Leezer S, Mehta R, Agarwal A, Saraf S, Messmer M, Phillippi R, Jackson JL, Roeder M, Marlin A, Peyser ND, Pletcher MJ, Krasuski R, Lewis M, Reardon L, Saidi A, Kanter R, Sandhu S, Young T, Jacobsen R, Ruckdeschel E, Lubert A, Singh S, Zaidi A, Halpern DH, Mathews A, Carton T, John AS. Patient-Reported Outcomes Among Adults With Congenital Heart Disease in the Congenital Heart Initiative Registry. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Oct 1;7(10):e2439629. PubMed PMID: 39412804
Harrison DJ, Kay J, Jacobsen RM, Londono-Obregon C, Yeung E, Kelly SL, Poteet A, Levek C, Landzberg MJ, Wallrich M, Khanna A. The burden of psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder among adults with congenital heart disease: PTSD in ACHD. Am J Cardiol. 2024 May 15;219:9-16. PubMed PMID: 38458583
Jassal YR, Kelly S, DiMaria M, Jacobsen R, Brigham D, Hawkins S, Rafferty C, Wolfe KR. Implications of attention and executive functioning weaknesses in youth with Fontan circulation. Child Neuropsychol. 2023 Nov;29(7):1021-1040. PubMed PMID: 36082702
Lewis MJ, Reardon LC, Aboulhosn J, Haeffele C, Chen S, Kim Y, Fuller S, Forbess L, Alshawabkeh L, Urey MA, Book WM, Rodriguez F 3rd, Menachem JN, Clark DE, Valente AM, Carazo M, Egbe A, Connolly HM, Krieger EV, Angiulo J, Cedars A, Ko J, Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Cramer JW, Ermis P, Broda C, Nugaeva N, Ross H, Awerbach JD, Krasuski RA, Rosenbaum M. Morbidity and Mortality in Adult Fontan Patients After Heart or Combined Heart-Liver Transplantation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Jun 6;81(22):2161-2171. PubMed PMID: 37257951
Lewis MJ, Reardon LC, Aboulhosn J, Haeffele C, Chen S, Kim Y, Fuller S, Forbess L, Alshawabkeh L, Urey MA, Book WM, Rodriguez F 3rd, Menachem JN, Clark DE, Valente AM, Carazo M, Egbe A, Connolly HM, Krieger EV, Angiulo J, Cedars A, Ko J, Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Cramer JW, Ermis P, Broda C, Nugaeva N, Ross H, Awerbach JD, Krasuski RA, Rosenbaum M. Clinical Outcomes of Adult Fontan-Associated Liver Disease and Combined Heart-Liver Transplantation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Jun 6;81(22):2149-2160. PubMed PMID: 37257950
Schäfer M, Mitchell MB, Frank BS, Barker AJ, Stone ML, Jaggers J, von Alvensleben JC, Hunter KS, Friesen RM, Ivy DD, Jacobsen R, Di Maria MV. Myocardial strain-curve deformation patterns after Fontan operation. Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 24;13(1):11912. PubMed PMID: 37488167
Holzemer NF, Silveira LJ, Kay J, Khanna AD, Jacobsen RM. Submaximal Exercise Response is Associated with Future Hypertension in Patients with Coarctation of the Aorta. Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Aug;44(6):1209-1216. PubMed PMID: 37219586
Fernie JC, Wylie L, Schäfer M, Carnegie K, Miyamoto SD, Jacobsen RM. Pilot Project: Heart Chargers-A Successful Model for a Home-Based Physical Activity Program Utilizing Telemedicine for Fontan Patients. Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Oct;44(7):1506-1513. PubMed PMID: 37347244
Jassal YR, Kelly S, DiMaria M, Jacobsen R, Brigham D, Hawkins S, Rafferty C, Wolfe KR. Implications of attention and executive functioning weaknesses in youth with Fontan circulation. Child Neuropsychol. 2022 Sep 9;:1-20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36082702
Jacobsen RM, Beacher D, Beacher L, Earing MG, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Cohen S. The Impact of and Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Following Cardiac Surgery in the Adult With Congenital Heart Disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2022 Mar 1;42(2):115-119. PubMed PMID: 35213870
