Sundell GN, Vögeli B, Ivarsson Y, Chi CN. The Sign of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shift Difference as a Determinant of the Origin of Binding Selectivity: Elucidation of the Position Dependence of Phosphorylation in Ligands Binding to Scribble PDZ1. Biochemistry. 2017 Nov 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29144123
Fenwick RB, Vögeli B. Detection of Correlated Protein Backbone and Side-Chain Angle Fluctuations. Chembiochem. 2017 Oct 18;18(20):2016-2021. PubMed PMID: 28771902
Strotz D, Orts J, Chi CN, Riek R, Vögeli B. eNORA2 Exact NOE Analysis Program. J Chem Theory Comput. 2017 Sep 12;13(9):4336-4346. PubMed PMID: 28727914
Nichols PJ, Born A, Henen MA, Strotz D, Orts J, Olsson S, Güntert P, Chi CN, Vögeli B. The Exact Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement: Recent Advances. Molecules. 2017 Jul 14;22(7). PubMed PMID: 28708092
Chi C, Strotz D, Riek R, Vögeli B, NOE-derived methyl distances from a 360 kDa proteasome complex. Chem Eur J, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201705551
Vögeli B. Cross-correlated relaxation rates between protein backbone H-X dipolar interactions. J Biomol NMR. 2017 Mar;67(3):211-232. PubMed PMID: 28286915
Jemth P, Karlsson E, Vögeli B, Guzovsky B, Andersson E, Hultqvist G, Dogan J, Güntert P, Riek R, Chi CN. Structure and dynamics conspire in the evolution of affinity between intrinsically disordered proteins. Sci Adv. 2018 Oct;4(10):eaau4130. PubMed PMID: 30397651
Born A, Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Chi CN, Strotz D, Bayer P, Tate SI, Peng JW, Vögeli B. Backbone and side-chain chemical shift assignments of full-length, apo, human Pin1, a phosphoprotein regulator with interdomain allostery. Biomol NMR Assign. 2018 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30353504
Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Born A, Strotz D, Güntert P, Vögeli B. High-resolution small RNA structures from exact nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements without additional restraints. Commun Biol. 2018;1:61. PubMed PMID: 30271943
Vugmeyster L, Griffin A, Ostrovsky D, Bhattacharya S, Nichols PJ, McKnight CJ, Vögeli B. Correlated motions of C'-N and C(a)-C(ß) pairs in protonated and per-deuterated GB3. J Biomol NMR. 2018 Oct;72(1-2):39-54. PubMed PMID: 30121872
Vögeli B, Vugmeyster L. Distance-independent Cross-correlated Relaxation and Isotropic Chemical Shift Modulation in Protein Dynamics Studies. Chemphyschem. 2018 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30110510
Born A, Henen MA, Vögeli B. Activity and Affinity of Pin1 Variants. Molecules. 2019 Dec 20;25(1). PubMed PMID: 31861908
Nichols PJ, Born A, Henen MA, Strotz D, Celestine CN, Güntert P, Vögeli B. Extending the Applicability of Exact Nuclear Overhauser Enhancements to Large Proteins and RNA. Chembiochem. 2018 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29883016
Issaian A, Schmitt L, Born A, Nichols PJ, Sikela J, Hansen K, Vögeli B, Henen MA. Solution NMR backbone assignment reveals interaction-free tumbling of human lineage-specific Olduvai protein domains. Biomol NMR Assign. 2019 Oct;13(2):339-343. PubMed PMID: 31264103
Grohe K, Nimerovsky E, Singh H, Vasa SK, Söldner B, Vögeli B, Rienstra CM, Linser R. Exact distance measurements for structure and dynamics in solid proteins by fast-magic-angle-spinning NMR. Chem Commun (Camb). 2019 Jul 14;55(55):7899-7902. PubMed PMID: 31199417
Chi CN, Strotz D, Riek R, Vögeli B. NOE-Derived Methyl Distances from a 360 kDa Proteasome Complex. Chemistry. 2018 Feb 9;24(9):2270-2276. PubMed PMID: 29265588
Celestino R, Henen MA, Gama JB, Carvalho C, McCabe M, Barbosa DJ, Born A, Nichols PJ, Carvalho AX, Gassmann R, Vögeli B, A transient helix in the disordered region of dynein light intermediate chain links the motor to structurally diverse adaptors for cargo transport, PLoS Biol
