Wolfe, A., MD; Arnett, K., MD; Navarro-Leahy, A., MD; Scott, M., MD; Youngwerth, J., MD. “AllyTalk: Communication Skills Training to Interrupt Microaggressions.” GIMLearn.
Wolfe, A., MD. “The Value of a Life.” Sept 26, 2023. https://www.cuanschutz.edu/graduate-programs/palliative-care/blog
Morrison, K., Wolfe, A., Schultz S. Commentary on: Voices From the Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Family Experiences and Suggestions Regarding the Care of Critically Ill Patients, Editors Picks, Respiratory Medicine PracticeUpdate Elselvier, Sept 23, 2021. https://www.practiceupdate.com/dashboard/
Overholser, L., MD and Wolfe, A., MD. (2019). Palliative Care/End-of-Life Care In Caring for Patients Across the Cancer Care Continuum: Essentials for Primary Care (pp 157-96). Springer International Publishing.
Professional Memberships
American College of Physicians, Member
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Member