Robert Bishop, MD

Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Cardiology

Medical School
  • MD, Emory University School of Medicine (2007)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Emory University (GA) (2001)
  • Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron/NEOUCOM Program, Pediatrics (2010)
  • Duke University Hospital Program, Pediatric Cardiology (2013)
  • Nationwide Children's Hospital/Ohio State University Program, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (2016)

Professional Titles

  • Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, The Heart Institute
  • Director, In-situ Simulation for the Heart Institute

Research Interests

I am interested in the integration of medical simulation technology into the education of our medical staff. I am fascinated on how human factors influence team performance in emergency situations and study how focusing on a training philosophy called Crisis Resource Management can improve the care we provide patients and their families.


  • Kienzle MF, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Berg RA, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Cooper KK, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Frizzola M, Graham K, Hall M, Horvat C, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Tabbutt S, Viteri S, Wolfe HA, Sutton RM. Epinephrine Dosing Intervals Are Associated With Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes: A Multicenter Study. Crit Care Med. 2024 Sep 1;52(9):1344-1355. PubMed PMID: 38833560
  • O'Halloran AJ, Reeder RW, Berg RA, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Kienzle MF, Kilbaugh TJ, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tilford B, Topjian AA, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Morgan RW. Early bolus epinephrine administration during pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation for bradycardia with poor perfusion: an ICU-resuscitation study. Crit Care. 2024 Jul 16;28(1):242. PubMed PMID: 39010134
  • Yates AR, Naim MY, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Banks RK, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yeh J, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL. Early Cardiac Arrest Hemodynamics, End-Tidal C o2 , and Outcome in Pediatric Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Dataset (2016-2021). Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2024 Apr 1;25(4):312-322. PubMed PMID: 38088765
  • Federman M, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Kirkpatrick T, Maa T, Maitoza LA, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Naim MY. Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome and Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Following In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children With Cardiac Disease Compared With Noncardiac Disease. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2024 Jan 1;25(1):4-14. PubMed PMID: 37678381
  • Berg RA, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM. Diastolic Blood Pressure Threshold During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Survival Outcomes: A Multicenter Validation Study. Crit Care Med. 2023 Jan 1;51(1):91-102. PubMed PMID: 36519983
  • Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berger JT, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Himebauch AS, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Page K, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. Outcomes and characteristics of cardiac arrest in children with pulmonary hypertension: A secondary analysis of the ICU-RESUS clinical trial. Resuscitation. 2023 Sep;190:109897. PubMed PMID: 37406760
  • Cashen K, Sutton RM, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Palmer CA, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Viteri S, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Meert KL. Association of CPR simulation program characteristics with simulated and actual performance during paediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2023 Oct;191:109939. PubMed PMID: 37625580
  • Yates AR, Naim MY, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Banks RK, Bell MJ, Berg RA, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Morgan RW, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yeh J, Zuppa AF, Sutton RM, Meert KL. Early Cardiac Arrest Hemodynamics, End-Tidal Co2, and Outcome in Pediatric Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Secondary Analysis of the ICU-RESUScitation Project Dataset (2016-2021). Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2023 Dec 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38088765
  • Zinna SS, Morgan RW, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Cooper KK, Michael Dean J, Wesley Diddle J, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hall M, Harding ML, Hehir DA, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Srivastava N, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Wolfe HA, Yates AR, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. Chest Compressions for Pediatric Organized Rhythms: A Hemodynamic and Outcomes Analysis. Resuscitation. 2023 Dec 3;:110068. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38052273
  • Sutton RM, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Ahmed T, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Franzon D, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Graham K, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Landis WP, Maa T, Manga A, Morgan RW, Nadkarni VM, Naim MY, Palmer CA, Schneiter C, Sharron MP, Siems A, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Berg RA, Bell MJ, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Fink EL, Hall M, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Mourani PM, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Wessel D, Yates AR, Zuppa AF. Effect of Physiologic Point-of-Care Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training on Survival With Favorable Neurologic Outcome in Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric ICUs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022 Mar 8;327(10):934-945. PubMed PMID: 35258533
  • Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36053072
  • Morgan RW, Wolfe HA, Reeder RW, Alvey JS, Frazier AH, Friess SH, Maa T, McQuillen PS, Meert KL, Nadkarni VM, Sharron MP, Siems A, Yates AR, Ahmed T, Bell MJ, Bishop R, Bochkoris M, Burns C, Carcillo JA, Carpenter TC, Dean JM, Diddle JW, Federman M, Fernandez R, Fink EL, Franzon D, Hall M, Hehir D, Horvat CM, Huard LL, Manga A, Mourani PM, Naim MY, Notterman D, Pollack MM, Sapru A, Schneiter C, Srivastava N, Tabbutt S, Tilford B, Viteri S, Wessel D, Zuppa AF, Berg RA, Sutton RM. The Temporal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality and Outcomes. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2022 Nov 1;23(11):908-918. PubMed PMID: 36053072
  • Scahill C, Bishop R. “Shock in the Cardiac Patient” in Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, Munoz R et al. Chapter 48. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2020
  • Bishop, R., Porges, C., Carlisle, M. et al. Crisis Resource Management in Medicine: a Clarion Call for Change. Curr Treat Options Peds 6, 299–316 (2020).
  • Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Oct;38(5):59-66. PubMed PMID: 30275064
  • Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training: Improving Skills in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Ocg; 38(5):59-66. doi: 10.4037/ccn2018490.
  • Bishop R, Joy B, Moore-Clingenpeel M, Maa T. Automated Audiovisual Feedback Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Improves and Maintains Skill in Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses. Critical Care Nurse (Accepted for publication July 2017, awaiting print publication, expect early 2018)

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Pediatrics, Board Certification (2012)
  • Pediatric Cardiology, Board Certification (2016)
  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Board Certification (2018)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Critical Care
Clinical Interests
I am trained in Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology and Intensive Care. I have expertise in the management of children with congenital heart disease and caring for them before and after surgery. From newborn infants to adults with congenital heart disease, it is my passion to serve my patients and their families to the best of my abilities.

Care Philosophy
I strive to promote quality, safety, effectiveness, interdisciplinary practices and optimal communication between patients, their families and our staff. Our care must be patient and family-centered and driven toward the best outcome possible.