Born A, Henen MA, Nichols P, Wang J, Jones DN, Vögeli B, Efficient stereospecific Hß2/3 NMR assignment strategy for mid-size proteins. Magnetochemistry, 2018;4;25
Celestino R, Henen MA, Gama JB, Carvalho C, McCabe M, Barbosa DJ, Born A, Nichols PJ, Carvalho AX, Gassmann R, Vögeli B. A transient helix in the disordered region of dynein light intermediate chain links the motor to structurally diverse adaptors for cargo transport. PLoS Biol. 2019 Jan;17(1):e3000100. PubMed PMID: 30615611
Born A, Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Chi CN, Strotz D, Bayer P, Tate SI, Peng JW, Vögeli B. Backbone and side-chain chemical shift assignments of full-length, apo, human Pin1, a phosphoprotein regulator with interdomain allostery. Biomol NMR Assign. 2019 Apr;13(1):85-89. PubMed PMID: 30353504
Vögeli B, Vugmeyster L. Distance-independent Cross-correlated Relaxation and Isotropic Chemical Shift Modulation in Protein Dynamics Studies. Chemphyschem. 2019 Jan 21;20(2):178-196. PubMed PMID: 30110510
Henen MA, Myers W, Schmitt LR, Wade KJ, Born A, Nichols PJ, Vögeli B. The disordered Spindly C-terminus interacts with RZZ subunits ROD-1 and ZWL-1 in the kinetochore through the same sites in C. elegans. J Mol Biol. 2021 Jan 12;:166812. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33450249
Nichols PJ, Born A, Henen MA, Strotz D, Jones DN, Delaglio F, Vögeli B. Reducing the measurement time of exact NOEs by non-uniform sampling. J Biomol NMR. 2020 Dec;74(12):717-739. PubMed PMID: 32880802
Strotz D, Orts J, Kadavath H, Friedmann M, Ghosh D, Olsson S, Chi CN, Pokharna A, Güntert P, Vögeli B, Riek R. Protein Allostery at Atomic Resolution. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2020 Dec 1;59(49):22132-22139. PubMed PMID: 32797659
Grohe K, Patel S, Hebrank C, Medina S, Klein A, Rovó P, Vasa SK, Singh H, Vögeli B, Schäfer LV, Linser R. Protein Motional Details Revealed by Complementary Structural Biology Techniques. Structure. 2020 Sep 1;28(9):1024-1034.e3. PubMed PMID: 32579946
Bottaro S, Nichols PJ, Vögeli B, Parrinello M, Lindorff-Larsen K. Integrating NMR and simulations reveals motions in the UUCG tetraloop. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jun 19;48(11):5839-5848. PubMed PMID: 32427326
Nichols PJ, Falconer I, Griffin A, Mant C, Hodges R, McKnight CJ, Vögeli B, Vugmeyster L. Deuteration of nonexchangeable protons on proteins affects their thermal stability, side-chain dynamics, and hydrophobicity. Protein Sci. 2020 Jul;29(7):1641-1654. PubMed PMID: 32356390
Nashaat S, Henen MA, El-Messery SM, Eisa H. Synthesis, state-of-the-art NMR-binding and molecular modeling study of new benzimidazole core derivatives as Pin1 inhibitors: Targeting breast cancer. Bioorg Med Chem. 2020 Jun 1;28(11):115495. PubMed PMID: 32307260
El-Khouly OA, Henen MA, El-Sayed MA, Shabaan MI, El-Messery SM. Synthesis, anticancer and antimicrobial evaluation of new benzofuran based derivatives: PI3K inhibition, quorum sensing and molecular modeling study. Bioorg Med Chem. 2020 Dec 27;31:115976. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33388654
Nichols PJ, Falconer I, Griffin A, Mant C, Hodges R, McKnight CJ, Vögeli B, Vugmeyster L, Deuteration of non-exchangeable protons on proteins affects their thermal stability, side-chain dynamics and hydrophobicity, Protein Sci. 2020;29,1641-1654 PubMed PMID 32356390
Born A, Soetbeer J, Breitgoff F, Henen MA, Sgourakis N, Polyhach Y, Nichols PJ, Strotz D, Jeschke G, Vögeli B. Reconstruction of Coupled Intra- and Interdomain Protein Motion from Nuclear and Electron Magnetic Resonance. J Am Chem Soc. 2021 Oct 6;143(39):16055-16067. PubMed PMID: 34579531
