David Port, PhD

Professor, Medicine-Cardiology



  • 80. Robinson EL, and Port JD. State of the Art Review: Utilization and Potential of RNA-based Therapies in Cardiovascular Disease. JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 2022, 7(9):956-969 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacbts.2022.02.003
  • Port JD. Potential for AT1-R biased-agonists in Pediatric Heart Failure. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 2020 5(11):1070-1072, doi: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2020.09.008. eCollection 2020 Nov. PMID: 33296444 PMCID: PMC7691276 DOI: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2020.09.008
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 4th Edition. Mann, DL, and Felker GM, eds., 2019
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 4th Edition. Mann, DL, and Felker GM, eds. (invited), 2018
  • Sucharov CC, Kao DP, Port JD, Karimpour-Fard A, Quaife RA, Minobe W, Nunley K, Lowes BD, Gilbert EM, and Bristow MR. Myocardial microRNAs associated with reverse remodeling in human heart failure. JCI Insight doi:10.1172/jci.insight.89169, 2017
  • Shah P, Bristow MR, and Port JD. MicroRNAs in heart failure, cardiac transplantation, and myocardial recovery: biomarkers with therapeutic potential. Current Heart Failure Reports DOI 10.1007/s11897-017-0362-8, 2017
  • Port JD, and Sclafani R. Rigor and Reproducibility in biomedical research. NIH TWD Program Director’s Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2017
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, Karimpour-Fard, A, Kao D, Nelter B, and Bristow MR. Cardiovascular miRNAs, bipartite: 1. miR’s as indicators of heart failure treatment response; 2. The intersection of miR’s and ARE-BP’s as effectors of beta-adrenergic gene expression. EMBO Conference Series: Eukaryotic RNA Turnover. Oxford, UK, 2017
  • Hinterberg MA, Kao DP, Bristow MR, Hunter LE, Port JD, and Gorg C. PEAX: Interactive visual analysis and exploration of complex clinical phenotype and gene expression association. Pacific Symp Biocomput 20:419-430, 2015
  • 73. Bikkavilli, RK, Avasarala S, Rathinam MKK, Van Scoyk M, Zhang W, Borowicz S, DeGregori J, Port JD, and Winn RA. PRMT1 is a novel regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancer. J Biol Chem (in press), 2015
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 3nd Edition. Mann, DL, and Felker GM, eds. Ch 6 pp 94-108, 2015
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 3nd Edition. Mann, DL, and Felker GM, eds. Ch 6 pp 94-108, 2015
  • Port JD, Karimpour-Fard A, Kao D, Hinterberg MA, Sucharov C, Hunter LE, and Bristow MR. Topological data analysis of microRNA expression as a predictor of response to beta-blocker therapy in patients with heart failure. RNA Stability 2015 Meeting, Estes Park, CO, 2105
  • Hinterberg MA, Kao DP, Bristow MR, Hunter LE, Port JD, and Gorg C. PEAX: Interactive visual analysis and exploration of complex clinical phenotype and gene expression association. Pacific Symp Biocomput 20:419-430, 2015
  • Avasarla S, Van Scoyk M, Rathinam MKK, Zerayesus S, Zhao X, Zhang W, Perande MR, Borgia JA, DeGregori J, Port JD, Winn RA, and Bikkavilli RA, PRMT1 is a novel regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancer. J Biol Chem 290:13479-13489, 2015
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 3nd Edition. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co. (in press), 2014
  • Werahera PN, Jaison EA, Crawford ED, La Rosa FG, Lucia S, van Bokhoven A, Sullivan HT, Port JD, Maroni PD, and Daily JW. Systematic diagnosis of prostate carcinoma using an optical biopsy needle adjunct with fluorescence spectroscopy. IEEE EMBS 2014 Aug;2014:2165-8. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2014.6944046.
