Eric Campion, MD

Associate Professor, Surgery-GI, Trauma, and Endocrine Surgery


  • Witt CE, Shatz DV, Robinson BRH, Campion EM, Shapiro ML, Bui EH, Meizoso JP, Dorlac WC. Epinephrine in Prehospital Traumatic Cardiac Arrest-Life Saving or False Hope?. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2025 Feb 12;:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39889233
  • Sullivan BG, Delaplain PT, Manasa M, Tay-Lasso E, Biffl WL, Schaffer KB, Sundel M, Behdin S, Ghneim M, Costantini TW, Santorelli JE, Switzer E, Schellenberg M, Keeley JA, Kim DY, Wang A, Dhillon NK, Patel D, Campion EM, Robinson CK, Kartiko S, Quintana MT, Estroff JM, Kirby KA, Nahmias J. An Abdominal Seat Belt Sign is Associated With Similar Incidence of Hollow Viscus Injury but Increased In-Hospital Mortality in Older Adult Trauma Patients: A PCSA Multicenter Study. Am Surg. 2024 Nov;90(11):2840-2847. PubMed PMID: 38775262
  • Carver TW, Berndtson AE, McNickle AG, Boyle KA, Haan JM, Campion EM, Biffl WL, Carroll AN, Sise MJ, Berndt KS, Burris JM, Kopelman TR, Blank JJ, Seamon MJ, Peschman JR, Morris RS, Kugler NW, Conrardy RD, Szabo A, de Moya MA. Thoracic irrigation for prevention of secondary intervention after thoracostomy tube drainage for hemothorax: A Western Trauma Association multicenter study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Nov 1;97(5):724-730. PubMed PMID: 38764139
  • Mehl SC, Vogel AM, Glasgow AE, Moody S, Kotagal M, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Greenwell C, Pandya S, Waters AM, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, MacArthur TA, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Cunningham M, Black C, Rea J, Spurrier RG, Jensen AR, Farr BJ, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS 3rd, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Roman JS, Jenkins TM, Falcone RA Jr, Polites S. Prevalence and outcomes of high versus low ratio plasma to red blood cell resuscitation in a multi-institutional cohort of severely injured children. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Sep 1;97(3):452-459. PubMed PMID: 38497936
  • Grossman H, Dhanasekara CS, Shrestha K, Marschke B, Morris E, Richmond R, Ko A, Tennakoon L, Campion EM, Wood FC, Brandt M, Ng G, Regner JL, Keith SL, McNutt MK, Kregel H, Gandhi RR, Schroeppel TJ, Margulies DR, Hashim YM, Herrold J, Goetz M, Simpson L, Doan XL, Dissanaike S. Rates and risk factors for anastomotic leak following blunt trauma-associated bucket handle intestinal injuries: a multicenter study. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2023;8(1):e001178. PubMed PMID: 38020867
  • Santos J, Delaplain PT, Tay-Lasso E, Biffl WL, Schaffer KB, Sundel M, Ghneim M, Costantini TW, Santorelli JE, Switzer E, Schellenberg M, Keeley JA, Kim DY, Wang A, Dhillon NK, Patel D, Campion EM, Robinson CK, Kartiko S, Quintana MT, Estroff JM, Kirby KA, Grigorian A, Nahmias J. Development and Validation of a Novel Hollow Viscus Injury Prediction Score for Abdominal Seatbelt Sign: A Pacific Coast Surgical Association Multicenter Study. J Am Coll Surg. 2023 Dec 1;237(6):826-833. PubMed PMID: 37703489
  • Wham C, Morin T, Sauaia A, McIntyre R, Urban S, McVaney K, Cohen M, Cralley A, Moore EE, Campion EM. Prehospital ETCO(2) is predictive of death in intubated and non-intubated patients. Am J Surg. 2023 Dec;226(6):886-890. PubMed PMID: 37563074
