Clinical Education Coordinator, Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center
Cook, P., Jankowski, C., Erlandson, K. M., Reeder, B., Starr, W., & Makic, M. B. F. (2022). Low-and High-Intensity Physical Activity Among People with HIV: Multilevel Modeling Analysis Using Sensor-and Survey-Based Predictors. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(4), e33938.
Sensor and Survey Measures Associated With Daily
Fatigue in HIV: Findings From a Mixed-Method Study
Cook, P. F., Schmiege, S. J., Bradley-Springer, L. A., Starr, W., & Carrington, J. M. (2018). Motivation as a mechanism for daily experiences’ effects on HIV medication adherence. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 29, 383-393. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2017.09.003
Cook, P. F., Schmiege, S. J., Starr, W., Carrington, J. M., & Bradley-Springer, L. (in press). Prospective state and trait predictors of daily medication adherence behavior in HIV. Nursing Research.
Cook, P. F., Hartson, K. R., Schmiege, S. J., Jankowski, C., Starr, W., & Meek, P. (2016). Bidirectional relationships between fatigue and everyday experiences in persons living with HIV. Research in Nursing and Health, 3, 154-163. doi:10.1002/nur.21718
Starr, W. and Bradley-Springer, L. Nursing in the fourth decade of the HIV epidemic. American Journal of Nursing. 2014. 114(3): 38-48.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., & Bradley-Springer, L. (2014). HIV and Tobacco Use. Denver: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., & Bradley-Springer, L. (2014). A Quick Guide to Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. Denver: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., & Bradley-Springer, L. (2014). First Visit Basics: Initiating Care for the HIV-infected Patient. Denver: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Starr, W. & Bradley-Springer, L. (2014). Nursing in the Fourth Decade of the HIV Epidemic. American Journal of Nursing. 114(3):38-47.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., & Gill, J. A Pharmacist’s Guide to Antiretroviral Therapy. 2013. Denver: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., Everson, G., Sweet, D., Rogers, M. Clinicians Guide to Hepatitis A, B, C. 2013. Denver: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
HIV Sourcebook for the Primary Care Provider 2012
Johnson, S., Starr, W. (2012). Acute HIV infection. Denver, CO: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Starr, W., Johnson, S., Sweet, D., Bradley-Springer, L.(2012). HIV sourcebook for the primary care provider. Denver, CO: Mountain Plains AIDS Education and Training Center.
Cook, P.F., Schmiege, S. J., Bradley-Springer, L.A., Starr, W., & Carrington, J. M. (in press) Motivation as a mechanism for daily experiences effects on HIV medication adherence. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.
Cook, P.F., Schmiege, S. J., Starr, W., Carrington, J. M., & Bradley-Springer, L. (in press). Prospective state and trait predictors of daily medication adherence behavior in HIV. Nursing Research.