals a more robust innate and adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children compared with older adults. Res Sq. 2021 Aug 26. PubMed PMID: 34462739
  • Ambroggio L, Florin TA, Williamson K, Pfefferman C, Wagner BD, Yeomans L, Kim JH, Sucharew H, Macaluso M, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Stringer KA. Respiratory Colonization and Short-Term Temporal Changes in the Urinary Metabolome of Children. Metabolites. 2021 Jul 30;11(8). PubMed PMID: 34436441
  • Gao HM, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. Predictive Value of Clinician "Gestalt" in Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2021 May;147(5). PubMed PMID: 33903161
  • Cotter JM, Thomas J, Birkholz M, Ambroggio L, Holstein J, Dominguez SR. Clinical Impact of a Diagnostic Gastrointestinal Panel in Children. Pediatrics. 2021 May;147(5). PubMed PMID: 33837134
  • Shapiro DJ, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Short- Versus Prolonged-Duration Antibiotics for Outpatient Pneumonia in Children. J Pediatr. 2021 Jul;234:205-211.e1. PubMed PMID: 33745996
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Ambroggio L, van Rossum AMC, Berger C. Reply to author. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Sep 7;73(5):938-939. PubMed PMID: 33581694
  • Funk AL, Florin TA, Dalziel SR, Mintegi S, Salvadori MI, Tancredi DJ, Neuman MI, Payne DC, Plint AC, Klassen TP, Malley R, Ambroggio L, Kim K, Kuppermann N, Freedman SB. Prospective cohort study of children with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection presenting to paediatric emergency departments: a Paediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN) Study Protocol. BMJ Open. 2021 Jan 15;11(1):e042121. PubMed PMID: 33452195
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Ruddy R, Shah SS. Reply to Meyer Sauteur and Berger. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 5;73(7):e1771. PubMed PMID: 33367624
  • Cotter JM, Hardee I, Moss A, Dempsey A, Ambroggio L. Procalcitonin Use: Variation Across Hospitals and Trends Over Time. Hosp Pediatr. 2021 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34964049
  • Desai S, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Gerber JS, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI, Ambroggio L. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Testing and Treatment Among Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2021 Jul;11(7):760-763. PubMed PMID: 34583319
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Nylen ES, Balmert L. Urinary Proadrenomedullin and Disease Severity in Children With Suspected Community-acquired Pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Dec 1;40(12):1070-1075. PubMed PMID: 34533488
  • Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa P, Detweiler A, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li L, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson K, Soesanto V, Simões E, Kistler A, Wagner B, DeRisi J, Ambroggio L, Mourani P, Langelier C. Upper airway gene expression reveals a more robust innate and adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children compared with older adults. Res Sq. 2021 Aug 26. PubMed PMID: 34462739
  • Ambroggio L, Florin TA, Williamson K, Pfefferman C, Wagner BD, Yeomans L, Kim JH, Sucharew H, Macaluso M, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Stringer KA. Respiratory Colonization and Short-Term Temporal Changes in the Urinary Metabolome of Children. Metabolites. 2021 Jul 30;11(8). PubMed PMID: 34436441
  • Gao HM, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Ruddy RM, Florin TA. Predictive Value of Clinician "Gestalt" in Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2021 May;147(5). PubMed PMID: 33903161
  • Cotter JM, Thomas J, Birkholz M, Ambroggio L, Holstein J, Dominguez SR. Clinical Impact of a Diagnostic Gastrointestinal Panel in Children. Pediatrics. 2021 May;147(5). PubMed PMID: 33837134
  • Shapiro DJ, Hall M, Lipsett SC, Hersh AL, Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Short- Versus Prolonged-Duration Antibiotics for Outpatient Pneumonia in Children. J Pediatr. 2021 Jul;234:205-211.e1. PubMed PMID: 33745996
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Ambroggio L, van Rossum AMC, Berger C. Reply to author. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Sep 7;73(5):938-939. PubMed PMID: 33581694
  • Funk AL, Florin TA, Dalziel SR, Mintegi S, Salvadori MI, Tancredi DJ, Neuman MI, Payne DC, Plint AC, Klassen TP, Malley R, Ambroggio L, Kim K, Kuppermann N, Freedman SB. Prospective cohort study of children with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection presenting to paediatric emergency departments: a Paediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN) Study Protocol. BMJ Open. 2021 Jan 15;11(1):e042121. PubMed PMID: 33452195
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Ruddy R, Shah SS. Reply to Meyer Sauteur and Berger. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 5;73(7):e1771. PubMed PMID: 33367624
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy RM, Kuppermann N, Shah SS. Development and Internal Validation of a Prediction Model to Risk Stratify Children With Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Nov 2;73(9):e2713-e2721. PubMed PMID: 33159514
  • Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Williamson KM, Harris JK, Reeder R, Locandro C, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Ziegler K, Simões EAF, Osborne CM, Ambroggio L, Leroue MK, Robertson CE, Langelier C, DeRisi JL, Kamm J, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Wagner BD. Temporal airway microbiome changes related to ventilator-associated pneumonia in children. Eur Respir J. 2021 Mar;57(3). PubMed PMID: 33008935
  • Lipsett SC, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Hersh AL, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Antibiotic Choice and Clinical Outcomes in Ambulatory Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. J Pediatr. 2021 Feb;229:207-215.e1. PubMed PMID: 33045236
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Zhang Y, Nylen ES, Rattan M, Crotty E, Belsky MA, Krueger S, Epperson TN, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy RM, Shah SS. Proadrenomedullin Predicts Severe Disease in Children With Suspected Community-acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 2;73(3):e524-e530. PubMed PMID: 32761072
  • Cotter J, Hardee I, Moss A, Dempsey A, Ambroggio L. Procalcitonin Utilization: Variation Across-Hospitals and Trends Over Time. (2021) Hospital Pediatrics. In press.