  • Dhanasekara CS, Marschke B, Morris E, Bashrum BS, Shrestha K, Richmond R, Dissanaike S, Ko A, Tennakoon L, Campion EM, Wood FC, Brandt M, Ng G, Regner J, Keith SL, Mcnutt MK, Kregel H, Gandhi R, Schroeppel T, Margulies DR, Hashim Y, Herrold J, Goetz M, Simpson L, Xuan-Lan D. Anastomotic leak rates after repair of mesenteric bucket-handle injuries: A multi-center retrospective cohort study. Am J Surg. 2023 Dec;226(6):770-775. PubMed PMID: 37270399
  • Ladhani HA, Harrell KN, Burlew CC, van Wijck SFM, Smith EF, Coleman JR, Horwood C, Werner NL, Lawless R, Platnick B, Campion E, Moore EE, VanDerPloeg D, Parry JA, Pieracci FM. Early Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures is Feasible in Patients With Non-Urgent Operative Pelvic Injuries. Am Surg. 2023 Dec;89(12):5813-5820. PubMed PMID: 37183169
  • Ross SW, Campion E, Jensen AR, Gray L, Gross T, Namias N, Goodloe JM, Bulger EM, Fischer PE, Fallat ME. Prehospital and emergency department pediatric readiness for injured children: A statement from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Emergency Medical Services Committee. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Aug 1;95(2):e6-e10. PubMed PMID: 37125944
  • MacArthur TA, Vogel AM, Glasgow AE, Moody S, Kotagal M, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Ryan M, Pandya S, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Jensen AR, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS 3rd, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Falcone RA Jr, Polites SF. Crystalloid volume is associated with short-term morbidity in children with severe traumatic brain injury: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter trial post hoc analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Jul 1;95(1):78-86. PubMed PMID: 37072882
  • Eitel AP, Moore EE, Sauaia A, Kelher MR, Vigneshwar NG, Bartley MG, Hadley JB, Burlew CC, Campion EM, Fox CJ, Lawless RA, Pieracci FM, Platnick KB, Moore HB, Cohen MJ, Silliman CC. A proposed clinical coagulation score for research in trauma-induced coagulopathy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):798-802. PubMed PMID: 36805626
  • Carmichael H, Samuels JM, Jamison EC, Bol KA, Coleman JJ, Campion EM, Velopulos CG. Finding the elusive trauma denominator: Feasibility of combining data sets to quantify the true burden of firearm trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Mar 1;90(3):466-470. PubMed PMID: 33105286
  • Schwed AC, Wagenaar A, Reppert AE, Gore AV, Pieracci FM, Platnick KB, Lawless RA, Campion EM, Coleman JJ, Cohen MJ, Moore EE, Burlew CC. Trust the FAST: Confirmation that the FAST examination is highly specific for intra-abdominal hemorrhage in over 1,200 patients with pelvic fractures. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Jan 1;90(1):137-142. PubMed PMID: 32976327
  • Sarani B, Smith ER, Shapiro G, Nahmias J, Rivas L, McIntyre R Jr, Robinson BRH, Chestovich PJ, Amdur R, Campion E, Urban S, Shnaydman I, Joseph B, Gates J, Berne J, Estroff JM. Characteristics of survivors of civilian public mass shootings: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Apr 1;90(4):652-658. PubMed PMID: 33405478
  • Coleman JR, Carmichael H, Zangara T, Dunn J, Schroeppel TJ, Campion E, Goodman M, Hosokawa P, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Bunn B, Floren M, Ferrigno L. A Stitch in Time Saves Clots: Venous Thromboembolism Chemoprophylaxis in Traumatic Brain Injury. J Surg Res. 2021 Feb;258:289-298. PubMed PMID: 33039638