  • Walker L, Dockstader K, Slavov D, Port JD, and Sucharov C. FXR1G/E and regulation of microRNA function in cardiac disease and differentiation. ISHR, 2014
  • Barhoover M, Albrecht J, Port JD, Perry S, and Dufton C. Personalized medicine: prospective patient selection utilizing an ADRB1 genotype assay in the GENETIC-AF clinical trial, HFSA, 2014
  • 70. Aleong RG, Sauer WH, Davis, D, Murphy GA, Port JD, Anand IS, Fiuzat M, O’Connor CM, Abraham WT, Liggett SB, and Bristow MR. Prevention of atrial fibrillation by bucindolol in dependent on the beta-1 Arg/Gly adrenergic receptor polymorphism. JACC Heart Failure 1:338-344, 2013
  • Hinterberg M, Kao D, Karimpour-Fard A, Sucharov C, Hunter LE, Port JD, and Bristow MR. Myocardial expression of the microRNA dre-mir-133a-5p is associated with improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy treated with ß-blockers. JACC, 2013
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, Karimour-Fard A, Hinterberg M, Kao D, Hunter L and Bristow MR. MicroRNAs as Predictive Markers of Disease Progression and Therapeutic Response in Heart Failure. EMBO conference series: Eukaryotic RNA Turnover: From Structural Insights to Diseases, 2013
  • Port JD, Karimpour-Fard A, Kao D, Hinterberg MA, Sucharov C, Lawrence E Hunter, and Bristow MR. Myocardial microRNA expression is a predictor of response to beta-blocker therapy in patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting. Precision Medicine: Personal Genomes & Pharmacogenomics, 2013
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 3nd Edition. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co. (in process)
  • Port, JD. Beta-receptor signaling: complexities and therapeutic relevance to heart failure. Current Signal Transduction Therapy 7:120-131, 2012
  • Hinterberg M, Kao D, Karimpour-Fard A, Sucharov C, Hunter LE, Port JD, and Bristow MR. Myocardial expression of the microRNA dre-mir-133a-5p is associated with improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy treated with ß-blockers. JACC (in press), 2013
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, Karimour-Fard A, Hinterberg M, Kao D, Hunter L and Bristow MR. MicroRNAs as Predictive Markers of Disease Progression and Therapeutic Response in Heart Failure. EMBO conference series: Eukaryotic RNA Turnover: From Structural Insights to Diseases (in press), 2013
  • Aleong RG, Sauer WH, Davis, D, Murphy GA, Port JD, Anand IS, Fiuzat M, O’Connor CM, Abraham WT, Liggett SB, and Bristow MR. Prevention of atrial fibrillation by bucindolol in dependent on the beta-1 Arg/Gly adrenergic receptor polymorphism. JACC HF (in press), 2013
  • O'Connor CM, Fiuzat M, Carson PE, Anand IS, Plehn JF, Gottlieb SS, Silver MA, Lindenfeld J, Miller AB, White M, Walsh, R, Nelson P, Medway A, Davis G, Robertson AD, Port JD, Carr J, Murphy GA, Lazzeroni LC, Abraham WT, Liggett SB, and Bristow MR. Combinatorial pharmacogenetic interactions of bucindolol and beta1, alpha2c adrenergic receptor polymorphisms. PLoSOne 7(10):1-9, e44324, 2012
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, Robertson AD, and Bristow MR. microRNA expression in heart failure. Experimental Biology, 2012
  • Port JD, and Polk J. Interplay of microRNAs and RNA binding proteins. Experimental Biology, 2012
  • Polk J and Port JD. Interplay of mRNA binding proteins and miRNAs regulating beta-adrenergic receptor gene expression. Keystone Symposium: Protein-RNA Interactions in Biology and Disease, 2012
  • Polk J and Port JD. Interdependency of miRNAs and RNA binding proteins in regulating beta-adrenergic receptor gene expression. FASEB Symposium on Post-transcriptional control of gene expression: mechanisms of mRNA decay, 2012
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, Robertson AD, and Bristow MR. microRNA expression in heart failure. Experimental Biology, 2012
  • Port JD, and Polk J. Interplay of microRNAs and RNA binding proteins. Experimental Biology, 2012
  • Polk J and Port JD. Interplay of mRNA binding proteins and miRNAs regulating beta-adrenergic receptor gene expression. Keystone Symposium: Protein-RNA Interactions in Biology and Disease, 2012
  • Polk J and Port JD. Interdependency of miRNAs and RNA binding proteins in regulating beta-adrenergic receptor gene expression. FASEB Symposium on Post-transcriptional control of gene expression: mechanisms of mRNA decay.
  • Port, JD. Beta-receptor signaling: complexities and therapeutic relevance to heart failure. Current Signal Transduction Therapy (in press) 2012
  • Werahera PN, Jasion EA, La Rosa FG, Lucia MS, Crawford ED, Maroni PD, van Bokhoven A, Port D, Sullivan HT, O’Donnell C, Kim FJ, Daily JW. Minimally invasive 16G optical biopsy needle for prostate cancer diagnosis. J Urol 185[4, suppl], e855-856, 2011.