  • Cafferty R*, Ambroggio L, Leonard J, Schmidt S, Haasz M. Evaluating Provider Documentation of Suicide Risk Factors Among Youth Screening Positive for Suicide Risk in a Pediatric Emergency Department (2021) Pediatric Emergency Care. In press.
  • Ramgopal S, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Shah SS, Ruddy R, Florin TA. A Prediction Model for Pediatric Radiographic Pneumonia. (2021) Pediatrics. In press.
  • Lipsett SC, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Hersh AL, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Gerber JS, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Antibiotic Choice and Clinical Outcomes in Ambulatory Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. J Pediatr. 2021 Feb;229:207-215.e1. PubMed PMID: 33045236
  • Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Williamson KM, Harris JK, Reeder R, Locandro C, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Ziegler K, Simões EAF, Osborne CM, Ambroggio L, Leroue MK, Robertson CE, Langelier C, DeRisi JL, Kamm J, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Wagner BD. Temporal airway microbiome changes related to ventilator-associated pneumonia in children. Eur Respir J. 2021 Mar;57(3). PubMed PMID: 33008935
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Zhang Y, Nylen ES, Rattan M, Crotty E, Belsky MA, Krueger S, Epperson TN, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy RM, Shah SS. Proadrenomedullin Predicts Severe Disease in Children With Suspected Community-acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 2;73(3):e524-e530. PubMed PMID: 32761072
  • Lipshaw MJ, Florin TA, Krueger S, Belsky MA, Epperson T, Crotty EJ, Lipscomb J, Jacobs J, Rattan MS, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Factors Associated With Antibiotic Prescribing and Outcomes for Pediatric Pneumonia in the Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2021 Dec 1;37(12):e1033-e1038. PubMed PMID: 31290801
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Pánisová E, Bachmann LM, Ambroggio L, Berger C. Evaluation of IgM Lateral Flow Assay as a Screening Tool for Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection in Childhood Pneumonia. J Clin Microbiol. 2020 Oct 21;58(11). PubMed PMID: 32878949
  • Navanandan N, Moss A, Tanverdi M, Ambroggio L, Brittan M. Corticosteroid choice and clinical outcomes for asthma exacerbations in the primary care setting. J Asthma. 2020 Nov 6;:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33106059
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Lorenz D, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy RM, Kuppermann N, Shah SS. Development and Internal Validation of a Prediction Model to Risk Stratify Children with Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33159514
  • Florin TA, Tancredi DJ, Ambroggio L, Babl FE, Dalziel SR, Eckerle M, Mintegi S, Neuman M, Plint AC, Kuppermann N. Predicting severe pneumonia in the emergency department: a global study of the Pediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN)-study protocol. BMJ Open. 2020 Dec 2;10(12):e041093. PubMed PMID: 33268423
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Krautter S, Ambroggio L, Seiler M, Paioni P, Relly C, Capaul R, Kellenberger C, Haas T, Gysin C, Bachmann LM, van Rossum AMC, Berger C. Improved Diagnostics Help to Identify Clinical Features and Biomarkers That Predict Mycoplasma pneumoniae Community-acquired Pneumonia in Children. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Oct 23;71(7):1645-1654. PubMed PMID: 31665253
  • Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Williamson KM, Harris JK, Reeder R, Locandro C, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Ziegler K, Simões EAF, Osborne CM, Ambroggio L, Leroue MK, Robertson CE, Langelier C, DeRisi JL, Kamm J, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Wagner BD. Temporal airway microbiome changes related to ventilator associated pneumonia in children. Eur Respir J. 2020 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33008935
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Pánisová E, Bachmann LM, Ambroggio L, Berger C. Evaluation of IgM lateral flow assay as screening tool for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in childhood pneumonia. J Clin Microbiol. 2020 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32878949
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Zhang Y, Nylen ES, Rattan M, Crotty E, Belsky MA, Krueger S, Epperson TN, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy RM, Shah SS. Proadrenomedullin Predicts Severe Disease in Children with Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32761072
