O’Hara K, Albrecht E, Landry J. “A Peer-to-Peer Observation Model of Pediatric Hospitalists and their Teaching Behaviors.” Oral Presentation, Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, 23 April 2022
O’Hara K, Albrecht E, Landry J. “A Peer-to-Peer Observation Model of Pediatric Hospitalists and their Teaching Behaviors.” Poster Presentation, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference, 28-31 July 2022
O’Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. Understanding High-Value Care Culture to Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Pediatric Academic Societies Virtual Meeting. April 30 - May 4, 2021.
O’Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. High-Value Care Tools to Understand Institutional Culture and Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Pediatric Hospital Medicine Virtual Meeting. August 4-6, 2021.
O’Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. High-Value Care Tools to Understand Institutional Culture and Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Architecture of High Value Health Care National Conference. October 7-10, 2021.
O'Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. Understanding High-Value Care Culture to Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Pediatric Academic Societies Virtual Meeting. April 30-May 4, 2021.
O'Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. High-Value Care Tools to Understand Institutional Culture and Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Pediatric Hospital Medicine Virtual Meeting. August 4-6, 2021.
O'Hara K, Moss A, Albrecht E, Clifton N, Beverly J, Chung D, LaGuardia E, Reese J, Tchou MJ. High-Value Care Tools to Understand Institutional Culture and Inform Value-Improvement Efforts. Poster session. Architecture of High Value Care National Conference. October 7-10, 2021.