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 2nd Edition. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Ch 10 pp 152-162, 2011
  • Port, JD, Walker L, Polk J, Nunley K, Buttrick P, Sucharov CC. Temporal expression of miRNAs and mRNAs in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. Physiological Genomics 43:1087-1095, 2011
  • Port, JD and Bristow MR. Editorial: Aptamer therapy for heart failure? Circ Res 109:982-983, 2011
  • Dockstader K, Nunley K, Medaway A, Nelson P, Port JD, Liggett SB, Bristow MR, and Sucharov CC. Temporal Analysis of mRNA and miRNA expression in transgenic mice overexpressing Arg- and Gly389 polymorphic variants of the beta1-adrenergic receptor. Physiological Genomics 43:1294-1306, 2001
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease 2nd Edition. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Ch 10 pp 152-162, 2011
  • Bristow MR, Murphy GA, Small KM, Krause-Steinrauf H, Anderson JL, CArlquist JF, Thaneemit-Chen S, Krishnan V, Abraham WT, Lowes BD, Port JD, Davis GW, Lazzeroni LC, Robertson AD, Lavori PW, and Liggett SB. An alpha2c-adrenergic receptor polymorphism alters the norepinephrine lowering effects and therapeutic response to the beta-blocker bucindolol in chronic heart failure. Circulation: Heart Failure 3:21-28, 2010
  • Port JD and Sucharov K. miRNA regulation in cardiovascular disease. J Cardiovasc Pharm 56:444-453, 2010
  • Gerecht PD, Taylor MA and Port JD. Intracellular localization of mRNA binding proteins as detected by FRET. BMC Cell Biology 11:69, 2010 (doi:10.1186/1471-2121-11-69)
  • Gerecht PD and Port JD. Intracellular localization and FRET-based detection of interactions of RNA binding proteins. RNA Society Annual Meeting, 2010
  • Gerecht PD and Port JD. FRET based detection of mRNA binding proteins: localization and specificity. Post-transcriptional control of gene expression: mechanisms of RNA decay, Carefree AZ, 2010
  • Sucharov C, Polk J, Bristow MR and Port JD. Expression and function of miRNAs in the nonfailing and failing heart. 4th RNA Stability Meeting: RNA Turnover and Translation. Biological and Pathological Ramifications. Montreal, Canada, 2010
  • Sucharov CC, Port JD, and Bristow MR. Temporal expression of miRNAs and mRNAs in a mouse model of cardiomyopathy. 4th RNA Stability Meeting: RNA Turnover and Translation. Biological and Pathological Ramifications. Montreal, Canada, 2010
  • Tanveer R, Greene S, and Port JD. Regulation of AUF1 mRNA binding by MAPK phosphorylation. (submitted, in revision)
  • Gerecht PD, Taylor MA, and Port JD. Intracellular localization and interaction of mRNA binding proteins detected by FRET. (in preparation)
  • Sucharov K and Port JD. Temporal Regulation of miRNA expression following myocardial infarction (in preparation)
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co. (in press), 2010
  • Gerecht PD and Port JD. Intracellular localization and interaction of mRNA binding proteins as detected by FRET. Current Trends in Biomedicine Workshop: RNA-protein interactions in development and cancer. Baeza, Spain, 2009
  • Port JD, Sucharov, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co.(in process), 2009
  • Pende A, Contini L, Sallo R, Passalacqua M, Port JD, and Lotti G. Characterization of RNA-binding proteins involved in the modulation of hAT1 receptor mRNA stability. Cell Biochemistry and Function 26:493-501, 2008
  • Sucharov K, Bristow MR, and Port JD. Regulation of miRNA expression in the failing human heart: functional correlates. JMCC 45:185-192, 2008
  • Sucharov K, Bristow MR, Port JD. Regulation and function of MicroRNAs in the failing human heart. Keystone Conference on Pathological and Physiological Regulation of Cardiac Hypertropy, 2008
  • Walsh R, Farmer R, Kelly M, Nelson P, Morrison J, Port JD and Bristow MR. Human myocardial beta1 389 Arg/Arg adrenergic receptors exhibit a propensity for constitutively active, high affinity agonist binding and are selectively inactivated by bucindolol. HFSA, 2008