  • Coleman JR, Burlew CC, Platnick KB, Campion E, Pieracci F, Lawless R, Werner N, Coleman J, Hoehn M, Moore EE, Cohen MJ. Maintaining Trauma Care Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Urban, Level-1 Trauma Center's Experience. Ann Surg. 2020 Aug;272(2):e58-e60. PubMed PMID: 32675497
  • Raff LA, Schinnerer EA, Maine RG, Jansen J, Noorbakhsh MR, Spigel Z, Campion E, Coleman J, Saquib S, Carroll JT, Jacobson LE, Williams J, Young AJ, Pascual J, Burruss S, Gordon D, Robinson BRH, Nahmias J, Kutcher ME, Bugaev N, Jeyamurugan K, Bosarge P. Contemporary management of traumatic cervical and thoracic esophageal perforation: The results of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Oct;89(4):691-697. PubMed PMID: 32590561
  • Reese SM, Knepper B, Amiot M, Beard J, Campion E, Young H. Implementation of colon surgical site infection prevention bundle-The successes and challenges. Am J Infect Control. 2020 Nov;48(11):1287-1291. PubMed PMID: 32439291
  • Heelan AA, Freedberg M, Moore EE, Platnick BK, Pieracci FM, Cohen MJ, Lawless R, Campion EM, Coleman JJ, Hoehn M, Burlew CC. Worth looking! venous thromboembolism in patients who undergo preperitoneal pelvic packing warrants screening duplex. Am J Surg. 2020 Dec;220(6):1395-1399. PubMed PMID: 32958159
  • Campion EM, Cralley A, Robinson C, Sauaia A, Pieracci FM, Lawless RA, Platnick B, Robinson J, Edwards D, McVaney K, Moore EE, Cohen MJ, Coleman JJ, Fox C, Burlew CC. Prehospital end-tidal carbon dioxide predicts massive transfusion and death following trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Oct;89(4):703-707. PubMed PMID: 32590557
  • Polites SF, Moody S, Williams RF, Kayton ML, Alberto EC, Burd RS, Schroeppel TJ, Baerg JE, Munoz A, Rothstein WB, Boomer LA, Campion EM, Robinson C, Nygaard RM, Richardson CJ, Garcia DI, Streck CJ, Gaffley M, Petty JK, Greenwell C, Pandya S, Waters AM, Russell RT, Yorkgitis BK, Mull J, Pence J, Santore MT, MacArthur T, Klinkner DB, Safford SD, Trevilian T, Vogel AM, Cunningham M, Black C, Rea J, Spurrier RG, Jensen AR, Farr BJ, Mooney DP, Ketha B, Dassinger MS 3rd, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Roman JS, Jenkins TM, Falcone RA Jr. Timing and volume of crystalloid and blood products in pediatric trauma: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter prospective observational study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Jul;89(1):36-42. PubMed PMID: 32251263
  • Kovar A, Moskowitz E, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Platnick KB, Coleman JJ, Campion EM, Lawless RA, Cohen MJ, Pieracci FM, Burlew CC. Trends in hematologic markers after blunt splenic trauma: Risk factor or Epiphenomenon?. Am J Surg. 2020 Aug;220(2):489-494. PubMed PMID: 31879019
  • Campion EM, Burlew CC. Re: End-tidal carbon dioxide underestimates plasma carbon dioxide during emergent trauma laparotomy leading to hypoventilation and misguided resuscitation: A Western Trauma Association Multicenter study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Feb;88(2):e104-e105. PubMed PMID: 31688784
  • Campion EM, Burlew CC. Re: End-tidal carbon dioxide underestimates plasma carbon dioxide during emergent trauma laparotomy leading to hypoventilation and misguided resuscitation: . J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Feb;88(2):e104-e105. PubMed PMID: 31688784
