Audrey Bergouignan, PhD

Associate Professor, Medicine-Endocrinology/Metabolism/Diabetes


  • Le Roux E, Zahariev A, Chery I, Schoeller DA, Bourdier P, Maillet A, Thevenot C, Garnotel M, Gauquelin-Koch G, Van Den Berghe L, Blanc S, Simon C, Bergouignan A. Substrate metabolism in male astronauts onboard the International Space Station: the ENERGY study. NPJ Microgravity. 2024 Mar 27;10(1):39. PubMed PMID: 38538677
  • Charlanne LM, Zahariev A, Guinet C, Piot E, Badaut J, Gilbert C, Ancel A, Bergouignan A. Extreme Fieldwork: Flame-sealed Capillaries versus Frozen Serums to Estimate Body Composition of Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina) using Isotopic Dilution. Polar Biology, 2024 47:1231-1239.
  • St-Martin P, Le Roux E, Bergouignan A. Chapter: Metabolic adaptations to microgravity. Precision Medicine in Space for Long and Safe Permanence of Humans in Space. Krittanawong. p91-120, Elsevier. 2025
  • Bourdier P, Simon C, Bessesen DH, Blanc S, Bergouignan A. The role of physical activity in the regulation of body weight: The overlooked contribution of light physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Obes Rev. 2023 Feb;24(2):e13528. PubMed PMID: 36394185
  • Noone J, Damiot A, Kenny H, Chery I, Zahariev A, Normand S, Crampes F, de Glisezinski I, Rochfort KD, Laurens C, Bareille MP, Simon C, Bergouignan A, Blanc S, O'Gorman DJ. The impact of 60 days of -6° head down tilt bed rest on mitochondrial content, respiration and regulators of mitochondrial dynamics. J Physiol. 2023 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38050414
  • Chevé D, Macia E, Diallo M, Lalys L, Diallo AH, Sow S, Bergouignan A, Duboz P. Nothing in Excess: Physical Activity, Health, and Life World in Senegalese Fulani Male Pastoralists, a Mixed Method Approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Oct 30;20(21). PubMed PMID: 37947557
  • Robin A, Van Ombergen A, Laurens C, Bergouignan A, Vico L, Linossier MT, Pavy-Le Traon A, Kermorgant M, Chopard A, Py G, Green DA, Tipton M, Choukér A, Denise P, Normand H, Blanc S, Simon C, Rosnet E, Larcher F, Fernandez P, de Glisezinski I, Larrouy D, Harant-Farrugia I, Antunes I, Gauquelin-Koch G, Bareille MP, Billette De Villemeur R, Custaud MA, Navasiolava N. Comprehensive assessment of physiological responses in women during the ESA dry immersion VIVALDI microgravity simulation. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 9;14(1):6311. PubMed PMID: 37813884
  • Niclou A, St-Martin P, Redman LM, Bergouignan A. New frontiers in the measurement of energy metabolism. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Sep 1;325(3):E239-E243. PubMed PMID: 37493244
  • Pinto AJ, Bergouignan A, Dempsey PC, Roschel H, Owen N, Gualano B, Dunstan DW. Physiology of sedentary behavior. Physiol Rev. 2023 Oct 1;103(4):2561-2622. PubMed PMID: 37326297
  • Whipple MO, Bergouignan A, Hooker SA. Development and Initial Validation of a Measure to Assess Self-Efficacy to Reduce Sedentary Behavior. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2023 Oct 1;55(10):1933-1939. PubMed PMID: 37227220
  • Bourdier P, Simon C, Bessesen DH, Blanc S, Bergouignan A. The role of physical activity in the regulation of body weight: The overlooked contribution of light physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Obes Rev. 2023 Feb;24(2):e13528. PubMed PMID: 36394185
  • Ortega-Santos CP*, Pinto AJ*, Whipple MO, Pan Z, Boyle KE, Melanson EL, Masters KS, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Breaking up Sedentary Time to Improve Glucose Control in a Population at Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes (BURST2D study): A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Clinical Trials. Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): January-March 2023
  • Pinto AJ, Bergouignan A, Dempsey PC. Chapter: Physiological Responses to Sedentary Behaviours. 2nd Edition of Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology. 2023