Herbert A, Karapetyan S, Poptsova M, Vasquez KM, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Special Issue: A, B and Z: The Structure, Function and Genetics of Z-DNA and Z-RNA. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 19;22(14). PubMed PMID: 34299306
Wang RX, Henen MA, Lee JS, Vögeli B, Colgan SP. Microbiota-derived butyrate is an endogenous HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor. Gut Microbes. 2021 Jan-Dec;13(1):1938380. PubMed PMID: 34190032
Redzic JS, Lee E, Born A, Issaian A, Henen MA, Nichols PJ, Blue A, Hansen KC, D'Alessandro A, Vögeli B, Eisenmesser EZ. The Inherent Dynamics and Interaction Sites of the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid N-Terminal Region. J Mol Biol. 2021 Jul 23;433(15):167108. PubMed PMID: 34161778
Alexeev EE, Dowdell AS, Henen MA, Lanis JM, Lee JS, Cartwright IM, Schaefer REM, Ornelas A, Onyiah JC, Vögeli B, Colgan SP. Microbial-derived indoles inhibit neutrophil myeloperoxidase to diminish bystander tissue damage. FASEB J. 2021 May;35(5):e21552. PubMed PMID: 33826788
Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Solution NMR backbone assignments of the N-terminal Za-linker-Zß segment from Homo sapiens ADAR1p150. Biomol NMR Assign. 2021 Oct;15(2):273-279. PubMed PMID: 33742389
Tengesdal IW, Menon DR, Osborne DG, Neff CP, Powers NE, Gamboni F, Mauro AG, D'Alessandro A, Stefanoni D, Henen MA, Mills TS, De Graaf DM, Azam T, Vogeli B, Palmer BE, Pietras EM, DeGregori J, Tan AC, Joosten LAB, Fujita M, Dinarello CA, Marchetti C. Targeting tumor-derived NLRP3 reduces melanoma progression by limiting MDSCs expansion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar 9;118(10). PubMed PMID: 33649199
Nichols PJ, Bevers S, Henen M, Kieft JS, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Recognition of non-CpG repeats in Alu and ribosomal RNAs by the Z-RNA binding domain of ADAR1 induces A-Z junctions. Nat Commun. 2021 Feb 4;12(1):793. PubMed PMID: 33542240
Henen MA, Myers W, Schmitt LR, Wade KJ, Born A, Nichols PJ, Vögeli B. The Disordered Spindly C-terminus Interacts with RZZ Subunits ROD-1 and ZWL-1 in the Kinetochore through the Same Sites in C. Elegans. J Mol Biol. 2021 Feb 19;433(4):166812. PubMed PMID: 33450249
Born A, Henen MA, Nichols PJ, Vogeli B, On the use of residual dipolar couplings in multi-state structure calculation of two-domain proteins. Magn. Reson. Lett. 2021;
Pacheco A, Issaian A, Davis J, Anderson N, Nemkov T, Paukovich N, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Sikela JM, Hansen K. Proteolytic activation of human-specific Olduvai domains by the furin protease. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36581038
Hussain A, Paukovich N, Henen MA, Vögeli B. Advances in the exact nuclear Overhauser effect 2018-2022. Methods. 2022 Oct;206:87-98. PubMed PMID: 35985641
Ashkinadze D, Kadavath H, Pokharna A, Chi CN, Friedmann M, Strotz D, Kumari P, Minges M, Cadalbert R, Königl S, Güntert P, Vögeli B, Riek R. Atomic resolution protein allostery from the multi-state structure of a PDZ domain. Nat Commun. 2022 Oct 20;13(1):6232. PubMed PMID: 36266302
Kim JS, Born A, Till JKA, Liu L, Kant S, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Vázquez-Torres A. Promiscuity of response regulators for thioredoxin steers bacterial virulence. Nat Commun. 2022 Oct 20;13(1):6210. PubMed PMID: 36266276
Born A, Soetbeer J, Henen MA, Breitgoff F, Polyhach Y, Jeschke G, Vögeli B. Ligand-specific conformational change drives interdomain allostery in Pin1. Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 4;13(1):4546. PubMed PMID: 35927276
Paukovich N, Henen MA, Hussain A, Issaian A, Sikela JM, Hansen KC, Vögeli B. Solution NMR backbone assignments of disordered Olduvai protein domain CON1 employing Ha-detected experiments. Biomol NMR Assign. 2022 Apr;16(1):113-119. PubMed PMID: 35098449