  • Florin TA, Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Zhang Y, Rattan M, Crotty E, Belsky MA, Krueger S, Epperson TN 4th, Kachelmeyer A, Ruddy R, Shah SS. Biomarkers and Disease Severity in Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2020 Jun;145(6). PubMed PMID: 32404432
  • Lipshaw MJ, Eckerle M, Florin TA, Crotty EJ, Lipscomb J, Jacobs J, Rattan MS, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Antibiotic Use and Outcomes in Children in the Emergency Department With Suspected Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 2020 Apr;145(4). PubMed PMID: 32179662
  • Cotter JM, Thomas J, Birkholz M, Brittan M, Ambroggio L, Dolan S, Pearce K, Todd J, Dominguez SR. Impact of Multiplex Testing on the Identification of Pediatric Clostridiodes Difficile. J Pediatr. 2020 Mar;218:157-165.e3. PubMed PMID: 32089179
  • Moss SR, Jenkins AM, Caldwell AK, Herbst BF Jr, Kelleher ME, Kinnear B, Ambroggio L, Herbst LA, Chima RS, O'Toole JK. Risk Factors for the Development of Hospital-Associated Venous Thromboembolism in Adult Patients Admitted to a Children's Hospital. Hosp Pediatr. 2020 Feb;10(2):166-172. PubMed PMID: 31924691
  • Thomson J, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Berry JG, Stone B, Srivastava R, Shah SS. Antibiotics for Aspiration Pneumonia in Neurologically Impaired Children. J Hosp Med. 2020 Jul 1;15(7):395-402. PubMed PMID: 31891564
  • Gyurova IE, Schlums H, Sucharew H, Ambroggio L, Ochayon DE, Win HT, Bryceson YT, Bernstein DI, Waggoner SN. Dynamic Changes in Natural Killer Cell Subset Frequencies in the Absence of Cytomegalovirus Infection. Front Immunol. 2019;10:2728. PubMed PMID: 31824507
  • Meyer Sauteur PM, Krautter S, Ambroggio L, Seiler M, Paioni P, Relly C, Capaul R, Kellenberger C, Haas T, Gysin C, Bachmann LM, van Rossum AMC, Berger C. Improved diagnostics help to identify clinical features and biomarkers that predict Mycoplasma pneumoniae community-acquired pneumonia in children. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Oct 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31665253
  • Lipsett SC, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Desai S, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Gerber JS, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Predictors of Bacteremia in Children Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Oct;9(10):770-778. PubMed PMID: 31519736
  • Forster CS, Tang Girdwood S, Morrison JM, Ambroggio L. Changing the Paradigm of Research in Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Sep;9(9):732-735. PubMed PMID: 31444246
  • Lipshaw MJ, Florin TA, Krueger S, Belsky MA, Epperson T, Crotty EJ, Lipscomb J, Jacobs J, Rattan MS, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Factors Associated With Antibiotic Prescribing and Outcomes for Pediatric Pneumonia in the Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2019 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31290801
  • Hussain FS, Sosa T, Ambroggio L, Gallagher R, Brady PW. Emergency Transfers: An Important Predictor of Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized Children. J Hosp Med. 2019 Aug 1;14(8):482-485. PubMed PMID: 31251153
  • Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Mantyla R, DePaoli B, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Florin TA. Validation of the British Thoracic Society Severity Criteria for Pediatric Community-acquired Pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019 Sep;38(9):894-899. PubMed PMID: 31232897
  • Lipsett SC, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Desai S, Shah SS, Brogan TV, Hersh AL, Williams DJ, Grijalva CG, Gerber JS, Blaschke AJ, Neuman MI. Predictors of Bacteremia in Children Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Oct;9(10):770-778. PubMed PMID: 31519736
  • Forster CS, Tang Girdwood S, Morrison JM, Ambroggio L. Changing the Paradigm of Research in Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Sep;9(9):732-735. PubMed PMID: 31444246
  • Lipshaw MJ, Florin TA, Krueger S, Belsky MA, Epperson T, Crotty EJ, Lipscomb J, Jacobs J, Rattan MS, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Factors Associated With Antibiotic Prescribing and Outcomes for Pediatric Pneumonia in the Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2019 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31290801