  • Whipple MO, Pinto AJ, Abushamat LA, Bergouignan A, Chapman K, Huebschmann AG, Masters KS, Nadeau KJ, Scalzo RL, Schauer IE, Rafferty D, Reusch JEB, Regensteiner JG. Sex Differences in Physical Activity Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Across the Life Span: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Diabetes Care. 2022 Sep 1;45(9):2163-2177. PubMed PMID: 36044665
  • Bourdier P, Zahariev A, Schoeller DA, Chery I, Le Roux E, Thevenot C, Maillet A, Garnotel M, Gauquelin-Koch G, Bergouignan A, Blanc S, Simon C. Effect of Exercise on Energy Expenditure and Body Composition in Astronauts Onboard the International Space Station: Considerations for Interplanetary Travel. Sports Med. 2022 Dec;52(12):3039-3053. PubMed PMID: 35829995
  • Galgani JE, Bergouignan A, Rieusset J, Moro C, Nazare JA. Editorial: Metabolic Flexibility. Front Nutr. 2022;9:946300. PubMed PMID: 35719158
  • Guirado T, Bourdier P, Pereira B, Le Roux E, Bergouignan A, Birat A, Isacco L, Thivel D, Duclos M, Metz L. Metabolic profile in women differs between high versus low energy spenders during a low intensity exercise on a cycle-desk. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 15;12(1):9928. PubMed PMID: 35705612
  • Guirado T, Metz L, Pereira B, Brun C, Birat A, Boscaro A, Bergouignan A, Thivel D, Duclos M. A 12-Week Cycling Workstation Intervention Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Healthy Inactive Office Workers. J Occup Environ Med. 2022 Aug 1;64(8):e467-e474. PubMed PMID: 35673701
  • De Jong NP, Rudolph MC, Jackman MR, Sharp RR, Jones K, Houck J, Pan Z, Reusch JEB, MacLean PS, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Short-Term Adaptations in Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity and Metabolic Pathways to Breaking up Sedentary Behaviors in Overweight or Obese Adults. Nutrients. 2022 Jan 20;14(3). PubMed PMID: 35276813
  • Le Roux E, De Jong NP, Blanc S, Simon C, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Physiology of physical inactivity, sedentary behaviours and non-exercise activity: insights from the space bedrest model. J Physiol. 2022 Mar;600(5):1037-1051. PubMed PMID: 33501660
  • Sueur C, Quque M, Naud A, Bergouignan A, Criscuolo F. 2021. Social capital: an independent dimension of healthy ageing. Peer Community Journal, in press.
  • Bourdier PS, Duboz P, Macia E, Ka A, Nazare JA, Cohen E, Boetsch G, Blanc S, Simon C, Bergouignan A. How interdisciplinary research at the crossroad between, socio-cultural anthropology and nutritional physiology can help addressing the obesity epidemic. Cahiers de Nutrition et Diététique, Numéro 1 Février 2021.
  • Bergouignan A, Simon C. Chapitre: Le rôle de l’inactivité physique et de la sédentarité dans la régulation du poids. Traité de l’Obésité. Jean-Michel Lecerf (Ed), Flammarion Médicine, 2021.
  • Bergouignan A, Blanc S. Chapitre : La nutrition des astronautes. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio, 2021
  • Bergouignan A, Blanc S. Chapitre : La nutrition des astronautes. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio, 2021
  • Momken I, Bergouignan A. Chapitre : Les contremesures dans l’espace. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio, 2021
  • Michot VS, Duboz P, Macia P, Guillaud Saumur LS, Zahariev A, Chery I, Ka A, Garnotel M, Nazare JA, Georges JY, Simon C, Blanc S, Bergouignan A. Prospective sur la contribution des facteurs socio-environnementaux dans la transition épidémiologique des pasteurs semi-nomades peules du Sénégal. Les Cahiers de l’Observatoire Homme-Milieux, Numéro 9, 109-116, Septembre 2021.
  • Le Roux E, Simon C, Blanc S, Bergouignan A. Inactivité physique et sédentarité : Impact sur la santé métabolique, de quoi parle-t’on ? Nutritions & Endocrinologie, vol 19, n°98, p10-14, Nov-Dec 2021.