Born A, Henen MA, Nichols PJ, Vögeli B. On the use of residual dipolar couplings in multi-state structure calculation of two-domain proteins. Magn Reson Lett. 2022 May;2(2):61-68. PubMed PMID: 35734611
Hu K, Lee W, Montelione GT, Sgourakis NG, Vögeli B. Editorial: Computational approaches for interpreting experimental data and understanding protein structure, dynamics and function relationships. Front Mol Biosci. 2022;9:1018149. PubMed PMID: 36262477
Nichols PJ, Krall JB, Henen MA, Welty R, Macfadden A, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Z-Form Adoption of Nucleic Acid is a Multi-Step Process Which Proceeds through a Melted Intermediate. J Am Chem Soc. 2023 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38131335
Lambert KA, Clements CM, Mukherjee N, Pacheco TR, Shellman SX, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Goldstein NB, Birlea S, Hintzsche J, Tan AC, Zhao R, Norris DA, Robinson WA, Wang Y, VanTreeck JG, Shellman YG. SASH1 interacts with TNKS2 and promotes human melanocyte stem cell maintenance. bioRxiv. 2023 Sep 27. PubMed PMID: 37808724
Maurina SF, O'Sullivan JP, Sharma G, Pineda Rodriguez DC, MacFadden A, Cendali F, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Kieft JS, Glasgow A, Steckelberg AL. An Evolutionarily Conserved Strategy for Ribosome Binding and Host Translation Inhibition by ß-coronavirus Non-structural Protein 1. J Mol Biol. 2023 Oct 15;435(20):168259. PubMed PMID: 37660941
Henen MA, Paukovich N, Prekeris R, Vögeli B. Solution NMR Backbone Assignment of the C-Terminal Region of Human Dynein Light Intermediate Chain 2 (LIC2-C) Unveils Structural Resemblance with Its Homologue LIC1-C. Magnetochemistry. 2023 Jul;9(7). PubMed PMID: 37476506
Maurina SF, O'Sullivan JP, Sharma G, Pineda Rodriguez DC, MacFadden A, Cendali F, Henen MA, Kieft JS, Glasgow A, Steckelberg AL. An evolutionarily conserved strategy for ribosome binding and inhibition by ß-coronavirus non-structural protein 1. bioRxiv. 2023 Jun 8. PubMed PMID: 37333070
Clements CM, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Shellman YG. The Structural Dynamics, Complexity of Interactions, and Functions in Cancer of Multi-SAM Containing Proteins. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jun 1;15(11). PubMed PMID: 37296980
Clements CM, Vögeli B, Shellman YG, Henen MA. Solution NMR backbone assignment of the SASH1 SLy proteins associated disordered region (SPIDER). Biomol NMR Assign. 2023 Jun;17(1):151-157. PubMed PMID: 37155029
Nichols PJ, Bevers S, Henen MA, Kieft JS, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Adoption of A-Z Junctions in RNAs by Binding of Za Domains. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2651:251-275. PubMed PMID: 36892773
Langeberg CJ, Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Differential Structural Features of Two Mutant ADAR1p150 Za Domains Associated with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome. J Mol Biol. 2023 Apr 15;435(8):168040. PubMed PMID: 36889460
De Silva SM, Dhiman A, Sood S, Mercedes KF, Simmons WJ, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Dykhuizen EC, Musselman CA. PBRM1 bromodomains associate with RNA to facilitate chromatin association. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 May 8;51(8):3631-3649. PubMed PMID: 36808431
Krall JB, Nichols PJ, Henen MA, Vicens Q, Vögeli B. Structure and Formation of Z-DNA and Z-RNA. Molecules. 2023 Jan 14;28(2). PubMed PMID: 36677900
Nichols PJ, Krall JB, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Vicens Q. Z-RNA biology: a central role in the innate immune response?. RNA. 2023 Mar;29(3):273-281. PubMed PMID: 36596670
Pacheco A, Issaian A, Davis J, Anderson N, Nemkov T, Paukovich N, Henen MA, Vögeli B, Sikela JM, Hansen K. Proteolytic activation of human-specific Olduvai domains by the furin protease. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Apr 15;234:123041. PubMed PMID: 36581038