  • Kline K, Minobe W, Lowes B; Port JD, Bristow MR, and Wu C. Targeted proteomic analysis of the beta-adrenergic receptor signaling pathway in human cardiac biopsies collected over the course of beta-blocker treatment. Am Soc Mass Spec, 2008
  • Mason RP, Kubant R, Jacob RF, Jacoby AM, Port JD, Bristow MR, and Malinski T. Effects of bucindolol and its enantiomers on nitric oxide and peroxynitrite release from white, african american and mexican american endothelial cells. HFSA, 2008
  • Mason RP, Kubant R, Jacob RF, Jacoby AM, Port JD, Bristow MR, and Malinski T. Effect of the beta3-receptor antagonist SR59230A on bucindolol-induced release of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite from human endothelium. HFSA, 2008
  • Lindenfeld J, Liggett SB, Plehn J, Port JD, Fiuzat M, Budhathoki CB, and Bristow MR. Ischemic cardiomyopathy response to bucindolol may be differentially influenced by beta1 389 Arg/Gly and alapha2c genotypes. HFSA, 2008
  • Lindenfeld J, Plehn JF, Liggett SB, Port JD, Fiuzat M, Robertson AD, Budhathoki CB, Bristow MR. Different patterns of LVEF/remodeling and clinical endpoint effects for bucindolol in beta1-AR 389 Arg/Gly genotypes. HFSA, 2008
  • Walsh R, Farmer R, Kelly M, Nelson P, Morrison J, Port JD, and Bristow MR. Human myocardial beta1 389 Arg/Arg adrenergic receptors exhibit a propensity for constitutively active, high affinity agonist binding and are selectively inactivated by bucindolol. HFSA, 2008
  • Sucharov C, Lowes B, Bristow MR, and Port JD. miRNA expression profile in patients treated with beta-blocker therapy. AHA Cardiovascular Basic Sciences Conference 2008. Heart failure: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. 2008
  • Sucharov C, Bristow MR, and Port JD. Differential expression of miRNAs in failing versus nonfailing human heart: functional correlates with gene expression programs. FASEB Summer Conference, 2008
  • Sucharov C, Bristow MR, and Port JD. Role of miRNAs in heart failure: are the causal and are they potential therapeutic targets. RNA Turover 2008: RNA Regulatory Mechanisms Implicated in Human Diseases Both Rare and Common, 2008
  • Bristow MR, Liggett SB, and Port JD. Adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and response to bucindolol in heart failure. Cold Spring Harbor Labs Pharmacogenomics Meeting, 2008
  • Port JD, Sucharov C, and Bristow MR, Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Chronic Heart Failure. In: Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Mann, D.L., ed. W.B. Saunders Co.
  • Pende A, Contini L, Sallo R, Passalacqua M, Port JD, and Lotti G. Characterization of RNA-binding proteins involved in the modulation of hAT1 receptor mRNA stability. (in press)
  • David P, Tanveer R, and Port JD. FRET-detectable interactions between the ARE binding proteins, HuR and p37AUF1. RNA 13:1453-1468, 2007
  • Vest RS, Davies KD, O’Leary H, Port JD, and Bayer KU. Dual mechanism of a natural CaMKII inhibitor blocks substrate but not T286 auto-phosphorylation. Mol Biol Cell 18:5024-5033, 2007
  • Tanveer R, Greene S, and Port JD. Regulation of AUF1 mRNA binding by MAPK phosphorylation. (submitted)
  • Pende A, Contini L, Sallo R, Passalacqua M, Port JD, and Lotti G. Characterization of RNA-binding proteins involved in the modulation of hAT1 receptor mRNA stability. (submitted)
  • David P, Tanveer R, and Port JD. FRET-detectable interactions between the ARE binding proteins, HuR and p37AUF1. (submitted)
  • Vest RS, Davies KD, O’Leary H, Port JD, and Bayer KU. Dual mechanism of a natural CaMKII inhibitor blocks substrate but not T286 auto-phosphorylation. Mol Biol Cell 18:5024-5033, 2007
  • David PS, Tanveer R, Port JD. FRET-based detection of HuR-AUF1 interaction. RNA Society Annual Meeting, 2006