  • Bourdier P, Duboz P, Macia E, Ka A, Nazare JA, Cohen E, Boetsch G, Blanc S, Simon C, Bergouignan A. How interdisciplinary research at the crossroad between, socio-cultural anthropology and nutritional physiology can help addressing the obesity epidemic. Cahiers de Nutrition et Diététique
  • Whipple MO, Regensteiner JG, Bergouignan A. Is being physically active enough to be metabolically healthy? The key role of sedentary behaviors. 2021 Diabetes Care 44 (1), 17-19
  • Thyfault JP, Bergouignan A. Exercise: One size does not fit all. J Physiol. 2020 Sep;598(18):3819-3820. PubMed PMID: 32725902
  • Thyfault JP, Bergouignan A. Exercise and metabolic health: beyond skeletal muscle. Diabetologia. 2020 Aug;63(8):1464-1474. PubMed PMID: 32529412
  • Debache I, Jeantet L, Chevallier D, Bergouignan A, Sueur C. A Lean and Performant Hierarchical Model for Human Activity Recognition Using Body-Mounted Sensors. Sensors (Basel). 2020 May 29;20(11). PubMed PMID: 32486068
  • Criscuolo F, Sueur C, Bergouignan A. Human Adaptation to Deep Space Environment: An Evolutionary Perspective of the Foreseen Interplanetary Exploration. Front Public Health. 2020;8:119. PubMed PMID: 32391303
  • Laurens C, Bergouignan A, Moro C. Exercise-Released Myokines in the Control of Energy Metabolism. Front Physiol. 2020;11:91. PubMed PMID: 32116795
  • Halliday TM, Rynders CA, Thomas E, Bergouignan A, Pan Z, Kealey EH, Cornier MA, Bessesen DH. Appetite-Related Responses to Overfeeding and Longitudinal Weight Change in Obesity-Prone and Obesity-Resistant Adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 Feb;28(2):259-267. PubMed PMID: 31970906
  • Dempsey PC, Matthews CE, Dashti SG, Doherty AR, Bergouignan A, van Roekel EH, Dunstan DW, Wareham NJ, Yates TE, Wijndaele K, Lynch BM. Sedentary Behavior and Chronic Disease: Mechanisms and Future Directions. J Phys Act Health. 2020 Jan 1;17(1):52-61. PubMed PMID: 31794961
  • Laurens C, Bergouignan A. Are intramyocellular lipids always the culprit of insulin resistance? J Physiol, 2020 Online invited commentary
  • Dempsey PC, Matthews CE, Dashti SG, Doherty AR, Bergouignan A, van Roekel EH, Dunstan DW, Wareham NJ, Yates TE, Wijndaele K, Lynch BM. Sedentary Behavior and Chronic Disease: Mechanisms and Future Directions. J Phys Act Health. 2019 Dec 3;:1-10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31794961
  • Roth JD, Dobson FS, Criscuolo F, Uhlrich P, Zahariev A, Bergouignan A, Viblanc VA. Subtle short-term physiological costs of an experimental augmentation of fleas in wild Columbian ground squirrels. J Exp Biol. 2019 Jun 17;222(Pt 12). PubMed PMID: 31138632
  • Laurens C, Simon C, Vernikos J, Gauquelin-Koch G, Blanc S, Bergouignan A. Revisiting the Role of Exercise Countermeasure on the Regulation of Energy Balance During Space Flight. Front Physiol. 2019;10:321. PubMed PMID: 30984019
  • Grace MS, Formosa MF, Bozaoglu K, Bergouignan A, Brozynska M, Carey AL, Veiga CB, Sethi P, Dillon F, Bertovic DA, Inouye M, Owen N, Dunstan DW, Kingwell BA. Acute effects of active breaks during prolonged sitting on subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression: an ancillary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 7;9(1):3847. PubMed PMID: 30846834
  • Debache I, Bergouignan A, Chaix B, Sneekes EM, Thomas F, Sueur C. Associations of Sensor-Derived Physical Behavior with Metabolic Health: A Compositional Analysis in the Record Multisensor Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Mar 1;16(5). PubMed PMID: 30823668
  • Ostendorf DM, Caldwell AE, Creasy SA, Pan Z, Lyden K, Bergouignan A, MacLean PS, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, Melanson EL, Catenacci VA. Physical Activity Energy Expenditure and Total Daily Energy Expenditure in Successful Weight Loss Maintainers. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Mar;27(3):496-504. PubMed PMID: 30801984
