Ryan Lawless, MD

Associate Professor, Surgery-GI, Trauma, and Endocrine Surgery


  • Gergen AK, Robinson C, Pieracci FM, Burlew CC, Platnick KB, Campion E, Lawless R, Coleman JJ, Hoehn M, Moore EE, Cohen MJ, Werner NL. Assessment of Discharge Analgesic Prescription Patterns for Hospitalized Patients With Rib Fractures. J Surg Res. 2022 Mar 22;276:48-53. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35334383
  • Yeh DD, Vasileiou G, Qian S, Zhang H, Abdul Jawad K, Dodgion C, Lawless R, Rattan R, Pust GD, Namias N. Appendectomy vs. Non-operative Management of Simple Appendicitis: A Post-Hoc Analysis of an EAST Multicenter Study using a Hierarchical Ordinal Scale. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35195095
  • Prins JTH, Leasia K, Sauaia A, Burlew CC, Cohen MJ, Coleman JJ, Lawless RA, Platnick KB, Werner NL, Wijffels MME, Moore EE, Pieracci FM. A decade of surgical stabilization of rib fractures: the effect of study year on patient selection, operative characteristics, and in-hospital outcome. Injury. 2022 May;53(5):1637-1644. PubMed PMID: 34953578
  • Prins JTH, Leasia K, Dull MB, Lawless RA, Platnick KB, Werner NL, Wijffels MME, Moore EE, Pieracci FM. Surgical Site Infection after Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures: Rare but Morbid. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2022 Feb;23(1):5-11. PubMed PMID: 34762547
  • Leasia KN, Ciarallo C, Prins JTH, Preslaski C, Perkins-Pride E, Hardin K, Cralley A, Burlew CC, Coleman JJ, Cohen MJ, Lawless R, Platnick KB, Moore EE, Pieracci FM. A randomized clinical trial of single dose liposomal bupivacaine versus indwelling analgesic catheter in patients undergoing surgical stabilization of rib fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Nov 1;91(5):872-878. PubMed PMID: 33951024
  • Platnick C, Witt CE, Pieracci FM, Robinson CK, Lawless R, Burlew CC, Moore EE, Cohen M, Platnick KB. Beyond the tube: Can we reduce chest tube complications in trauma patients?. Am J Surg. 2021 Nov;222(5):1023-1028. PubMed PMID: 33941358
  • Hadley JB, Coleman JR, Moore EE, Lawless R, Burlew CC, Platnick B, Pieracci FM, Hoehn MR, Coleman JJ, Campion EM, Cohen MJ, Cralley A, Eitel AP, Bartley M, Vigneshwar N, Sauaia A, Fox CJ. Strategies for successful implementation of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in an urban Level I trauma center. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Aug 1;91(2):295-301. PubMed PMID: 33783417
  • Tung L, Leonard J, Lawless RA, Cralley A, Betzold R, Pasley JD, Inaba K, Kim JS, Kim DY, Kim K, Dennis BM, Smith MC, Moore M, Tran C, Hazelton JP, Melillo A, Brahmbhatt TS, Talutis S, Saillant NN, Lee JM, Seamon MJ. Temporary intravascular shunts after civilian arterial injury: A prospective multicenter Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma study. Injury. 2021 May;52(5):1204-1209. PubMed PMID: 33455811
  • Neufeld MY, Bauerle W, Eriksson E, Azar FK, Evans HL, Johnson M, Lawless RA, Lottenberg L, Sanchez SE, Simianu VV, Thomas CS, Drake FT. Where did the patients go? Changes in acute appendicitis presentation and severity of illness during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: A retrospective cohort study. Surgery. 2021 Apr;169(4):808-815. PubMed PMID: 33288212
  • Schwed AC, Wagenaar A, Reppert AE, Gore AV, Pieracci FM, Platnick KB, Lawless RA, Campion EM, Coleman JJ, Cohen MJ, Moore EE, Burlew CC. Trust the FAST: Confirmation that the FAST examination is highly specific for intra-abdominal hemorrhage in over 1,200 patients with pelvic fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Jan 1;90(1):137-142. PubMed PMID: 32976327
  • Lawless RA, Cralley A, Qian S, Vasileiou G, Yeh DD. Antibiotics after Simple (Acute) Appendicitis are not Associated with Better Clinical Outcomes: A Post-Hoc Analysis of an EAST Multi-Center Study. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2021 Jun;22(5):504-508. PubMed PMID: 32897168
