Associate Medical Director Lone Tree Surgery Center
Gumidyala, R., Loyd, J., Kaur, S., Schatman, M.E., Flores, R. (2024). Perioperative Considerations in Patients Who Use Cannabis. In: Abd-Elsayed, A., Schroeder, K. (eds) Perioperative Pain Management. Springer, Cham.
Gumidyala R, Selzer A. Preoperative optimization of obstructive sleep apnea. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2022 Jan 1;60(1):24-32. PubMed PMID: 34897219
Holmen IC, Beach JP, Kaizer AM, Gumidyala R. The association between preoperative cannabis use and intraoperative inhaled anesthetic consumption: A retrospective study. J Clin Anesth. 2020 Dec;67:109980. PubMed PMID: 32653758
Johnson J, Wolverton E, Lalka A, Donnelly MJ, Gumidyala R, Scott FA, Shourbaji NA. Postoperative Pain and Medication Usage in Bier Block versus Monitored Anesthesia Care with Local Anesthetic in Outpatient Hand Surgery. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management. Published online November 3, 2020:100144. doi:10.1016/j.pcorm.2020.100144
Scott FA, Johnson J, Wolverton E, Lalka AE, Donnelly M, Gumidyala R, Shourbaji NA. Comparison of Postoperative Pain and Medication Administration Bier Block versus MAC/local. ePoster presented at American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting; January 8-11, 2020; Ft Lauderdale, FL.
Lalka AE, Wolverton E, Donnelly M, Gumidyala R, Scott FA, Shourbaji NA. Comparison of Postoperative Pain and Medication Administration When Utilizing Bier Block versus Monitored Anesthesia Care with Local Anesthetic in CTS and Trigger Finger. E-Poster presented at: 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Surgery of the Hand; October 1-3, 2020; San Antonio, TX.
Holmen I, Beach JP, Kaizer A, Gumidyala R. Cannabis Use Is Associated With Increased Intraoperative Anesthetic and Postoperative Opioid Consumption in Isolated Tibia Fracture Repair. Oral Presentation. 2020 Anesthesiology Annual Virtual Meeting; October 2, 2020.
Titterington B, Wingfield M, Gumidyala R, Howard M, Donnelly M. Analgesic Shift for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair in an Ambulatory Surgery Center. [abstract - oral presentation]. In: Anesthesiology Annual Meeting.; 2018 Oct 13-17; San Francisco, CA. Schaumburg (IL): ANESTHESIOLOGY; 2018. Abstract A4011.
Gumidyala R, Vasquez J, Donnelly M. Bier Block Checklist Prevents Unobstructed Intravenous Injection of Local Anesthetic in Morbidly Obese Patient [abstract]. In: 42nd Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting.; Apr 6-8; San Francisco, CA. Pittsburg (PA): ASRA; 2017. Abstract nr 3830.