Dennis Gibson, MD

Associate Professor, Medicine-Hospital Medicine


  • Gibson D, Watters A, Cost J, Mascolo M, Mehler PS. Extreme anorexia nervosa: Medical findings, outcomes, and inferences from a retrospective cohort. J Eat Disord 2020;8:25.
  • Geer B, Gibson D, Grayeb D, Benabe J, Victory S, Mehler S, Mehler P. Metformin abuse: A novel and dangerous purging behavior in anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 2019;52:319-21.
  • Gibson D, Workman C, Mehler PS. Medical complications of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Psychiat Clin N Am 2019;42(2):263-74.
  • Gibson D, Mehler PS. Anorexia nervosa and the immune system. J Clin Med 2019;8(11):1915.
  • Watters A, Gibson D, Dee E, Mascolo M, Mehler PS. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in severe anorexia nervosa: A case series. Clin Case Reports 2019;00:1-5.
  • Gibson D, Drabkin A, Krantz MJ, Mascolo M, Rosen E, Sachs K, Welles C, Mehler PS. Critical gaps in the medical knowledge base on eating disorders. Eat Weight Disord 2018:1-12.
  • Mehler PS, O'Melia A, Brown C, Gibson D, Hollis J, Westmoreland P. Medical complications of bulimia nervosa. Br J Hosp Med 2017;78(12):672-77.
  • Gibson D, Westmoreland P, Mehler P. Medical Sequelae of Eating Disorders and the Role of Medical Guardianship. In Patricia Westmoreland (Ed), Tipping the Scales: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Managing Severe Eating Disorders. 2019. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.