Freddo, AM Jacobsen RM, Yeung E, Stone ML, Kay JD, Khanna AD. Surgical management and outcomes of endocarditis in adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease. 2022;8:e100364
Schäfer M, Frank BS, Jacobsen R, Rausch CM, Mitchell MB, Jaggers J, Stone ML, Morgan GJ, Browne LP, Barker AJ, Hunter KS, Ivy DD, Younoszai A, Di Maria MV. Patients with Fontan circulation have abnormal aortic wave propagation patterns: A wave intensity analysis study. Int J Cardiol. 2021 Jan 1;322:158-167. PubMed PMID: 32853667
Stevens CG, Kay J, Pickett K, Campbell K, Khanna AD, Yeung E, Miyamoto SD, Jacobsen RM. Predictors of Poor Functional Status in Adult Fontan Patients Living at Moderate Altitude. Pediatr Cardiol. 2021 Dec;42(8):1757-1765. PubMed PMID: 34143227
Kroll KH, Kovach JR, Ginde S, Jacobsen RM, Danduran M, Foster A, Brosig CL. Impact of a paediatric cardiac rehabilitation programme upon patient quality of life. Cardiol Young. 2021 May;31(5):804-811. PubMed PMID: 33407962
Schäfer M, Frank BS, Jacobsen R, Rausch CM, Mitchell MB, Jaggers J, Stone ML, Morgan GJ, Browne LP, Barker AJ, Hunter KS, Ivy DD, Younoszai A, Di Maria MV. Patients with Fontan circulation have abnormal aortic wave propagation patterns: A wave intensity analysis study. Int J Cardiol. 2021 Jan 1;322:158-167. PubMed PMID: 32853667
Cg S, Rm J, Ad K, E Y, M K, G M, J K. Prevalence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in a Cohort of Adult Fontan Patients. Pediatr Cardiol. 2020 Oct;41(7):1438-1444. PubMed PMID: 32577770
Jacobsen RM. Outcomes in Adult Congenital Heart Disease: Neurocognitive Issues and Transition of Care. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2020 Oct;67(5):963-971. PubMed PMID: 32888692
Schäfer M, Frank BS, Humphries SM, Hunter KS, Carmody KL, Jacobsen R, Mitchell MB, Jaggers J, Stone ML, Morgan GJ, Barker AJ, Browne LP, Ivy DD, Younoszai A, Di Maria MV. Flow profile characteristics in Fontan circulation are associated with the single ventricle dilation and function: principal component analysis study. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 May 1;318(5):H1032-H1040. PubMed PMID: 32167782
Cg S, Rm J, Ad K, E Y, M K, G M, J K. Prevalence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in a Cohort of Adult Fontan Patients. Pediatr Cardiol. 2020 Oct;41(7):1438-1444. PubMed PMID: 32577770
Schäfer M, Frank BS, Humphries SM, Hunter KS, Carmody KL, Jacobsen R, Mitchell MB, Jaggers J, Stone ML, Morgan GJ, Barker AJ, Browne LP, Ivy DD, Younoszai A, Di Maria MV. Flow profile characteristics in Fontan circulation are associated with the single ventricle dilation and function: principal component analysis study. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 May 1;318(5):H1032-H1040. PubMed PMID: 32167782
McLennan D, Schäfer M, Mitchell MB, Morgan GJ, Ivy D, Barker AJ, Jacobsen R. Usefulness of 4D-Flow MRI in Mapping Flow Distribution Through Failing Fontan Circulation Prior to Cardiac Intervention. Pediatr Cardiol. 2019 Jun;40(5):1093-1096. PubMed PMID: 30982076
McLennan D, Schäfer M, Mitchell MB, Morgan GJ, Ivy D, Barker AJ, Jacobsen R. Usefulness of 4D-Flow MRI in Mapping Flow Distribution Through Failing Fontan Circulation Prior to Cardiac Intervention. Pediatr Cardiol. 2019 Jun;40(5):1093-1096. PubMed PMID: 30982076
Jacobsen RM, Khanna AD. Fontan Associated Liver Disease. [Internet]. American College of Cardiology; 2018 December. Expert Analysis Review of Fontan Associated Liver Disease. Available from: https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2018/12/10/15/53/fontan-associated-liver-disease?_ga=2.89622299.102000958.1571857783-1865191116.1571857783.
Hill, G, Ghanayem, N, Hraska, V, Jacobsen, RM, Mitchell, M, Woods, R, Ginde, S. Variation in the use of Fontan fenestration in the current surgical era. Progress in pediatric cardiology. 2019 March; (52):4-7.