  • De Jong NP, Rynders CA, Goldstrohm DA, Pan Z, Lange AH, Mendez C, Melanson EL, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Effect of frequent interruptions of sedentary time on nutrient metabolism in sedentary overweight male and female adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2019 Apr 1;126(4):984-992. PubMed PMID: 30629473
  • Wilhelmi de Toledo F, Grundler F, Bergouignan A, Drinda S, Michalsen A. Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects. PLoS One. 2019;14(1):e0209353. PubMed PMID: 30601864
  • Blanchet L, Fuchs B, Støen OG, Bergouignan A, Ordiz A, Arnemo JM, Evans AL. Movement and heart rate in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos). Animal Biotelemetry, 7 (1) 2019
  • De Jong NP, Rynders CA, Goldstrohm DA, Pan Z, Lange AH, Mendez C, Melanson EL, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Effect of frequent interruptions of sedentary time on nutrient metabolism in sedentary overweight male and female adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2019 Jan 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30629473
  • Wilhelmi de Toledo F, Grundler F, Bergouignan A, Drinda S, Michalsen A. Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects. PLoS One. 2019;14(1):e0209353. PubMed PMID: 30601864
  • Damiot A, Demangel R, Noone J, Chery I, Zahariev A, Normand S, Brioche T, Crampes F, de Glisezinski I, Lefai E, Bareille MP, Chopard A, Drai J, Collin-Chavagnac D, Heer M, Gauquelin-Koch G, Prost M, Simon P, Py G, Blanc S, Simon C, Bergouignan A, O'Gorman DJ. A nutrient cocktail prevents lipid metabolism alterations induced by 20 days of daily steps reduction and fructose overfeeding: result from a randomized study. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2019 Jan 1;126(1):88-101. PubMed PMID: 30284519
  • Creasy SA, Rynders CA, Bergouignan A, Kealey EH, Bessesen DH. Free-Living Responses in Energy Balance to Short-Term Overfeeding in Adults Differing in Propensity for Obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 Apr;26(4):696-702. PubMed PMID: 29570248
  • Rudwill F, O'Gorman D, Lefai E, Chery I, Zahariev A, Normand S, Pagano AF, Chopard A, Damiot A, Laurens C, Hodson L, Canet-Soulas E, Heer M, Meuthen PF, Buehlmeier J, Baecker N, Meiller L, Gauquelin-Koch G, Blanc S, Simon C, Bergouignan A. Metabolic Inflexibility Is an Early Marker of Bed-Rest-Induced Glucose Intolerance Even When Fat Mass Is Stable. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 May 1;103(5):1910-1920. PubMed PMID: 29546280
  • Foright RM, Presby DM, Sherk VD, Kahn D, Checkley LA, Giles ED, Bergouignan A, Higgins JA, Jackman MR, Hill JO, MacLean PS. Is regular exercise an effective strategy for weight loss maintenance?. Physiol Behav. 2018 May 1;188:86-93. PubMed PMID: 29382563
  • Rynders CA, Schmidt SL, Bergouignan A, Horton TJ, Bessesen DH. Effects of short-term sex steroid suppression on dietary fat storage patterns in healthy males. Physiol Rep. 2018 Jan;6(2). PubMed PMID: 29380951
  • Rynders CA, Blanc S, DeJong N, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility. J Physiol. 2018 Apr 15;596(8):1319-1330. PubMed PMID: 28543022
  • De Jong NP, Debache I, Pan Z, Garnotel M, Lyden K, Sueur C, Simon C, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Breaking up Sedentary Time in Overweight/Obese Adults on Work Days and Non-Work Days: Results from a Feasibility Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Nov 16;15(11). PubMed PMID: 30453553
  • Rynders CA, Pereira RI, Bergouignan A, Kealey EH, Bessesen DH. Associations Among Dietary Fat Oxidation Responses to Overfeeding and Weight Gain in Obesity-Prone and Resistant Adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 Nov;26(11):1758-1766. PubMed PMID: 30358145
  • Besessen D, Bergouignan A. Chapter 18 : Behavior Change Strategies for Increasing Exercise and Decreasing Sedentary Behaviors in Diabetes. Diabetes and Exercise: From Pathophysiology to Clinical Implementation, Second Edition, Reusch J, Regensteiner J, Stewart KJ, Veves A editors, 2018.