  • Lowes BD, Gottlieb S, Robertson, O’connor C, Port JD, Liggett S, Bristow MR. Differential Effects of beta-1 Polymorphisms on Mortality, Hospitalizations, and Myocardial Infarctions with Bucindolol Therapy. Annual meeting, HFSA, 2006
  • Lowes BD, Gottlieb S, Robertson, O’connor C, Port JD, Thaneemit-Chen S, Liggett S, Bristow MR. Differential Effects of beta-1 Polymorphisms on Mortality, Hospitalizations, and Myocardial Infarctions with Bucindolol Therapy. Circulation 114:II-443, 2006
  • Liggett SB, Mialet-Perez J, Thaneemit-Chen S, Weber SA, Greene SM, Hodne D, Nelson B, Morrison J, Domanski MJ, Abraham WT, Anderson JL, Carlquist JF, Krause-Steinrauf HJ, Lazzeroni LC, Port, JD, Lavori PW, and Bristow MR. A polymoprhism within a conserved beta1-adrenergic receptor motif alters cardiac function and beta-blocker response in human heart failure. PNAS 103:11288-11293, 2006
  • RNA Society Annual Meeting. P.S. David, J.D. Port. FRET-based detection of HuR-AUF1 interaction. RNA Society Annual Meeting
  • EMBO Workshop. Mechanisms and regulation of mRNA turnover. J.D. Port, R. Tanveer and S. Greene. Potential role of phosphorylation of mRNA binding proteins by MAP kinases regulating beta-adrenergic receptor mRNA stability.
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure, Richard Walsh, ed. J. D. Port and M.R. Bristow. Ch 20, Adrenergic receptor coupling and uncoupling in heart failure.
  • Braunwald's Heart Disease, 7th, ed. M.R. Bristow, S. Linus, and J.D. Port, Ch 22, Drus in the treatment of heart failure.
  • Nelson B, Morrison J, Nelson P, Port JD, Robertson AD, Bristow MR. Beta-blocking agents have codon 389 Arg/Gly genotype specific effects in isolated human heart preparations. (in press, ACC)
  • Pamela David, Rasheeda Tanveer and J. David Port. Cellular localization of HuR and AUF1. Stress granules or P-bodies? (in press, RNA Society Annual Meeting)
  • Bristow MR, Murphy GA, Small KM, Krause-Steinrauf H, Anderson JL, CArlquist JF, Thaneemit-Chen S, Krishnan V, Abraham WT, Lowes BD, Port JD, Davis GW, Lazzeroni LC, Robertson AD, Lavori PW, and Liggett SB. An alpha2c-adrenergic receptor polymorphism alters the norepinephrine lowering effects and therapeutic response to the beta-blocker bucindolol in chronic heart failure. Circulation: Heart Failure 3:21-28, 2010
  • Port JD, Lowes BD, Wu C, and Buttrick P. Novel biomarkers predicting responses to heart failure therapeutics. University of Colorado Butcher Symposium, 2009
  • Gerecht PD and Port JD. Intracellular localization and FRET-based detection of interactions of RNA binding proteins. RNA Society Annual Meeting, 2010
  • 118. Gerecht PD and Port JD. Detection of protein/protein interaction between RNA binding proteins. Post-transcriptional control of gene expression: mechanisms of RNA decay, Carefree AZ, 2010
  • Hinterberg MA, Kao DP, Bristow RM, Hunter LE, Port JD, and Gorg C. A framework for visual analysis and exploration of dynamic clinical phenotype and gene expression association (submitted). IEEE VAST, 2014
  • Walker L, Dockstader K, Slavov D, Port D, and Sucharov C. FXR1G/E and regulation of microRNA function in cardiac disease and differentiation (submitted). ISHR, 2014.
  • Werahera PN, Jasion EA, Crawford ED, LaRosa FG, Lucia S, van Bokhoven A, Sullivan HT, Port JD, Maroni PD, and Daily JW. Systematic diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma using an optical biopsy needle adjunct with fluorescence spectroscopy. IEEE (submitted)
  • Lindenfeld J, Cleveland JC, Kao DP, White M, Wichman S, Bristow JC, Peterson V, Rodegheri-Brito J, Korst A, Blain-Nelson P, Sederberg J, Hunt SA, Gilbert M, Ambardekar AV, Minobe W, Port JD, and Bristow MR. Sex-related differences in age-associated down-regulation of human ventricular myocardial beta1-adrenergic receptors. J Heart Lung Transplant (in press), 2015

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045