Goldberg DS. The Need for Historical Fluency in Pandemic Law and Policy. J Hist Med Allied Sci. 2024 Sep 23;79(4):407-422. PubMed PMID: 38813951
Arias JJ, Goldberg DS. Integrating Public Health Ethics into Public Health Policymaking: Being in the Room Where It Happens. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2024 Mar;52(1):183-7.
Goldberg DS. Tackle Football and Traumatic Brain Injury: Law, Ethics, & Public Health. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024
Berman ML, Arias JJ, Berner Wong N, Crespo J, Goldberg D, Mason Meier B, Satchell T, Silverman RD, Tobin-Tyler E, Chriqui JF. How to Advance Legal Education for Future Public Health Professionals. Public Health Rep. 2024 Sep 13;:333549241274565. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39268935
Lantz PM, Goldberg DS, Gollust SE. The Perils of Medicalization for Population Health and Health Equity. Milbank Q. 2023 Apr;101(S1):61-82. PubMed PMID: 37096631
"The COVID ‘emergency’ is ending. Here’s who will be hurt most," LA Times, Feb. 16, 2023
Goldberg D. The philosophical implications of fundamental cause theory. In The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Public Health (pp. 85-97). Routledge.
"Health Policy Brief: Structural Stigma In Law", Health Affairs Forefront, December 8, 2022.
DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20221208.166976
Goldberg DS. Harm Reduction Ethics, Public Health, and the Manufacture of Doubt. Am J Bioeth. 2022 Oct;22(10):18-20. PubMed PMID: 36170068
Thompson LM, Goldberg DS, O'Donnell K. Allies, not authorities: Historical and bioethical considerations for a post-Roe world. Bioethics. 2022 Oct;36(8):819-820. PubMed PMID: 36121871
Fabi R, Goldberg DS. Bioethics, (Funding) Priorities, and the Perpetuation of Injustice. Am J Bioeth. 2022 Jan;22(1):6-13. PubMed PMID: 33480827
Fabi R, Goldberg DS. Bioethics, (Funding) Priorities, and the Perpetuation of Injustice. Am J Bioeth. 2022 Jan;22(1):6-13. PubMed PMID: 33480827
Goldberg DS. Doubt & Social Policy: The Long History of Malingering in Modern Welfare States. J Law Med Ethics. 2021;49(3):385-393. PubMed PMID: 34665090
Goldberg DS. INTRODUCTION: Investigating Malingering and Public Policy Through an Interdisciplinary Working Group. J Law Med Ethics. 2021;49(3):339-342. PubMed PMID: 34665087
Meadows A, Daníelsdóttir S, Goldberg D, Mercedes M. Fighting for a (wide enough) seat at the table: weight stigma in law and policy. Fat Studies. 2021 May 4;10(2):101-24.
Goldberg DS. Toward Fair and Humane Pain Policy. Hastings Cent Rep. 2020 Jul;50(4):33-36. PubMed PMID: 33448422
Levinson AH, Crepeau-Hobson MF, Coors ME, Glover JJ, Goldberg DS, Wynia MK. Duties When an Anonymous Student Health Survey Finds a Hot Spot of Suicidality. Am J Bioeth. 2020 Oct;20(10):50-60. PubMed PMID: 32945754
Levinson AH, Crepeau-Hobson MF, Glover J, Coors ME, Goldberg DS, Wynia MK. Comments Confirm That Student Health Surveillance Needs Ethics Guidelines to Act on Risk-Cluster Findings. Am J Bioeth. 2020 Oct;20(10):W4-W7. PubMed PMID: 32945747
Goldberg DS. Financial Conflicts of Interest are of Higher Ethical Priority than "Intellectual" Conflicts of Interest. J Bioeth Inq. 2020 Jun;17(2):217-227. PubMed PMID: 32607925
"Structural Stigma, Legal Epidemiology, and COVID-19: The Ethical Imperative to Act Upstream," Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30(3-4): 339-359.
N Engl J Med. 2019 Sep 12;381(11):993-995. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1902966
"What Does the Precautionary Principle Demand of Us? Ethics, Population Health Policy, and Sport-Related TBI," in Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussions, edited by Mary McDonald & Matt Ventresca (Routledge: 2019)
Goldberg DS. The shadows of sunlight: Why disclosure should not be a priority in addressing conflicts of interest. Public Health Ethics. 2018.
“Pain, Stigma, & Neuroimaging: History, Ethics, & Policy,” in Pain Neuroethics & Bioethics (eds. Daniel Z. Buchman and Karen D. Davis) (Routledge, 2018), 85-101.
"On Stigma & Health," Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 45, no. 4: 475-483.
Bachynski KE, Goldberg DS. Time out: NFL conflicts of interest with public health efforts to prevent TBI. Inj Prev. 2017 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29142020
"Public Health Ethics & the Social Determinants of Health," published as part of the SPRINGERBRIEFS IN PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS series
(book page at
Goldberg DS. Pain, objectivity and history: understanding pain stigma. Med Humanit. 2017 Dec;43(4):238-243. PubMed PMID: 28228477
Buchman DZ, Ho A, Goldberg DS. Investigating Trust, Expertise, and Epistemic Injustice in Chronic Pain. J Bioeth Inq. 2017 Mar;14(1):31-42. PubMed PMID: 28005251
Obesity Stigma in Vulnerable & Marginalized Groups, case co-authored with Lloyd Novick, M.D., M.P.H., in Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe (eds. Barrett, D.H., et al.) (Dordrecht: Springer Press, 2016) (edited and sponsored by Centers for Disease Control): 162-167.
“What They Think of the Causes of So Much Suffering”: S. Weir Mitchell, John Kearsley Mitchell, and Ideas about Phantom Limb Pain in Late 19th c. America, SPONTANEOUS GENERATIONS: A JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 8, no. 1 (2016): 27-54.
Goldberg D. On Physician-Industry Relationships and Unreasonable Standards of Proof for Harm: A Population-Level Bioethics Approach. Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 2016 Jun;26(2):173-94. PubMed PMID: 27477195
The Significance of Folklore for Vaccine Policy: Discarding the Deficit Model, CRITICAL PUBLIC HEALTH, co-authored with Andrea Kitta, available at
Buchman DZ, Ho A, Goldberg DS. Investigating Trust, Expertise, and Epistemic Injustice in Chronic Pain. J Bioeth Inq. 2016 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28005251
Pain, Objectivity, and History: Understanding Pain Stigma, in MEDICAL HUMANITIES (2017)
"Epistemic Injustice, Disability Stigma, and Public Health Law," in Disability, Health, Law, and Bioethics (Cambridge University Press) (edited by I. Glenn Cohen, Carmel Shachar, Anita Silvers, and Michael Ashley Stein)
"Financial Conflicts of Interest are of Higher Ethical Priority than ‘Intellectual’ Conflicts of Interest," forthcoming in Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
"Integrating Public Health Ethics into Public Health Policymaking: Being in the Room Where It Happens," Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (forthcoming, 2024)
"Traumatic Brain Injury, Collision Sports, and the Manufacture of Doubt: Law, Ethics, & Public Health" (Johns Hopkins University Press 2024)