  • Hussain FS, Sosa T, Ambroggio L, Gallagher R, Brady PW. Emergency Transfers: An Important Predictor of Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized Children. J Hosp Med. 2019 Aug 1;14(8):482-485. PubMed PMID: 31251153
  • Ambroggio L, Brokamp C, Mantyla R, DePaoli B, Ruddy RM, Shah SS, Florin TA. Validation of the British Thoracic Society Severity Criteria for Pediatric Community-acquired Pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019 Sep;38(9):894-899. PubMed PMID: 31232897
  • Ambroggio L, Herman H, Fain E, Huang G, Florin TA. Clinical Risk Factors for Revisits for Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;8(11):718-723. PubMed PMID: 30352815
  • Shah SS, Florin TA, Ambroggio L. Procalcitonin in Childhood Pneumonia. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Feb 19;7(1):54-55. PubMed PMID: 28339955
  • Shaughnessy EE, Shah A, Ambroggio L, Statile A. Quality Improvement Feature Series Article 1: Introduction to Quality Improvement. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Feb 19;7(1):6-10. PubMed PMID: 28992204
  • Brady PW, Tchou MJ, Ambroggio L, Schondelmeyer AC, Shaughnessy EE. Quality Improvement Feature Series Article 2: Displaying and Analyzing Quality Improvement Data. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 May 15;7(2):100-103. PubMed PMID: 29040644
  • Ambroggio L, Schondelmeyer A, Hoefgen E, Brady P, Shaughnessy E. Quality Improvement Feature Series Article 4: Advanced Designs for Quality Improvement Studies. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Dec 3;7(4):335-337. PubMed PMID: 29045666
  • Florin TA, Brokamp C, Mantyla R, DePaoli B, Ruddy R, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Validation of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society-Infectious Diseases Society of America Severity Criteria in Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 18;67(1):112-119. PubMed PMID: 29346512
  • Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Coley BD. Reply. J Pediatr. 2018 May;196:329-330. PubMed PMID: 29501239
  • Schlaudecker EP, Ambroggio L, McNeal MM, Finkelman FD, Way SS. Declining responsiveness to influenza vaccination with progression of human pregnancy. Vaccine. 2018 Jul 25;36(31):4734-4741. PubMed PMID: 29941326
  • Ambroggio L, Mangeot C, Murtagh Kurowski E, Graham C, Korn P, Strasser M, Cavallo C, Brady K, Campanella S, Clohessy C, Brinkman WB, Shah SS. Guideline Adoption for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in the Outpatient Setting. Pediatrics. 2018 Oct;142(4). PubMed PMID: 30254038
  • Ambroggio L, Herman H, Fain E, Huang G, Florin TA. Clinical Risk Factors for Revisits for Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Hosp Pediatr. 2018 Nov;8(11):718-723. PubMed PMID: 30352815
  • Ambroggio L, Mangeot C, Murtagh Kurowski E, Graham C, Korn P, Strasser M, Cavallo C, Brady K, Campanella S, Clohessy C, Brinkman WB, Shah SS. Guideline Adoption for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in the Outpatient Setting. Pediatrics. 2018 Oct;142(4). PubMed PMID: 30254038
  • Schlaudecker EP, Ambroggio L, McNeal MM, Finkelman FD, Way SS. Declining responsiveness to influenza vaccination with progression of human pregnancy. Vaccine. 2018 Jul 25;36(31):4734-4741. PubMed PMID: 29941326
  • Ambroggio L, Shah SS, Coley BD. Reply. J Pediatr. 2018 May;196:329-330. PubMed PMID: 29501239
  • Florin TA, Brokamp C, Mantyla R, DePaoli B, Ruddy R, Shah SS, Ambroggio L. Validation of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society-Infectious Diseases Society of America Severity Criteria in Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 18;67(1):112-119. PubMed PMID: 29346512
  • Brady PW, Tchou MJ, Ambroggio L, Schondelmeyer AC, Shaughnessy EE. Quality Improvement Feature Series Article 2: Displaying and Analyzing Quality Improvement Data. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 May 15;7(2):100-103. PubMed PMID: 29040644
  • Shaughnessy EE, Shah A, Ambroggio L, Statile A. Quality Improvement Feature Series Article 1: Introduction to Quality Improvement. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Feb 19;7(1):6-10. PubMed PMID: 28992204
  • Shah SS, Florin TA, Ambroggio L. Procalcitonin in Childhood Pneumonia. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc. 2018 Feb 19;7(1):54-55. PubMed PMID: 28339955
  • Thomson J, Hall M, Ambroggio L, Berry J, Stone B, Srivastava R, Shah SS. (2019) Antibiotics for Aspiration Pneumonia in Neurologically Impaired Children. Journal of Hospital Medicine. In press.

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