Wilson J, Glass, L. Manual of Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat Emergencies. Publisher: Wolters Kluwer. Chapter 33: Eyelid Lesions
Scott L, Royer D, Bonfiglio C, Wilson J. Tele-Ultrasound: Virtual Hands-on Medical Education for Novice Users Utilizing FAST & Carpal Tunnel Models, Pilot Study. Experimental Biology Conference. April 2022
Diaz-Miron J, Reppucci ML, Weinman J, Kaizer A, Annam A, Orsborn J, Steward L, Wilson J, Bensard D. The use of ultrasound in establishing COVID-19 infection as part of a trauma evaluation. Emerg Radiol. 2022 Apr;29(2):227-234. PubMed PMID: 34988751
Wilson J, Glass, L. Manual of Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat Emergencies. Publisher: Wolters Kluwer. Chapter 33: Eyelid Lesions
Scott L, Royer D, Bonfiglio C, Wilson J. Tele-Ultrasound: Virtual Hands-on Medical Education for Novice Users Utilizing FAST & Carpal Tunnel Models, Pilot Study. Experimental Biology Conference. April 2022
Fernandez-Bustamante A, Tran T, Wilson J, Riscinti M, Bebarta V, McKay J, Kendall J, Patrick Ng P. Predictive modeling including point-of care lung ultrasound (P-LUS) for emergency triage of patients with acute respiratory symptoms related to COVID-19.2021 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS). 2021. Not given due to COVID
Diaz-Miron J, Reppucci M, Weinman J, Kaizer A, Annam A, Orsborn J, Steward L, Wilson J, and Bensard D. The Use of Ultrasound in Establishing COVID-19 Infection as Part of a Trauma Evaluation. Emergency Radiology. Accepted November 2021
Mingo Galindez J, Mendes M, Betz, ME, Wilson, J. Nausea and Dyspnea on Exertion: Left Ventricular Free-wall Rupture. Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine. Accepted April 1, 2021
Maw AM, Morris MA, Barnard JG, Wilson J, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Soni NJ, Fleshner M, Kaufman J, Ho PM. Multi-Level Stakeholder Perspectives on Determinants of Point of Care Ultrasound Implementation in a US Academic Medical Center. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Jun 28;11(7). PubMed PMID: 34203357
Maw AM, Morris MA, Barnard JG, Wilson J, Glasgow RE, Huebschmann AG, Soni NJ, Fleshner M, Kaufman J, Ho PM. Multi-Level Stakeholder Perspectives on Determinants of Point of Care Ultrasound Implementation in a US Academic Medical Center. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Jun 28;11(7). PubMed PMID: 34203357
Wilson J, Maloney K, Bookman K, Stoneback JW, Browne VA, Ginde A, Wallace M, Jacknin G, Cumbler E, Lewiss RE. Training Emergency Physicians in Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Compartment Blocks: Lessons in Change Management. Cureus. 2019 May 28;11(5):e4773. PubMed PMID: 31363454
Lema PC, O'Brien M, Wilson J, James ES, Lindstrom H, DeAngelis J, Caldwell J, May P, Clemency B. Avoid the Goose! Paramedic Identification of Esophageal Intubation by Ultrasound. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2018 Aug;33(4):406-410. PubMed PMID: 30129915
The Practical Guide to Critical Ultrasound vols. 1 & 2. Endotracheal tube placement and confirmation. Volume 2, Chapter 7.
Wilson J, Lum DL, Lewiss RE. Education innovation: A four week point-of-care ultrasound mini-fellowship for physicians in practice. Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28774771
Wilson J, Ng L, Browne V, Lewiss RE. An Easy-to-Make, Low-Cost Ultrasound Phantom for Simulation Training in Abscess Identification and Aspiration. J Ultrasound Med. 2017 Jun;36(6):1241-1244. PubMed PMID: 28258634
Wilson, J., Browne, V., Lewiss, RE. Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Identifies a Gastric Perforation in a Patient with Acute Abdominal Pain. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. Accepted 05 November 2017
Wilson, J., Myers, C., Lewiss, RE. A low-cost, easy to make ultrasound phantom for training healthcare providers in pleural fluid identification and task simulation in ultrasoundguided thoracentesis. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. Accepted 12 March 2017
Wilson, J., Wilson, A., Lewiss, RE. A low-cost, easy to make ultrasound phantom for training healthcare providers in peritoneal fluid identification and task simulation in ultrasound-guided paracentesis. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. Accepted 27 February 2017
Smalley, C., Sande, M., Wilson, J., Lewiss, R. An Education Innovation to Improve Point-of-Care Ultrasound Skills in Senior Emergency Medicine Residents: A Mandatory Advanced Rotation. J Medic Educ Training 2017; 1:001
Wilson J, Ginde A, Cumbler E, Anderson M, Browne V, Jacknin G, Bookman K, Stoneback J, Lewiss RE. Implementation of an Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Medicine Physicians: Lessons in Change Management. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (2018) New York, NY
Wilson J, Ginde A, Cumbler E, Anderson M, Browne V, Jacknin G, Bookman K, Stoneback J, Lewiss RE. Implementation of an Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Medicine Physicians: Lessons in Change Management. World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education (2017) Montreal, CA
Smalley CM, Browne V, Kaplan B, Russ B, Wilson J, Lewiss RE. Early Innovative Immersion: A Course for Pre-Medical Professions Students Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Dec;35(12):2681-2686. PubMed PMID: 27821654