  • Blanc S, Bergouignan A, Peyroux C, Nazare JA, Simon C. Chapitre 9: La transition comportementale: Focus sur l’activité physique. Ecologie de la Santé, 1ere edition, Renaud F, Boetsch G, Blanc S, Hossaert M, Collection Institut Ecologie et Environnement, Cherche Midi, 2017.
  • Lefai E, Blanc S, Momken I, Antoun E, Chery I, Zahariev A, Gabert L, Bergouignan A, Simon C. Exercise training improves fat metabolism independent of total energy expenditure in sedentary overweight men, but does not restore lean metabolic phenotype. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 Dec;41(12):1728-1736. PubMed PMID: 28669989
  • Rynders CA, Blanc S, DeJong N, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility. J Physiol. 2017 May 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28543022
  • Rynders CA, Bergouignan A, Kealey E, Bessesen DH. Ability to adjust nocturnal fat oxidation in response to overfeeding predicts 5-year weight gain in adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2017 May;25(5):873-880. PubMed PMID: 28440048
  • Bergouignan A, Legget KT, De Jong N, Kealey E, Nikolovski J, Groppel JL, Jordan C, O'Day R, Hill JO, Bessesen DH. Effect of frequent interruptions of prolonged sitting on self-perceived levels of energy, mood, food cravings and cognitive function. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2016 Nov 3;13(1):113. PubMed PMID: 27809874
  • Gastebois C, Villars C, Drai J, Canet-Soulas E, Blanc S, Bergouignan A, Lefai E, Simon C. Effects of training and detraining on adiponectin plasma concentration and muscle sensitivity in lean and overweight men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2016 Dec;116(11-12):2135-2144. PubMed PMID: 27632382
  • Bergouignan A, DeJong N, Rynders C, Melanson EL, Bessesen DH. Effect Of Frequent Interruptions Of Sitting On Energy Expenditure And Substrate Oxidation In Overweight Adults: 609 Board #8 June 1, 1: 00 PM - 3: 00 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May;48(5 Suppl 1):157. PubMed PMID: 27584223
  • Bergouignan A, Latouche C, Heywood S, Grace MS, Reddy-Luthmoodoo M, Natoli AK, Owen N, Dunstan DW, Kingwell BA. Frequent interruptions of sedentary time modulates contraction- and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake pathways in muscle: Ancillary analysis from randomized clinical trials. Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 24;6:32044. PubMed PMID: 27554943
  • Bergouignan A, Stein TP, Habold C, Coxam V, O’Gorman D, Blanc S. Towards human exploration of space: The THESEUS review series on nutrition and metabolism research priorities. npj Microgravity. 2016; 2:16029.
  • Rynders CA, Schmidt SL, Bergouignan A, Horton TJ, Bessesen DH. Effects of short-term sex steroid suppression on dietary fat storage patterns in healthy males. Physiological Reports, in press.
  • Creasy SA, Rynders CA, Bergouignan A, Kealey E, Bessesen DH. Free-living responses in energy balance to short-term overfeeding in adults differing in propensity for obesity. Obesity,
  • Le Roux E, De Jong NP, Blanc S, Simon C, Bessesen DH, Bergouignan A. Physiology of physical inactivity, sedentary behaviors and non-exercise physical activity: Insights from bedrest model. J Physiol
  • Momken I, Bergouignan A. Chapitre : Les contremesures dans l’espace. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio
  • Blanc S, Bergouignan A. Chapitre : Les adaptations métaboliques. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio
  • Bergouignan A, Blanc S. Chapitre : La nutrition des astronautes. L’Homme dans l’Espace. Custaud MA, Blanc S Gauquelin-Koch, Gharib C, (Eds), Cameleon Studio
  • Bergouignan A, Simon C. Chapitre: Le rôle de l’inactivité physique et de la sédentarité dans la régulation du poids. Traité de l’Obésité. Jean-Michel Lecerf (Ed), Flammarion Médicine
  • Le Roux E, Zahariev A, Chery I, Schoeller DA, Bourdier P, Maillet A, Thevenot C, Garnotel M, Gauquelin-Koch G, Van Den Berghe L, Blanc S#, Simon C#, Bergouignan A#. Substrate metabolism in male astronauts onboard the International Space Station: The ENERGY study. npgMicrogravity,

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045