  • Yeh DD, Eid AI, Young KA, Wild J, Kaafarani HMA, Ray-Zack M, Kana'an T, Lawless R, Cralley AL, Crandall M. Multicenter Study of the Treatment of Appendicitis in America: Acute, Perforated, and Gangrenous (MUSTANG), an EAST Multicenter Study. Ann Surg. 2021 Mar 1;273(3):548-556. PubMed PMID: 31663966
  • Lawless RA, Moore EE, Cohen MJ, Moore HB, Sauaia A. US National Trends in Violent and Unintentional Injuries, 2000 to 2016. JAMA Surg. 2018 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30073245
  • Moskowitz EE, Garabedian L, Harden K, Perkins-Pride E, Asfaw M, Preslaski C, Liasia KN, Lawless R, Burlew CC, Pieracci F. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial of gabapentin vs. placebo for acute pain management in critically ill patients with rib fractures. Injury. 2018 Sep;49(9):1693-1698. PubMed PMID: 29934099
  • Moskowitz EE, Burlew CC, Moore EE, Pieracci FM, Fox CJ, Campion EM, Lawless RA, Cohen MJ. Preperitoneal pelvic packing is effective for hemorrhage control in open pelvic fractures. Am J Surg. 2018 Apr;215(4):675-677. PubMed PMID: 29179908
  • Fat emboli syndrome and the orthopaedic trauma surgeon: lessons learned and clinical recommendations. Int Orthop. 2017;41(9): 1729-1734
  • Lawless RA and Moore EE. Pancreatic and Duodenal injury. In AH Harken and EE Moore (Eds.) Abernathy’s Surgical Secrets. 2017
  • Lawless RA and Holcomb JB. Plasma Resuscitation. In E Gonzalez, HB Moore, and EE Moore (Eds.) Trauma Induced Coagulopathy. 2016
  • Harvin JA, Wray CJ, Steward J, Lawless RA, McNutt MK, Love JD, Moore LJ, Wade CE, Cotton BA, Holcomb JB. Control the damage: morbidity and mortality after emergent trauma laparotomy. Am J Surg. 2016, 212(1): 34-39
  • Inaba K, Aksoy T, Seamon MJ, Marks JA, Duchesne J, Schroll R, Fox CJ, Pieracci FM, Moore EE, Joseph B, Haider AA, Harvin JA, Lawless RA, Cannon J, Holland SR, Demetriades D; Multicenter Shunt Study Group. Multicenter evaluation of temporary intravascular shunt use in trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016,80(3):359-64
  • Mesar T, Martin D, Lawless R, Podbielski J, Cook M; Underwood S, Larentzakis A, Cotton B, Fagenholz P, Schreiber M, Holcomb JB, Marini J, Sharma U, Rago AP, King DR. Human dose confirmation for self-expanding intra-abdominal foam: A translational, adaptive, multicenter trial in recently deceased human subjects. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015, 79 (1):39-47
  • Lawless RA. Historical Perspective. In DA Dangleben and FG Madbak (Eds.) Options in the Management of the Open Abdomen. 2015 e-book
  • Lawless RA, Barraco R, Pasquale M. Nutrition Support. In J. Yelon and F. Luchette (Eds.) Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care. 2014
  • Lawless RA. Surgical Oncology. In DA Dangleben, J Lee, and F Madbak (Eds.) ABSITE Slayer. 2013
  • Lawless RA. Spleen. In DA Dangleben, J Lee, and F Madbak (Eds.) ABSITE Slayer. 2013
  • Lawless RA, Dangleben DA, Badellino MM. Large Bowel Obstruction. In S. Cohn (Ed.) Surgery: Evidence-based Practice. 2012
  • Lawless RA, Dangleben DA. Caval Agensis with a Hypoplastic Left Kidney in a Patient with Trauma on Warfarin for Deep Vein Thrombosis. Vasc Endovascular Surg 2012, 46 (1): 75-76
  • Lawless RA. Transfusion Therapy. In Keech and Laterza (EDs.) Duke’s Anesthesia Secrets, 6th edition (in press)
  • Radomski M and Lawless RA. Large Bowel Obstruction. In RC McIntyre and RD Schulick (EDs.) Surgical Decision Making, 6th edition (in press)
  • Lawless RA. Potassium Disorders. In RC McIntyre and RD Schulick (EDs.) Surgical Decision Making, 6th edition (in press)

Professional Memberships

  • Eastern Association for the SUrgery of Trauma, Member
  • American College of Surgeons, Fellow
Personal Interests
In my spare time, I enjoy Triathlon, family hikes, skiing, and playing with my family.

Volunteer Activities
Stop the Bleed Instruction

Public Speaking
REBOA, Resuscitation, Coagulation in Trauma