  • Moskowitz EE, McIntyre RC, Burlew CC, Helmkamp LJ, Peltz ED, Coleman JR, Kovar A, Truitt M, Agrawal V, Onkendi E, Dev R, Diaz JJ, Eaton B, Campion EM. Evaluation of a water-soluble contrast protocol for small bowel obstruction: A southwestern surgical congress multicenter trial. Am J Surg. 2019 Dec;218(6):1046-1051. PubMed PMID: 31623878
  • Alhaj Saleh A, Esquivel EC, Lung JT, Eaton BC, Bruns BR, Barmparas G, Margulies DR, Raines A, Bryant C, Crane CE, Scherer EP, Schroeppel TJ, Moskowitz E, Regner J, Frazee R, Campion EM, Bartley M, Mortus J, Ward J, Almekdash MH, Dissanaike S. Laparoscopic omental patch for perforated peptic ulcer disease reduces length of stay and complications, compared to open surgery: A SWSC multicenter study. Am J Surg. 2019 Dec;218(6):1060-1064. PubMed PMID: 31537324
  • Sumislawski JJ, Moore HB, Moore EE, Swope ML, Pieracci FM, Fox CJ, Campion EM, Lawless RA, Platnick KB, Sauaia A, Cohen MJ, Burlew CC. Not all in your head (and neck): Stroke after blunt cerebrovascular injury is associated with systemic hypercoagulability. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Nov;87(5):1082-1087. PubMed PMID: 31453984
  • Campion EM, Robinson CK, Brant N, Ferrigno L, McIntyre R, Biesterveld B, Alam H, Callcut R, Mishra S, Platt B, Moore MM, Nahmias J, Grigorian A, Dance S, Britton L, Schroeppel T, Rodriquez J, Shatz D, Becker J, Spalding MC, Wolff TW, Privette AR, Eriksson E, Sahi SL, Patel A, Moore SM, Stiles AL, Moore EE, Cohen MJ, Sauaia A, Burlew CC, Urban S, Osi Udekwu P, Nguyen M, Dibbert A, Conroy A, Ross E, Nunez Garcia B, Albertson S, Dunn J, Alnachaoukati O, Stillman Z, Decker C, Heise H, Burton JS. End-tidal carbon dioxide underestimates plasma carbon dioxide during emergent trauma laparotomy leading to hypoventilation and misguided resuscitation: A Western Trauma Association Multicenter Study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Nov;87(5):1119-1124. PubMed PMID: 31389913
  • Moskowitz E, Campion EM, Burlew CC, Helmkamp LJ, Peltz ED, Gansar BL, McIntyre RC. Obstruction reduction: Use of water-soluble contrast challenge to differentiate between partial and complete small bowel obstruction. Am J Surg. 2019 Nov;218(5):913-917. PubMed PMID: 30910130
  • Haukoos JS, Campion EM, Pons PT. Optimizing Prehospital Trauma Triage-A Step Closer?. JAMA Surg. 2019 May 1;154(5):429-430. PubMed PMID: 30725075
  • Kovar A, Moskowitz E, Sauaia A, Moore EE, Platnick KB, Coleman JJ, Campion EM, Lawless RA, Cohen MJ, Pieracci FM, Burlew CC. Trends in hematologic markers after blunt splenic trauma: Risk factor or Epiphenomenon?. Am J Surg. 2019 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31879019
  • Haukoos JS, Campion EM, Pons PT. Optimizing Prehospital Trauma Triage-A Step Closer?. JAMA Surg. 2019 Feb 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30725075
  • Wlodarczyk JR, Thomas AS, Schroll R, Campion EM, Croyle C, Menaker J, Bradley M, Harvin JA, Collum ML, Cho J, Seamon MJ, Leonard J, Tiller M, Inaba K, Moore MM. To shunt or not to shunt in combined orthopedic and vascular extremity trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 Dec;85(6):1038-1042. PubMed PMID: 30211849
  • Moskowitz EE, Burlew CC, Moore EE, Pieracci FM, Fox CJ, Campion EM, Lawless RA, Cohen MJ. Preperitoneal pelvic packing is effective for hemorrhage control in open pelvic fractures. Am J Surg. 2018 Apr;215(4):675-677. PubMed PMID: 29179908