Jacobsen RM, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Loomba RS, Tweddell JS. Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa May Be a Suitable Material for Norwood Arch Reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Dec;106(6):1847-1852. PubMed PMID: 30055141
Birkey T, Dixon J, Jacobsen R, Ginde S, Nugent M, Yan K, Simpson P, Kovach J. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing for Surgical Risk Stratification in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Oct;39(7):1468-1475. PubMed PMID: 29882186
Birkey T, Dixon J, Jacobsen R, Ginde S, Nugent M, Yan K, Simpson P, Kovach J. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing for Surgical Risk Stratification in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29882186
Jacobsen RM, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Loomba RS, Tweddell JS. Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa May Be a Suitable Material for Norwood Arch Reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30055141
Hill, G, Ghanayem, N, Hraska, V, Jacobsen, RM, Mitchell, M, Woods, R, Ginde, S. Variation in the Use of Fontan Fenestration in the Current Surgical Era. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. Manuscript accepted in 2018 for publication in Progress in Pediatric Cardiology.
Jacobsen RM, Danduran M, Mussatto K, Hill G, Ginde,S. Can a Home-based Cardiac Physical Activity Program Improve and Sustain Quality of Life and Exercise Capacity in Children with Fontan Circulation? Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 50 (2018) 12-16
Jacobsen RM, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Loomba RS, Tweddell JS. Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa May Be a Suitable Material for Norwood Arch Reconstruction. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Dec;106(6):1847-1852. PubMed PMID: 30055141
Birkey T, Dixon J, Jacobsen R, Ginde S, Nugent M, Yan K, Simpson P, Kovach J. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing for Surgical Risk Stratification in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Oct;39(7):1468-1475. PubMed PMID: 29882186
Jacobsen R, Danduran M, Mussatto K, Hill G, Ginde S. Can a home-based physical activity program improve and sustain quality of life and exercise capacity in children with Fontan circulation?. Progress in pediatric cardiology. 2018 August; (50):12-16.
Sachdeva S, Jacobsen RM, Woods RK, Mitchell ME, Cava JR, Ghanayem NS, Frommelt PC, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS. Anatomic Repair of Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries: Single-Center Intermediate-Term Experience. Pediatr Cardiol. 2017 Dec;38(8):1696-1702. PubMed PMID: 28918529
Sachdeva S, Jacobsen RM, Woods RK, Mitchell ME, Cava JR, Ghanayem NS, Frommelt PC, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS. Anatomic Repair of Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries: Single-Center Intermediate-Term Experience. Pediatr Cardiol. 2017 Dec;38(8):1696-1702. PubMed PMID: 28918529
Jacobsen RM Camp Odayin Summer Camp for Children and Adolescents with CHD. Congenital Cardiology Today. June 2016; 5.
Jacobsen RM, Ginde S, Mussatto K, Neubauer J, Earing M, Danduran M. Can a Home-based Cardiac Physical Activity Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life in Children with Fontan Circulation?. Congenit Heart Dis. 2016 Mar-Apr;11(2):175-82. PubMed PMID: 26879633
Jacobsen RM, Ginde S, Mussatto K, Neubauer J, Earing M, Danduran M. Can a Home-based Cardiac Physical Activity Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life in Children with Fontan Circulation?. Congenit Heart Dis. 2016 Mar-Apr;11(2):175-82. PubMed PMID: 26879633
Jacobsen RM Camp Odayin Summer Camp for Children and Adolescents with CHD. Congenital Cardiology Today. June 2016; 5.
Jacobsen RM, Ginde S, Mussatto K, Neubauer J, Earing M, Danduran M. Can a Home-based Cardiac Physical Activity Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life in Children with Fontan Circulation?. Congenit Heart Dis. 2016 Mar-Apr;11(2):175-82. PubMed PMID: 26879633
Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Hill GD, Barnes M, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Tweddell JS. The Externally Supported Ross Operation: Early Outcomes and Intermediate Follow-Up. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Aug;100(2):631-8. PubMed PMID: 26141776
Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Hill GD, Barnes M, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Tweddell JS. The Externally Supported Ross Operation: Early Outcomes and Intermediate Follow-Up. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Aug;100(2):631-8. PubMed PMID: 26141776
Jacobsen RM, Earing MG, Hill GD, Barnes M, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Tweddell JS. The Externally Supported Ross Operation: Early Outcomes and Intermediate Follow-Up. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Aug;100(2):631-8. PubMed PMID: 26141776
Rasmussen MA, Cray WC Jr, Casey TA, Whipp SC. Rumen contents as a reservoir of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 1993 Nov 15;114(1):79-84. PubMed PMID: 8293963
Clinical Interests
My clinical and research interests include exercise and physical activity in patients with congenital heart disease, as well as helping patients transition from pediatric to adult care.